Depotwettbewerb USA 21 KW

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Neuester Beitrag: 05.11.03 07:30
Eröffnet am:18.05.03 03:32von: EskimatoAnzahl Beiträge:82
Neuester Beitrag:05.11.03 07:30von: EskimatoLeser gesamt:13.737
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42940 Postings, 8461 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeNeben BVSN jetzt auch CMGI

23.05.03 18:48

Fehlt wirklich nur Intershop, dann haben wir alle beisammen :-)

42940 Postings, 8461 Tage Dr.UdoBroemme...

23.05.03 19:28
11:34AM Net rally finally reaches incubators : Both CMGI (+10.3%) and SFE(+6.7%) are breaking out today, the former to a 5-month high and the latter to a new 52-week high. For those not familiar with these bubble-era stocks (the group used to be commonly referred to as "incubators"), both co's invest in and operate development-stage software and service co's. Both co's are projected to continue to narrow their losses in 2003-04, and the one firm to cover SFE, Capstone, estimates that co will turn a profit in Q3 2004. On May 20 Capstone upgraded SFE to Strong Buy with a target of $4 (target based on $2.50/share of cash and about $1.50/share in value from privately-held co's, based on 2x revs). In addition, fellow incubator ICGE is up 6.6% today as well.


25951 Postings, 8389 Tage PichelIntershop???

23.05.03 19:34

Gruß Pichel


3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoHabt Ihr Pain Therapeutics gesehen?

23.05.03 19:41
Es gibt so viele geile Charts derzeit, wer macht was, bin gespannt.

Gruss E."  

10381 Postings, 7838 Tage big lebowskyIch habs gewusst,

23.05.03 20:18
mit Proxi war ich ein bisschen spät dran.Da läuft die Konsolidierung,aber EONC,in die ich 1800,--investiert habe,machen diese Woche 70%.Schön und schlecht zugleich.Hätte ich doch - wie als Alternative vorgesehen-nur in EONC investiert.(Die andere Alternative war nur PROX).So habe ich gedrittelt-und das auch noch falsch.

TIMING TIMING?? Fremdwörter für mich.BVSN marschiert jetzt.AVAN steht auch gut.Was mache ich nur morgen?? Ich werde Euch überraschen.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoNeuaufnahmen ins Depot werden

23.05.03 21:30
für meine ausgestoppten Werte: JNIC, EELN, TPTH, CTCH, WSTL ( hatte diese Woche wieder die Forecasts getoppt. )

Alles zu gleichen Teilen.

Gruss E.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoWochengewinner ist big l.,, rollt das Feld von

23.05.03 22:54
hinten auf. Glückwunsch.

Abrechnung ist gleich da.

Gruss E.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoAbrechnung 21 KW

23.05.03 23:13
Sorry big l., Wochengewinner bin ich mit 6,19 %. Hatte das gezogenen SL von SIDT und VRYA nicht berücksichtigt. Mein Depotwert beträgt 70.713,93.
Siehst meinen Fehler, sorry.

Auch bei Doc das SL von NANX und ALTI nicht berücksichtigt. Doc, Dein Depotwert ist

Gruss E."  

36803 Postings, 8264 Tage first-henriGlückwunsch Eskimato und Big Al.,

23.05.03 23:18
die Woche war nicht einfach, ein share hat mich rausgerissen. Mein neues Depot folgt.

Greetz f-h  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoMein neues Depot für die 22 KW.

23.05.03 23:39
Nur 5 Werte zu folgenden Kursen:

JNIC 4,62
CHMD 9,18
VRSO 1,25
CTCH 0,43
AETH 4,75

Alle anderen fliegen raus,
Gruss E.  

42940 Postings, 8461 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeBei mir ändert sich nicht viel.

24.05.03 00:13
ALTI und NANX ausgestoppt - 12520 Cash.


1000 * AUDC = 4230
1000 * NANX = 4910
4447 * ALTI = 3380

So long - kann dann wahrscheinlich erst nächste Woche wieder reingucken.


