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571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

05.09.07 21:51

Zeitpunkt: 06.09.07 09:52
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



153 Postings, 6364 Tage SmodAktül

05.09.07 23:23
Posting von Rentnerdasein ausgeblendet. Sie können Ihre Deny-Liste einmalig deaktivieren oder bearbeiten.

Betrachtet man die aktuelle Lage so entwickelt es sich Stück für Stück in die richtige Richtung...
Klar es gibt offene Fragen, Risiken.
Gäbe es die nicht würde der Kurs auf einem anderen Niveau stehen.

Aber wer hätte noch vor kurzem die aktuellen Nachrichten erwartet...
Da ich Long bin habe ich zeit und bin gespannt auf die Zukunft...


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroMoti report *lost*

06.09.07 02:37
Moti,der wegen Pädophilie von Australien gesuchte Generalstaatsanwalt der Salmoneninseln wurde im Oct in POM verhaftet u. in seinem Hotel unter Hausarrest gestellt.In der gleichen Nacht wurde er von einer Maschine der PNG Luftwaffe nach Honaria ausgeflogen.Das sorgte seinerzeit für gewaltige Verstimmungen zwischen AU u. PNG.

Das Resultat der Ermittlungen der eingesetzten parlamentarischen Untersuchungskomission PNGs ist wieder mal echt der Hammer :-(((((

Moti report ‘lost’

THE Moti Inquiry report that cost the State K1.6 million to put together is “somewhere in the Prime Minister’s residence and cannot be located”, the National Court heard yesterday.
Presiding judge Justice Bernard Sakora ordered lawyers representing Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, former chief secretary Joshua Kalinoe, PNG Defence Force chief of staff Captain Tom Ur and two others on Tuesday to furnish a copy of the report in court.
But the lawyers turned up empty handed yesterday, triggering the ire of the judge.
When Sir Michael’s lawyer Kerenga Kua told him the report had yet to be located, Justice Sakora said: “That’s not good enough, I have been asking for it since yesterday (Tuesday) and now I’m told the search is on”.
The less-than-impressed judge then used his summary powers and invited Copland Raurela, the counsel representing the PNG Defence Force Inquiry Board, to make a submission to dismiss the whole proceedings.
Mr Raurela then made an application to dismiss the whole proceedings.
Earlier, Mr Kua told the court the report was in a box somewhere in Sir Michael’s residence and could not be found, as the Prime Minister was relocating from his private home to his official residence, Mirigini House.
THE absence of the report at the hearing will have great bearing on the plaintiffs’ application to nullify the entire proceedings of the PNGDF inquiry into Julian Moti’s clandestine escape in October last year.
Justice Sakora, since the start of the court proceedings, maintained the court’s decision will depend on the availability of the report.
“My final decision will hinge on the availability of the report” he said. Mr Raurela argued yesterday the plaintiffs should have gone to court to stop the army inquiry when its hearings got under way between November 2006 and February this year.
He described their application as “ludicrous” and compared their failure to table a copy of the report as akin to “coming into court with muddy feet and expecting it to rule in their favor”.
Despite the setback, Mr Kua submitted the relief his client sought had “nothing to do with the report” and he was only seeking a ruling on the composition of the board of inquiry.
He urged Justice Sakora to rely on the gazettal notice that proclaimed the appointments of inquiry chairman Justice Gibbs Salika and various others, which his client is contesting.
Justice Sakora reserved his decision on the applications by Mr Raurela, Mr Kua and lawyers representing the other parties and adjourned to next Tuesday.


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroDuo return to Bougainville ...

