Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Brakely, managing director of procurement solutions at Accenture. "These companies need to devote their
limited resources to areas other than nonstrategic spend."
Industries taking to procurement outsourcing include:
Financial services
Heavy industrial (including automotive)
Source: Accenture
What functions are being outsourced?
Analysis of requirements
Supplier selection
Strategic sourcing
Supplier management
Daily procurement activity
Invoicing/accounts payable
Outsourcing since day one
By William Atkinson -- 3/16/2006
Five-year old telecom company Avaya in Basking Ridge, N.J. made a conscious decision from the start—
outsource whatever can be outsourced. And from day one, that has included the procurement function.
Joe Siciliano, senior manager of global procurement operations at Avaya, says the company began
operations with a procurement outsourcing partner, but, "When that contract expired three years ago, we
ran a sourcing event for procurement services." As a result of that event, Avaya has been working with
ICG Commerce ever since.
Avaya focuses most of its outsourcing work in nonstrategic spend categories, such as office supplies and
indirect materials. But it has outsourced some strategic spend areas.
"For example, since we are a telecommunications company, telecom is strategic to us, but it has been
completely outsourced to ICG," states Siciliano. ICG handles activities such as sourcing, commodity
management, market research and data analysis.
ICG personnel actually work on-site at Avaya, in the company's procurement center managing
transactional activity such as creating purchase orders and updating supplier databases.
But ICG also adds strategic value. "For example, when one of our internal customers says it wants to buy
from Company A, but Company B is our preferred vendor, ICG will have a discussion with the customer to
drive them to the appropriate vendor," Siciliano says.
ICG personnel also handle reporting duties, such as analyzing data, as well as providing new ideas and
opportunities for sourcing and commodity management.
Finally, as new events come up in areas that ICG does not cover, it may begin to provide complete
sourcing in these spaces. "There is a lot of flexibility here, which is the way I like it," emphasizes Siciliano.
"If they begin to provide sourcing in a new space, we may pull resources from other areas." For example, if
there is nothing of value that needs to be sourced in the telecom space, Siciliano may arrange to move the
ICG person who is responsible for telecom purchasing to handle a sourcing event in training, especially if
that person already has some experience in the sourcing of training.
Early in the relationship, Avaya and ICG created a strategy for each commodity. "We went through a
series of sourcing events, commodity by commodity, to show [ICG] what our expectations were in each
commodity as part of a three-year plan," he explains. "We also created service level agreements for the
transactional piece, making sure they were ambitious for both sides."
Avaya and ICG have created a strong relationship, both on the macro and the micro level—strong enough
that ICG is part of every issue Avaya has with its supply base.
"[ICG's on-site employees] are part of the organization," Siciliano says. "I don't look at them as a third
party. They are my partners."
The relationship with ICG started out with positive results—double-digit savings from the outset. Subsequent savings have been the result of the partnership formed.
Currently, while Avaya sources globally, most of what it does with ICG is in North America. "We now want
to look at stretching this relationship out globally, because my peers in the other regions of the world want
to start reaping some of these benefits too," Siciliano says.
by: gjlarsen (44/M/San Jose)
Long-Term Sentiment: Buy 03/23/06 09:55 pm
Msg: 240188 of 240219
I'm one of the longs hanging out here, hoping for a rise in the stock...so take what I say with a grain of salt ;)
ICGE is essentially an incubator - they own or partially own many smaller, private companies which focus on internet-based business services for the most part. ICGE makes money by either getting these companies to break-even or better (some are closer than others, but most are fairly young and aren't there yet). The other way they make money is to either sell the companies (which they did last year with LinkShare, making $160 million), or they IPO them. The largest IPO they did so far was Blackboard (BBBB), which they still hold over 2,000,000 shares of.
Most of the full time emps, I'm assuming, manage the corporate structure and/or sit on the boards of their partner co's and help out, etc.
Revenue is huge, but a big chunk of that was the one-time sale of Linkshare (whom many think was their best asset) last year. It remains to be seen if they come up with some more jewels, but suffice it to say that the revenue will probably not be linear in the future, rather some discrete pops as these transactions materialize.
My take on the stock is that they've sorted out their financial house, survived the bubble, and their business model is finally starting to click. Patient investors may well be rewarded - but it's still a very high risk stock. I wouldn't put the house payment into this!
Good luck to you...
