Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.968
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:38
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 173 | 174 |
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63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaSo verpackt ging es dann doch

03.12.12 18:08
There are two areas of focus for local search marketing: local search optimization and local business listings

In terms of local search, a good portion of businesses that claim a local business listing do not fully optimize and enhance their local business listings with all the available options.In other words, they are underutilizing the potential of local search simply because they do not do everything with it that they could.

Source of the last posting: Kaci Bower, lead author of the 2012 Search Marketing Benchmark Report – SEO Edition  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaSpreebird läuft und läuft und ...........

03.12.12 22:20
iPhone RC Helicopter
$36 for One iPhone Remote Controlled Helicopter ($130 Value)
Time Remaining
6 days, 1 hr, 44 mins
43 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Honesty Cross Bracelet
$16 for One Turquoise Honesty Balla Cross Bracelet ($90 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included
Time Remaining
5 days, 1 hr, 43 mins
100 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Glow Cubes
$9 for One Set of 8 Glow Cubes ($40 Value)
Time Remaining
4 days, 1 hr, 41 mins
179 Bought  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNicht nur diese Content-Seite ist vom Feinsten

03.12.12 22:31

meines Erachtens ist die Flagship-Seite Local.com von Local Corp, die beste Mischung von Search und Content überhaut, wie jederman(n)/frau überprüfen kann:


63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaUnd wenn man diese Seite in Anschein

03.12.12 23:24
nimmt, erkennt man auch sehr leicht, dass Google eine solche Verbindung nicht hat - und selbst wenn man ausschließlich auf der Suche ist, mit Local.com wesentlich besser fährt, wenn man zu der von Local.com angesteuerten Zielgruppe gehört.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaSpreebird läuft in seinem bescheidenen Rahmen

04.12.12 12:16
nachwievor sehr ordentlich:

GrapeSeed Spa at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa
$89 - Resort Spa Day: Massage or Facial w/Wine & Pool
      $185   Savings§
$96 (52%)
Time Remaining
20 days, 14 hrs, 46 mins
677 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Chubasco ll Sportfishing
$30 - Deep Sea Fishing off SD Coast w/Gear, Reg. $60
Time Remaining
8 days, 14 hrs, 45 mins
118 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Nail Polish Strips
$20 for 10-Pack of Nail Polish Strips ($85 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
2 days, 14 hrs, 43 mins
140 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

DeVine Tours
$69 - Temecula: Chauffeured Wine Tour w/Tastings, Reg. $140
Time Remaining
5 days, 11 hrs, 50 mins
94 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Wool Knit Animal Hat
$15 for One Wool Knit Animal Hat ($35 Value)
Time Remaining
2 days, 11 hrs, 48 mins
133 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

OEX Dive & Kayak
$35 - La Jolla Whale Watching Trip by Kayak, Reg. $79
Time Remaining
4 days, 11 hrs, 46 mins
61 Bought
Deal-Partner Travelzoo  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaVergleiche

04.12.12 14:10
Yelp has 8-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 1,200 million and 150 million revenues in 2010. That is the 14-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.

Google has 4.4-times revenues- this the result of 228 billion market-cap and 44 billion revenues in 2012. This 4.4-times-revenues of Google are the 7.7-fold of the idotic low 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp (only 57 million market-cap but 100 million revenues in the year 2012).

Competitor Angies List has 3.8-times revenues - as a result of a market-cap of 635 million and revenues of 165 million in 2012. This amount of 3.8-times-revenues of Angiies List is the 6.7-fold of Local Corp's idiotic low 0.57-times-revnues from 100 million revenues in 2012 and a market-cap of only 57 million of today.

Facebook has 12-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 60 billion and 5 billion revenues in 2012. This 12-times-revenues of Facebook are an extreme 21-fold of the idotic low 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp (only 57 million market-cap but 100 million revenues in the year 2012).