06.09.07 02:49
....after undergoing training in NZ

Duo return to Bougainville after undergoing training in NZ

THE Bougainville House of Representatives is using the New Zealand parliamentary system model to strengthen governance on Bougainville.
Two Members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government recently underwent a one-week intensive study on the New Zealand parliamentary select system..
The ABG member of Kokoda constituency Rodney Job Osioco and Member for Haku constituency Jan Tenevi undertook the study, which was funded by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the New Zealand government.
Mr Tenevi is the chairman for parliamentary sectoral and advisory committee (PSAC) and Mr Osioco is the acting chairman for the public accounts committee (PAC) for the Bougainville House of Representatives.
Mr Tenevi said the study gave him the opportunity to learn how the various parliamentary committees of the New Zealand parliament operated.
He said they would set up a similar system to inquire into the work of the public service and scrutinise legislations before they were passed.
Mr Osioco said the strengthening of the PAC would see a reduction in lack of financial accountability.
The House of Representatives Speaker Nick Peniai said what the leaders had learnt from the New Zealand system would help give them a clearer picture for a way forward for them.
ABG members have also visited Australia and Great Britain for similar purposes.
Mr Penia said the PAC and the PSAC were expected to be fully set up and running by the end of the year.
“We need to move forward with the scrutiny of the government through our committee system,” Mr Peniai said.
He said all the laws must reflect the people’s views and every move by the government must be watched by the committee to avoid corrupt practices.
He said proposed bills for the House must pass scrutiny by the committees.


571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinAusverkauf ? bei steigendem Umsatz ?

06.09.07 07:29

Hier der akt Chart.

Buy 30.9T82Last 82    8  8.9% MINUS 2:41 pm              High 89 Volume 212,145
88Sell 4T Low 82 Turnover $181,343



Saludos gehe schwimmen Cool Cool


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroMarketkap rd. 200 Mio €

06.09.07 10:19
davon rd.100 Mio cash

Kupferreserven rd.2.7 Mio T. a 7217 USD/T = 20 Mia USD (allein die Panguna Mine,ohne Gold,Silber,Molybdän etc)

Jede T Kupfer ist also akt. mit ca.37 USD bewertet,oder +- 0,5%

Die Verhandlungen zwischen ABG PNG BOC u. Landeigner werden ueber kurz oder lang zu einem für alle Beteiligten erfolgreichen Abschluss führen.

Panikmache ist also vollkommen unangebracht,wer bei Kursschwankungen Herzflattern bekommt sollte jedoch besser nicht investieren.;-)))))  

571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

06.09.07 18:47

Zeitpunkt: 07.09.07 12:26
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinHier ein paar Charts zum Vergleich :-)

06.09.07 19:57


Sehr Übel:   BOC


Chartbild konnte nicht geladen werden.


Viel besser:  PEM

Chartbild konnte nicht geladen werden. 


Und was kommt nun??   ST BARBARA MINES??    DROOY ??   MMN ??

Jedenfalls habe ich die Kaufkurse der letzten Tage genutzt. breites Grinsen breites Grinsen breites Grinsen breites Grinsen

Zwinkern Zwinkern Zwinkern Zwinkern


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroRT AU Orderbuch

07.09.07 08:36
Kurs 0,88 AUD 0,5310€ 0,7259 USD +7.3%

 Number      Quantity    Price    
1   5,000           0.875  
3   6,179           0.840  
1   2,500           0.830  
1   30,857           0.820  
1   2,430           0.810  
4   59,000           0.800  
2   20,676           0.785  
2   6,000           0.780  
4   36,161           0.760  
1   3,000           0.755  
1   2,000           0.750  


 Price    Quantity      Number    
0.950   25,000   1  
0.975   10,000   1  
0.980   2,000   1  
0.985   14,000   1  
0.995   10,013   1  
1.000   25,150   3  
1.010   818   1  
1.030   11,000   1  
1.050   68,568   4  
1.100   8,500   1  
1.300   6,000   1  
1.350   14,200   1

Bougainville Copper shares soar

BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited shares are on their way up as news of positive developments come out of Panguna which is the home of the abandoned copper and gold mine.
Share prices were trading at $A0.90 (K2.26) yesterday having reached a high of $A0.97 cents (K2.43).
Since the news that the Autonomous Bougainville Government led by President Joseph Kabui had a positive meeting with the Meka’amui Defence Force in Panguna — up to 385,164 shares changed hands on Bougai-nville Copper Limited in three days.
Just after the meeting between the ABG and the Meka’amui faction, Bougainville Copper Limited shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange increased by 12 per cent.


571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

07.09.07 09:36

Zeitpunkt: 10.09.07 10:47
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 12 Stunden
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinDurchhalteparolen!

07.09.07 11:07

Kupfer wieder interessant!

