Strike Oil vor dem möglichen Durchbruch

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20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

16.10.07 06:37

ASX Announcement

Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

ASX Code: STX 16 October 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

via electronic lodgement


Strike Oil is pleased to announce the following updates on its Gulf Coast production testing and development drilling at the Rayburn Prospect.

Gulf Coast, Texas

Rayburn Project – Texas Gulf Coast

(Strike Oil: 22.8% Working Interest, Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)


      1. o

        production facilities in place at Duncan 1


      3. o

        well testing has commenced at Duncan 1


      5. o

        drilling rig is moving onto location at Duncan 2

        Simon Ashton - Managing Director

        T: 08 6464 0400



        Duncan 1 metering and tanks

        Duncan 1 production facilities and tanks

        At the Duncan 1 location production facilities have been installed (see attached photos) to enable test gas to be sold immediately and revenue received. Arrangements are being finalised with gas purchasers. Testing has now commenced at the Duncan 1 well and this will proceed for the next 60 to 90 days. Testing involves the perforation and fraccing (fracturing of the reservoir to enhance production) and then flow testing of individual and combined zones. This is a time consuming exercise to obtain reliable information. A sustained flow rate from the well will not be available until all testing is complete.

        Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

        At the Duncan 2 location the drill site is now prepared and the drilling rig is due on location this week in preparation to spud the first development well.

        Commenting on the status to date, Strike Oil’s Managing Director, Simon Ashton said:

        "This marks a very significant stage in the development of the project with initial facilities in place and development drilling and production testing commencing"

        Yours faithfully


        Managing Director - Strike Oil Limited

        Further information:

        Strike Oil Limited


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentNachrichten

        17.10.07 06:36

        ASX Announcement

        Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

        ASX Code: STX 17 October 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

        via electronic lodgement


        Strike Oil Limited (Strike Oil) is pleased to announce the following steps to advance its FuturGas Project situated 250km from Adelaide, South Australia (figure attached).


            1. ��

              The formation of Hybrid Energy SA Pty Ltd (Hybrid Energy) to hold Strike Oil’s North Otway Basin resource titles and to progress the FuturGas Project;


            3. ��

              Completion of a Scoping Study outlining key steps in the Project’s feasibility process;


            5. ��

              The recruitment of Barry Ford, an energy executive with international experience, as Managing Director of Hybrid Energy;


            7. ��

              The decision to establish the headquarters of Hybrid Energy in Adelaide, South Australia; and


            9. ��

              The initiation of a process to demerge Hybrid Energy and Strike Oil, leading to the listing of Hybrid Energy on the ASX in the first half of 2008;

          The project is in its early stages, and its feasibility will now be assessed over the next two years.

          The proposed FuturGas Project will apply the latest combustion, gasification, and carbon capture and storage (including geosequestration) technologies to a large lignite (coal) resource (578 million tonnes, JORC compliant), to produce low greenhouse emissions power, gas, transport fuels and other products in a sustainable manner.

          As a first step it is proposed that the FuturGas Project will provide 150 to 300MW of base load electric power to the South Australian market by 2015.

          FuturGas will be a major South Australian project providing further security and diversity to the state’s energy supply and creating regional development opportunities in the South-East of South Australia. The FuturGas Project provides another opportunity for the development and deployment of low greenhouse emissions power alternatives in South Australia.

          Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

          Barry Ford, formerly a senior executive with TRUenergy, Natural Gas Corporation (New Zealand) and TransAlta (Canada), has joined Hybrid Energy as Managing Director. Barry has extensive international experience in managing large energy infrastructure projects including, in recent times, projects in South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

          Hybrid Energy will establish its head office in Adelaide.

          It is proposed to demerge Strike Oil and its wholly owned subsidiary Hybrid Energy to enable the creation of a dedicated organisation to develop the FuturGas project and to secure independent project funding.

          As part of this process it is planned to seek a listing of Hybrid Energy on the ASX by way of an Initial Public Offering in the first half of 2008. Strike Oil shareholders will receive pro-rata shareholdings in Hybrid Energy on demerger and will be given an entitlement to subscribe for new shares in an Initial Public Offering. The proposed terms of the demerger and entitlement issues will be announced later in the December Quarter.