Open Table has 6.4-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 1,020 million and 160 million revenues in 2010. That is the 11.2-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudalocal versus national

04.12.12 16:58
Why Local Consumers Matter: Pay-per-click rates for local versus national keyword terms

Plumber $9.55
Plumber Los Angeles $26.91

Credit Union $0.91
Seattle Credit Union $2.14

Restaurant $1.39
San Francisco Restaurant $1.93

Moving Company $10.82
Denver Moving Company $12.38

Wedding Florist $1.92
Orlando Wedding Florist $2.82

Hotel $1.80
New York City Hotel $3.60

Source: Google Search Term  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaIch gehe einmal davon aus, dass der nach-

04.12.12 18:52
stehende Artikel bzw. die dort geschilderten Behauptungen der Hauptgrund für die Kursrückgänge bei Local Corp sind, kann das aber überwiegend nicht nachvollziehen, da hier meines Erachtens Umstellungsschwierigkeiten und Saisonmuster als Langzeitmuster angesehen werden.


2637 Postings, 4725 Tage mirko75mann mann,diese aktie...............

04.12.12 19:21
das läuft ja heut schon wieder richtig gut. schön den kursanstieg der letzten 2 wochen von 2,25usd auf 2,61usd platt gemacht.........  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaLocal Corp wurde hier mitbestraft, obowhl

05.12.12 09:19
genau diese Risiken bei Local Corp schon überproportional im Kurs stecken und Local Corp 40% organic traffic hat, der davon auch gar nicht betroffen ist.

"Goldman Sachs analyst Heath Terry this morning cut his ratings on both IAC/Interactive and Demand Media to Sell from Neutral, asserting that “increasing competition in search arbitrage and the potential risk from policy changes related to search redirection has raised the risk profile for search related revenues” at both of those companies as well as at AOL."

Quelle: #4358  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudazu #4360

05.12.12 10:46
This arguments makes no sense for Local Corp, because this risks more than by the compare part of the share-price

IAC/InterActiveCorp. (IACI), the Internet company founded by Barry Diller, tumbled the most in almost six weeks after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut its rating on the stock to sell, citing increased competition for Web visitors.

The shares fell 7.8 percent to $43.50 at the close in New York, the biggest one-day decline since Oct. 24. The stock has gained 2.1 percent this year  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaInteressant ist die Argumentation des

05.12.12 13:10
Goldman Sachs-Analysten aber allemal und sie hilft uns auch das entscheidende Problem bei Local.com besser zu erkennen.

Here’s how the search arbitrage business works: If a user searches on Google for phrases like “how to email” or “plumbing how to,” Terry explains, a paid ad from IAC’s Ask.com or AOL.com often returns among the search results. Clicking on the ad from Ask.com takes the  user to another search results page, this time on Ask.

Terry offers two explanation for why this business even exists:

•Positive arbitrage spread. ”Ask.com buys keywords at cheaper CPCs than advertisers with smaller scale or less history in the Google adwords auction, and sells them to its advertisers for a higher price,” he explains. “For example, if Ask can buy the keyword “plumbing how to” for $1.00 and sell it to Liquid-Plumr at a higher price ($1.10 perhaps) or double serves the ad to increase its click-through rate (described in more detail below), Ask earns a positive ROI.”

•Driving unprofitable traffic. ”There may be circumstances where Ask buys traffic unprofitably,” he notes  “Most often, Ask would utilize this strategy to retain advertisers or users. For example, if an advertiser expresses concern over low impressions, Ask could take a short-term loss on the account by purchasing unprofitable impressions in order to retain it longer term. Ask could also buy traffic that while not profitable at first click, could become a repeat visitor that over the course of their usage is profitable.”  

2637 Postings, 4725 Tage mirko75juhu,

05.12.12 19:13
was wir gestern im späten handel aufgeholt haben (von 2,26usd auf 2,37usd) machen wir heute gleich mal wieder weg. akt.:2,25usd.... na mal schauen wie tief es heut noch geht????????????  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaOhne Worte

05.12.12 22:56
Compare Multiples
by flankenking.a second ago.Permalink
Yelp has 8-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 1,200 million and 150 million revenues in 2010. That is the 14-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.