07.09.2007 | 10:08 Uhr | Marcel Torney (berlinvestor)

Ohne Zweifel, die US-Immobilienkrise hat auch den Rohstoffsektor erreicht. Investoren gehen in diesen Tagen auf Nummer sicher und schaffen Liquidität. Die Folge: Aus den Rohstoffmärkten fliest Geld ab und die Preise fallen.

Dabei traf es andere Metalle weitaus heftiger als Kupfer. An dieser Stelle sei nur auf Nickel verwiesen. Doch auch Kupfer kam nicht ungeschoren davon und musste zum Teil kräftige Verluste hinnehmen. Dass das Industriemetall nicht noch deutlichere Verluste verzeichnete, liegt in der nach wie vor angespannten Angebots-Nachfrage-Relation begründet, die hier stützend auf die Preisbildung wirkte.

Produzenten weiten Produktion aus, Nachfrage steigt deutlicher

Die Kupferproduzenten haben die hohen Preise der Vergangenheit dazu genutzt, ihren Output hochzufahren. Hierzu zählt unter anderem auch Sambia. Das afrikanische Land wird im Jahr 2008 erstmals wieder mehr als 700.000 t Kupfer produzieren. Zuletzt gelang dies in den 70iger Jahren.

Dagegen steigt die Nachfrage nach Kupfer unvermindert stark an, so dass sich die Ausweitung der Produktion nicht nachteilig auf die Preise auswirken dürfte. Doch stellt dies natürlich auch die Achillesferse dar. Sollte die Weltwirtschaft als Ergebnis der Immobilienkrise in eine Rezession abgleiten, wird die Nachfrage einbrechen und die Preise ebenfalls. Doch soweit ist es noch nicht.

Charttechnik /Fazit

Nach den Verlusten der Vortage präsentiert sich Kupfer stark überverkauft. Interessant ist vor allem der Umstand, dass der Unterstützungsbereich 6.500/6.700 USD der Abverkaufswelle standhielt!

Damit ist der Boden für eine Gegenbewegung bereitet. Eine mögliche Erholung würde weiter an Dynamik gewinnen, sollte der untergeordnete Widerstand bei 7.000 USD übersprungen werden. Interessierte Anleger legen sich mit nebenstehenden Mini Long auf die Lauer. Stoppkurse sollten im Bereich 6.500 USD platziert werden. Kurzfristig ist ein Kursziel von 7.500 USD realistisch.

© Marcel Torney


Das hört sich für mich wie Durchhalteparolen an, am Besten finde ich den Satz

  "Doch soweit ist es noch nicht. " lachen lachen lachen

Wenn man erst reagiert, wenn es so weit ist, ist eh schon alles zu spät. lachen lachen 

Strong BUY Gold und Silber,


Saludos gehe Schwimmen breites Grinsen breites Grinsen


571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinOrderbuch

07.09.07 11:10
Ach ja,

dass Orderbuch kann man sich sonst wo hinstecken lieber Nekro

Ist leider völlig uninteressant bei solch einer Klitsche. :-))))  

841 Postings, 6358 Tage loghoOrderbuch

07.09.07 20:09
......genauso wie deine Kommentare........
Push deine Werte auf den entsprechenden Seiten....und lass uns zufrieden....

571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

08.09.07 16:33

Zeitpunkt: 10.09.07 10:46
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroSandline

10.09.07 01:34

Govt urged to deal with guns issue

THE use of guns for illegal purposes is still prevalent and the new government has been called on to deal with this issue.
Calls were made by the chairman of the guns control committee and former army commander General Jerry Singirok during the 7th annual ethics symposium held at Divine Word University in Madang on Friday.
Mr Singirok said among the reports that were released, each week at least 10 women are raped at gun-point in the country.
He said of these, a significant number are girls while in other parts of the country, people are using firearms for negotiations.
He said a guns report was presented in September 2005 to the previous government which was headed by the current Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare.
But he said since then, nothing had happened about the report.
“Where does state responsibility and accountability begin and end if such a sensitive issue is not addressed and who will take on the responsibility to address it?” he asked. Mr Singirok said without government intervention, guns would continue to remain the single most inhibiting factor to the nation’s development.
In his paper titled “Ethics and Social Justice in PNG” Mr Singirok also touched on his experiences in relation to the Sandline crisis.
He said even after 10 years there were still varying views on the issue.
However, as the instigator of “Operation Rausim Kwik” and as commander at the time to expel the Sandline mercenaries, he did what he did “as a professional and ethical soldier because the Bougainville crisis had not reached that critical point where the use of mercenaries was justified within the context of just war”.
“...Therefore a mere coincidence in relation to the theme of this symposium I must publicly test my judgment on aspects of ethics and social justice,” he said.
Mr Singirok revealed that he was working on a book on his experiences titled Operation Rausim Kwik – A Matter of Conscience which will be published soon.


