Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:671.738
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:59
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63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas mit dem direckten Durchklicken

18.02.13 13:48
unter der Adresse im vorstehenen Posting funkioniert nicht. Geht daher auf die folgende Adresse


und klickt dort auf "Recent Presentation".  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaEin Vermögensjuwel aus dieser Presentation

18.02.13 13:55
IP & Technology

• Proprietary platform and know-how

»Real time business, product and services data integration
»Large scale local/commercial content production and syndication
»Very large scale CPC ad-serving and distribution
»Web indexing and local search relevance
»Very large scale SEO, SEM campaign expertise
»Local display ad production and syndication
»Web hosting and local/commercial domain name acquisition

• 11 patents issued, 9 pending

»Key patents
–Local web indexing (for indexing local web sites across the web)
–Pay per call for local and commercial searches via a mobile device (multiple patents)
•The billion dollar industry question: How do we monetize mobile?
–Dynamic cascading menu search (for product search on tablets and smart phones)
–Bulk domain registration and content management (


63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaBullenstark auch Local.com Mobile

18.02.13 14:11

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaAuch aus der Presentation zu entnehmen

18.02.13 18:33
Multi-year track record of 31% CAGR  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWhy Invest in Local Corporation Today?

18.02.13 20:30
•Well positioned for growth opportunities in a rapidly changing space

Das sehe ich wie die letzte  Presentation genauso. Übrigens gehe ich bei der auf diesem Thread von JaminGottfried angeführten My Hammer genau vom Gegenteil aus.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4774. Zu den mehr als 26 Millionen

19.02.13 09:24
Monthly Unique Visitors der Flagship-Seite kommen noch die des Netzwerkes dazu:

Local Corp willl drive revenues and net-income through adding new sites the network

And it was a big success in the Q4/2012, where the Local Corp had with an addition of 200 the highest increase in the history of his network. This increased the sites from 1,000 in Q3/2012 to 1,200 in Q4/2012.

The most well-known in the Network of Local Corp:

The Gazette

The Record Searchlight

The State Journal-Register

The Telegraph

Treasure Coast


Valley News

Ventura County Star

Vermont Today

Washington Post

Journal Star

Knoxville News Sentinel

LaCrosse Tribune

NC Times


Norwich Bulletin


Orange County Register

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

San Diego Union Tribune

Santa Ynez Valley News

Savannah Morning News

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Star Banner

The Arizona Republic

The Augusta Chronicle

The Commercial Appeal

The Dispatch

The Examiner

The Florida Times Union

Arizona Daily Star

Arkansas News

Boston Herald

Columbia Daily Herald

Cumberland Times News

Daily Herald - Utah

Daily Princetonian

Daily Tarheel

East Valley Tribune

Honolulu Star Advertiser

Die Angaben in diesem Posting basieren auf dem Transcript des Conference Call und der letzten Präsentation, für die beide hier schon mehrfach Quellen zum Durcklicken angeführt wurden.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4781

19.02.13 15:20
"We believe that 2013 will be a record year for our network business."

Source: Transcript of Conference Call on Seeking Alpha - Read the complete transcript on Seeking Alpha  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas Einsammeln durch starke Hände

19.02.13 17:42
hat meines Erachtens begonnen und daher sollte man meines Erachtens, wenn man einzusteigen gedenkt, nicht mehr warten. Denn die nachstehende Aussage lässt sich jetzt seit einigen Tagen durch die sehr guten Dezember-Zahlen für die Monthly Unique Visitors belegen.

"We ended 2012 with record organic and mobile traffic and we are optimistic that we can continue to build on those gains in 2013. We believe is 2013 is shaping up to be a great year for us with a forecast of our second highest adjusted net income ever and with a far more defensible blend of revenue and traffic."

Source: Transcript of Conference Call on Seeking Alpha - Read the complete transcript on Seeking Alpha  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDie 3.000 Stück, die man bei Tradegate für 1,297

19.02.13 17:45
kaufen kann, sind so eine Gelegenheit aus einem Einsatz von 4.000 Euro allerhand zu machen.