In einem Punkt vertrete ich eine abweichende Meinung. Internet Capital ist keine very high risk stock wie der Poster schreibt. Diese Nummer hat er wohl von denen abgeschrieben, die seit einigen Jahren ihre Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht haben. Internet Capital war eine riskante Anlage, als es noch mit erheblichem Fremdkapitaleinsatz arbeitete. Aber es ist nun schon zwei Jahre her, dass man fast das komplette Fremdkapital durch Eigenkapital ersetzt hat. Insgesamst wurde eine Wandelschuldverschreibung von fast 600 Millionen durch Monetarisierung von Vermögen und die Ausgabe neuer Aktien vollständig getilgt. Von der in diesem Zusammenhang neu aufgenommen Wandelschuldverschreibung in Höhe von 60 Millionen sind noch 37 Millionen da. Diesen stehen 240 Millionen Cash und Wertpapiere gegenüber, was der zweite Punkt ist, dass wir mit Internet Capital eine sehr sichere Anlage haben - auch in diesem Punkt sah es früher ganz anders aus. Und schließlich ist Internet Capital sicherer als eine Einzelanlage, da es die Risikien aktienfondsähnlich streut. Beinahe hätte ich auch noch einen weiteren Punkt vergessen: Der extrem unter dem Inventarwert der Beteiligungen liegende Ansatz für die einzelen Beteiligungen. Man bekommt sie mit einem Abschlag von 50%.
Offensichtlich kommt das Hohes-Risiko-Gerede aus einer Zeit als die Aktien noch 4280 Dollar kostet - und da stimmte das in der Tat genau.
Aber die Auswirkungen auf den Kurs sind eben andere als bei einem Nur-Shorter.
10:43:46.120 B 217 9.1100
10:43:46.120 B 100 9.1100
10:43:46.120 B 83 9.1100
10:42:31.064 B 100 9.1100
10:40:54.252 S 59 9.1000
10:40:54.252 S 400 9.1000
10:40:54.252 S 100 9.1000
10:40:54.252 S 100 9.1000
10:40:54.252 S 300 9.1000
10:40:54.252 S 41 9.1000
10:40:35.131 B 391 9.1100
10:40:35.131 B 9 9.1100
10:40:35.131 B 200 9.1100
10:40:35.131 B 100 9.1100
10:40:35.131 B 100 9.1100
10:40:16.125 B 300 9.1100
10:39:46.119 B 100 9.1100
10:39:46.119 B 100 9.1100
10:39:46.119 B 200 9.1100
10:38:43.799 S 59 9.1000
10:38:43.799 S 41 9.1000
10:36:16.122 B 300 9.1100
10:36:16.122 B 100 9.1100
10:36:16.122 B 100 9.1100
10:35:56.002 S 5 9.1000
10:35:45.212 B 100 9.1100
10:31:05.827 S 650 9.1000
10:31:05.827 S 100 9.1000
10:31:05.640 S 4 9.1000
10:31:05.640 S 10 9.1000
10:31:05.640 S 100 9.1000
10:31:05.640 S 300 9.1000
10:31:05.640 S 10 9.1000
10:27:49.944 B 200 9.1100
10:27:49.944 B 100 9.1100
10:27:42.193 B 100 9.1100
10:27:36.151 S 100 9.1000
10:25:41.654 S 200 9.1100
10:25:41.654 S 100 9.1100
10:25:41.654 S 100 9.1100
10:25:41.654 S 183 9.1100
10:25:39.395 S 300 9.1000
10:25:39.188 B 93 9.1000
10:25:39.188 B 7 9.0900
10:25:35.678 B 17 9.0900
10:25:35.678 B 500 9.0900
10:25:35.678 B 183
top ICGE Stats Symbol Search
Time B/S Shares Price
15:22:55.378 S 100 9.0600
15:22:19.970 S 9 9.0700
15:22:19.913 B 135 9.0700
15:22:19.529 B 200 9.0700
15:22:19.529 B 200 9.0700
15:21:49.567 B 300 9.0700
15:21:32.956 B 44 9.0600
15:21:19.011 S 200 9.0500
15:21:19.011 S 100 9.0500
15:21:18.590 B 256 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 300 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 500 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 300 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 200 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 100 9.0600
15:21:18.590 B 44 9.0600
15:20:20.613 S 100 9.0400
15:20:11.496 S 100 9.0600
15:20:10.018 S 100 9.0800
15:20:10.018 S 200 9.0800
15:20:10.018 S 100 9.0800
15:20:10.018 S 200 9.0800