36803 Postings, 8264 Tage first-henriSo ..

24.05.03 00:37


AES  1000 x  7,37 =  7370,00  
ASKJ  735 x 12,19 =  8959,65  
DCRN 2050 x  3,40 =  6970,00  
REDF 1250 x  4,64 =  5800,00  SL VK
EVOL 2280 x  3,25 =  7410,00  
Cash = 36.509,65

VION  8400 x  1,09 = 9156,00  SL 0,98
USG    900 x 10,25 = 9225,00  SL 9,23
ELGX  3250 x  2,80 = 9100,00  SL 2,52
CTCH 20996 x  0,43 = 9028,29  SL 0,39
Sorry Eskimato, CTCH mußte ich auch aufnehmen, entweder tappen wir damit beide ins Fettnäpfchen oder keiner ;-)

Mein neues Depot:

CHTR 3600 x   2,42 =  8712,00  SL 2,30 bleibt
ETS  2490 x   3,35 =  8341,50  SL 3,07 bleibt
AV   1200 x   6,22 =  7464,00  SL NEU  5,60
BEV  2300 x   3,02 =  6946,00  SL bleibt 2,84
GENR 6985 x   1,65 = 11525,25  SL NEU 1,49
AVCI 1100 x   5,36 =  5896,00  SL 5,04 bleibt
TUTS 2050 x   2,95 =  6047,50  SL 2,73 bleibt
VION  8400 x  1,09 =  9156,00   SL 0,98
USG    900 x 10,25 =  9225,00   SL 9,23
ELGX  3250 x  2,80 =  9100,00   SL 2,52
CTCH 20996 x  0,43 =  9028,29   SL 0,39

Allen noch ein schönes Wochenende und good trades für die neue verkürzte Woche

Greetz f-h  

7885 Postings, 8944 Tage ReinyboyHi, Eskimato

24.05.03 14:46
Werd mal wieder etwas Cash abbauen.


FSST  32000 Stück zu SK 0.25$   =  8000$       Stop bei 0.19 $

HMSL  31250 Stück zu SK 0.48$   = 15000$       Stop bei 0.36 $

Grüße         Reiny

10725 Postings, 8886 Tage GruenspanBei mir ändert sich alles!

24.05.03 16:45
Aber erst Sonntag!
Familienfeierlichkeiten verhindern datt leider heute.
Ist eh` Montag kein Handel (Memorial- Day) in den USA!
Ich hab ja wirklich nur Sch .... im Depot gehabt.
Muss ma genau gucken, wie datt hier weitergeht.
Also, bis Sonntag (ich versuche bis 15:00 watt reinzustellen)

PS: Eski, Danke erstmal für deine Wochenabrechnungsarbeit!


10381 Postings, 7838 Tage big lebowskyIch kann mich nicht entscheiden,

24.05.03 17:16
daher "nur" Verkauf KANA 1000 *5.75= 5.750 CASH.


250 SEAC  KK  10.72   2.680,--
1734EONC  KK   1.77   3.069.18

Damit folgendes Depot:

3000  GSS   Wert  2.24  6.720,--  SL 2.00 (nachgezogen)
2500  PROX  Wert  2.02  5.050,--  SL 1.80 (nachgezogen)
2000  MIR   Wert  3.34  6.680,--  SL 3.19 (alt)
1000  SSFT  Wert  5.50  5.500,--  SL 4.95 (nachgezogen)
750  SEAC  Wert 10.72  8.040,--  SL 9.60 (nachgezogen)
3550  EONC  Wert  1.77  6.283.50  SL 1.60 (nachgezogen)

           Gesamtdepot: 38.237,50

Eskimato,bei Aktien,die negativ gelaufen sind,kann doch der "alte" Sl beibehalten werden,oder? (Beispiel: Kauf 2.00 SL 1.80; nach einer Woche 1.90--hier kann alts SL 1.80 stehen bleiben)Für mich nur relevant bei MIR.

Im übrigen erwarte ich Outperformance für SEAC.Der Chart sieht gut aus,das GAP bei 10.40 ist geschlossen.Am 29.Mai kommen Zahlen.Leider bin ich dann nicht am System,sondern im Kurzurlaub.Werde also vorher entscheiden.