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Managing Director

          Strike Oil Limited

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited Hybrid Energy SA Pty Ltd

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director Barry Ford – Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400 E:

          E: W:


          Coal resources for the Hybrid Energy lignite deposit (EL3385) north of Kingston have been estimated in accordance with the 2004 Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code). The deposit, contains 578.3 million tonnes (Mt) to a depth of 80 metres. Of this total resource, 523.5 Mt are Measured Resource and 54.8 Mt are Indicated Resource. Additional quantities of lignite are known to exist from more sparsely drilled boreholes but do not fall within the JORC guidelines for reporting coal resources.

          The information that relates to the lignite resources in EL 3385 in this release is based on information compiled by Charles Parbury, consulting geologist of McElroy Bryan Geological Services, who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Charles Parbury has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify him as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Charles Parbury has consented to the inclusion of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears in this release.


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentMeine Interpretation der Lage

          17.10.07 12:13

          Die heutige Veröffentlichung von Strike Oil ist äußerst interessant und birgt Sprengstoff für den Aktienkurs. Nun bin ich als Strike Aktionär sicherlich nicht ganz unvoreingenommen, dennoch will ich versuchen die Nachricht objektiv zu beurteilen. Vorweg noch kurz zum laufenden Projekt Duncan. Die Produktionskapazitäten sind installiert, die Flowtests werden weiter durchgeführt, das Bohrgestell ist zum nächsten Bohrloch gewandert. Hier werden wir in den nächsten Wochen mit handfesten Ergebnissen zu den Flowrates rechnen können. Darüber hinaus wird sofort Umsatz generiert.


          Nun aber zu der heutigen Nachricht Hybrid Energy  (vormals Kingston). Es soll zu einem Demerger kommen. Die Gesellschaften wurden bereits rechtlich und räumlich getrennt.

          Ich halte diese Trennung für durchaus sinnvoll. Hybrid Energy birgt ein  enormes Potential, welches allerdings zur Erschließung Zeit und auch immense finanzielle Resourcen benötigt. Nun soll im Zuge des Demerger (so zumindest mein Verständnis der Information) ein Teil der Aktien in die Hände der Aktionäre von Strike Oil gegeben werden. Diese werden anteilsmäßig entsprechend der gehaltenen Anteile an Strike Oil an deren Aktionäre gegeben. Ein weiterer Teil soll im Zuge des Listing an der ASX im Rahmen eines IPO an die Börse gebracht werden. Strike Aktionäre werden mit einem entsprechenden Bezugsrecht ausgestattet.

          Nach meiner Einschätzung eine sehr elegante Lösung. Die Geschäfte sind nur bedingt miteinander verwandt und bieten kaum Synergieeffekte, somit ist es nur konsequent eine Entflechtung herbeizuführen. Auf diesem Weg kann Kapital für Hybrid Energy eingesammelt werden, die Strike Aktionäre werden beteiligt und können in Zukunft unabhängig von zwei hervorragend aufgestellten Gesellschaften profitieren.


          Sollte es hier noch einige Strike Aktionäre geben so wäre es schön von euch zu hören.






          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentProjekt Demerger und Homepage

          18.10.07 16:28



          October 17, 2007 05:15pm

          A COMPANY which aims to use clean coal technologies to generate power for the local grid will set up its head office in Adelaide.

          Strike Oil expects to demerge with Hybrid Energy next year, and list the latter on the Australian Securities Exchange.

          Hybrid would then spend the next two years assessing the feasibility of its "FuturGas'' power generation project near Kingston in the State's south east.

          "The proposed FuturGas Project will apply the latest combustion, gasification, and carbon capture and storage (including geosequestration) technologies to a large coal resource (578 million tonnes), to produce low greenhouse emissions power, gas, transport fuels and other products in a sustainable manner,'' the company said yesterday.