15:20:10.018 S 100 9.0800
15:20:09.881 S 100 9.0900
15:19:49.971 B 100 9.0900
15:19:31.976 S 44 9.0900
15:19:31.831 S 56 9.1000
15:19:31.742 B 44 9.1000
15:19:31.373 B 200 9.1000
15:19:31.373 B 100 9.1000
15:19:19.144 S 56 9.1000
15:19:19.144 S 200 9.1000
15:19:18.757 S 300 9.1000
15:19:16.590 S 100 9.1100
15:19:15.904 S 200 9.1100
15:19:15.904 S 100 9.1100
15:19:15.240 S 200 9.1200
15:19:15.239 S 100 9.1200
15:19:11.683 S 100 9.1300
15:19:11.683 S 200 9.1300
15:19:11.683 S 100 9.1300
15:19:11.683 S 100 9.1300
15:19:10.212 S 400 9.1500
15:19:10.212 S 200 9.1500
15:17:02.250 S 100 9.1500
15:16:17.120 B 400 9.1600
15:16:17.120 B 200 9.1600
15:15:22.030 S 100 9.1500
15:14:10.466 S 100 9.1500
15:14:10.466 S 300 9.1500
15:14:09.823 B 200 9.1600
15:14:09.823 B 200 9.1600
15:14:09.823 B 300 9.1600
15:14:09.823 B 200 9.1600
15:14:09.823 B 100 9.1600
15:14:09.823 B 100 9.1600
15:14:02.252 S 100 9.1500
15:13:50.479 S 300 9.1500
15:12:32.145 S 100 9.1600
15:12:32.145 S 100 9.1600
15:12:26.177 S 200 9.1600
15:12:16.861 B 100 9.1700
15:12:16.800 B 100 9.1700
15:12:12.483 S 100 9.1700
15:12:12.482 B 100 9.1700
15:12:12.480 S 100 9.1700
15:12:12.480 S 200 9.1700
15:12:12.480 S 100 9.1700
15:12:12.408 S 200 9.1700
15:12:12.335 S 200 9.1700
15:12:12.143 S 200 9.1700
15:12:12.143 S 200 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 1,000 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 300 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 100 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 100 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 200 9.1700
15:12:11.890 S 200 9.1700
15:12:11.628 S 800 9.1800
15:12:11.628 S 100 9.1800
15:11:21.494 S 100 9.1800
15:11:14.248 S 300 9.1800
15:11:14.248 S 100 9.1800
15:11:13.651 B 86 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 200 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 300 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 200 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 100 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 200 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 100 9.1800
15:11:13.625 B 100 9.1800
15:07:53.700 B 14 9.1800
15:07:17.150 B 200 9.1800
15:07:17.150 B 200 9.1800
15:07:17.150 B 100 9.1800
15:06:57.846 S 174 9.1700
15:06:57.846 S 76 9.1700
15:06:57.846 S 150 9.1700
15:06:53.816 S 50 9.1700
15:06:53.816 S 50 9.1700
Normalerweise ein Fall für die SEC, aber ich schlage lieber nicht an die SEC zu mailen, sondern wenn man kann an seinen Broker: Kaufen bis zum Anschlag.
by: cheapvaluebuyer
Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 03/27/06 08:03 pm
Msg: 240234 of 240241
buy all dips...watch
Posted as a reply to: Msg 240233 by myfriendlyadvice
— Alliance to Offer Credit and Collections Professionals Increased Access to World-Class Solutions —
DEDHAM, Mass. and St. Louis, MO., March 27, 2006 — eCredit, a leading provider of online solutions for credit and collections professionals, today announced that it has entered into a strategic alliance with NACM Gateway Region. eCredit and NACM Gateway, which counts nearly all of the largest St. Louis area-based companies among its members, have partnered to offer companies a powerful tool set for more effective management of their credit and collections operations. Under the terms of the partner program, eCredit will empower NACM Gateway to provide value-added risk and receivables management software and credit reporting solutions to its members.