Vorab die Bitte: Kann ich am Sonntag,1.6.2003 abends disponieren?Komme nämlich erst dann zurück.

So,genug geschrieben-EONC sehen wir noch bei 2.50--guter Ausblick,profitabel mit enormen Wachstum.

Allen ein schönes Wochenende--CIAO B.L.          

10725 Postings, 8886 Tage GruenspanIch hab mich nun entschieden!

25.05.03 11:06
Kurz und knapp, datt neue gruene Zocker- Depot steht!
Wieder ist wahrscheinlich reichlich Bewegung (in welche Richtung auch immer) vorprogrammiert.
Wie gewohnt wird komplett umgerüstet.
57617 Dollar durch die mögl. Maximalanzahl von 12 Werten macht
4801,50 je Position.

01  ATAR  KK 4,96  (   968 ) = 4801
02  NOVL  KK 3,10  (  1549 ) = 4801
03  BFUN  KK 0,41  ( 11710 ) = 4801
04  TLCV  KK 3,06  (  1569 ) = 4801
05  PWAV  KK 6,01  (   799 ) = 4801
06  QUIK  KK 2,98  (  1611 ) = 4801
07  VWPT  KK 1,17  (  4104 ) = 4801
08  CORV  KK 1,19  (  4034 ) = 4801
09  CRUS  KK 3,76  (  1277 ) = 4801
10  SIRI  KK 1,32  (  3637 ) = 4801
11  CCUR  KK 2,96  (  1622 ) = 4801
12    MZ  KK 4,65  (  1032 ) = 4801

Eski, berichtige bitte datt Falschrechnerspan- Depot, wenn watt nicht stimmen sollte!

   Allen Mitspielern viel Erfolg und eine sonniges Restwochenende wünscht




1161 Postings, 8557 Tage Pavian1Hallo zusammen!

25.05.03 11:51
So, Stuttgart ist nun endgültig in der Champions-League! Ole, Ole super VFB...!
Leverkusen hát es geschafft, ist denke ich gut für die Buli, oder? Und dann war da noch der GP gestern Abend mit einem naja ganz passablen Platz in einem starken Feld. Aber Österreich war der Hammer, so ein Sch...-Lied hätte vor ein paar jahren auch von uns kommen können und die landen damit unter den ersten 6 tz tz tz tz...

So nun aber zu was ernstem: ;-) : Die Cash-Position bei mir stimmt leider immer noch nicht. Ich stell das relevante Posting deshalb noch mal rein:

Verkauf ATRS macht USD 8940
Verkauf 1819 Stück macht 6784,87

Neueinkauf NVDM 3300 Stück zu USD 2.10 macht 6930 Dollar
Neueinkauf AXYX 2300 Stück zu USD 3 macht 6900 Dollar
Neueinkauf SCLN 1000 Stück zu USD 7.68 macht 7680 Dollar

Mein neues Depot in dieser Woche sieht also wie folgt aus (bitte auch Stop-Kurse beachten!):

MTLG 400 St. SL 20
LJPC 1800 St. SL 3
GERN 1381 St. SL 4.50
NVDM 3300 St. SL 1.80
AXYX 2300 St. SL 2.40
SCLN 1000 St. SL 6.80
CASH 7061,57

Bitte korrigieren und das Depot ansonsten gleich belassen. Hab in der Firma derzeit mega-stress, so dass ich derzeit kaum dazu komme, die Highlights zu suchen... Hoffe das ändert sich aber in den kommenden Tagen!

Schönes Wochenende Euch allen, bis morgen!!


