Local.com aussichtsreich

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63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas Problem ist bisher, dass man das Angebot

18.11.12 13:59
von Krillion nur erreicht, wenn man über Krillion geht - es nur in ganz wenige Produkte von Local Corp zumindest ansatzweise integriert.

Geht einmal auf diese Seite:


Wählt Euch irgendein Produkt aus und bei diesem Produkt eine der vielen Marken. In Abhängigkeit von Eurem Standort wird Euch dann angezeigt, wo Ihr dieses Produkt momentan kaufen könnt.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMomentam geht dem Webmaster bei Yahoo

18.11.12 21:41
der mit den nackten Shortsellern von The Street Sweeper unter einer Decke steckt, wieder das Zäpfchen, denn das folgende Posting ist dort momentan unanbringbar, obwohl es in keinster Weise gegen den Disclaimer verstößt:

The Propel-Version of the Business Solutions of Local Corp

- will establish your business listing with enhanced information on over 1,000 places on the web including: Local Flagship-site, directories, maps, apps and network regional media sites

- will manage these listings from one place and make updates to your address, phone number, photos, specials and more for you

Dabei geht es nur um ein Feature des neuen Business Solutions Offerings - und das jagt dem Webmaster schon so viel Angst und Frust ein, dass er es gegen die eigenen Regeln tilt.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZusätzlich zur Flagshipsite local.com:Das Netzwerk

18.11.12 23:15
Publisher Partners of Local Corp

In addition to our consumer properties, Local Corporation supports more than 1,000 regional partners across the country to help them engage customers better and increase revenue. Using our advertiser tools, local search directory, content feeds, new ad formats and audience engagement features, we enable some of most recognized web publishers in the country to get more value from their sites.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudazu #4302

19.11.12 11:58
Denn es spricht sehr viel dafür, dass die die neue Business Solutions ein großer Erfolg wird:

The complete offer of the Launch by Local-package:

- URL-Acquisition

- Web-Hosting

- Site Design

- Mobile

- Social Media

- Content

- Listings


- Display

- Offers

- Calls

- Leads

Propel gets you everything you need to launch your business to new heights so that you can get found by customers looking for you when they’re ready to buy. The best part about it? Our package offers an unbeatable value at one low price. Sign up today and we’ll do all the work to get you started.

Price Comparison

You could spend over $1,000 elsewhere or get it all with Launch by Local for just $249. See how we stack up over the competition.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWiie günstig die Offerte von Local Corp ist,

19.11.12 13:55
kann man schon erkennen, wenn man sich einmal auch nur diese fünf im dem Paket für $249 enthaltenen Features herauspickt und sie mit den Einzelpreisen der Konkurrenz vergleicht:

You could spend over $1,000 elsewhere or get it all with Launch by Local for just $249. See how Local Corp stack up over the competition:

Social Media
- fanpilot $399/month
- Hubspot $200/month
- Social Media Simple $19/month

- mofuse $89/month
- Hubspot $200/month

- Compeititor A $42/month
- Universal Business Listings $49/month

- yodle $250/month
- Reach Local $500+/month
- orangeSoda $475+/month

- Reach Local $500+/
- YP $400+
- Citygrid $100+  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLest mehr über exellentes + nachhaltiges Wachstum

20.11.12 01:05
Heath Clarke - Chairman and CEO

Thanks, Janine. We are pleased to report that third quarter revenue and adjusted net income came in slightly above prior guidance. We are working hard to build a defensible business by growing organic traffic to at least 50% of total traffic and growing organic ad revenues to at least 50% of total revenue.

As detailed in our release today, we are at or near record levels for both of these high gross margin revenues sources during the third quarter and we expect continued momentum in this fourth quarter.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDass Launch for Local in ein Wespennest

20.11.12 10:37
sticht, zeigt die Existenz eines Start-Up in diesem Bereich, das die renommierten Geldgeber nur so anzieht: Google Ventures, Sequoia Capital und Salesforce.com beispielsweise.

About HubSpot in 2011: HubSpot currently has 4,900 customers that pay between $3,000 and $14,400 a year. We estimate that the average customer pays between $5,000-$7,000 which would put their revenues between $24-34M. Estimates for the value of this private company was a quarter billion in 2011.

Launch for Local hatte im dritten Quartal mit seinem Neustart schon 1.000 Customers, die mindestens $3.000 im Jahr zahlen erreicht.. Ich gehe davon aus, dass sich diese Zahl spätestens bis Ende von Q1/2013 verdoppelt und bis Ende des Jahres 2013 vielleicht vervierfacht hat, wodurch die Erlöse im Bereich Business Solutions 20 Millionen erreichen würden. Der Wegfall der früher fast 20.000 Kunden, die Einzelprodukte kauften und über die Telcos, die das einstellten, abrechneten,wäre somit nicht nur ausgeglichen, sondern sogar überkompensiert.

