Local.com aussichtsreich

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1504 Postings, 5809 Tage JaminGottfriedSchlechte Zahlen bei Groupon

28.02.13 12:15
Das könnte sich auch auf Local auswirken, da man sich z.T. auf ähnlichem Terrain bewegt ...

Schnäppchen-PortalGroupon fürchtet Stagnation - Aktie bricht um 25 Prozent ein

Das Management des Schnäppchen-Portals Groupon blickt pessimistisch in die Zukunft. Die trüben Aussichten auf ein erlahmendes Geschäft haben die Aktie in den Keller getrieben. Nachdem das Konzern-Wachstum zuletzt erlahmt war, droht es zukünftig ganz auszubleiben.


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaQuelle für die Zahlen zu #4825

28.02.13 12:23
zu dem Aspekt: Local Corporation Reaches Record Organic and Mobile Quarterly Search Traffic


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDie Quelle zu den Aussagen zu den App's in #4525

28.02.13 13:58

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage Libuda#4825 sollte sim letzten Posting

28.02.13 13:59

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaUnd hier auch die Quelle zum Award für den App

28.02.13 14:21

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaSpreebird entwickelt sich in seinem bescheidenen

28.02.13 16:47
Rahmen übrigens sehr ordentlich:

5-in-1 Ultra iPhone 4/4s Kit
$12 for One Colorful 5-in-1 Ultra iPhone 4/4s Kit ($69 Value)
Time Remaining
3 days, 14 hrs, 6 mins
190 Bought

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Slim System
$13 for One Bottle OR $37 for Three Bottles of Pure Garcinia Cambogia Slim System (Up to $150 Value)
Time Remaining
5 days, 14 hrs, 5 mins
72 Bought

LED Balloons
$8 for Package of 10 LED Balloons ($50 Value)
Time Remaining
14 hrs, 4 mins, 26 secs
273 Bought Less

Mariah Wilderness Expeditions
$189 -- Overnight Rafting Trip & Winery Tours this Summer
Value $358
Time Remaining
2 days, 23 hrs, 19 mins
46 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

iPhone/Android Waterproof Case
$14 for One Shark Pack iPhone/Android Waterproof Case ($40 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 7 hrs, 16 mins
88 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

$39 for Up to 350 Photos, Negatives & Slides Scanned to Digital Format from PhotoBin! ($109 value)
Time Remaining
3 days, 7 hrs, 15 mins
47 Bought
Limited Quantity Available Less

MacCallum House Inn
$269 -- Elegant 2-Night Mendocino B&B Escape, Reg. $851
Time Remaining
8 days, 3 hrs, 19 mins
205 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

South Coast Winery Resort & Spa
$199 -- Temecula: 4-Star Winery Escape for 2, Reg. $304
Time Remaining
3 days, 1 hr, 16 mins
509 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

The Inn at Occidental
$159 -- Charming Sonoma Inn Escape for 2, Reg. $339
Time Remaining
1 hr, 15 mins, 49 secs
407 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo Less

Hot/Cold Therapeutic Comfort Wrap
$20 for One Hot/Cold Therapeutic Comfort Wrap ($50 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
4 days, 11 hrs, 45 mins
71 Bought

Rotor F/X
$99 -- Private Flight Lesson over LA w/Video, Reg. $249
Time Remaining
3 hrs, 44 mins, 55 secs
69 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Teeth Whitening Kit
$29 for Teeth Whitening Kit with Trays PLUS Maintenance Pen ($299 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
2 days, 11 hrs, 43 mins
55 Bought Less  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaEin Teil der Deals aus dem vorhergenden Posting

28.02.13 16:51
stammt von dieser Seite (Orange County Central & Coast):


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDer andere Teil stammt von der Travel-Deal-Seite

28.02.13 19:23

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaIn Deutschland bin ich anscheindend

01.03.13 10:29
in Sachen Umsätze Alleinunterhalter, denn auch die heutigen 950 auf Tradegate sind Käufe von mir, weil ich die Aktie für extrem unterbewertet halte. Vielen Dank an die Shortseller für die günstigen Einstiegekurse.  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWarum die Attacke der nackten Shortseller

02.03.13 21:59
für die es keine realen Gründe gibt, zusammenbrechen wird:

CEO on 02/14/2013: We are tracking to our 2013 revenue forecast of about $94 million and to deliver adjusted net income in Q1/2013

"We have ended this year strongly and although it's early days, we are tracking to our 2013 revenue forecast of about $94 million, which is growth of 12% over our fourth quarter exit run rate. We are also tracking to deliver adjusted net income in the first quarter and to return the company to positive cash flow in the second quarter."