10381 Postings, 7838 Tage big lebowskyHey Pavian

25.05.03 12:18
Glückwunsch zum VfB--Trauer für mich und den BVB.Zu dämlich,aber mit dem Trainer hat Dortmund nächstes Jahr noch ganz andere Schwierigkeiten.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoBin grad erst von Warner Brothers Movie World

25.05.03 21:26
zurück. Mein Junge hat heute Geburtstag und wir waren dort mit ein paar seiner Kumpels.
Diese Weicheierjugend. Papa war der einzige, der sich aus 60 Meter in die Tiefe gestürzt hat.
Na, hab jetzt leider auch keine Lust mehr, die neuen Depots fertig zu machen.
Ihr habt ja alles gut angegeben, ich stelle die Depots morgen rein.

Gruss E.  

9439 Postings, 8351 Tage Zick-Zockglueckwunsch, doc !

30.05.03 15:41

6:55am 05/30/03



MfG, ZiZo



42940 Postings, 8461 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeDepotwechsel wieder ein Tag zu spät möglich..

30.05.03 21:39
Gestern abend hatte ich mir als erste Neuaufnahme ICGE fest vorgenommen und heute rennen sie davon. Die News sind aber auch echt nicht schlecht. U.a. Kellogs und Coca-Cola als neue Kunden gewonnen.

Strong Track Record of Delivering Measurable Total Cost Reductions Through Procurement Draws Leading Companies to ICG Commerce Wednesday May 28, 10:50 am ET

Company Adds Eight New Customers During First Quarter Alone, Expands Business with Several Others as Market Continues to Validate Procurement Services Provider Model

PHILADELPHIA, May 28 /PRNewswire/ -- ICG Commerce, a leading
procurement services provider, today announced key business results through Q1 of 2003. ICG Commerce added eight leading companies to its customer base during the first quarter alone, including Kellogg's, APL and Coca-Cola Enterprises. In addition to attracting new customers, the company's strong track record of delivering major procurement-related cost reductions has helped expand relationships with several existing customers, including Delta Air Lines, Timken and Nordstrom.

Ongoing macroeconomic pressures continue to drive companies to look for areas in which to cut costs, and procurement is standing out among forward- thinking enterprises as the greatest opportunity to achieve that objective rapidly. A recent PURCHASING magazine survey of supply executives at more than 500 firms found that nearly 80 percent of those polled are facing new cost or price reduction responsibilities. By leveraging a comprehensive offering focused on optimizing the entire procurement cycle with sourcing and category expertise, dedicated transaction management support as well as advanced source-to-pay technology, ICG Commerce is uniquely positioned to serve the needs created by this growing trend.

Along with the many Fortune 500 organizations turning to ICG Commerce for procurement support, industry analysts continue to validate the importance of leveraging both expertise and technology for sourcing and transaction management needs, an idea represented in the company's procurement services provider (PSP) model. In a recent research report, Aberdeen Group made the following comment: "Enterprises utilizing PSPs have been able to improve spending coverage, reduce costs for goods and services, employ industry best practices, leverage the latest procurement technologies and streamline source- to-pay processes -- all without taking on the risks and assets required to achieve such results ... Enterprises not considering procurement outsourcing should be asking why."

In addition to expanding its customer base, ICG Commerce grew the transaction volume processed through RealExchange, the company's purchase-to- pay platform, by more than 140 percent when compared with the same period last year. During early 2003, ICG Commerce also introduced a new buyer/supplier portal designed to provide customers and partners with the most current information on and easy access to the company's comprehensive suite of procurement tools and services.

These moves follow the closing of a $35 million equity financing round at the beginning of the year, in which eight funds contributed capital to support the growth and development of ICG Commerce's offering.

"The number of new and expanded customer relationships we established in the first quarter speaks to the significant need in the marketplace for more sophisticated procurement capabilities as well as the immediate value companies are deriving from our solution set," said Edward H. West, ICG Commerce chief executive officer and chairman of the board. "We look forward to accelerating the delivery of total cost reductions through sourcing, order and payment processing and spend visibility as well as through the introduction of additional solution enhancements over the course of the year.

P.S. ZiZo SIRI habe ich noch nie gehabt und XMSR ist auch schon Vergangenheit...


3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoMoin Pichel, Posting 53, hehe.

20.06.03 02:10
Wir sind gut, sowieso. Und tschüss.

