Quo Vadis Dax 2012 - Krise ohne Ende?
keiner drauf reagiert .....
Wünsch Dir auch einen schönen Abend :)
Mein Kopf ist zurzeit woanders.
Zeitpunkt: 24.06.12 08:32
Aktion: Löschung des Anhangs
Kommentar: Erotischer Inhalt
vor 4 Min (19:23) - Echtzeitnachricht
Liegen die heutigen Abschläge am schwachen Euro, oder schichten die schon heute um?
Wahr. sehen wir morgen die 6200 und dann hoffe ich, dass Freitag-typisch Gewinnmitnahmen mit einem Pullback stattfinden. Dann wäre ich glücklich :-)
30 Punkte "Range ;-)"
==> 10 Punkte pro Stunde.
Wann kommen endlich wieder diese roten Hammerkerzen?
die Beige Book Zahlen gut ausfallen und
die Insider dies wie immer wissen.
Der Handelstag entzieht sich mir jedlicher Logik ( ja ich weiß es gibt keine an der Börse ) ...
Aber dennoch :
1. europäische Staatsanleihen werden gekauft bis zum geht nicht mehr, was die Zinsen sinken läst ! ABER : der Euro fällt
2. fallender Euro läst auf starken USD deuten , ABER : Gold und Silber steigen
3. steigendes Gold, oder Silber würde im normalfall auf steigende US Indizes hindeuten ( wie zuletzt ) , ABER laufen seitwärts
4. seitwärts US Indizes seit 15:30 , ABER DAXI steigt , langsam aber gemählich ...
Fed's Beige Book is more upbeat about economy
By Greg Robb
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Economic conditions improved as 2011 drew to a close, according to the Federal Reserve's latest survey of economic conditions released on Wednesday. The so-called Beige Book survey of Fed business contacts said economic activity increased "at a modest to moderate pace." This rate is an improvement from the mid-November report which said some districts were growing at a "slow" pace. The latest Fed report said holiday retail sales were up "noticeably" over last year. The auto sector was so vibrant that some suppliers reportedly were nearing capacity constraints. The nonfinancial service sector, seen as key to the outlook by many economists, reported stronger demand. Price pressures were described as "quite limited." Wage pressures were also seen as modest given the low level of hiring. The report was based on information collected from late November through December 30.
still shorting ?
Sie sind eigensinnig.
Aber sie werden viel Geld verlieren.
The markets are going up. UP.
Why ?
Ask uncle Draghi or the so-called (from me) Super Print Mario.
The money flows from ECB like peanuts and the shorters wait to make money !
Nope !
We will see tomorrow how far they want to push the rallye.
We have 2 auctions. A Spanish and an Italian.
Let us see.
But why sakisglo so much PUSH ?
Well, my dear German intelligent engineers, THINK.
Why to push something UP when you know that there is an emminent danger to go DOWN (cause the downgrade is near) ?
In order to fall from higher levels. If DAX stayed @ 5.700 and the downgrade happened, then DAX would go @ 5.100 and the recession would be inevitable.
Now they will obvious push the markets and DAX particularly @ 6.300, so then it can fall @ 5.800.
And then everybody will say . A French downgrade ? SO WHAT ?
PAPA DRAGHI is here to PRINT. Like Bernanke did. USA have been downgraded and the yields went DOWN.
Its the PRINTING MACHINE, my friends.
The big problem now is that Germany FLOATS into TRILLIONS of euros. ECB prints, the zombie banks take the money, some of it goes to sovereign bonds, the rest is money that leaves Italy or Greece and comes into Germany for protection.
Everything will go up in the skies. Italians, Greeks, Portuguese are sending billions and billions per day. They buy houses, property, stocks, bonds, everything.
Inflation will skyrocket in Germany unless PAPA DRAGHI stops printing or Germany leaves euro-zone.
Kinder, sie haben NICHTS gelernt ! Sie werden alles verlieren !!!
Tomorrow will be a good day for us. We will laugh at the "magnificent auctions from Spain and Italy". " The yields went unexpectedly down" " Buy stocks" "Buy Apple" Buy Google" "Buy, buy, buy, the Spanish and Italian auctions were perfect. Buy, buy, buy"
Im already predicting the headlines @ CNBC or Marketwatch. And im holding my belly from the laugh.
Damn, Amis. They produce NOTHING, but they know the way to push and push and push the markets.
Germans on the other hand are the no1 engineers and producers, but they are too naive for the game of the markets.
Cause markets are a game. A game with papers and thin-air.
So DONT short until Friday before Wall Street close. If a downgrade comes, it will come after the close bell @ Friday.
You will lose your pants. You are obsessed with shorting. In the markets you have to be flexible. Long when it is needed and short when it is also needed. You are obsessed only with the short !