          "As a first step, it is proposed that the FuturGas Project will provide 150 to 300 megawatts of base load electric power to the South Australian market by 2015. "

          "FuturGas will be a major South Australian project providing further security and diversity to the state's energy supply and creating regional development opportunities in the South-East of South Australia.''

          Barry Ford, formerly a senior executive with TruEnegy and New Zealand's natural gas Corporation would head up the company, Strike said.

          Strike shares closed steady at 23.5c yesterday.


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentkurzfristige Steigerung des Cash Flow

          18.10.07 16:32


          Strike Oil finds additional gas pay at Duncan-1 well

          16-07-07 Strike Oil confirmed some target intervals of interest which had elevated gas readings on wireline logs as further gas pay and are to be completed for production testing. This confirmation followed the successful drilling of the Lower Wilcox section in the Duncan 1 well, in the Texas Gulf Coast region.
          The Duncan 1 well is located on the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County (Strike Oil: 22.8 % working interest. Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation).

          Plans are now underway to complete the well for production testing of the new pay zones in the Lower Wilcox, before production testing the previously reported gas pay within the shallower Middle Wilcox section already secured behind casing.
          The well has confirmed a trapping structure at multiple levels in the Wilcox Formation. The reserves potential of the pay zones in this well, and over the larger associated structure, will be determined by the planned production testing program and further development drilling. The production testing is plannedto commence following completion of the well.

          Commenting on the results, Strike Oil’s Managing Director, Simon Ashton said: “The production testing of these deeper gas pay zones, coupled with the shallower gas pay, is anticipated to provide an early improvement to cash flow. This could be further increased by near term development drilling on the extensive lease position, the order of 10,000 acres, held over, and adjacent to, the structure on which the discovery has been made.”
          “In addition, planned exploration on new Wilcox prospects currently being lined up for future drilling could further enhance Strike’s production position”.


          Source: Strike Oil


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

          24.10.07 08:38

          AS X Announcement

          ASX Code: STX 24 October 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement


          Strike Oil is pleased to provide the following report on its Gulf Coast production testing and development drilling at the Rayburn Project.


          Rayburn Project – Texas Gulf Coast

          (Strike Oil: 22.8% Working Interest, Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)


          1. • Duncan 2 well spudded


          1. • Duncan 1 testing commenced

          The Duncan 2 well spudded on 22 October and has a proposed total depth of 12,200 feet (3,719 meters). The well is currently drilling ahead at 2,670 feet (814 metres) and is targeting the high quality Middle Wilcox gas pays interpreted from the drilling of the adjacent Duncan 1 well.

          The testing of the deeper prospective intervals (Lower Wilcox) in the Duncan 1 well is progressing as planned. As reported previously this testing program will have a duration around 60 to 90 days. Interim test results are expected to be reported within 30 to 40 days.

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Managing Director

          Strike Oil Limited

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400


          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDie Aktienzahl liegt nun bei 327,158,430

          25.10.07 11:25

          AS X Announcement

          ASX Code: STX Date: 24 October 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement


          I am pleased to provide the following update on the company’s entitlements issue originally announced on 12 September.

          Today, 24 October, the company has issued 16,922,347 ordinary fully paid shares to new shareholders pursuant to the entitlements issue. This represents the allotment of the remaining shortfall and finalises the issue. The total amount raised through the issue was $10.05 million.

          This allotment takes the total number of company shares on issue to 327,158,430.

          A cleansing statement to permit the on-sale of the shares will follow this announcement.

          Yours faithfully

          TONY BRAZIER

          Company Secretary

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Tony Brazier - Company Secretary

          T: 08 6464 0400


          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentFirst Quarter Activities Report

          26.10.07 09:11

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentcash flow statement

          30.10.07 10:05

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentAuch wenn Strike Oil noch nicht so recht will

          02.11.07 16:17

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

          07.11.07 07:21

          AS X Announcement

          ASX Code: STX 7 November 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement


          Strike Oil is pleased to provide the following report on its Gulf Coast production testing and development drilling at the Rayburn Project.


          Rayburn Project – Texas Gulf Coast

          (Strike Oil: 22.8% Working Interest, Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)



          Duncan 2 expected to reach target this week

          9 5/8 inch casing has been set at the planned depth of 8,300 feet (2,530 metres) and the well is currently drilling ahead at a depth of 10,090 feet (3,075 metres).