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroStrike at Lihir cost $US12m

10.09.07 17:08
12 Mio USD Gewinnminderung durch einen 1 Wochen Streik bei Lihir Gold

Da hat sich das ABG wohl ausgerechnet wieviel Steuermindereinnamen die Schliessung der Panguna pro Woche kostet.

Die Einladung Kabuis an Albanese war übrigens von Somare initiiert ;-)))

Strike at Lihir cost $US12m

THE one-week strike at Lihir gold mine is likely to cut its 2007 net profit by $US12 million (K36.6 million), says leading global financial services firm Credit Suisse Group.
While gold production resumed last Friday after Lihir Gold Ltd (LGL) workers resumed work following a seven-day strike, the company was counting its cost but continued to be tightlipped on its losses.
Zurich-based Credit Suisse Group says the strike could see LGL lose up to $US12 million in net profit for the 2007 financial year.
The group also warned the move to make Lihir a unionised gold mining operation could see the company increase its cost to bridge the gap in pay and working conditions between its national and expatriate employees.
”It now appears certain to us that Lihir will move from being non-unionised to a unionised site and that this may lead to further cost increases to bridge the gap between local and expatriates pay and conditions,” said said Credit Suisse analysts led by Michael Slifirski in a report on the Lihir strike.
Industrial action on the mine located on New Ireland Province’s Lihir Island led to the establishment of a union called the Lihir Gold Allied Workers Union (LGAWU).
As part of the deal the striking workers signed with LGL last Thursday to end the industrial action, the company agreed not to terminate national employees as a result of the stop-work and will continue consultations.
The workers also agreed not to take industrial action while consultations are in progress and agreed with LGL that intimidation and victimisation of other employees was unacceptable.
The mine’s national workforce also accused a senior mine manager of racism and discrimination, resulting in recommendations that a committee be set up to investigate the allegations.
According to a copy of the agreement obtained by the Post-Courier, the accused manager took leave to enable the mine to be reopened and investigations to begin into the allegations.
The agreement signatories LGL, Lihir Mining Area Landowners Association (LMALA), National FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) Workforce and Lihirian workforce (interested parties) will have representatives in the committee.
The signatories further agreed the committee will begin its inquiry no later than this Saturday.


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroMinerals Resources Authority