"Because NACM Gateway is dedicated to providing the very best products and services to our members, an alliance with eCredit is a great fit for our organization," said Ed Gallagher, President, NACM Gateway. "We are pleased to be offering eCredit's market leading credit and collections software and data solutions to our strong member base and feel that this partnership supports our mission of promoting world-class credit management."
eCredit provides a suite of solutions designed to help businesses of any size, in any industry, optimize their credit and collections operations, lowering DSO and bad debt and reducing overall portfolio risk. eCredit's flexible credit scoring and collections automation software and industry-specific credit reports drive departmental efficiencies and ensure the accuracy and predictability of credit decisions on new and existing customers. As a reseller of eCredit software and credit reports, NACM Gateway will be offering these eCredit solutions directly to its members.
"eCredit already has a number of well-respected St. Louis-based customers such as XTRA Lease and Graybar Electric," said Jeff Dickerson, eCredit President and CEO. "Partnering with the NACM affiliate in this region will allow us to increase our reach in this area and enable us to help even more businesses optimize their credit and collections operations."
About eCredit
eCredit is the leading provider of online solutions for credit and collections professionals. Its award-winning on-demand software supports the mission critical processes of granting credit, monitoring portfolio risk, and collecting accounts receivables. eCredit also offers a comprehensive industry specific credit reporting and scoring solution that includes tens of millions of trade experiences on millions of companies, developed as a result of 14 years of credit management leadership. With deep roots in the credit and collections community, eCredit has continually demonstrated results by helping companies reduce bad debt and DSO while improving productivity and lowering costs. eCredit is a private company headquartered in Dedham, Massachusetts. Major clients include AB Electrolux, American Airlines, Chevron, Cisco, Ferguson, Samsung Electronics, Cargill, NEC Financial, Graybar, CDW, Sun Microsystems, and Ryder System. For more information, please visit www.ecredit.com.
eCredit.com and the eCredit.com logo are registered trademarks.
About NACM Gateway
National Association of Credit Management (NACM) Gateway Region - Our mission is to promote the principles and ideals of sound and responsible professional business credit management through high quality, cost-effective educational programs and services provided to our members and the business community at large.
Press Contacts
Kate Anderson
(781) 752-1250
StarCite and HelmsBriscoe Renew Partnership With Five-Year Deal
StarCite’s Industry-leading Online Marketplace Supports Outstanding Company Growth and Enhanced Quality of RFPs for HelmsBriscoe
PHILADELPHIA, PA – February 22, 2006 – StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions™, today announced that HelmsBriscoe, the world’s largest meetings and conference resource firm, has renewed a five-year contract to incorporate StarCite’s Online Marketplace into its ‘HB Express’ tool. By integrating the StarCite Marketplace into its offering, HelmsBriscoe associates have been able to source meetings to suppliers with increased efficiency and enhanced speed since 2002. As the world’s largest online meetings marketplace with $2 billion in revenue opportunities, the StarCite Marketplace helps streamline the request for proposal process for HelmsBriscoe clients.
“StarCite’s pioneering technology has directly contributed to our success over the last three years and we are confident that our partnership will continue to enhance our business for the next five years,” said Roger Helms, Founder and CEO of HelmsBriscoe. “Their new Supplier Response Center offers even more technological capabilities to better serve our clients, and helps our hotels manage electronic RFPs almost immediately by offering clients instant information, including space availability and pricing.”
“We have also been very impressed with StarCite’s database, particularly its international growth,” added Greg Malark, Executive Vice President of HelmsBriscoe.
Since the beginning of its relationship with StarCite in 2002, HelmsBriscoe has grown 30% per year. Each year, the company sources more than 15,000 requests for proposals through the StarCite Online Marketplace and books well over 2.7 million room nights a year with over $500 million in room spend. Today HelmsBriscoe works with 740 sales associates throughout North America to service over 7,000 clients, while continuing to build its international presence with over 120 associates in 23 countries around the world. HelmsBriscoe and StarCite have trained thousands of hotels on executing StarCite’s unique technology to give them access to faster and more accurate RFP information.
“We are very proud to be working side by side with the fastest growing international meetings sourcing firm in the world for another five years,” said Michael Boult, President and Chief Executive Officer of StarCite, Inc. “StarCite and HelmsBriscoe are focused on growing our businesses domestically and internationally by implementing the most effective and advanced technology to improve client services. Together, we have enhanced one another’s global success and we are very excited about what’s to come.”