          The well is targeting the high quality Middle Wilcox gas pays interpreted from the drilling of the adjacent Duncan 1 well. The target interval is expected to be intersected during the next seven days. Planned total depth is 12,200 feet (3,719 metres).

          Duncan 1

          The testing of the deeper prospective intervals (Lower Wilcox) in the Duncan 1 well is continuing as planned. As reported previously this testing program will have a duration around 60 to 90 days. Interim test results are now expected to be reported within 20 to 30 days.

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Managing Director

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400



          1. Duncan 1 testing continuing

            Duncan 2


          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentInfos zum Demerger von Hybid Energy

          09.11.07 07:22

          AS X Announcement

          ASX Code: STX Date: 9 November 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement

          Hybrid Energy SA

          Strike Oil Limited is moving rapidly to provide dedicated management and funding for its wholly owned subsidiary Hybrid Energy SA Pty Ltd ("Hybrid Energy") which is to be demerged from Strike Oil in early 2008.

          Hybrid Energy has now established its presence in Adelaide, South Australia under the direction of Barry Ford the managing director with further key management being recruited and ongoing stakeholder communication well advanced.

          Shareholder attention is drawn to the attached article summarising Hybrid Energy’s FuturGas Project in South Australia which was published by Pex Publishing in its issue of "Energy Alternatives "on 1 November 2007.

          (Energy Alternatives is a publication highlighting key energy developments in Australia published monthly by Pex Publishing and widely distributed in Australia and overseas)

          Permission has been received from Pex Publishing to reproduce this article to Strike shareholders.

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Managing Director

          Strike Oil Limited

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400




          "The company is extremely conscious of local issues with respect to the environment and water management and intends to ensure that the project complements and enhances environmental and water management policies in the region," said Mr Ford.

          In relation to this, Hybrid is planning to use a small-footprint mining method which will be water-neutral.

          A Scoping Study outlining key steps in FuturGas’s feasibility process has been completed, and the viability of the project will be assessed over the next two years. Potential sites for the operation, located about 250km south of Adelaide and strategically located on the power grid that links South Australia and Victoria, will also be decided upon during this time.

          To fund the feasibility stage of FuturGas, Strike Oil proposes to offer shareholders and the public the opportunity to subscribe for shares in Hybrid Energy SA, and as such is seeking to list the company on the ASX. The proposed terms of the demerger and entitlement issues will be announced this quarter.


          Striking a low emissions initiative with Hybrid

          Oil and gas production and exploration company Strike Oil is staking its claim in the alternative energy sector with its FuturGas project, this month announcing the formation of Hybrid Energy SA Pty Ltd. With proposed headquarters in Adelaide, the company has been formed to hold Strike’s North Otway Basin resource and progress the FuturGas project.

          Hybrid proposes to apply proven clean coal and low-emissions technology to develop the first stage of the FuturGas project. This will involve generating electricity at carbon emission levels in line with some existing gas-fired facilities, and at levels significantly below those of existing coal-fired power stations in Australia.

          Hybrid is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of Strike Oil, but plans are being forged to demerge the companies in order to seek, via an Initial Public Offering, ASX listing for Hybrid. Should the demerger be successful, Strike shareholders will receive pro-rata share holdings in the new company. It is expected that the IPO will be in place by the first half of 2008.

          Hybrid holds petroleum and mineral exploration licenses over large lignite or ‘brown coal’ deposits in southeast South Australia. The proposed FuturGas project will develop coal-to-gas and carbon capture and storage (including geosequestration) operations from this 578 million tonne resource. The aim is to produce low greenhouse emissions power, gas, transport fuels and other products, in a sustainable manner.

          The carbon capture and storage processes will be conducted in conjunction with the establishment of carbon storage sites, taking the project on the pathway to zero emissions. Geosequestration, a process which involves the storage of carbon dioxide from major energy-related sources into geological reservoirs deep below the ground, is one method to be developed through the project. The carbon dioxide will be separated, compressed and transported by pipeline for injection into suitable underground traps.

