Weltweit grösster Windkraftanlagenhersteller
Vestas has signed a 10-year extension of the service contract for Eneco’s wind power plant Prinses Amaliawindpark (PAWP) in the Netherlands. The contract has a total capacity of 120 MW comprising 60 units of the V80-2.0 MW wind turbine.
The contract is a 10-year service agreement extension with Vestas’ latest Active Output Management (AOM) 5000 service option. Consisting of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, the AOM 5000 introduces an energy-based guarantee, which ensures the turbines are fully operational when the wind is blowing. Thus, Vestas guarantees the customer an energy-based availability through a challenging capture ratio of the available wind energy for each site covered minimising the wind power plants’ lost production.....
Bedst i C20 går det fra åbningen for Vestas, der er kørt op med 2,5 pct. til 45,2 kr. Ud over den generelt gode stemning på markedet nyder Vestas godt af, at Handelsbanken har hævet kursmålet på aktien til 48 kr. fra tidligere 40 kr.
- Selvom 1. kvartal, rent ordremæssigt, ser ud til at blive et svagt kvartal, så forventer vi, at der vil komme mere gang i ordreindgangen i løbet af 2. kvartal, skriver Handelsbanken i sin morgenrapport om Vestas-aktien.
The project, which will be Vestas' largest in Chile, consists of 22 V100-1.8 MW and 35 V100-2.0 MW wind turbines, which will be installed in Coquimbo region, Chile. Das Projekt, das von Vestas größte in Chile sein wird, besteht aus 22 V100-1.8 MW und 35 V100-2.0 MW Windenergieanlagen, die in Coquimbo Region, Chile installiert werden.
The turbines are scheduled for delivery in the third quarter of 2013, and the wind power plant is expected to be commissioned in the third quarter of 2014. Die Turbinen sind für die Lieferung in das dritte Quartal 2013 geplant, und der Wind-Kraftwerk wird voraussichtlich im dritten Quartal 2014 in Betrieb genommen werden.
In den ersten vier Wochen vom zweiten Quartal, hat Vestas jetzt bereits 543MW rein bekommen. Das ist doppelt so viel wie im ganzen Q1 Weiter so.
The consignment also marks the first shipment of offshore turbines based on Vestas’ pre-assembly concept, which sees the machines substantially assembled and pre-commissioned onshore. This helps to cut costs while reducing risk and ensures faster installation at the offshore site, the company said.
Vestas Offshore head of pre-assembly Bo Bjerregaard added: “Going forward, we want to assemble as much of our offshore projects onshore as possible. Nacelles arrive in Esbjerg with hub and drivetrain mounted. Before arrival they have been tested as one unit in our production facilities.
“At the harbour, blades also arrive in plug-and-play mode from production. The towers will arrive in two sections and then be fully assembled at the harbour and put in up-right position on the installation vessel before shipment.”
Der dänische Windenergieanlagen-Produzent Vestas hat mit der ersten Lieferung seiner neuen Offshore-Turbine V112-3.0 MW für den 48 Megawatt (MW) großen Offshore-Windpark Kaarehamn in Schweden begonnen. Die Lieferung der 16 Windturbinen wurde am Hafen von Esbjerg in Dänemark vorbereitet. Vestas erklärte, dass damit in mehrfacher Hinsicht ein Meilenstein für das Unternehmen erreicht worden ist.
Es zeige die Präsenz von Vestas im Offshore-Windmarkt durch die wettbewerbsfähige Anlage. Zudem sei dies die erste Lieferung, die auf dem industrieweit führenden Vormontage-Konzept von Vestas basiere. Dabei werden die Windenergieanlagen (WEA) zu großen Teilen an Land vormontiert und für den Transport vorbereitet. Durch dieses neue Konzept können Kosten und Risiken erheblich gesenkt werden, weil die Installation auf See laut Vestas schneller erfolgt.
Zeitpunkt: 26.04.13 18:34
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Pöbel-ID
The report also concludes that Chinese manufacturers have fallen in the rankings due to a shrinking home market, but a Chinese utility is now the world’s largest wind asset owner.