Gruss E.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoKleine Gedankenstütze. VRYA

10.07.03 06:42
über IDLG hat ja ausser mir noch niemand geschrieben, der israelische Internetprovider.
Nur was macht VRYA jetzt? Auch aus Israel, nicht nur China....
Ausgestoppt zu 0,80, thats life."

ViryaNet Announces the Availability of ViryaNet Service Hub 8  
       WEDNESDAY, JULY 09, 2003 7:00 AM
- BusinessWire

SOUTHBOROUGH, Mass., Jul 9, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ViryaNet (VRYA) , a leading provider of integrated mobile and Web-based software applications for workforce management and the automation of field service delivery, today announced the release and availability of ViryaNet Service Hub 8.

"ViryaNet Service Hub 8 represents a major advancement in our already functionally rich product," stated Win Burke, president and CEO, ViryaNet. "With ViryaNet Service Hub 8, customers will see dramatically increased field worker productivity and efficiency, resulting in lower operational costs and better customer service. Despite our restructuring and cost cuts during the past year, we still invested significantly in our R&D, enhancing and improving our award-winning ViryaNet Service Hub, developing major new functionality, and maintaining our substantial lead in the marketplace. We are pleased that several new customers have already invested in ViryaNet Service Hub 8 since it became available in the second quarter of 2003, including Louisville Water, Spencer Technologies, and a large telecommunications company in the United States."

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 boasts many new features, enhanced functionality, and major technological improvements, including:

    --   Functional enhancements to ViryaNet's Mobile Workforce
        Management application

    --   New features and technical improvements to ViryaNet's Mobile
        Computing Platform

    --   A new eStock application, built from the ground up for the

    --   An ASP version of ViryaNet Service Hub, for Application
        Service Providers

    --   The inclusion of Web Services, letting customers integrate
        with external sources of information through SOAP adaptors

    --   New and improved User-Defined Queries for reporting and

    Mobile Workforce Management, Scheduling, and Dispatch

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 adds a new, improved map-based dispatching utility to ViryaNet's already-powerful Mobile Workforce Management application. Users can now graphically see both the location of the task and the locations of the closest field engineers on a map, and with the use of drag and drop, can assign a task to an engineer. Many useful features, such as a dispatch board monitor, ability to modify the assignment duration of a task, and a mouse right-click menu to dispatch or reassign tasks have also been added in this newest release. ViryaNet Service Hub 8 also includes the automatic or manual scheduling and dispatching of field engineers who work in crews. Another important enhancement is the ability now to run Service Scheduler, the Company's advanced algorithmic scheduling optimizer, in a simulated mode. With this enhancement, the supervisor or dispatcher can simulate various scenarios, analyze the results and then decide whether to accept the preferred mode.

Mobile Computing Platform

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 enhances ViryaNet's Mobile Computing platform with a complete messaging system that facilitates communication between the mobile worker and the dispatch center or headquarters. Another enhancement to the Mobile Computing Platform is the Auto-Connect feature, which automatically connects and disconnects the mobile device to the network and saves the user the effort of dial-up or manually making a connection.


ViryaNet Service Hub 8 introduces eStock, a sophisticated Supply Chain Management application built for the Internet, to manage the necessary functions of shipping and receiving based on the part request mechanism. eStock automates the processing of part requests among warehouse, supplier, customer site, and field engineer's van, through all phases of allocation, picking, shipping, receiving, stock views, stock movements, and adjustments.

Support for Application Service Providers (ASP)

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 now lets an ASP centrally deploy, host, and manage multiple service companies using a single instance of Service Hub. An ASP, such as ViryaNet's partner Mobile Field Engineering of Dallas, TX ( can offer small service companies access to the full suite of ViryaNet Service Hub functionality with minimum up-front investment and a speedy implementation.

Web Services

ViryaNet's Integration Server, an integral component of ViryaNet Service Hub, which allows customers to tie together their existing systems, has been extended and enhanced in the Service Hub 8 release to support Web services. ViryaNet Service Hub 8 includes a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Services Adaptor and a SOAP Services Conduit to allow an organization to capitalize on the vast information available over the Internet using Web services.