In addition to the co-developed version of the StarCite Marketplace listed on the HelmsBriscoe platform, the companies will continue to collaborate on a technology platform that combines HelmsBriscoe’s account management and back office systems with StarCite to improve the tracking of business and internal operations flow. HelmsBriscoe also continues to gain access to comprehensive reporting that details its company spend by meeting, supplier, chain or spend category, vastly increasing efficiencies, reducing costs and improving customer service.
About StarCite, Inc.
StarCite, Inc. is the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions™. StarCite optimizes global investments in corporate meetings and events delivering visibility, savings and control. StarCite provides process efficiency, enabling technology and proven adoption management support to drive significant cost reduction to buyers and enhanced revenues to suppliers. StarCite is based in Philadelphia. Investors in StarCite include Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE); Maritz Travel Company; Seaport Capital; and TL Ventures. For more information about StarCite, or its technologies and services, please visit www.starcite.com .
Products and services include:
StarCite GMS™ – the integrated platform that powers StarCite’s Global Meeting Solutions approach and five steps to guaranteed success – Plan, Budget, Buy, Attend and Measure.
StarCite Marketplace – the world’s largest online meetings marketplace with $2 billion in revenue opportunities and 50,000 eRFPs.
StarCite Adoption Management – proven implementation, training, benchmarking, customer support, account management and outsourced services that help you target achievable savings and improve overall results.
About HelmsBriscoe
HelmsBriscoe (www.helmsbriscoe.com) is the meeting industry’s leading conference resource firm. 740 associates in 23 countries serve corporate, associate, and government clients in planning meetings around the world. Its subsidiary, ResourceOne, is a full-service meeting management, cruise, and air company. Founded in 1992, HelmsBriscoe is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.
StarCite Media Contact:
John Hartz
Sloane & Company
HelmsBriscoe Media Contact:
Kristy McCloud
Earnings Conference Calls vom 16.2. Dazu hatte ich schon einmal einen eigenen Thread eröffnet, erinnere mich aber nicht mehr genau, ob ich das auf diesem Thread schon eingestellt hatte.
Vcommerce Secures $13 Million in Funding from Internet Capital Group
Wednesday March 29, 8:00 am ET
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 29, 2006--Vcommerce, a market leader in on-demand commerce and fulfillment solutions, today announced that it has secured $13 million in funding from Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq:ICGE - News), a PA-based company that owns and builds Internet software companies that drive business productivity and reduce transaction costs between firms.
The funding follows rapid growth in Vcommerce's client base and increased adoption of Vcommerce's platform and services during 2005. Clients include leading companies Target, Overstock.com, eToys Direct, David's Bridal, MTV Networks, Baby Universe and Ritz Interactive, among others.
"Joining forces with Internet Capital Group is great news for our clients, partners and employees," said Dan Clarke, CEO of Vcommerce. "This financing provides us with the necessary capital to pursue our growth strategies, and we are fortunate to be able to leverage ICG's expertise, outstanding management team and extensive network of partner companies."
Vcommerce's suite of web-based on-demand tools and services, including dashboards and scorecards, enable retailers, distributors and manufacturers to manage the complexities of large-scale supplier integrations, multi-channel product merchandising and high-volume order processing and fulfillment. In addition, Vcommerce's end-to-end e-commerce offering allows companies to manage high-volume storefronts with minimal operating overhead and no IT infrastructure. Clients further benefit from a usage-based pricing model with low start-up costs and can quickly and easily deploy an end-to-end commerce solution on the Vcommerce platform, or integrate only the modules that meet their unique business needs.
"Vcommerce, with its proven and innovative technology and attractive usage-based pricing model, is well-positioned to benefit from the tremendous growth in the e-commerce market," said Michael Zisman, Managing Director, at Internet Capital Group. "It has all the elements needed to solve real business challenges for its retail clients, and we look forward to working with Vcommerce to strengthen its market leadership."
About Vcommerce
Vcommerce is a market leader in on-demand commerce and fulfillment solutions for multi-channel retailers and direct-to-consumer companies of all types. With nearly a decade of experience, Vcommerce counts two of the top three fastest-growing online retailers among its clients and has integrated thousands of suppliers and processed over $1 billion in goods for such leading merchants as Target, Overstock.com, eToys Direct, David's Bridal and MTV Networks. Companies choose Vcommerce for its proven web-based on-demand management tools that enable them to confidently rely on Vcommerce for some or all of their commerce chain functions, manage large-scale supplier and drop-ship integrations, and maintain visibility and control of their high-volume order traffic across disparate business systems and complex supplier networks. Clients can quickly and easily deploy an end-to-end commerce solution or integrate only the options that meet their unique business needs. For more information, please visit www.vcommerce.com, or call 480-922-9922.