Und Local Corp hat den Vorteil, dass es im Gegensatz zu Hubspot die Produkte nicht entwickeln muss, denn die sind/waren meist schon da - nur wurden sie einzeln und nicht im Paket verkauft. Und eine potentielle Kundenbasis hat man durch fast 20 Millionen Listings allemal. All das erfordert(e) bei Hubspot erhebliche Investitionen.

On November 5, 2012, the company announced receipt of an additional $35M mezzanine round from institutional investors. It would appear this may be the final round before a planned IPO. On March 8, 2011 the company secured a Series D round for an additional $32M in venture funding from Google Ventures, Sequoia Capital and Salesforce.

Insgesamt haben die schon mehr als 100 Millionen für Investitionen eingesammelt, die Local Corp nur in sehr geringem Umfang tätigen musste, weil die Produkt- und Clientenbasis eben schon da war - nur ausnutzen muss man sie noch. Und hoffnungsvoll angelaufen ist das mit jetzt schon 1.000 Kunden fast vom Start weg allemal.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch die Deals ohne Parnter Travelzoo

20.11.12 13:12
erreichen jetzt schon erhebliche Dimensionen bei Spreebird:

Big Deals by Spreebird
By flankenking . 26 seconds ago . Permalink
Hair Chalk
$19 for Set of Hair Chalk with 24 Assorted Colors ($89 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 10 hrs, 54 mins
883 Bought

Easy Canvas Prints
$29 for One Custom Photo-to-Canvas 16x20 Print ($87 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
4 days, 10 hrs, 51 mins
160 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Sideways Cross Necklace
$16 for One Honesty Gold Cross Necklace ($59 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
5 days, 10 hrs, 50 mins
235 Bought
Limited Quantity Available  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie Verbesserung der Umsatzqualität gelingt

20.11.12 18:10
Organic Traffic increased from a percentage of 33% in 2011 to a percentage of 37% in 2012E (absolute numbers: from 117 million Unique Monthly Visitors in 2011 to 155 million Unique Visitors in 2012E). The goal is a percentage of 50%.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDicke Geschäfte von Spreebird durch

20.11.12 20:41
die Zusammenarbeit mit Spreebird, auch wenn da die Margen für Spreebird nur sehr dünn sein werden, aber der Aufwand ist eigentlich gleich Null und zusätzlich ergeben sich durch das attraktive Angebot Synergieeffekte.

Dover Downs Hotel & Casino
$109 - 4-Star Delaware Casino Escape incl. All Meals
Value $259
Savings $150 (58%)
Time Remaining
3 hrs, 25 mins, 56 secs
1,112 Bought
Deal-Partner Travelzoo

Cabo Azul Resort
$599 - Cabo 4-Night Luxe Villa Escape for 2, Reg. $1267
Time Remaining
1 day, 1 hr, 24 mins
194 Bought
Deal-Partner Travelzoo

Lake Blackshear Resort
$59 - Georgia Lakefront Getaway, 50% Off
Value $123
Savings $64 (52%)
Time Remaining
1 day, 0 hrs, 22 mins
119 Bought
Deal-Partner Travelzoo  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNiemand hiflt hier mehr als Local Corp

21.11.12 20:42
You need to be visible in mobile search and nobooy can help better than Local Corp

Arizona Business Gazette

Mobile marketing success for local business

Sept. 13, 2012 07:11 AM

Use of mobile devices continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and local business owners should be taking notice now more than ever.

A new "Mobile Path to Purchase" study conducted by Nielsen tracked what consumers are doing with their mobile devices. According to the study, consumers show a strong preference for finding information related to local contact and purchases, such as looking up a business location, accessing map and driving directions and calling a business.

Depending on the category and device used, as many as 73 percent of mobile users report looking for a business phone number and subsequently calling the business. In addition, up to 84 percent of mobile searchers report looking up a business location and accessing driving directions.

Those, quite simply, are huge numbers that are driving a great deal of activity and leads for local businesses. For business owners, of course, the implications are clear: You need to be visible in mobile search, and your ads or listings should always include a phone number and directions

Read more: Arizona Business Gazette  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLocal Search bringt's

21.11.12 23:26
How to Optimize Your Business Website for Local and Mobile Search

June 20, 2012

Local and mobile search are crucial to consumers seeking products and services. In the 2012 Local Search Usage Study by comScore, 61 percent of respondents searching for information about local businesses say local search results are the most relevant, and 58 percent say local search results are the most trustworthy. Here’s what small business owners need to know  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWarum Launch Local die Chance zum ganz großen

23.11.12 19:49

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie Überraschung aus 4313

23.11.12 20:24
Mobile is where today’s consumers already are, but local businesses are not. The LCM study showed that approximately 19% of SMBs said they have learned about mobile marketing but don’t use it, 31% have heard of it but don’t know much, and 29% simply haven’t heard of it at all.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInteressante Studie

23.11.12 22:48

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaClick-Through Rate von Local.com achtfacher

24.11.12 09:03
Local Corporation's Consumer Properties help advertisers stand out and engage with the right customer at the right time.

