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On October 19, 2012, Local Corporation (the "Registrant") issued a press release announcing that it had completed its divestiture of its Rovion technology platform to Rovion, LLC (the "Buyer"), a subsidiary of Point Roll, Inc. ("Point Roll") in accordance with the terms of that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated October 19, 2012 (the "Agreement") by and among the Registrant, Buyer and Point Roll. A copy of the press release is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1. The description of the Agreement contained herein is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1. Total consideration for the assets sold is $3.9 million, subject to balance sheet adjustments and subsequent claims against escrow, if any. The Registrant received consideration of $3,510,000 in cash at the closing of the transaction. An additional $390,000 is being held in escrow for a period of eighteen months in the event certain indemnification claims or final balance sheet adjustments are asserted against the Registrant. The assets sold include a self-service, rich media advertising platform and related toolset. Additionally the Buyer will be assuming certain assets and liabilities related to the assets sold, including accounts receivable, certain personnel and lease obligations related to the Rovion business.
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For example connected with food arcticles for a better targeting
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• Strong management team with proven skills in a rapidly changing market
• Model has leverage with 50/50 strategy and momentum towards 50/50 goals
• Proprietary platform and patents
• Assets being deployed in emerging mobile markets
Beth Fruchtman
Owner, Forever Friends
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"In the ongoing cycle of market forecasting, we’re once again at a half-year refresh for mobile local ad revenue projections. Though the “money slide” (literally) of the forecast is a revenue outlook, there are lots of background inputs to dissect.
For example, if you segment out the portion of these revenues for ads targeted locally, they’ll grow from $784 million last year to $5.01 billion in 2016. Within that local slice we can segment further by format, looking at the different ways ads are bought and sold in search, display, SMS and video."
Kelsey too: Mobile local search volume (Web and app) is on pace to intersect desktop local searches in 2015
Mobile local search volume (Web and app) is on pace to intersect desktop local searches in 2015.
A lot of this has to do with mobile local searches per user — growing from about 14 per month to 42 per month by 2016. But it’s also a function of the number of mobile search users — growing from 44 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (about 118 million users) to 75 percent by 2016 (225 million users).
This trend is Local Corp's friend: Mobile Local Search Growth Explodes and Local Corp is one the biggest winners of all Nasdaq shares
Local Corp is the biggest winners from mobile of all Nasdaq-shares: Mobile traffic also continued to grow, representing over 24.5 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up over 274 percent from 6.6 million MUVs during the year ago period.
Lead Generation is the answer for monetizing in Mobile Local Search and Local Corp is on the forefront of this new developement. It’s fairly common sense that it is best to split mobile and desktop traffic in two separate campaigns. I believe, that mobile search needing more segmentation - and that's why verticals are a good addition to the a more universal flagship-site.
Bloomberg dropped last May a bombshell on this practice in reporting
by flankenking.a second ago.Permalink.
Goldman, Merrill E-Mails Show Naked Shorting, Filing Says:
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) and Merrill Lynch & Co. employees discussed helping naked short-sales by market-maker clients in e-mails the banks sought to keep secret, including one in which a Merrill official told another to ignore compliance rules, Overstock (OSTK) said in a court filing.
Das war eingebettet in eine Argumentation, wo es um das nackte Shorten geht, das nach meinen Erkenntnissen auch bei Local Corp massiv stattfindet.
View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data
All numbers in thousands
Period Ending
Sep 29, 2012
Jun 29, 2012
Mar 30, 2012
Dec 30, 2011
Total Revenue
Cost of Revenue
Gross Profit
Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen lässt sich auch dieser zugekaufte Traffich noch sehr gewinnbringend vermarkten, aber die anderen Bereiche (organic revenues) muss ebenfalls steigen. An beiden Problemen arbeitet Local Corp momentan - und ist dabei aus meiner Sicht, wenn man die Dramatik des Wandels sieht, dabei recht erfolgreich.
= 50% Organic Traffic
= 50% Organic Revenue
Development of Organic Traffic/Monthly Unique Visitors (MUVs):
2010: 88 million = 31% of total traffic
2011: 117 million = 33% of total traffic
2012: 155 million = 37% of total traffic
Goal: 50% of total traffic
Development of Organic Revenues
2010: 17 million = 20% of total revenues
2011: 22 million = 28% of total revenues
2012: 29 million = 30% of total revenues
Goal: 50% of total revenues
Estimated Proforma Margin Impact (Source: Last Presentation IV/2012)
Mix 1
70% SEM/Third Party advertiser revenue and 30% Organic/Direct Revenue
Results: Gross Margin = 30% of revenues, Adjusted Net Income = 4% of revenues
Mix 2
50% SEM/Third Party advertiser revenue and 50% Organic/Direct Revenue
Results: Gross Margin = 44% of revenues, Adjusted Net Income = 17% of revenues
Voranschreiten aus einem simplen Grund nicht vorangekommen, was man anhand der beiden Auszügen aus Q10-Berichten zum zweiten und dritten Quartal 2012 gut erkennen kann.
Auzug 1: Our Business Solutions business serves over 18,000 SMB’s with a variety of digital media products. The products are sold primarily via telesales. Our sales efforts focus principally around our Exact Match product suite, which offers a variety of digital media features including web hosting, search engine optimization services, display ads, mobile ads, and social media presence management. Over 16,000 of our direct SMB customers use a legacy web hosting and/or listing solution and over 800 of our direct SMB customers are enrolled in our new Exact Match product. An average Exact Match subscription generates approximately the same monthly revenue as ten legacy customers. Our Business Solutions technologies also power a variety of platform products targeted towards larger businesses such as regional media publishers and ad agencies. We expect a large portion of our legacy web hosting and listing solution SMB customers to phase out in Q3 2012 with the remainder completely phased out by the end of 2012.