About Internet Capital Group
Internet Capital Group (www.internetcapital.com) owns and builds Internet software companies that drive business productivity and reduce transaction costs between firms. Founded in 1996, ICG devotes its expertise and capital to maximizing the success of these platform companies that are delivering on-demand software and service applications to customers worldwide
Von den ca. 360 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung sind schon allein 200 Millionen durch Nettocash/Wertpapiere abgedeckt. Die restlichen ca. 15 Beteiligungen (die börsennotierten Gesellschaften Blackboard, GoIndustry und Traffic.com stecken in 200 Millionen Nettocash/Wertpapiere) müssten also lediglich einen Wert von 160 Millionen abdecken. Würde Freeborders tatsächlich ein Milliarden-IPO, wären die 33% von Internet Capital 330 Millionen wert, allein das wäre schon das Doppelte der obigen 160 Millionen und weitere ca. 15 Beteiligungen gäbe es noch gratis dazu.
Reuters News 13/02/2006 14:28
Augmentum aims to build China software giant
By Doug Young and David Lin
SHANGHAI, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Software outsourcing start-up Augmentum is turning up the heat on its Indian rivals, with plans to build a China-based juggernaut boasting 40,000 employees and $1 billion in annual sales by 2013.
The three-year-old firm is on a rapid growth trajectory that saw revenues double last year to more than $12 million, with a target of doubling that figure again every 12 to 18 months through 2013, chairman Leonard Liu told Reuters in an interview on Monday at the company's China headquarters in Shanghai.
He said Augmentum, which counts Motorola and Microsoft among its clients, began with 50 engineers at its Shanghai design centre in its first year, growing to 200 people in 2004 and 400 at the end of last year.
'We expect to have 600 people by the middle of this year,' said Liu, a China-born software engineer who emigrated to the United States by way of Taiwan, returning to Shanghai after opening Augmentum in 2003.
'In the summer we'll open another site in Beijing, and by year-end we'll have 800 people. ... My plan is to reach $1 billion in revenue by 2013. We have a target for 40,000 people in China by then. If you double each year you can get that big.'
Those numbers would pit Augmentum against India's biggest software outsourcing company, Tata Consultancy Services , which logged $740 million in revenues in its most recent reporting quarter and previously said it expects to have about 60,000 employees by the middle of this year.
Augmentum, which is aiming for an initial public offering in 2008 or 2009, is joining a growing bandwagon of start-ups and global software makers trying to tap into China, with its highly educated workforce and fast growing economy, the same way major companies began looking to India in the 1980s and '90s.
Others in the market include global giants like IBM , Hewlett-Packard Co. , BearingPoint and India's Infosys , along with Shenzhen-based Freeborders, another start-up that told Reuters last week it hoped to go public in the 'not-too-distant' future, with hopes of achieving a market capitalisation of $1 billion or more.
All are chasing a Chinese software outsourcing market now worth about $1 billion in annual exports, but expected to grow rapidly over the next few years as multinationals look to diversify away from India where costs are rising rapidly.
Liu said that a Chinese software engineer in Shanghai now costs roughly 15 percent less than that for a comparable worker in India.
But he acknowledged that a Chinese staffer with good English skills can be up to 20 percent more expensive than one in India, where such skills are relatively common.
Poor language skills are just one of several issues that foreign companies complain about when setting up in China. Other problems include lack of practical employee experience, unreliable infrastructure and intellectual property theft.
Despite its rapid growth, Augmentum has managed to reach its current size solely with funding from its founders, and has not had to seek major venture capital due to the relatively low cost of a business where manpower is the main expense.
But with potential acquisitions in sight as it moves towards its aggressive growth targets, Liu said he would not rule out an equity stake sale or other fund raising in the run up to the planned IPO.
'This year or next we could acquire a company,' Liu said. 'Many software acquisitions are made using stock. I would rather use equity in our company (to finance a deal), but we could also find cash. Lots of people want to invest in our company.'