          The technology to be used is already in operation in Europe, and can generate electricity with significantly lower carbon emissions than existing Australian plants.

          Contact: Barry Ford Managing Director Hybrid Energy SA Pty Ltd Tel: (08) 8412 4100 Email:



          Chief Editor:

          Paul Sullivan Email:


          Rachel Seeley Email:


          Unit 5 / 1 Almondbury Road Mt Lawley, WA 6050


          (08) 9272 6555 Facsimile: (08) 9272 5556

          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentInfo zum Florence Oil Field

          09.11.07 10:49

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

          15.11.07 09:07

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentInfos zur HV von heute

          19.11.07 08:26

          103 Postings, 6955 Tage eifel77Wann wird Strike von den Börsenbriefen......

          11.12.07 22:29
          ....entdeckt? Ich hoffe das dauert noch eine Weile, aber gerade das Schweigen dieser "Börsenexperten" :-) scheint mittlerweile ein Indiz dafür zu sein, dass dieser Wert Substanz hat!
          @ Permanent: Ich bewundere Deine Ausdauer, monatelang ohne Ablösung auf der Schiffsbrücke zu stehen und STX zu beobachten und News einzustellen !!! Respekt!
          Ich bin überzeugt Deine / unsere Geduld zahlt sich aus!

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanent@eifel77

          12.12.07 09:24

          Meine Arbeit beschränkt sich ja nun doch fast ausschließlich auf Copy and Paste. Einen Kommentar zu Strike Oil gebe ich nur noch selten ab. Ich bin nach wie vor von dem Unternehmen überzeugt und freue mich hier bei Ariva noch User vorzufinden die sich ebenfalls noch in Geduld üben.

          Es wäre fatal zu schreiben wir stehen kurz vor dem Durchbruch. Das habe ich im Eingangsposting geschrieben, wie wir wissen hat es sich bis heute nicht bewahrheitet. Dennoch hat Strike Oil in der Zeit von Mai bis heute einige wichtige Fortschritte erzielt.

          Heute hat Strike wieder ein Update zum Rayburn Projekt gebracht:

          • Duncan 1, die Testproduktion läuft, Gas und Ölkondensate werden verkauft
          • Duncan 2, die Testproduktion wird im Januar anlaufen
          • GF1, die Bohrung des dritten Well zur Verifikation der minimalen Ausdehnung des Feldes läuft. Hier sollte bei Erfolg der Bohrung (hiervon gehe ich aus) die Produktion im ersten Quartal 2008 starten.
          • Ebenso bleibt kurzfristig noch die Hoffnung auf das Florence Oil Field, wo mit relativ geringem finanziellen Aufwand die ersten Wells zum sprudeln gebracht werden können.

          Ich denke der mögliche Durchbruch für Strike Oil ist näher denn je. Auf Börsenbriefe können wir im jetzigen Stadium gut und gerne verzichten. Der einige positive Nebeneffekt den diese mitbringen wäre ein schwungvollerer Handel, von dem man in Frankfurt zur Zeit nun wirklich nicht sprechen kann. Ich habe zuletzt in Australa zugekauft und auch die KE voll gezeichnet.

          Es freut mich hier ab und an von dir zu hören. Hier noch das Update von heute zu den Wells, und die Bekanntmachung/Veröffentlichung, dass wir nun einen Großinvestor an Bord haben.




          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentAus dem WO Forum von Teilnehmer CBB

          12.12.07 09:48

          die "örtliche" zeitung war wiedereinmal tätig.... Zwinkern


          "kingston goes public".....wird zeit, dass ausser uns noch andere das potenzial erkennen.... Zwinkern

          und da simon sagt, dass der revenue sich dank rayburn ver- 2 oder 3-fachen wird (das 2 fache besagen unsere kalkulationen)....können wir nun etwas ruhiger schlafen (ok, ich kann ruhig schlafen, da meine berechnungen immer wahrscheinlicher werden Zwinkern )

          ich hoffe ich war genauso konservativ bei der berechnung des kingston-potenzials vor ein paar wochen/monaten...ein potenzial im 2 fachen milliarden-bereich wär doch nett..... Zwinkern

          ich wünsch allen strike-leid-geplagten (also auch mir) eine belohnung für unsere geduld......

