MONA - 400% in nur 5 Tagen
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BEIJING, Nov 14, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK is pleased to announce that its operating division is in negotiations with one of the most popular online gaming portals in China.
The venture would see the Company's "3 Kingdoms" internet game hosted by the portal under the terms of a revenue sharing agreement. If the negotiations are successful, the division could see significant monthly revenues generated from this agreement, possibly as much as RMB 1 million yuan ($145,000 USD).
The Company will provide updates regarding these negotiations as they become available.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
For corporate matters contact:
CONTACT: For corporate matters contact:
SOURCE MonArc Corporation (MONA)
in der Mitteilung von 10.11 war die Rede davon, dass monatliche Einnahmen aus der Spielvermarktung ca. $3.000.000 betragen könnten:
"This arrangement represents higher revenue for as well as a higher profit margin on that revenue. The first agreement is expected to be signed this month, with monthly revenues from the joint ventures seeing increased traffic of an additional 30,000 players. Forward revenue projections indicate possible revenues of about 3 million per month. "This is an exciting direction for the company," said Mr. Jong, CEO of MONA. "
In der neusten Mitteilung vom 14.11 ist nun die Rede von $145.000 monatlichen Einnahmen. Ist es ein Wiederspruch, Teil-Einnahmen oder Reduzierung der ursprunglichen Annahmen?
Weiß da einer Bescheid?
ich verstehe es so, daß es sich beim ersten Artikel um eine Ausblick in die Zukunf, auch nach Updates und über diesen Erstversuch hinausgehende Erweiterungen handelt, beim Zweitenbezieht man sich explizit auf diese Zusammenarbeit mit den Spielportalen ohne weitere Optionen.
In Beiden wird aber nur gesagt, daß die Zahlen realiersiert werden könnten (das heißt, auch nicht könnten),
also widerspricht sich hier nichts.
Ich persönlich finde in diesem Fall auch die Zahlen weniger interessant, wohl aber die Meldung über die Kooperation an sich.
Was denkst Du aber nun über das neue Projekt mit Andrea Goldmine? Wie dürfte es auf den Kurs auswirken? Wurde dies in der Enischätzung des Tradersreports von $0,04 bereits eingepreist? Oder käme noch ein Aufschlag dazu? Wäre nicht schlecht, wenn alleine aus diesem Projekt noch etwa mindestens soviel ($0,04-0,05) zusätzlich kämen!
Nochmals danke für deine Antwort!
Monarc Corp. konnte nach seiner Neuaufstellung und Umbenennung noch nicht wesentlich in Erscheinung treten,
ist aber auf einem guten Weg.
Ich selbst bin hier investiert, versuche wenn immer möglich, Anteile zu 0,001 Eur zu bekommen, da zumindest in Frankfurt der Preis nicht weiter sinken kann (außer Totalverlust), in USA liegen die Preise schwankend zwischen 0,001 und 0,0005 USD.
Das bedeutet, daß sich durch einen Zuwachs von nur 0,001 USD die Investitionen verdoppeln würden - in meinen Augen eine interessante Chance.
Ich glaube sogar, daß die Aktie einen Wert von September d. J. wieder erreichen könnte, das würde bedeuten,
sie wäre auf das zwanzigfache gestiegen.
Allerdings glaube ich auch, daß es bis dahin noch einige Monate dauern wird, hier heißt also die Devise,
billig kaufen und dann erstmal liegen lassen.
Entscheident für den Gesamterfolg ist auf jeden Fall der Teilerfolg der Einzelprojekte.
Man darf also gespannt sein...
Und noch was, wenn für jedes Projekt (d.h. Beteiligung) eine eigenständige Tochterfirma gegründet wird, so wird der Gewinn erstmal in diese Tochterfirma fliessen, und was übrig bleibt, kommt als Krümmel "nach oben". Diese Verschachtelung macht es für Aktionäre schwer, die jeweils anfallenden Gewinne nachzuvollziehen und ein Gesamtbild daraus zu machen.
