FCEL vor Gewinnschwelle 2013
50.000 stk. zu 1,21 in Frankfurt ist schon komisch.
Normalerweise wartest du bis es unter 1,20 ist und schlägst dann zu.
Da wollte jemand unbedingt den Zug nicht verpassen.
Stücke gehandelt worden.
Ob das was zu sagen hat??
Wie oben geschrieben wurde auch hier mehr als
üblich gehandelt.
Es bleibt spannend!
April 20, 2015 | About: FCEL +0%
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FuelCell Energy (FCEL) reported some decent numbers for the fourth quarter as its losses narrowed considerably. It was driven by new order wins from its clients, especially a 15-megawatt fuel cell park from one of the largest utilities in the U.S. The company had been sailing through troubled waters for quite some time on account of its year-over-year losses. Although its present result cannot be called a turnaround, there was a minor improvement from last year as losses reduced. The stock, however, continued its dismal performance touching its 52-week low a few days back. Let’s see in detail what can we expect from FuelCell in the days ahead.
A closer look
Its revenue for the quarter declined marginally to $54.41 million from a year ago period of $55.16 million, while losses narrowed significantly to 2 cents a share compared to a loss of 5 cents last year. Its sales mix is improving but since the company couldn’t deliver all its orders on schedule, it accounted for lowered revenue from previous year. Margins on the other hand improved on account of reduction in material cost and greater manufacturing efficiencies, which enhanced its bottom line significantly.
Considering its activity level in key markets, FuelCell is expanding its presence in North America, which it intends to carry out in two phase. In the first phase, the company is focused to improve its manufacturing efficiencies by adding 90,000 square feet, which will streamline its logistic functions, consolidate warehousing and reconfigure existing production processes.
While in phase two, based on its demand, the company will add manufacturing equipment to increase its annual capacity from the current 100 megawatts to around 200 megawatts in the days to come. This is a strategic expansion plan that will allow the company to leverage low interest finance from Connecticut, which would be used to increase its activity in key markets.
FuelCell is also venturing into new technological innovations to strengthen its presence in the market. In this direction, it recently entered into a contract with UIL Holdings for an advanced hybrid FuelCell power plant referred to as the direct FuelCell Energy recovery generator (DFC-ERG). Recognizing the value of efficient and affordable clean energy, the management anticipates huge potential for this market in the future. This new innovation will enable utilities to add economically attractive and highly efficient clean distributed generation to their portfolios and achieve sustainability objectives.
In addition, NRG Energy deepened its relationship with FuelCell through a $40 million investment for executing a project finance facility, which in turn strengthened FuelCell’s market access. This partnership plays a significant part to improve its overall profitability and competitiveness of the ultra-clean solutions and services. Also it will help to drive its top line by offering its solutions on high value projects in key markets.
Similarly, the company’s deal with POSCO is moving well with around 100 megawatts of new installations in 2014. FuelCell has many more such orders lined up from the Korean steel giant in the coming years. Apart from this, the company tightened its hold in the Euro Zone, as its installations at London and Berlin are leading to enquires for megawatt class projects. Its efforts in the region have resulted in renewed European recognition, specific leadership and favorable policy trends.
These are some encouraging trends, which will benefit FuelCell in the days to come. It currently has a strong cash position of $108.8 million compared to $79.2 million in 2013, which will enable the company to carry out its expansion activities smoothly. However, the company is still a long way from a turnaround. It does not have any trailing P/E and a forward P/E of 125 doesn’t seem to be very impressive. Moreover, the stock has been a laggard for quite some time and even the recent numbers did not boost its momentum. Therefore in the light of these facts it seems prudent for investors to avoid this stock and look for a better option in other energy firms.
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17.04.15 16:23
Dougherty & Company
Minneapolis (www.aktiencheck.de) - FuelCell Energy-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Pierre Maccagno von Dougherty & Company:
Aktienanalyst Pierre Maccagno vom Investmenthaus Dougherty & Company empfiehlt laut einer aktuellen Aktienanalyse die Aktien von FuelCell Energy Inc. (ISIN: US35952H1068, WKN: 884382, Ticker-Symbol: FEY, Nasdaq-Symbol: FCEL) in einer Ersteinschätzung zum Kauf.
FuelCell Energy Inc. dürfte mit den Power Stations einen Wendepunkt erreicht haben. Die Marktdurchdringung beschleunige sich.
Die Analysten von Dougherty & Company gehen davon aus, dass FuelCell Energy ab dem Anfang des Geschäftsjahres 2016 die Profitabilität erreichen werde. Durch eine Verringerung der Produktionskosten infolge von Skaleneffekten und eine vorteilhafte Verlagerung beim Produktmix in Richtung margenstärkerer Turnkey Installationen sollten die Margen steigen.
Analyst Pierre Maccagno sieht die FuelCell Energy-Aktie als unterbewertet an. Investoren seien offenbar noch nicht überzeugt, dass der Markt für stationäre Kraftwerke auf Basis von Brennstoffzellen für signifikantes Wachstum bereit sei.