          vielleicht waren wir nur ein wenig zu früh in stx investiert.... Zwinkern
          aber dafür sind wir steuerfrei.....

          mfg @ all


          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentes läuft weiter nach Plan

          27.12.07 09:26

          ASX Announcement

          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

          ASX Code: STX Date: 27 December 2007 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement



          Strike Oil is pleased to provide the following report on its Gulf Coast production testing and development drilling at the Rayburn Project.


          1. Gilbert Freeman 1, the third well on the Rayburn Project, is currently being cased for production testing

            (Strike Oil: 22.8% Working Interest, Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

            Gilbert Freeman 1

            The Gilbert Freeman 1 well reached a total depth of 12,205 feet (3,720 metres) on 22 December 2007.

            Gas shows while drilling and subsequent confirmation by wireline logs indicate the well penetrated the targeted Middle Wilcox pay sands previously encountered in the Duncan 1 and Duncan 2 wells.

            Hlavinka Duncan 1

            The drilling rig will move directly from the Gilbert Freeman 1 well to the Hlavinka Duncan 1 well.

            The Hlavinka Duncan 1 well will be the fourth well to be drilled on the Rayburn Project. It will be targeting the same Middle Wilcox pay sand encountered in Duncan 1 and 2 and Gilbert Freeman1.

            The well is located approximately 9,700 feet (2,957 metres) northeast of the Duncan 1 well. The proposed total depth is 12,650 feet (3,856 metres). The well is expected to take about 30 days to drill.

            Duncan 1

            Gas and oil-condensate continue to be produced to sales at commercial rates.

            Duncan 2

            Production testing is scheduled for February 2008. This well is located approximately 4,550 feet (1,380 metres) southwest of the Duncan 1 well.

            Commenting on the results of the Gilbert Freeman 1 well, Strike Oil’s Managing Director Simon Ashton said;

            ‘‘This is an excellent result and brings our success rate at Rayburn to three out of three. We now have control points a considerable distance apart which indicate the currently determined extent of the hydrocarbon accumulation. We look forward to the results of our next well, the Hlavinka Duncan 1 well, which is an ambitious stepout almost 3km from Duncan1."

            Yours faithfully

            Further information:

            Strike Oil Limited

            Simon Ashton - Managing Director

            T: 08 6464 0400



            1. Hlavinka Duncan 1, the fourth well on the Project, due to spud early January 2008


              1. Duncan 1 production testing continuing with gas and condensate oil being sold


                1. Duncan 2 testing in February 2008


                  Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

                  The well also encountered a number of potential pay sands overlying the main target. These may be further evaluated by production testing in this well or by the drilling of additional wells.

                  4½ inch production casing is currently being run across all the potential pay sands. Upon the completion and successful testing of the casing the rig will be moved off location and the well suspended for production testing in early 2008.

                  The well is located approximately 1,450 feet (442 metres) north of the Duncan 1 discovery well.

                  Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

                  SIMON ASHTON






          8451 Postings, 7366 Tage KnappschaftskassenHallo permanent ,

          27.12.07 11:52
          man kann wirklich nicht unzufrieden sein! Blos habe ich weder hier noch bei W:O große Lust dem allgemeinen gegaggere teil zunehemen, weil nur sehr wenige wirklich über einen sehr gutes Basiswissen verfügen. Und ich selber bin auch kein großer Experte und habe hier vor 21 Monaten mal den Entschluss gefaßt in diese spannende Geschichte zu investieren, was trotz aller Turbolenzen wohl immer noch richtig war und ist. Neben Caspian Oil das auch schon was gefunden hat scheinen hier und dort das richtige Managment am Werk zu sein! Werde weiterhin die Dinge auf mich zukommen lassen und vertrauen dem Managament bei beiden Firmen.

          Auf gute Anlage im neuen Jahr 2008!