10.09.07 17:16

MRA is an important initiative

THE Minerals Resources Authority (MRA), a subject of significant controversy in recent times, is now fully funded and operational.
Not many people are aware that the MRA had its roots in the devastating 1997 drought, when some people are understood to have died of hunger in the Highlands.
In response to that crisis, the European Union began studies to assess ways in which the economy could be made more sustainable and, in that way, better able to cope with national disasters such as severe droughts.
The decision to set up MRA was an outcome of these studies.
The EU made the formation of MRA, and its cornerstone role in managing development of the country’s mineral resources, the focus for a 50 million euro grant, now equivalent to around K200 million.
The grant was made under the EU’s 8th European Development Fund Sysmin Special Financing Facility.
Under this programme, vast new databases of geological and geophysical information is being collated in an effort to ensure the long-term sustainability and future growth of PNG’s mining sector.
Together with legislative changes in 2003, these reforms are already generating a big rise in exploration and development activities that will provide the basis for new mineral discoveries and future economic growth.
Management of minerals sector activities by the MRA will ensure a more sustainable future for the industry and
increased levels of government and landowner revenues from corporate taxes and royalties.
However, at the core of the decision to set up MRA is an assurance of improved governance which, given the potential of the sector, could be as significant of the privatisation of the poorly performing PNG banking corporation and previous financial sector reforms.
Australian and other foreign visitors to the former department of mines, which has shed its regulatory role, were generally taken aback at the poorly maintained facilities at PNG’s premier export generating agency.
One Australian company representative said it was the worst maintained department he had seen in visits to many countries around the world.
This, of course, was not the fault of the department since it was bereft of adequate funding by successive governments who were forced to use mining generated revenues for a raft of other purposes within the national budget.
Despite a much bigger budget for MRA – Mining Minister Dr Puka Temu this week announced an K18 million budget for MRA this year – this arm of government will be virtually self-funded.
A levy of 0.5% of assessable mine revenue will be utilised to fund the MRA, which will be able to use these funds for institution building purposes.
Besides overseeing the vast new geophysical surveys now being flown, efforts are underway to revitalise its geological survey and other technical functions.
Housed in the newly constructed ‘Mining Haus’ in Port Moresby, one of the likely outcomes of the establishment of the MRA will be its ability to provide improved technical inputs to government on potential environmental and other regulatory issues.
But it will be improved governance and greater transparency that will ensure that MRA will operate as well as its sister organisations in Australia and other countries.
One of these will require a regular flow of information to the public, possibly on a quarterly basis in view of the normal reporting regimes of most listed exploration and mining companies.
This will provide updates on on-going mining activities and their impacts as well as information on exploration spending and other technical issues.
At the moment, the organisation will be busily trying to build its management and technical capabilities.
The setting up of MRA has been delayed by internal debate and other issues but, hopefully, the agency now will be able to play its rightful role and to possibly provide a model for regulatory bodies for other commodities, especially where performance has been less than ideal for many


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroSir Michael meets Chinese president

10.09.07 17:22

"CMCC is China’s biggest investment, worth almost US$ 1 billion (K3 billion) in the Ramu nickel project that is expected to start production by 2009."

Sir Michael meets Chinese president

PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare has his first bilateral meeting last Friday when he met with the president of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao.
Sir Michael said they discussed the “strong and growing” relations between the two developing nations.
Trade between both nations in 2006 totalled US$500 million (K1.5 billion).
In the first half of this year, trade recorded was already US$350 million (K1.1 billion).
Sir Michael said this robust relationship was further exemplified by regular high level visits.
“Before leaving for the Apec summit, I met with Madam Lu, head of China Metallurgical Construction (Group) Corp (CMCC), the operator of the Ramu nickel mine,” Sir Michael said.
CMCC is China’s biggest investment, worth almost US$1 billion (K3 billion) in the Ramu nickel project that is expected to start production by 2009.


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroKabui and Pipiro have helped Panguna

11.09.07 01:18
I would like to thank Mr Joseph Kabui, his government, the Central Mekamui commander Moses Pipiro and his soldiers for signing the Panguna communiqué. The peace loving people of the no-go zone will now enjoy the essential services that other Bougainvilleans enjoy. My leaders you have signed an historical document that will always be remembered by the people of Bougainville. Mr Kabui and Mr Pipiro you are the heroes and the saviours of the people of Panguna.
Lastly, I would like to appeal to the youth of Panguna area to respect the deal. Please co-operate with the chiefs and the Autonomous Government to make the deal a reality. We have to unite and focus on our dream for Independence.

– Aungee Piaru
via email  

571 Postings, 6364 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

11.09.07 07:34

Zeitpunkt: 11.09.07 09:21
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 2 Tage
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - mehrfacher Pushversuch



841 Postings, 6358 Tage loghodein Eintrag vom 6.09. Warnung vor BOC

11.09.07 08:11
seit deiner Verkaufsempfehlung Anstieg von über 15%....
gut, dass niemand auf deine Äußerungen etwas gibt, sonst hättest du schon lange Schadensersatzklagen am Hals....
Push deine Werte woanders, hier ist die Bougainville Seite....
aber das willst du gar nicht, denn du bist am kaufen bei Bougainville, suchst nur ein paar Blöde, die deine Panikmache ernst nehmen und verkaufen....
auch da kommst du zu spät, denn die Bougies steigen und steigen und steigen.......  