Source: Conference Call-Transcript on Seeking Alpha on 02/14/2013 after the half of Q1/2013  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaMit welchen harten Bandagen

03.03.13 00:12
die nackten Shortseller ihren aussichtslosen Kampf kämpfen, konnt Ihr auf dem Yahoo-Board einsehen. Wie ja allseits bekannt ist, poste ich dort zú Local Corp unter der ID Flankenking und bin anscheinend das größte Ärgernis der Shortseller. Mein letztes Posting #4835 habe ich auch bei Yahoo reingestellt. Unglaublich ist aber, dass Yahoo einen zweiten Poster mit exakt dem gleichen Namen Flankenking toleriert - und der dann unter dieser meiner ID ein Posting einstellen durfte, dass nicht von mir ist.

Warum der toleriert wird (sicher nicht von der "obersten Heeresleitung von Yahoo), darüber könnt Ihr Euch einmal Gedanken machen. Aber offensichtlich scheint sich das Risiko für den Mitarbeiter von Yahoo, der das zulässt zu lohnen.  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaSpreebird läuft in seinem bescheidnen Rahmen gut

03.03.13 08:40

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage Libudazu #4837

03.03.13 10:19
Today is Spreebird a breakeven business - maybe throwing off a small profit and we are reinvesting that

CEO Heath on the Conference Call: "So we still have a team of people at Spreebird. It's only a small sales force at Spreebird at this time anyway. And in terms of that company or that business, I should say, we have a team of people that are working on a variety of different ideas around growing that business. That business is at breakeven. Our commitment when we brought it was to manage it to breakeven by 2012. We obviously thought it would be a much larger business. But that segment had a lot of change. So today it's a breakeven business. Maybe throwing off a small profit and we are reinvesting that into trying -- experimenting with different things for that. It's not a material portion of our revenues going forward."  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDie Monthly Unique Visitors der Flagship-Seite

04.03.13 10:21
Local.com waren im Januar 2013 auf einem historischen Rekordstand von mehr als 26 Millionen. Zudem hat Local Corp unter allen Vergleichsunternehmen die mit Abstand höchste Flexibilität auf die Änderungen bei Google gezeigt, die bei allen vergleichbaren Internet-Unternehmen im 4. Quartal wegen der Anpassungsschwierigkeiten zu einem Dip geführt hatten.

Local Corp had the biggest flexibility of all internet-companies on the change of Google's policy, where all internet-companies dipped:

Local Corps developement of Unique Visitors under the new policy of Google:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

Compare with the development of Yelp's Unique Visitors under the new policy of Google:

11/2012: 19,358,705 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 21,017,483 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 22,293,301 Monthly Unique Visitors  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage Libudazu #4839

04.03.13 12:00
Quelle für die Zahlen von Local Corp's Flagshipseite Local.com:


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage Libudazu #4839

04.03.13 12:05
Quelle für die Zahlen von Yelp:


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaIn diese Aktie sollte man nur dann investieren

04.03.13 12:57
wenn man genügend Zeit und genügend Geduld hat. Wenn man ein nervöser Zocker ist, sollte man Aktien, die zwar fundamental okay sind, aber von Shortsellern attackiert werden, die Finger lassen.

Wenn ich das folgende richtig interpretiere, hat da heute jemand zum Tiefstkurs an den Marketmaker bei Tradegate verkauft, der vermutlich höher eingekauft hat. Eigentlich sollte es umgekehrt sein: Bei den Dips kaufen und meines Erachtens auch nicht nach jedem Anstieg verkaufen, sondern Sitzfleisch bewahren. Gewinne werden ersessen, nicht erzockt.

Letzte KurseHandelsplatz (?)  Letzter   Veränderung Vortag letzte Stk. Tag-Stk.  Kursspanne Zeit
Tradegate  1,199  €   -8,40%  1,309 €  1.150 1.150 1,199 - 1,199  10:43:51  

Geld- und BriefkurseHandelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread  Zeit
Tradegate  1.300 1,199 €     1,244 €  1.250 3,75%  10:43:56  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaAllein die 18 Millionen Business-Listings

04.03.13 13:32
die über denen von Facebook und Google Place liegen sind aus meiner Sicht schon ein Wert für sich allein, der die momentane Marktkapitalisierung von 35 Millionen als einen Fake erscheinen lässt, der ausschließlich auf massives Shortselling zurückzuführen ist.