User-Defined Queries (UDQ)

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 also includes many usability, security, and integration enhancements for user-defined queries and reporting. By using ViryaNet's user-defined queries, customers now have the ability to configure the search criteria, filter the fields, provide sophisticated sort options, and retrieve the search results as well as build an Excel worksheet based on the requested search results data.

Pricing and Availability

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 pricing is based on the number of users and functionality deployed, enabling significant ROI for organizations of varying sizes. ViryaNet Service Hub 8 is immediately available for general distribution and implementation.

Tried and Proven Application

ViryaNet Service Hub 8 is the newest and latest release of the proven ViryaNet Service Hub platform, originally made available in March 2000 and installed at numerous customer sites in a range of industries, including utilities, telecommunications, manufacturing, building services, and retail. Continued evidence of the industry acceptance of ViryaNet Service Hub is the purchase or upgrade of ViryaNet Service Hub 8 in the second quarter of 2003 for deployment at several customer sites, in the United States, Europe and Japan.

Upgrading to ViryaNet Service Hub 8: an Investment Protection Plan

ViryaNet offers to existing customers, which have support contracts for ViryaNet Service Hub, a no-charge software license upgrade for new releases, including ViryaNet Service Hub 8. ViryaNet also offers professional services to assist with on-site installation and implementation of new releases.

About ViryaNet

ViryaNet is a provider of software applications that improve the quality and efficiency of an organization's service operations. ViryaNet's flagship product -- the award-winning ViryaNet Service Hub -- combines the power of the Internet, the freedom of wireless technologies, and the resources of ViryaNet's deep service expertise to help companies improve workforce scheduling, dispatching, and activity reporting; customer contract and entitlement automation; and asset, logistics and repair management.

Customers in the utility, telecommunications, grocery and retail, high-technology manufacturing, HVAC, and other service industries use ViryaNet Service Hub to transition complex service business processes into a manageable, scalable Internet operation, with the goal of increasing service revenues, decreasing service costs, and maximizing customer satisfaction.

Safe Harbor Statement

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained in this press release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding ViryaNet's expectations, beliefs, intentions, or strategies regarding the capabilities of its products, its relationships with its customers, and its customer purchases. All forward-looking statements included in this document are based upon information available to ViryaNet Ltd. as of the date hereof, and ViryaNet Ltd. assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These and other risks relating to ViryaNet's business include market acceptance of and demand for the Company's products, risks associated with a slow-down in the economy, risks associated with the financial condition of the company's customers, risks associated with competition and competitive pricing pressures, risks associated with increases in costs and operating expenses, risks in technology development and commercialization, the risk of operating losses, risks in product development, risks associated with international sales, and other risks that are set forth in ViryaNet's Form F-1, as amended, declared effective by the SEC on September 19, 2000, and the other reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as the date hereof. ViryaNet disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any such forward-looking statements to reflect any change in our expectations or in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statements may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: ViryaNet

Jack McAvoy, 508/490-8600


10381 Postings, 7838 Tage big lebowskyEskimato,im Moment bin ich

10.07.03 07:37
verzückt,was es alles für Werte gibt.IGLD läuft auch seit drei Tagen gut.  

3947 Postings, 8529 Tage EskimatoVRYA +40 %

10.07.03 16:18
VIRYANET LTD - Nasdaq SmallCap Market: VRYA
Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*
LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**BidAskTrade Time
  2.30   0.6 (35.29)N/A2.25 (1)2.39 (2)10:06

Exchange Quote
LastChange (%)Bid (size)Ask (size)Trade Time
  2.40   0.70 (41.18)2.40 (1)2.45 (4)10:03
Day VolumeLast SizeOpenHighLow
  141,440  4001.752.581.75
Latest Ticks# of TradesAvg Trade SizeVWAP52 Wk High
  +--=  2495682.23523.99
52 Wk LowPrev CloseAvg Day Vol  
  0.30  1.7061,500  
10:16:55 AM EDT - Thursday, July 10, 2003- Exchange quote is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Gruss E.  

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