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroMarengo hits rich copper, gold, zinc sites

11.09.07 10:32

Marengo hits rich copper, gold, zinc sites

MARENGO Mining, which expects to complete a feasibility study on its Yandera copper-molybdenum project in 2009, has discovered highly anomalous rock chip samples at three separate locations near Yandera.
Highly anomalous rock chips and float samples were located at the Gogobangu prospect, about 2km east of the main Yandera deposit; at the North and South Bononi Prospect, about 4km to the southeast and at the Queen Bee prospect, 8km to the North West.
In an announcement to the Australian Stock Exchange, Marengo said the newly-named Gogobangu prospect represented a distinct mineral anomaly with five samples returning grades above two grams a tonne of gold.
It said the sample with the highest value of 19.1 g/t also returned 75 g/t silver, 0.12% copper, 247 parts per million molybdenum, 0.78% lead and 3.76% zinc.
“Several other samples returned anomalous zinc, lead and molybdenum values,” it said.
Marengo’s managing director Les Emery said the geological prospect of this anomaly had yet to be determined, but it appeared Gogobangu did not represent an extension to Yandera but was considered “strike parallel”.


15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekro jewel in the crown

11.09.07 10:43
Scheinen sich noch mehr Kronjuwelen in PNG zu befinden.Das ist die gleiche Bezeichnung die Rio für die Panguna Mine benutzt hat ;-))))

Die Interessenten stehen Schlange

Emperor plans to sell Tolukuma gold mine
Underground gold mine does not fit our long-term strategy: Gordon

By BRIAN GOMEZ in Sydney
EMPEROR has announced plans to dispose of its 100% owned Tolukuma mine in Central province, but will hold on to exploration leases in the surrounding area that has attracted some international interest, the company said yesterday.
Emperor managing director Brad Gordon told The National operations had improved considerably at Tolukuma, which was now producing about 4,000 to 5,000 ounces of gold a month compared with a recent low of 2,500 ounces.
“We expect some significantly better result in the September quarter and the mine is getting closer to break-even,” Mr Gordon said, adding that the decision to sell Tolukuma had been made because the underground gold mine “does not fit our long-term strategy”.
Emperor recently announced that it had lost US$237 million (K72.56 million) in the year to June 30.
This included a loss of A$195 million (K492.42 million) from its Vatukoula gold mine in Fiji, along with poor performances at Tolukuma and its previous 20% owned Porgera stake.
The sale of Tolukuma, which is likely to be completed in the next couple of months and which will require approval of the PNG authorities, will leave the former Fijian gold miner without any income producing asset.
Emperor, which took over DRD’s ownership of Tolukuma and its Porgera stake, used the US$250 million (K762.19 million) sale proceeds from the Porgera sale for a capital return to shareholders with the remaining funds to be ploughed into new ventures.
It recently announced an Indonesian alliance to explore a large silver-gold in eastern Java.
Mr Gordon said yesterday Emperor would spend about A$8 million (K20 million) on exploration in the coming year with about two-thirds on its new Indonesian property and the remainder on exploration leases it will continue to hold in PNG.
He said major international mining companies such as Brazil’s CVRD, Phelps Dodge from the US and Australia’s Oxiana have expressed some interest in copper exploration areas held close to the Tolukuma operations.
South Africa’s DRD had previously described Tolukuma as the “jewel in the crown” for its overall world-scale operations, but serious management problems arose at the mine from about the time of Emperor’s sale of its Fijian operations.
Mr Gordon said Tolukuma had been working with Oxfam and other non-governmental organisations on issues of water quality and had made plans to greatly lessen the impact of riverine tailings disposal within the next three years.
“We are working on some alternatives that are not that expensive,” he said.
He believed many companies would like to own the Tolukuma mine. Although there was always only about two years of forward resources it had good geological potential, he said.


1158 Postings, 6368 Tage sumoeyhier gibt es mal mehr als nur 5000 Stücke,aber

11.09.07 13:05
nicht lange

Kursdaten  11.09.2007  Frankfurt  
12:20:52  0,580  +5,45%  
 Taxe  Stück  
Bid:  12:20:57  0,560  5.000  
Ask: 12:20:57  0,590  24.000  

Seite: < 1 | ... | 22 | 23 | 24 |
| 26 | 27 | 28 | ... 159  >  
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