Monthly Unique Visitors: Over 30 million

Monthly Page Views: Approximal 50 million

Page Views per Visit: 2.5 views average

Impressions: 1.2 billion

Click Through Rate: Up to 8x more than industry-standard

CTR: Stands for "Click-Through Rate," and is used in online advertising. Web publishers typically generate revenue from advertisers each time a visitor clicks on one of the advertisements (the PPC model). Therefore, publishers are interested what percentage of page views result in clicks on the advertisements. The higher the click-through rate, the more revenue a publisher will generate. So, what would you guess is a common CTR for a website? 10%? 5%? Try 1%. Since the average CTR across the web is only around 1%, publishers need to attract thousands of visitors each day to generate substantial revenue.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas Geld liegt auf der Straße und Local Corp

24.11.12 13:21
wird es aufheben.

Why It’s Time For Local SMBs To Get On Board With Mobile And Why Launch for Local from Local Corp will have Big Future

Oct 15, 2012 at 10:25am ET by Stephanie Hobbs

While attending BIA/Kelsey’s SMB Digital Marketing 2012 Conference in Chicago last month, I was surprised by the results of a recent LCM study, which showed that only 20 percent of local businesses said they have experience with mobile marketing.

Small businesses today operate in a time when smartphone adoption is growing rapidly (eMarketer predicts there will be 116 million U.S. smartphone users, representing 37% of the population, by the end of this year.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaKey Trends Affecting The LoSoMo Industry

24.11.12 17:11
Key Trends Affecting The LoSoMo Industry (Source: Search Engine Land)

1. Mobile is king

2. Rise of ‘Local Discovery’

3. Data Purity & Ubiquity

4. Shift from Acquisition to Retention

5. Solution led Service  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWarum es doch richtig war, an Spreebird festzuhalt

24.11.12 19:19
After a summer of no SEO growth, the site did a Groupon in October.  Shortly after that, its rankings and organic visits started to grow.  Two weeks later they did another one and grew even more (+84%!).  Last week, they did another and grew further.  They are now averaging over 20% weekly organic growth.  Pretty cool.

Now before you go out and start telling everybody that they need to start doing Groupons, remember, this site’s old domain was doing ok SEO-wise.  So perhaps the reason why the Groupon links had such a dramatic effect was because the new domain just needed a little boost to get it going.  So a more established domain might not see the same effect.

That said, this got me thinking that there could be a big opportunity in generating links from Groupon if you could figure out a way to do Groupons profitably.  Even for those merchants that are not making money from Groupons, by adding in the linkbuilding benefit, the ROI might become positive.  Even better, what if you could figure out a way to do Groupons that got no redemptions?  You’d have a free linkbuilding program.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZitat im letzten Posting stammt aus dieser Quelle:

24.11.12 19:22

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSpreebird doing well

25.11.12 09:30
Sideways Cross Necklace
$16 for One Honesty Gold Cross Necklace ($59 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
14 hrs, 33 mins, 57 secs
435 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Secret Santa Mystery Box
$19 for One Female Themed, Male Themed OR Surprise Me! Secret Santa Mystery Box ($100 Value)
Time Remaining
4 days, 14 hrs, 32 mins
229 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

$89 for One Box of Latisse (3 ml) OR $149 for One Box of Latisse (3 ml) & Vivite Replenish Hydrating Facial Cleanser (6.0 oz.) & Vivite Revitalizing Eye Cream (0.5 oz.) (Up to $238 Value)
Time Remaining
5 days, 14 hrs, 30 mins
40 Bought
Limited Quantity Available  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEinen noch besseren Eindruck gewinnt man,

25.11.12 10:59
wenn man direkt auf eine Seite von Spreebird geht:


63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSelbst wenn da für Spreebird nicht viel hängen

25.11.12 13:46
bleiben dürfte, ist die Zusammenarbeit mit Travelzoo ein Erfolg:


Denn die Kosten für Spreebird gehen gegen 0, da die Abwicklung über Travelzoo läuft und man erreicht mehr Klicks auf die Geschäfte, die nicht zusammen mit Travelzoo getätigt werden, wie man aus der Adresse in # 4322 erkennen kann, wenn man das einmal mit den früheren Verkaufszahlen von Spreebird vergleicht.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNewest Presentation from Q4/20012 - Overview

25.11.12 23:08
Newest Presentation from Q4/20012 - Local Corporation Overview

Founded: 1999

IPO Date: 2004

Reach: ~1 million consumers/day

Network of Websites: Over 1,000

Direct SMB Subscribers: ~900

Patents: 10 issued + 11 pending

20% YoY revenue growth (Q3’12 over Q3’11)

40% CAGR 2006-2012

FY12 Guidance: ~$100M revenues: ~27% YOY growth and ~$750K Adjusted Net Income

Forward-Looking: Increased organic revenue = higher margins and improved bottom line  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGünstige Kursstellung bei ordentlicher Menge

26.11.12 09:11
in Stuttgart für Käufer:


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