Local Corp has the double business-listings than Google Place and 50% more than Facebook

Local Corp has the double of business-listing than Google Place - Local Corp has 18 million Business Listings against only 9 million of Google Place: "Google would be at about 9.5 million +/- claimed pages now — still below what Facebook is reporting today."


A sensation is, that Facebook has only two third of business-listings of Local Corp: 11 million business listings against the 18 million of Local Corp.

Information was given from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who told investors and listeners on the call that 11 million businesses are using Facebook Pages.


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaQuelle zum Durchklicken zum letzten Posting

04.03.13 17:14

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaSpreebird doing very well, wie die nachstehenden

04.03.13 18:52
Beispiel zeigen.

Camera Lens Coffee Mug
$15 for One Camera Lens Coffee Mug ($50 Value)
Time Remaining
4 days, 5 hrs, 18 mins
318 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Xpandable Garden Hose
$15 for One 25-Foot Xpandable Garden Hose OR $25 for One 50-Foot Hose (Up to $80 Value)
Time Remaining
3 days, 5 hrs, 17 mins
263 Bought

$29 -- Sonoma Winery Pass for 2 at 6 Vineyards, Reg. $150
Time Remaining
115 days, 20 hrs, 16 mins
200 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Frogg's Bounce House - Fountain Valley
$10 for 5 Admissions to Frogg's Bounce House ($50 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 5 hrs, 11 mins
252 Bought

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Slim System
$13 for One Bottle OR $37 for Three Bottles of Pure Garcinia Cambogia Slim System (Up to $150 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 5 hrs, 10 mins
245 Bought

$9 for One Pair of Black or Blue Jeggings ($29.99 Value)
Time Remaining
5 days, 5 hrs, 9 mins
103 Bought
Limited Quantity Available  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage Libudazu #4845

04.03.13 19:19
Ausnahmsweise lassen sich hier einmal alle angeführten Deals zu einer Adresse durchklicken, denn normalerweise ist das auf mehrere Adressen verstreut:


63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaAber Spreebird ist kein großes Ding

04.03.13 22:12
sehr viel  wichtigern sind Dinge, wie ich sie weiter oben gepostet habe:

Local Corp had the biggest flexibility of all internet-companies on the change of Google's policy, where all internet-companies dipped:

Local Corps developement of Unique Visitors under the new policy of Google:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

Compare with the development of Yelp's Unique Visitors under the new policy of Google:

11/2012: 19,358,705 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 21,017,483 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 22,293,301 Monthly Unique Visitors  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaUnd gestern das 12. Patent

07.03.13 08:37
And yesterday:

Local Corporation Granted U.S. Mobile Pay-Per-Call Patent
Third Enhanced Directory Assistance Patent Focuses on Mobile Implementations


Local Corporation, a leading online local media company, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company patent number 8,359,049, which covers a mobile, pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system. This is the company’s third issued Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA)-related patent that expands its reach into this high-growth area.

Issued on Jan. 22, 2013, the patent describes an Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system that uses wireless messaging protocols to receive keyword search data associated with a directory service request and matches it with a relevant advertiser associated with the keyword search. As part of the method, the requester is sent the directory listing for the advertiser and a callback number. Based on the second call to the callback number, it is determined that the directory listing was selected by the requester. This patent extends the company’s family of Enhanced Directory Assistance patents into wireless messaging systems, with potential uses extended to a host of potential mobile applications, such as the company’s Local.com mobile app, which was recently named as a finalist for the 2013 Appy Awards in the Search Tools category.

“We are pleased to add to our portfolio of intellectual property with this important mobile-focused enhanced directory assistance patent,” said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation chairman and chief executive officer. “With the mobile ad industry continuing to show strong growth, we believe this latest patent positions us well for leadership in this sector as we continue to build out and expand our mobile products. We look forward to leveraging this patent to monetize the mobile advertising market going forward.”