He declined to put a value on his company, but said the market currently values similar firms at five to 10 times revenue. Thus a revenue of $25 million this year would value the firm at up to $250 million even at this early stage of its life.
'I obviously think that a company in this area is worth a lot,' he said. ((Reuters Messaging: doug.young.reuters.com@reuters.net; +86 21 6104-1768))
Entnommen der folgenden Passage aus dem vorstehenden Posting:
Others in the market include global giants like IBM , Hewlett-Packard Co. , BearingPoint and India's Infosys , along with Shenzhen-based Freeborders, another start-up that told Reuters last week it hoped to go public in the 'not-too-distant' future, with hopes of achieving a market capitalisation of $1 billion or more.
Companies Provide Integrated Business Process Management and Enterprise Content Management Solution to Customers Worldwide
COLUMBIA, MD – March 29, 2006 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for modeling, automating, integrating, and improving both human and system-based processes, today announced that it has strengthened its relationship with Interwoven, Inc. (Nasdaq: IWOV), provider of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions for business through a formal technology partnership and the development of a packaged integration adaptor that is fully supported by both companies. Joint customers can take advantage of the integrated solution to seamlessly combine process flows and content to gain greater control of business processes and visibility into the underlying content.
Metastorm and Interwoven have been working together for several years, helping joint customers integrate the companies’ technologies for better documentation of business processes, improved efficiency, and visibility into important company data and metrics. The formalization of the partnership has resulted in the development of a packaged integration adaptor that is available from and supported by both companies. Doug Caddell, CIO of Foley & Lardner, an existing customer of both Metastorm and Interwoven said, “The partnership between Metastorm and Interwoven is a solid demonstration of two key technologies coming together to further enhance the customer experience."
“Interwoven is committed to providing our customers with end-to-end and easy-to-use solutions that they can put in place for immediate business value, such as improving processes, enhancing client service, and reducing costs,” said Neil Araujo, VP, professional services solutions for Interwoven. “Partnering with other leading technology providers like Metastorm enables us to continue delivering on this commitment, and we’re looking forward to working closely with Metastorm to empower customers to achieve a new level of productivity and operational efficiency.”
The integration of Metastorm BPM™ with Interwoven’s WorkSite document management software provides a seamless experience for users, giving them the ability to access, manage, and store documents from one of three interfaces – Metastorm BPM, Interwoven WorkSite, or Microsoft SharePoint. As a result, customers can more easily manage content within a business process and route critical business documents to geographically dispersed project teams for review, approval and publishing. The combination of Metastorm and Interwoven technology will provide long-term business value for customers including:
Increased Control – Users can achieve increased visibility into and control over their organization’s processes and into the valuable enterprise content behind the process;
Greater Visibility and Insight - Users can also track project status, identify bottlenecks, analyze key metrics, detect exceptions, and improve the execution of key business processes across the organization;
Tangible Operational Results – Seamless content and process integration enable organizations to achieve reduced costs, improved efficiency, and enhanced employee productivity with fewer errors;
Synchronization of Process and Content – The transparent integration between Metastorm BPM and Interwoven WorkSite enables users to access and manage content and process controls from either product, as well as easily navigate between the two products, resulting in the alignment of process and content for greater results.
“We recognize Interwoven as a true enterprise content management solutions leader and we're enthusiastic about the new opportunities this relationship brings to the market,” stated Robert Farrell, president and CEO of Metastorm. “The combination of BPM and ECM facilitates team-based collaboration on document-intensive processes in a controlled manner enabling our joint customers to deploy a complete solution for effective process management, generating increased opportunities for greater productivity and collaboration enterprise-wide."
About Interwoven
Interwoven, Inc., provider of Enterprise Content Management solutions for business, enables organizations to unify people, content and processes to minimize business risk, accelerate time-to-value and sustain lower total cost of ownership. Interwoven delivers deep industry-specific solutions which reduce business process cycle time from initial collaboration through design, production, sales, marketing, legal review, IT, and service. Interwoven leads the industry with a service-oriented architecture today and easy-to-use, best-in-class components and solutions. Today, over 3,400 enterprises, law firms, and professional services organizations worldwide are Interwoven customers including BT, Ford, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, General Motors, Jones Day, Motorola and Yamaha. Interwoven is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., with offices around the world. For more information visit www.interwoven.com.