A surge of development activity in the US, where all projects had to be grid connected prior to year-end 2012 in order to qualify for its expiring tax credit, helped boost GE Wind’s rankings, enabling it to catch up with established market leader Vestas. More than 96% of GE’s wind turbines commissioned in 2012 were in the US market.
The US wind installation boom - which has given way to a sharp contraction in that market in 2013 - also helped foreign manufacturers with a strong presence in that country to boost sales. European manufacturers such as Siemens and Gamesa had the US as their single largest market in 2012, according to the BNEF analysis.
Even Vestas, which commissioned turbines in more markets than any other supplier, had 40% of its capacity additions of 2012 in the US.
In 2013, fortunes are expected to reverse as Bloomberg New Energy Finance expects the US market to decline sharply while China stabilises and recovers. This will help Chinese manufacturers gain world market share at the expense of their Western competitors:.....
Developer Aspiravi NV and Limburg win(d)t has placed an order for three of Vestas V112-3.0 MW and nine units of V90-2.0 MW wind turbines.
The contract includes a 15 years full scope AOM 4000 service agreement along with the supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines. The agreement also marks the introduction of V112-3MW type wind turbine in Belgium market.
The projects are expected to start construction work by the end of this year and are scheduled to be commissioned by the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014.
und die Auftragslage ist gut,Schätzung von 10 Analysten bei Bloomberg brachte ca 123 Millionen Gewinn dies Jahr.Schätzungen reichen von minus 79 bis plus 290 Millionen Euro
Bond investors are betting Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS)’s strategy to generate more cash is working.
Since the 4.625 percent 600 million-euro ($786 million) bond due 2015 reached a low on May 21, it has returned investors 50.4 percent, including reinvested interest, according to data available on Bloomberg. Denmark’s two-year government note has returned 1.5 percent in the same period, while Vestas shares have gained 23 percent.
“Vestas is progressing with its restructuring and improving on credit metrics,” Kasper From Larsen, an analyst at Danske Bank A/S, who has a buy rating on the bond, said in a phone interview. “They are adjusting their capacity to reflect the demand in the market.”.....
Vestas more than doubled its year-to-date order intake on Monday with a 299-megawatt turbine contract signed with a Canadian joint venture of EDF Renewable Energy and Enbridge Inc.
“The order is of a nice size, but more important is the customer,” Larsen said. “EDF is a large utility customer that signed a large order and a 20-year maintenance contract. That’s a large customer that says they see you around for a long time.”
Vestas will generate free cash flow of about 123 million euros this year, according to a Bloomberg survey of 10 analysts. The estimates range from as low as minus 79 million euros to as high as a positive cash flow of 290 million euros. .......
interessanter Link von dir, aber auch da sieht man beim Jahreschart diese doppelte W-Formation, was für einen baldigen Ausbruch des Kurses spricht.
Hängt natürlich auch noch von den Zahlen nächste Woche ab! Da wird dann wohl ein hoher Verlust erwartet , mal schauen
Vestas is due to publish first-quarter earnings on May 8. The company will report an Ebit loss of 103 million euros, according to the average estimate in a Bloomberg survey of six analysts. That compares with a reported Ebit loss of 204 million euros in the same period of 2012.
Vestas Wind Systems
aus, na dann geht auf den Link und dann auf 1 Or das heißt 1 Jahr, dann seht ihr die doppelte W-Formation
Vestas Wind Systems
was den Chart bei der dänischen Börse angeht kann man mit dem nu wirklich nicht viel entnehmen,allerdings im Jahreschart auch die W-Formation
die große könnte auf sehr hohe Kurse hindeuten und die kleine Kurzfristige auf einen Ausbruch, wenn denn die Zahlen nächste Woche stimmen.
Aber 100 Mio EbitVerlust wurden durchschnittlich erwartet, das könnte man vielleicht noch übertreffen und dann..................mal schauen