Geld- und BriefkurseHandelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread  Zeit
Tradegate  3.000 1,267 €     1,297 €  3.000 2,37%  17:30:18  
Nasdaq  1.200 1,71 $     1,72 $  100 0,58%  17:26:57  
Berlin  3.000 1,268 €     1,298 €  3.000 2,37%  17:26:57  
Stuttgart  4.000 1,265 €     1,311 €  4.000 3,64%  17:26:53  
München  1.200 1,26 €     1,307 €  100 3,73%  17:26:56  
Frankfurt  2.376 1,263 €     1,313 €  2.500 3,96%  17:26:52  

15 Postings, 5064 Tage kastellanerdann

19.02.13 18:27
wirds aber zeit für dich zu kaufen, gute tipps nutzt man doch selber, schlechte gibt man weiter;-), hört man so......  

2638 Postings, 4727 Tage mirko75ja genau,

19.02.13 19:50
wie halbier ich in kürzester zeit mein geld? -ich kaufe local corp.-  

2638 Postings, 4727 Tage mirko75will gar nicht dran denken,

19.02.13 22:13
wenn im sommer der dow unter 12.000 punkte steht. wo sich dann local befindet.....  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaLieber kastellaner

19.02.13 23:59
wenn man schon 70,650 Stück relativ billig gekauft hat, will man auch einmal anderen ein Chance geben, einen möglichen Tenbagger zu kaufen.

Oder anders ausgedrückt: Wenn ich aus Risikogründen meinen Bestand nicht mehr ausweiten wollte, hätte ich das Posting 4784 unterlassen - denn so weit geht meine Menschenliebe dann doch auch nie wieder nicht.

Aber ich kann Dir versichern, dass ich nie gekauft habe und negativ gepostet habe - sondern da habe ich höchstens einmal für ein oder zwei Tage nichts gepostet. Denn so teuer ist ein klein wenig Anstand nun auch wieder nicht.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage Libuda1.200 Stück für 1,268 bei Tradegate

20.02.13 08:52
Geld- und BriefkurseHandelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread  Zeit
Tradegate  1.250 1,222 €     1,268 €  1.200 3,76%  08:20:20  
Stuttgart  3.000 1,223 €     1,269 €  3.000 3,76%  08:20:07  
Berlin  1.250 1,222 €     1,268 €  1.200 3,76%  08:20:20  
Frankfurt  1.229 1,221 €     1,269 €  1.183 3,93%  08:20:07  
München  0 1,204 €     1,284 €  0 6,64%  08:26:14  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaLocal Corp hat 2012 zwei wichtige Patente

20.02.13 09:01
zu seinem schon vorher vorhandenen Patentportfolio dazugefügt:

• Pay-Per-Call patent granted – On Nov. 6, 2012, the company was granted a patent which covers a pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA) method or system. The patent describes an EDA method and/or system whereby pay-per-call advertiser listings are provided to consumers in response to directory assistance inquiries. The company believes this patent may cover an instrumental system and method for monetizing specific types of local searches by consumers on mobile devices. The company continues to develop its patent prosecution and monetization strategy.

• Web domain name patent – On Dec. 12, 2012, the company was granted a patent which covers a method and system for the bulk acquisition and development of multiple web domain names.  

2638 Postings, 4727 Tage mirko75Quo Vadis local????????

20.02.13 21:29

2638 Postings, 4727 Tage mirko75wo steckt eigentlich

20.02.13 21:34
"Geldwahn"?? -ein schelm wer böses dabei denkt nicht wahr libuda.......  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaErgänzung zum 1. Patent aus #4790

20.02.13 23:30
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company patent number 8,306,208, which covers a pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance method or system.
Issued on Nov. 6, 2012, the patent describes an Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA) method and/or system whereby pay-per-call advertiser listings are provided to consumers in response to directory assistance inquiries. The company believes that the patent may cover numerous pay-per-call EDA inquiry methods, such as text and the latest voice command search integrations offered on many of today’s smartphones, as well as traditional voice-based EDA inquiries.
"Borrell Associates estimates that approximately 5 billion Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA) inquiries from mobile devices will be made in 2012, along with 1 billion more from landlines. EDA is gradually transitioning into an advertiser-pays model, with pay-per-call representing the advertising vehicle," said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation chairman and chief executive officer. “We believe this patent may represent a core intellectual property component of the emerging pay-per-call mobile ad industry because it contemplates the provision of pay-per-call ad listings in response to EDA searches. We’re pleased that this patent validates the considerable time we have spent developing our intellectual property in the area of performance advertising, including EDA.”
The patent also provides a method and/or system for dynamically ordering pay-per-call directory listing results and tracking subsequent telephone referrals. EDA pay-per-call ad revenue is intended to provide additional revenue for carriers. The patent is a continuation of a patent previously issued to the company.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWegen dieser unverschämten Unterstellung