About Metastorm
As the first breakaway BPM vendor, Metastorm is a leader in business process management (BPM) software and best practice methodologies for modeling, automating, integrating, and improving both human and system-based processes. Metastorm BPM™ is a complete solution for roundtrip process improvement, designed specifically to address complex processes that are unique to organizations. Metastorm’s 1200+ global client base in manufacturing, retail, financial services, business services, healthcare and government are achieving rapid ROI and Enterprise Process Advantage® in customer service, supply chain operations, risk management, and internal operations. For more information visit www.metastorm.com.
Copyright 2006, Metastorm, Inc. All rights reserved. Metastorm BPM and Enterprise Process Advantage are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Metastorm, Inc. Other product, service and company names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Press Contact Information:
Gina Karr
T: +1 410-290-0101
Jayson Schkloven
Merritt Group
T: +1 703-390-1529
Amy Redhead
Strategic Alliance
T: +44 1494 434 434
Catherine Brew
Interwoven, Inc.
+1 408-530-7043
und obwohl man da nur 3% hielt, sind die knapp 700.000 Aktien immerhin zwischen sechs und sieben Dollar wert. An seinen acht Kernbeteiligungen, die nicht börsennotiert sind, hält Internet Capital im Schnitt dagegen 49% - also das Sechzehnfache wie bei Traffic.com.
UPDATE: Russell Adding 27 IPOs To Small-cap Index
By John Spence
BOSTON (Dow Jones) -- Russell Indexes on Thursday revealed the new crop of initial public offerings that it plans to add to its widely followed benchmarks at the end of the month.
The company said 27 newly minted public companies -- such as Chipolte Mexican Grill Inc. (CMG) and Traffic.com Inc. (TRFC) -- will, effective March 31, join the Russell 2000 (RUT) , a common benchmark used by small-cap managers and index funds.
The large-capitalization Russell 1000 index won't add any IPOs this quarter, Russell said.
In 2004, Russell began adding IPOs to its stock benchmarks on a quarterly basis, rather than once a year at the annual reconstitution in June.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copyright (c) 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Traffic.com ist übrigens oben einer von zwei der insgesamt 27 IPO's die ausdrükcklich erwähnt werden. Der erfolgreichste IPO einer Internet Capital-Beteiligung war sicher der von Blackboard, wo Internet Capital noch ca. 2,1 Millionen Aktien hält, die einen Wert von ca. 60 Millionen Dollar haben. Und richtig abgehen dürfte die Post wenn der angekündigte nicht mehr in allzu ferner Zeit erfolgende IPO von Freeborders über die Bühne geht. Der Co-CEO hat eine Milliardenkapitalisierung in Aussicht gestellt. Internet Capital hält immerhin 33% an Freeborders.
Beide waren bekannte Highflyer des Internet-Booms im Jahre 2000, beide hatten eine Vielzahl von Beteiligungen. Inzwischen ist Softbank eigentlich eine simpler Telco, von dem man die Finger lassen sollte, weil sie fast zehnmal so hoch bewertet wird wie Telcos. Internet Capital ist aber nach wie vor eine Internet-Holding, die in 2005 ein absurdes KGV von 5 aufwies eine prall gefüllte IPO-Pipeline besitzt.
Wenn man den nachstehenden Quatsch im Aktionär liest, kann man sich nur an den Kopf packen: „ Mit der Übernahme der Vodafone-Tochter ist Softbank ein genialer Coup gelungen. Mit der Kombination von Internet, Festnetz und Mobilfunk ergeben sich hohe Synergien. Ein Haken ist die hohe Verschuldung. Risikobereite Anleger nutzen den drastischen Kursrückgang der vergangenen Monate zum Einstieg.“
Hier zur Ergänzung die Daten aus dem Aktionär, die das Vorstehende zur Lachnummer werden lassen:
Marktkapitalisierung: 22,4 Milliarden Dollar
Umsatz: 8,36 Milliarden Dollar
KGV 06: 107
Und hier einige Daten von Internet Capital:
Marktkapitalisierung: 360 Millionen
Cash und marktgängige Wertpapiere: 235 Millionen
Restverbindlichkeit aus Wandelschuldverschreibung: 37 Millionen
KGV 05: 5
Mein Rat an Softbankler:
1 Nutzer wurde vom Verfasser von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen: tradeconto