Google has 4.4-times revenues- this the result of 228 billion market-cap and 44 billion revenues in 2012. This 4.4-times-revenues of Google are the 7.7-fold of the idotic low 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp (only 57 million market-cap but 100 million revenues in the year 2012).

Competitor Angies List has 3.8-times revenues - as a result of a market-cap of 635 million and revenues of 165 million in 2012. This amount of 3.8-times-revenues of Angiies List is the 6.7-fold of Local Corp's idiotic low 0.57-times-revnues from 100 million revenues in 2012 and a market-cap of only 57 million of today.

Facebook has 12-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 60 billion and 5 billion revenues in 2012. This 12-times-revenues of Facebook are an extreme 21-fold of the idotic low 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp (only 57 million market-cap but 100 million revenues in the year 2012).

Open Table has 6.4-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 1,020 million and 160 million revenues in 2010. That is the 11.2-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.

Yahoo has 4.6-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 22.4 billion and 4.9 billion revenues in 2012
That is the 8-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.

Demand Media has 2.1-times revenues as the result of a market-cap of 770 million and 370 million revenues in 2012. That is the 4-fold of the 0.57-times-revenues of Local Corp as the result of 57 million market-cap and 100 million revenues in 2012.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaLieber mirko, verkaufe alle Deine Aktien

05.12.12 22:58
Denn du bist eher ein Typ für Tages- und Festgeld.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaLocal Corporation Launching New Vertical Sites

06.12.12 13:49
Local Corporation Launching New Vertical Sites - Focus on Consumer Services Verticals with Lead Generation Revenues
Press Release: Local Corporation – 14 minutes

Local Corporation (LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced the launch of the first in a series of industry-specific, content driven websites designed to further extend its reach and engagement with local consumers and businesses.

The company, which connects businesses with over a million consumers each day and was recently ranked #8 on Website Magazine’s “Top 50 Digital Advertising Networks,” plans to leverage these new industry-specific sites to further expand its reach into and monetization of local markets.
Sentiment: Strong Buy  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudamonetization primarily via lead generation

06.12.12 15:04
Local Corporation expects to focus monetization of its new portfolio of industry-specific sites primarily via lead generation, but will also monetize through a variety of digital ad formats, including pay-per-click, pay-per-call, display and subscription ad units. The company plans to launch additional vertical sites in other key consumer service categories in the future.  

2637 Postings, 4725 Tage mirko75lieber libuda,

06.12.12 17:49
ich schaue mir deine postings an und denke,wow ,was für eine unterbewertete aktie!!! doch der chart zeigt etwas anderes und die performance in den letzten 2 jahren auch.seit threadbeginn mal ganz zu schweigen und das bei 2 guten börsenjahren.noch einmal die 3usd und dann bin ich draußen.....  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaSoweit ich mich erinnern kann, bist Du

06.12.12 18:49
nicht beim Start des Threads eingestiegen, der einige Zeit ruhte, sondern zu einem sehr viel späteren Zeitpunkt.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaEin gewisser mirko75 kann frühestens am 2.4.2012

06.12.12 18:57

eingestiegen sein.

mirko75 Neueste Threads mit Postings von mirko75 Boardmail schreiben Markieren, Ignorieren, Sperren InformationMitgl. seit, Sterne 02.04.12, 6 Postings 64 (68% Hot-Stocks)


2637 Postings, 4725 Tage mirko75das stimmt,

06.12.12 19:00
das mit den threadbeginn sollte ja auch nur zeigen,wie schlecht local seit dem gelaufen ist.local habe ich bei 4,5euro (ne kleine position) und bei etwas über 2euro gekauft.....  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMirkos Einstiegsumfeld

06.12.12 19:02
war so, dass ich meinen Vorschlag von weiter oben nur wiederholen kann.