In dem vorstehenden Text zum Ende des 2. Quartals ist noch von 18.000 SMB's die Rede, während in dem nachstehenden Auszug 2 zum Ende des 3. Quartals nur noch von 7.000 SMB's die Rede ist. Da hat folgenden Grund: Bisher hat man die Business-Lösungen, die allerdings nur ca. 10% des Umsatzes ausmachen, überwiegend nicht direkt abgerechnet (die Direkt-Abrechnungen gibt es erst seit gut einem Jahr), sondern über Telefongesellschaften - daher war es auch möglich Einzellösungen mit nur niedrigen Beträgen anzubieten (der Abrechnungsdurchschnitt lag hier bei 25 Dollar pro Monat). Binnen eines Jahres haben aber die Telefongeschaften diese Abrechnungen eingestellt, sodass Local Corp jetzt gezwungen ist, direkt abzurechnen. Hier werden jetzt zwei Pakete angeboten: eines für 249 Dollar/Monat (Propel) und ein weiteres unter dem Ladentisch für 99 Dollar/Monat (Ignite). Der Ersatz der Altkunden durch Direct Subscirbers, die längerfristig sicher die bessere Lösung sind, geht aber nicht reibungslos vorstatten - selbst wenn ein Direct Subsciber 10 Altkunden ersetzt. Aus den beiden ziterten Texten könnt Ihr erkennen, dass im 3. Quartal nur 100 Subscribers dazukamen, während 11.000 Altkunden wegfielen - 1.100 Subscribers hätten es aber sein müssen. Das war auch der Grund, warum sich die Umsätze bei den Business Solutions, die zwar nur zwischen 10 und 20 Prozent der Umsätze ausmachen, halbierten. Und die 6.000 noch vorhanden Altkunden werden im vierten Quartal auch noch wegfallen, weil dann die Abrechnung von allen Telefongesellschaften eingestellt wird - und dafür müsste man jetzt 600 Direct Subscribers gewinnen, was sicher nicht möglich sein dürfte. Aber im Laufe des Jahres 2013 wird man die Zahl der Direct Subscriber weiter erhöhen können und vielleicht am Ende von 2013 wieder das vorher schon einmal erreicht Umsatzvolumen wieder erreichen. Denn das Kundenpotenzial ist mit 18 Millionen Geschäftskunden, die ein Listing bei Local Corp haben, sicher da - und man hat ja auch vor die Zahl der Telefonverkäufer in der Zentrale zu erhöhen, um hier die Vertriebsanstrengungen zu intensivieren.
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
Q3 2012
Q2 2012
Q3 2011
Owned & Operated
$ 18,340
$ 20,478
$ 13,457
Business Solutions
$ 24,771
$ 27,072
$ 20,688
• Revenue – Third quarter 2012 total revenue related to the O&O business unit was $18.3 million, up 36% from third quarter 2011 O&O revenue of $13.5 million and down 11% from second quarter 2012 O&O revenue of $20.5 million.
• Revenue – Third quarter 2012 total revenue related to the Network business unit was $5.0 million, up 14% from the third quarter 2011 Network revenue of $4.4 million and up 22% from second quarter 2012 Network revenue of $4.1 million.
Business Solutions:
• Revenue – Third quarter 2012 revenue was $1.5 million, down 48% from third quarter 2011 revenue of $2.9 million and down 40% from second quarter 2012 revenue of $2.5 million. The reduction was primarily due to the previously disclosed phasing out of legacy customers.
Dazu müsste man ca. 3.800 Propel-Direct-Subscribers haben, was sehr schwierig sein dürfte. Was ich allerdings nicht weiß ist, wieviel der Ignite-Direct-Subsribers zu $99/Monat gewonnen werden und wieviel Geld aus Erweiterungen des $249-Pakets fließt. Denn Daten zu der Anzahl der Ignite-Subscriber wurden bisher noch nicht veröffentlicht.
Allerdings sollte man die Ergebnisse im Business-Bereich auch nicht zu hoch hängen, denn ihr Anteil an Umsätzen war iin Q3/2012 nur noch gerade einmal 6%.
as a result of 808 million market-cap and about 380 million revenues in 2012.
Demand Media has high costs of revenues, too. And Local Corp has a targeting, but Demand Media not.
But the 2.13-times-revenues of Demand Media are near the 5-fold of the idioctic low 0.44-times-revenues of Local Corp.
Competitor Yelp has 8-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 1,190 million and 150 million revenues in 2012. That is the 18-fold of the 0.44-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 44 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012. Maybe the 3-fold could be a fair value, because Yelp has lower cost of revenues, but very high costs of marketing, too.
ohne vermutlich das "ganz große Ding" zu werden. Ich gehe von 2 Millionen Umsatz ivon insgesamt 100 in 2012, aber auch von mindestens Kostendeckung im vierten Quartal, weil man den Personalbestand von einst eupphorischen 60 auf ca. 10 herunterfuhr und inzwischen im Verkauf das sogar integiert hat.
Ca 7 Millionen von investierten 12 bis 13 Millionen hat man ja bereits abgeschrieben - das ist also Vergangenheit. Vergessen darf man nicht, dass sich aber durchaus Synergie-/Werbeeffekt für andere Bereiche ergeben.
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