20.02.13 23:36
mirko75: wo steckt eigentlich   21:34 #4792  "Geldwahn"?? -ein schelm wer böses dabei denkt nicht wahr libuda.......

und weil er meines Erachtens nur Dünnpfiff postet, werde ich jetzt mirko75 hier ausschließen und dann kann er sich ja auf seinem eigenen Thread, der auch noch zu Local Corp existiert, austoben. Denn bei aller Toleranz habe ich von Typen die Schauze voll, die zu ihrer eigenen Erhöhung anderen am Bein herunterpingeln wollen.  

15 Postings, 5064 Tage kastellanerLöschung

20.02.13 23:45

Zeitpunkt: 22.02.13 10:16
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Unterstellung



63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaGoogle hat nur die 6,6-fachen Unique Visitos

21.02.13 00:13
Newest numbers of January 2013: Google has 174,123,927 Monthly Unique Visitors against the 26,410,927 Unique Visitors of Local Corp - that is the 6.6-fold of Local Corp.

Source: Siteanalytics  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaMobile Is A Big Advantage For Local Corp

21.02.13 10:46
First: Mobile Apps and mobile-enabled available for consumer sites
• Flagship-Site
• Spreebird

Second: Launch by Local solution offers a mobile-optimized website for SMBs

Local Corporation Reaches Record Organic and Mobile Quarterly Search Traffic: Local Corporation , a leading online local media company, today announced record organic and mobile search traffic for the fourth quarter 2012.

Mobile traffic continued to grow, representing 25 million MUVs during the fourth quarter 2012, up 220 percent from 8 million MUVs during the year ago period.
"Organic and mobile traffic growth both continue to be key performance indicators for our business and these records represent large milestones for us,” said Carlos Caponera, Local Corporation, senior director, consumer properties. "We are making significant progress in growing our ecosystem by driving increased traffic from both organic and mobile sources.”
All site traffic and usage statistics are from third-party service providers engaged by the company. Quarterly MUV traffic is equal to the aggregate of each month's MUV traffic numbers in that quarter.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaQuellen zum letzten Posting

21.02.13 10:53

und zusätzlich die letze Präsentation, deren Quelle hier chon mehrfach gepostet wurde.  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaLocal Corp is strong in syndicated commerce

21.02.13 12:52
"In a recent report, Wells Fargo tech analyst Jason Maynard zeroed in on syndicated commerce as an emerging software-as-a-service category extension to ecommerce solutions. His premise is that actionable advertising data should improve relevancy and ultimately enable marketers to close the loop back to a transaction. This in fact is already happening, with a select number of companies already deploying enhanced mobile and location-based technology to improve the in-store and impulse buying experience.

In the same way that marketers syndicated their content across paid, owned and earned media, commerce activities such as offers, promotions and daily deals can be syndicated as well. The underlying promise is to provide companies a rich set of offer content, a marketing engine capable of reaching customers over multiple channels including email, SMS, social media and ads, an integrated transactional platform, and a rich data and analytics engine to optimize targeted delivery of offer content all within company branding.

In this virtuous commerce circle, the customer, merchant and host site all gain significant benefits: the customer experiences more relevant content and an easy, seamless, direct purchase; the merchant gets broad reach targeting brand right customers and high performance marketing in the form of transactions versus leads; and the host site maintains customer engagement,

Source: Forbes  

63766 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas Problem von Local Corp ist der Anstieg

21.02.13 21:29
der cost of rrevenues, auf den sie meines Erachtens sehr gut reagiert haben:

Income Statement

Get Income Statement for:

View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data

All numbers in thousands

Period Ending

Sep 29, 2012

Jun 29, 2012

Mar 30, 2012

Dec 30, 2011

Total Revenue





Cost of Revenue





Gross Profit





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