Aber das ehrgeizige Ziel des Managments an sich, den Aktienkurs bis zu $0,20 steigern zu lassen ist schon enorm! Ob es jeweils gelingt?!
Was die anderen Punkte betrifft, wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe ist das Unternehmensziel, neue Firmen an den Markt zu bringen, so gesehen aus meiner Sicht in Ordnung, daß diese Firmen aus verschiedenen Branchen kommen. Vermindert auch das Risiko.
Auch finde ich es aus Firmensicht in Ordnung, ich glaube, nur die Aktieninhaber älter zwei Jahre, bei Dividenden zu berücksichtigen.
Denn warum sollten diejenigen mit Dividenden belohnt werden, die als Trittbrettfahrer (wie auch ich) billigst Aktien kaufen und dann zeitnah mit Gewinn wieder verkaufen, oder die Leerverkäufer, also alles mehr oder weniger Leute, die für den Kurssturz mit verantwortlich sein könnten.
Wie gesagt, fionde ich OK.
Und diejenigen, die die Aktie long halten, werden ja auch mit Dividenden bedacht.
Wir werden sehen, was draus wird...
BEIJING, Nov 17, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Mon Arc Corporation PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK is pleased to announce that it has completed its due diligence on the Peru mining project and that it is in the final stages of finalizing the transaction with the principals of the Peru mining project. The company will issue various due diligence reports and its findings via filings on pink Sheets on this project to its shareholders and followers. This will also be followed up with a new web site that is entirely mining based.
The company expects to close this transaction within the next 7-10 days and does not foresee any delays or complications.
Mr.Yves Yang a spokesperson with the company said as previously announced "We continue discussions with an already established mining company who continues to express serious interest in our new Peruvian mine venture. Talks are also on going with a Chinese educational school for the PP365.Com assets. We remain focused and are moving on both fronts with both of these deals, meaning sale of assets of PP365 and merger with the Peruvian mining company. Realistically speaking it is quite possible that both of these transactions may very well come to fruition by the end of this quarter"
The company will provide further updates as they become available. The company also expects to make a series of dividend payments previously announced very shortly as well.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
CONTACT: For corporate matters contact:
SOURCE MonArc Corporation (MONA)
BEIJING, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Mon Arc Corporation ( PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK ( is pleased to provide details regarding the cash dividend previously announced.
The dividend of $0.20 per share will be paid on December 1, 2008. The dividend will be distributed to shareholders who have continuously held company stock since September 30, 2005 (the record date).
The company will provide further updates as they become available. The company also expects to make a series of other dividend payments in the last quarter of this year. Details on these dividends will be announced very shortly, and through a separate news release.
Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet ( filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
CONTACT: For corporate matters contact:
SOURCE MonArc Corporation (MONA)
Source: PR Newswire (November 19, 2008 - 7:30 AM EST)
News by QuoteMedia
7:50 p.m. EST Nov. 21, 2008
BEIJING, Nov 21, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Mon Arc Corporation PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK management representatives have completed their on-site inspection of the Andrea Gold mine operation in Peru.
While the MonArc team is still traveling they have been able to provide a top line summary of the results of their field work. The have had the opportunity to view the current operations of the mine, led by a geologist familiar with this particular gold play.
In addition, they were fully briefed on the status of the assays to date, and the progress being made to complete its form 43-101 filing, which will provide an analysis of the proven and probable reserves of the mine based on industry standard requirements.
MonArc CEO, Mr. Yong Chan advises; "Based on these initial reports, all parties are eager to finalize this acquisition. We are currently drawing up the necessary documents to complete the acquisition, and anticipate that the deal can close very shortly." Mr. Alex Diaz President of Andrea SA Mine in Peru (targeted merger company) said "We are pleased to have met the MONA management and their advisors and I'm particularly pleasantly impressed with MONA executive management and its corporate Secretary Mr. Winters. While we were approached by others for the merger and business cooperation Andrea SA and its managers feel that MONA is the best fit for all concerned."