"Libuda: Lieber mirko, verkaufe alle Deine Aktien   05.12.12 22:58 #4365  Denn du bist eher ein Typ für Tages- und Festgeld."

Date Open High Low Close Avg Vol Adj Close*  
Dec 3, 2012 2.57 2.59 2.25 2.25 107,100 2.25
Nov 26, 2012 2.40 2.71 2.32 2.57 141,700 2.57
Nov 19, 2012 2.36 2.48 2.24 2.44 93,600 2.44
Nov 12, 2012 2.39 2.53 2.25 2.35 119,200 2.35
Nov 5, 2012 2.44 2.69 2.19 2.38 163,600 2.38
Oct 31, 2012 2.45 2.51 2.29 2.38 58,600 2.38
Oct 22, 2012 2.66 2.85 2.40 2.48 167,400 2.48
Oct 15, 2012 2.79 3.00 2.66 2.69 193,400 2.69
Oct 8, 2012 2.47 2.96 2.39 2.75 370,300 2.75
Oct 1, 2012 1.99 2.59 1.87 2.47 469,000 2.47
Sep 24, 2012 1.46 2.06 1.46 1.99 237,500 1.99
Sep 17, 2012 1.67 1.85 1.43 1.46 289,600 1.46
Sep 10, 2012 1.93 1.97 1.42 1.66 242,100 1.66
Sep 4, 2012 2.00 2.00 1.92 1.92 62,400 1.92
Aug 27, 2012 1.98 2.01 1.95 1.98 38,200 1.98
Aug 20, 2012 1.96 2.06 1.94 1.96 87,200 1.96
Aug 13, 2012 2.13 2.20 1.95 1.97 115,200 1.97
Aug 6, 2012 2.22 2.31 2.12 2.14 96,300 2.14
Jul 30, 2012 2.25 2.28 2.15 2.24 37,100 2.24
Jul 23, 2012 2.24 2.29 2.05 2.22 78,600 2.22
Jul 16, 2012 2.25 2.30 2.23 2.29 37,100 2.29
Jul 9, 2012 2.36 2.40 2.18 2.26 46,500 2.26
Jul 2, 2012 2.42 2.45 2.36 2.37 39,300 2.37
Jun 25, 2012 2.47 2.53 2.39 2.42 48,600 2.42
Jun 18, 2012 2.35 2.55 2.25 2.51 111,600 2.51
Jun 11, 2012 2.25 2.41 2.21 2.38 61,500 2.38
Jun 4, 2012 2.30 2.33 2.21 2.23 75,300 2.23
May 29, 2012 2.46 2.50 2.29 2.33 61,000 2.33
May 21, 2012 2.38 2.48 2.30 2.43 67,100 2.43
May 14, 2012 2.39 2.53 2.30 2.38 118,200 2.38
May 7, 2012 2.46 2.52 2.40 2.42 86,900 2.42
Apr 30, 2012 2.57 2.64 2.30 2.44 148,100 2.44
Apr 23, 2012 2.43 2.56 2.33 2.56 61,700 2.56  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaSinnigerweise hat Mirko ein Sternchen von

06.12.12 19:11
einem Befürworter einer der größten deutschen Rohrkrepierer-Aktie My Hammer enthalten.


Gerade meine Beschäftigung mit Local.com zeigte mir, wie überbewertet diese Aktie war und hoffe, dass ich mit meinen Warnungen einigen Lesern von ariva sehr hohe Verluste ersparen konnte.  

63752 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDer neue Vertikal von Local Corp

06.12.12 19:15

2637 Postings, 4725 Tage mirko75mann bist du reizbar,

06.12.12 19:19
must ja ziemlich in den miesen sein.denke aber,daß du  selbst nicht mehr an die aktie glaubst und dir der ar.... ziemlich auf grundeis geht....  

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