In ihrer FuelCell Energy-Aktienanalyse beginnen die Analysten von Dougherty & Company die Coverage des Titels mit einem "buy"-Rating und veranschlagen ein Kursziel von 2,45 USD.
Dort ist bei mir die Trendwende zum Guten.
Wollte ich hier nur mal so angebracht haben!
Yonhap News Agency on Apr 21, 2015 @ 9:15 PM
SEJONG, April 22 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will invest over 1.8 trillion won (US$1.66 billion) this year to help boost the clean and renewable energy sector with the related market expected to be worth some 4.6 trillion won by 2017, the government said Wednesday.
Under the new measures, approved at an economic ministers' meeting Wednesday, the government will spend 430 billion won in 2015 alone to develop key technologies, such as those related to bioenergy, fuel cells and carbon capture sequestration, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
The latest measures are aimed at developing the country's clean energy industry into a 4.6 trillion won market and creating some 14,000 new jobs by 2017. The measures also come as part of the country's efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent from its business-as-usual level in 2020.
The government plans to spend an additional 137 billion won this year to help create local niche markets for the clean energy industry while public firms and private companies are expected to invest some 1.26 trillion won for the purpose, the ministry said.
The measures also call for efforts to increase the number of electric vehicles operated in the country from the current 3,000 to 47,000 by 2017. To this end, the government will build 575 new fast chargers for plug-in vehicles across the country over the next three years.
It will also set up a 100 billion won fund to encourage private investment in the related fields by matching private investment.
In addition, the government will work to increase the number of energy-sufficient islands to nine from the current one. Such islands will rely on clean, renewable energy, as well as energy storage systems, to permanently break off from the use of fossil fuel for power.
The benefits of developing brand new technologies and clean energy sources will also be extended to other countries, partly through exports but also through the country's official development aid.
The government plans to help build at least three energy-independent islands in other countries, the ministry said.
Copyright2015 Yonhap News Agency
FuelCell Energy's New Deployments Are Long-Term Catalysts
April 22, 2015 | About: FCEL +0%
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FuelCell Energy (FCEL) deployed a 15 megawatt fuel cell park in line with the schedule to a major utility in the U.S., collaborated with a key independent power producer in North America for investments into the company and joined a significant utility customer concluding three major projects valued over $70 million.
Was meint die FCE-Gemeinde dazu? Wer weiß mehr über die?
da muss man sich mal auf deren webseite umsehen und sich deren zur Zeit maßgebliches Projekt auf der Zunge zergehen lassen:
"In the 4th Quarter of 2013, AFC Energy was awarded a grant of 6.1 M (£4.9 M) from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) to lead a Consortium which will demonstrate the worlds largest alkaline fuel cell system at Air Products industrial gas plant in Stade, Germany.
Project POWER-UP will prove the ability of AFC Energys alkaline fuel cell system to deliver the technical performance and economic viability that commercial end-users demand. Work in project POWER-UP is the final step in the development of AFC Energys fuel cell system before full market deployment. This project will be the worlds first demonstration of an alkaline fuel cell system on such a large scale.
The project will last for 51 months. Its start date is April 2013 and it will be concluded in June 2017. During this time the 500kWe fuel cell system will be installed in two phases, of 250kW each.
The waste heat produced by the final installation of fuel cells (approximately 400kW) may be captured and used on site or in a local end-users industrial process. This has the potential to further reduce both the end-users energy requirements from the grid and carbon emissions."
Besonders witzig ist der Satz, den ich fett markiert habe. Die wollen das Projekt im April 2013 gestartet haben und es soll bis Juni 2017 abgeschlossen werden. In diesen 51 Monaten wollen die doch tatsächlich eine 500Kw Anlage fertiggestellt haben. Das ist doch wohl lachhaft wenn man bedenkt, dass FCE derzeit ca. 70 MW pro Jahr abliefert. Arbeitet bei denen nur ein Mechaniker, der die Dinger selber baut und dann auch noch installiert? Und die wollen eine 300MW-Anlage in Dubai bauen können? Ich glaube, diese Firma können wir wieder getrost vergessen allerdings sind es genau solch windigen Schrauber, die das gute Image von BZ-Technologie beschädigen.
Ich finde, es wäre schön gewesen, wenn man nach der Messe in Hannover, mal etwas gehört hätte von einem Auftrag aus Europa. Leider ist da nichts gekommen.
Wirklich Schade.
So langsam werde ich auch nervös. In diesen Jahr sind so gut wie keine
Neuigkeiten gekommen.
Wie soll das weitergehen?
Denke das auch 2015 / 2016 noch keine Gewinne gemacht werden.
Was soll erst passieren wenn der DAX / US-Börsen mal richtig korregieren.
Wo wird dann FCEL stehen? Darf ich nicht dran denken :-)
Hoffentlich werden wir nochmal irgendwann belohnt!