The Company will provide additional updates as information continues to come in from the field, and expects to have the team back next Wednesday, the 26th of November.
Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
CONTACT: For corporate matters contact:
SOURCE MonArc Corporation (MONA)
Obwohl die WO-User gar nicht so gut auf den Hr. Winter zu sprechen sind! Ich bin dadurch auch etwas unsicher geworden: Ist er nun ein fairer Geschäftspartner oder ein böser Strippenzieher, der in erster Linie ans Abzocken denkt?
Dem neuerlichm DD-Vorgang nach zu beurteilen, ist eher das letztere, weil durch diese Entscheidung er wohl als einziger die Auszahlung bekommen würde! Ich denke auch, dass durch solche Handlungsweise der Mona-Wert kaum steigen wird, weil das Vertrauen schmelzt!
Obwohl, wer weiß es schon, welche Bombe derzeit mit Andrea Mine vorbereitet wird. Gut wäre es zu wissen auch, ob es nicht wiederum durch raffinierte Verschachtelung der Firmen für die MONA-Aktionäre der Wert des Unternhemen beim alten Stand bleibt bzw. kaum was abspringt!
Hat jemand eine Meinung dazu?
ich bin davon abgekommen, Unternehmen danach einzuschätzen, wen sie als MItarbeiter oder als Mitglieder im Vorstand oder Aufsichtsrat haben;
viel eher interessieren mich Daten und Fakten betreffend der Firma.
Die Zukunft von Monarc Corp, hängt von einem schnellen oder mittelfristigen Erfolg der Beteiligungen ab,
deshalb sehe ich hier ein sehr großes Risiko, aber auch eine ebenso große Chance.
Alles in allem ist mir die Aktie eine Investition wert.
Gibt es hierzu noch andere Meinungen ?
Nur die Aktien-Werteinschätzung macht mir Sorge: warum stehen wir immer noch so tief "unter Wasser" bei all diesen Projekten? Schade, dass wir z.Zt. noch so wenig über Andreas Mine wissen: bringt´s was wesentlich auf die Waage, oder grad´mal noch - "so so la la" - im Bereich von +/- $0,002?
Wer hat hier den besseren Einblick und kann uns helfen? @Karibik vielleicht?
Zuversichtlich bin ich dagegen aufgrund der Anzahl und breiten Streuung verschiedener Geschäftsbereiche.
Alles in allem glaube ich an den Erfolg, auch wenn nicht Milionen Chinesen deren PC Spiele konsumieren oder in der Peru Mine tonnenweise Gold gefunden wird.
Ich bin nur der Meinung, das dies bei nicht großen, sondern normalen Erfolgen der Beteiligungen auch einige Monate dauern kann.
Würde mindestens eine Verzwanzigfachung des heutigen Wertes bedeuten.
Aber nichts ist unmöglich...
Pink OTC Markets News Service
Beijing, China—
BEIJING, Nov. 24, 2008 - Mon Arc Corporation (MonArc) PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK MonArc management is pleased to announce the closing of the merger with Andrea Gold SA. Andrea SA and its advisors Advisory Corp, announced
This project is not only an exploration opportunity, but a project in current production with the first full week's 24hr production producing in excess of 3 kg or 100 ounces of traditional Inca Gold and 1 kg of Silver. This is a spectacular result given production only began in August of this year, and is only processing about 50 tons per day.
All ore currently being processed at Andrea Gold SA production facility is averaging 12 grams per ton, this is extremely rare in the mining industry to be processing grades as high as this, along with the low wage environment, and modern, latest technology mill and floatation plant, continues to make this plant one of the most profitable operations any where in the world.
Key staff of Andrea SA are Mr.Alex Diaz, himself a US trained geologist and his partner Mr.Pablo Rodriguez a qualified metallurgist.