EDA pay-per-call ad revenue is intended to provide additional revenue for carriers. The patent is a continuation of two patents previously issued to the company. The company believes that the patent may cover numerous pay-per-call EDA inquiry methods, such as text and the latest voice command search integrations offered on many of today’s smartphones, as well as traditional voice-based EDA inquiries. According to BIA/Kelsey, the U.S. mobile advertising market continues to grow and is expected to reach $4.2 billion this year.  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWe are now in period of positive cash flow

07.03.13 22:57
from operations and steady cash flow growth through the reminder of the year

“As a result of our focus on improving bottom-line results, we expect to swing to Adjusted Net Income in the first quarter of 2013 followed by a return to positive cash flow from operations in the second quarter, and steady cash flow growth through the remainder of the year. We expect at least $5 million in Adjusted Net Income for 2013,” added Ken Cragun, Local Corporation chief financial officer.  

63767 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaSpreebird kommt immer besser auf Touren

08.03.13 10:43
Smaller competiitor Spreebird dooing very well
Big Deals of Spreebird
Taverna Blu
$20 -- Hip Greek Spot: Dinner for 2 w/Drinks, Half Off
Time Remaining
2 days, 16 hrs, 47 mins
326 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Medieval Times
$39 -- Buena Park: Medieval Times Dinner Show, Reg. $62
Time Remaining
9 days, 14 hrs, 26 mins
1,297 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Paul's Pantry - Mission Viejo
$8 for $16 of Delicious Breakfast & Lunch at Paul's Pantry
Time Remaining
5 days, 0 hrs, 25 mins
173 Bought Less

Xpandable Garden Hose
$15 for One 25-Foot Xpandable Garden Hose OR $25 for One 50-Foot Hose (Up to $80 Value)
Time Remaining
Time Expired!
455 Bought

$9 for One Pair of Black or Blue Jeggings ($29.99 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 23 hrs, 47 mins
221 Bought

$29 -- Sonoma Winery Pass for 2 at 6 Vineyards, Reg. $150
Time Remaining
112 days, 14 hrs, 46 mins
244 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

My hope is, that Local Corp will not sell Spreebird for an idiotic low price between 5 and 10 million, because the future of Spreebird is extreme bright. Local Corp had reduced the staff of Spreebird from 60 employees by the buy of Spreebird to 5 or lower, but increased the revenues. Groupon did similar, but not in this dimensions.
Daily Deals will be in the future a part of the markteing, but not in the dimensions like thought sometimes. And therefore I hope, that Local Corp will not sell Spreebird for a low price for example of 5 million or so.

Club Tesoro at the Wyndham Cabo San Lucas Resort
$299 -- Cabo: Waterfront Resort Suite for 4 Nights, Save 65%
Time Remaining
2 days, 3 hrs, 47 mins
436 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

JSH Hotel Rome Villa Doria Pamphili
$90 -- Grand Opening: 4-Star Rome Hotel, Save 50%
Time Remaining
2 days, 3 hrs, 45 mins
51 Bought

Deal Partner Travelzoo
Scottsdale Resort & Athletic Club
$199 -- Scottsdale 2-Night Villa Escape w/$75 to Spend
Value $593
Time Remaining
7 days, 4 hrs, 41 mins
40 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Swarovski Elements Bracelets
$15 for 2 Double-Tiered Swarovski Elements Bracelets ($100 Value)
Time Remaining
Time Expired!
149 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Tourmaline Hair Straightener
$42 for One 1" Diamond Iron Tourmaline Hair Straightener ($300 Value)
Time Remaining
3 days, 14 hrs, 59 mins
21 Bought

Healing Waters Colon Care - Huntington Beach
$59 for One-Hour Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment OR Lymphatic Electro-Drainage Treatment PLUS Detox & Weight Loss Package at Healing Water Colon Care ($150 Value)
Time Remaining
No Longer Available
28 Bought

Xpandable Garden Hose
$15 for One 25-Foot Xpandable Garden Hose OR $25 for One 50-Foot Hose (Up to $80 Value)
Time Remaining
Time Expired!
455 Bought

$9 for One Pair of Black or Blue Jeggings ($29.99 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 23 hrs, 47 mins
221 Bought

$29 -- Sonoma Winery Pass for 2 at 6 Vineyards, Reg. $150
Time Remaining
112 days, 14 hrs, 46 mins
244 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo Less

K1 Speed Indoor Karting - 5 Locations
$33 for Three Indoor Kart Races PLUS One Race License at K1 Speed ($66 Value)
Time Remaining
23 hrs, 33 mins, 29 secs
349 Bought Less  

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