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanent@Knappschaftskassen

          27.12.07 15:26
          Ich sehe Strike Oil ebenfalls nach wie vor sehr positiv wenn auch die Börse das Potential noch in keinster Weise honoriert.
          Heute einzusteigen wäre bei einem Blick in den Rückspiegel sicher besser gewesen, allerdings ist es immer schwer einzuschätzen wann es losgeht.
          Ich bleibe dabei und kaufe im neuen Jahr an der Heimatbörse weiter zu.



          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentStrike Oil hat heute an der ASX ordentlich

          03.01.08 08:13


          zugelegt. Der Kurs lag zu Handelsschluss bei 32Cent(A$). Das Handelsvolumen lag mit gut 2,3 Mio. Shares für Strike Oil auf einem hohnen Niveau. Nachrichten habe ich nicht gefunden. Der Markt scheint das Potential von Strike Oil zu erkennen und den Wert gegen den Trend (ASX war stark im Minus) zu kaufen.

          Code Last$ +/-BidOfferOpenHighLowVolumeOptionsWarrantsChartStatusAnnouncements
          STX0.3200.0250.3100.3200.3100.3250.3052,352,414OptionsWarrants Recent

          Warten wir ab wie es weiter geht. Die Fundamentaldaten sprechen eindeutig für Strik Oil.





          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentsupber Fortschritte, die Börse reagiert noch

          04.01.08 08:52

          etwas schüchtern. Das Rayburn Field scheint den Durchbruch für Strike Oil zu bringen, die laufenden Ergebnisse sind hervorragende:

          ASX Announcement

          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

          ASX Code: STX 4 January 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement



          Strike Oil is pleased to provide the following report on its Gulf Coast production testing and development drilling at the Rayburn Project.


          1. Hlavinka Duncan 1, the fourth well on the Project, has commenced drilling

            (Strike Oil: 22.8% Working Interest, Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

            Hlavinka Duncan 1

            The Hlavinka Duncan 1 well spudded on 2 January 2008 (Texas time).

            The Hlavinka Duncan 1 well will be the fourth well to be drilled on the Rayburn Project. It will be targeting the same Middle Wilcox pay sand encountered in Duncan 1 and 2 wells and Gilbert Freeman 1 well.

            The well is an ambitious step out, located approximately 9,700 feet (2,957 metres) northeast of the Duncan 1 well. The proposed total depth is 12,650 feet (3,856 metres). The well is expected to take about 30 days to drill.

            Gilbert Freeman 1

            Production casing has been run across all the potential pay sands intersected in the Gilbert Freeman 1 well. Potential pay includes the same zones in the Middle Wilcox to those penetrated in the Duncan 1 and 2 wells as well as additional pay sands overlying the main Middle Wilcox target.

            The well is located approximately 1,450 feet (442 metres) north of the Duncan 1 discovery well.

            Duncan 1

            Gas and oil-condensate continue to be produced to sales at substantial commercial rates. The well has tested at rates similar to adjacent fields where individual wells commonly flow in the range of 5 to 15 million cubic feet of gas per day.

            Duncan 2

            Production testing is scheduled for February 2008. This well is located approximately 4,550 feet (1,380 metres) southwest of the Duncan 1 well.

            Commenting on the results to date, Strike Oil’s Managing Director Simon Ashton said;

            "Rapid progress is being maintained with the fourth well on the Rayburn Project now spudded. The substantial test flow rates from the Duncan 1 well plus the drill results from the first three wells provide the encouragement to continue the ongoing drilling program."

            Yours faithfully

            SIMON ASHTON

            Managing Director

            Further information:

            Strike Oil Limited

            Simon Ashton - Managing Director

            T: 08 6464 0400



            1. Gilbert Freeman 1, the third well on the Rayburn Project, has been cased for production testing


              1. Duncan 1 production testing is continuing at substantial commercial rates


                1. Duncan 2 testing scheduled for February 2008


                  Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745






          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentAnleihe von WO, Autor CBB

          08.01.08 09:29


          Darstellung zur möglichen Ausdehnung der Gasfunde im Rayburn Field.


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