In other corporate news, the company intends to file on Pink Sheets The financial details of this transaction which includes cash and stock of about 2.5 million dollars. The transaction will see both Mr Mr.Alex Diaz, and Mr.Pablo Rodriguez become majority shareholders with a controlling interest in MonArc. Andrea SA intends to launch its corporate web site shortly.
Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
The above news release has been provided by the above company via the OTC Disclosure and News Service. Issuers of news releases and not Pink OTC Markets Inc. are solely responsible for the accuracy of such news releases.
BEIJING, Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- MonArc Corporation PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK MonArc management is pleased to announce the closing of the merger with Andrea Gold SA. This merger adds considerable value to MONA shares with the currently operating and producing Gold plant in Northern Peru and associated gold leases have an estimated value of at least 4-5 million dollars.
Key staff of Andrea SA are Mr.Alex Diaz, himself a US trained geologist and his partner Mr.Pablo Rodriguez a qualified metallurgist. Together they have put together an excellent team of experienced mining people and the project is a credit to them. MonArc Corporation intends to name both individuals as one of its officers and board members of the company shortly.
This project is not only an exploration opportunity, but a project in current production with the first full week's 24hr production producing in excess of 3 kg or 100 ounces of traditional Inca Gold and 1 kg of Silver. This is a spectacular result given production only began in August of this year, and is only processing about 50 tons per day.
Given the closest processor in Peru is more than 600 miles from Andrea SA plant, this gives a huge advantage in sourcing ore, to supplement the ore from the company leases.
All ore currently being processed at Andrea Gold SA production facility is averaging 12 grams per ton, this is extremely rare in the mining industry to be processing grades as high as this, along with the low wage environment, and modern, latest technology mill and floatation plant, continues to make this plant one of the most profitable operations anywhere in the world.
Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
This project is not only an exploration opportunity, but a project in current production with the first full week's 24hr production producing in excess of 3 kg or 100 ounces of traditional Inca Gold and 1 kg of Silver. This is a spectacular result given production only began in August of this year, and is only processing about 50 tons per day.
Jetzt muß man nur noch abwarten.
Auf gute Ergebnisse. Auf weitere positive Nachrichten. Auf große Funde...
Das wird schon.
BEIJING, Nov 25, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Mon Arc Corporation (MonArc) PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK MonArc management is pleased to announce this operational update to its shareholders and followers.
Mr. Alex Diaz, the company geologist and Andrea SA Co-President said, "Andrea SA project is not only an exploration opportunity, but a project in current production with the first full week's 24hr production producing in excess of 3 kg or 100 ounces of traditional Inca Gold and 1 kg of Silver. This is a spectacular result given production only began in August of this year, and is only processing about 50 tons per day.
All ore currently being processed at Andrea Gold SA production facility is averaging 12 grams per ton. This is extremely rare in the mining industry to be processing grades as high as this, along with the low wage environment, and modern, latest technology mill and floatation plant, continues to make this plant one of the most profitable operations anywhere in the world.
With current production this represents an expected profit in excess of 1m dollars per year, and with small changes being planned and shortly to be made to the plant, a 2 and 3 fold increase in the level of production is foreseeable. As we move forward with MONA we expect the net profit to reach 2-3 million dollars or a price earnings of around 5c per share. 10-15 million in profit is our projected and an achievable targeted goal within the next 2-3 years."
Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
einiges interessantes zu lesen...
PIURA, Peru, Dec 01, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- MonArc Corporation (MonArc) PINKSHEETS: MONA.PK Andrea Gold SA, the operating subsidiary company of MonArc proudly announces the negotiations have now concluded on the successful acquisition of a further 400ha of premium producing gold and silver property. This is in addition to the 480ha currently held by Andrea Gold, boosting the highly productive land holding of Gold and Silver bearing ores is now 880ha.
These ores substantially increase the profitability of the operation, as Andrea Gold retains 95% of the ore value less the mining costs as opposed to treating ore from customers on a contract basis.
Negotiations are currently underway to purchase a modern copper processing plant near the company owned leases in Peru along with additional copper based land acquisitions.
Further news in relation to this will be released shortly.