FCEL vor Gewinnschwelle 2013
Es ist bedauernswert, dass Companies wie BLDP oder FCEL unter Umständen auf lange Sicht der Atem ausgeht (man muss sich auch mal vorstellen, wie lange sie bereits unternehmerisch erfolglos agieren). Das Know How dieser Firmen ist "unbezahlbar". Es ist wie so oft in der Geschichte - die besten Erfinder haben den Ruhm ihrer Erfindungen auf Grund vorzeitigem Ablebens nicht persönlich ernten können.
Bei Ölpreisen um die 50$ ist die Brennstoffzelle wirtschaftlich absolut indiskutabel... der Ausblick auf Brennstoffzellen herstellende Unternehmungen ist mittelfristig nicht rosig.
Kann man auch mit Gas betreiben, warum interessiert der ÖL Preis, ist doch Unsinn :-(
Ausgedachter Quatsch.
Wie die Zahlen von FCEL aussehen werden, weiß ich nicht. Aber zuletzt waren die Zahlen immer mies. Ob das nun ein Signal für die kommenden Zahlen ist, sollte jeder für sich einschätzen.
Für mich ist nur eins logisch. Wenn FCEL weiterhin Geld verbrennt, könnte die nächste Kapitalerhöhung noch in diesem Jahr vollzogen werden.
Was wird am 10./11. März passieren? Wir haben allzu oft an die geheimen Aufträge und guten Meldungen gehofft, die spätestens bei den Conference Calls erwartet wurden. So haben wir allesamt schon vor einem Jahr, viele schon vor zwei Jahren hier gefiebert. Das ist nach wie vor leider unwahrscheinlich. Warum? Wenn man auch nur jede erdenklich positiv erscheinende Meldung von FCE (Besuch eines Abgeordneten, jede produzierte millionste KwH) vermarket, würde man sich doch solche guten Nachrichten nicht bis zu den Quartalszahlen aufheben. Da wird also nicht viel kommen, ausser relativ vagen Aussichten/Versprechen für das kommende Geschäftsjahr. Ich bin zwar sicher, dass wir in diesem Jahr noch etliche gute Meldungen hören werden aber nächste Woche kann es schon sein, dass wir an der $ Marke kratzen.
Ich sehe allerdings gerade bei FCE deutlich größeres Potenzial als bei PLUG oder Ballard. Die müssen einen Massenmarkt bewegen, während FCE von individuellen Großaufträgen lebt. Wenn POSCO wenigstens eines der beiden Projekte unterschrieben bekommt und auf NRG nur eine große Multi-MW anschiebt, geht es hier richtig los. Aber alles immer mit dem kleinen Wörtchen "wenn" .
Ob das sinnvoll ist, das vermag ich z.Z. wirklich nicht zu beurteilen. Wer so tief in den Miesen ist wie ich, der sollte mal schauen, ob nachkaufen hilft:
Hier der hilfreiche Link: http://www.banktip.de/Aktienvolumen/
Hier etwas zur Motivation - manchmal müssen wir diese Realität auch mit eigenen Augen sehen, damit wir sie glauben. Der Mirai von Toyota mag ja vom äußeren Erscheinungsbild gewöhnungsbedürftig sein - manche finden ihn potthässlich. Aber wenn ich das Typenschild hinten sehe und "fuelcell" lese, bin ich wieder versöhnt. Wenn die deutschen Anbieter nicht in den nächsten zwei bis drei Jahren mit etwas adäquaten herauskommen, kaufe ich das Teil auf jeden Fall.
TOYOTA ... kenne ich: mich interessiert auch nicht das Aussehen. Nur sollte man auch bedenken, dass es bei der Entscheidung nicht nur um die Technologie geht, sondern um die Firma. Und an der habe ich so meine Zweifel. Und vor allem - bei der Anlage nicht lang genug hingesehen.
M.W. ist die Auto-BZ auch eine völlig andere Baustelle, eher Ballard, wenn ich mich nicht irre. Die sind auch gebeutelt worden, die kommen aber auch immer wieder an die Sonne. Ich halte meine damalige FCEL-Entscheidung heute für falsch und werde versuchen mit Nachkaufen raus zu kommen. Sind mir zu viele Fragezeichen und KEs.
Ich drück´ Dir die Daumen, dass ich daneben liege.
Kurse über 2.Euro werden wieder kommen.
Im Moment werden wohl die meisten im Minus sein.
Auch ich bin im Minus! Bei mir macht es die Menge
an Aktien die mein Depot tief rot aussehen lässt.
Die genaue Stückzahl werde ich hier nicht preisgeben.
Könnte jetzt noch kotzen das ich meine Plug so billig verkauft habe.
Ballard habe ich immer wieder gekauft und verkauft. Wenn ich diese Rendite bei der Bank bekommen möchte muss ich über 1000 Jahre alt werden.
Nur mal so erwähnt auch mit Dax Werten kann sehr gutes Geld verdienen.
VW bei 150.Euro gekauft.
Bin am überlegen zu verkaufen.
Wohin dann mit dem Geld?
Hast du die Vorzüge oder die Stämme?
Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Autobranche die nächsten 3 Jahre hervorragendes Geld verdienen wird....
Weil ich eventuell nochmal in BZ-Werten nachkaufen will.
Habe da an Plug gedacht! Bin mir aber noch nicht sicher.
Posted on 27 February 2015. Tags: Connecticut, Connecticut Center for Advanced Technologies, fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fuel, hydrogen fuel infrastructure, hydrogen fuel news, hydrogen fuel stations, massachusetts, NEESC, northeast electrochemical energy storage cluster
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New project wants to bring 10,800 fuel cell vehicles to the region
A new development project taking place in the Northeastern United States has announced a new plan to promote clean vehicles. The project aims to bring 10,800 fuel cell vehicles to the roads of numerous states, including New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Each of these states have their own plans concerning clean transportation, but the overarching Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC) aims to highlight hydrogen fuel cell technology in the region. The NEESC is being managed by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technologies.
States work together to promote clean transportation, requiring automakers to sell 3.3 million zero emissions vehicles
The eight states that comprise the Northeastern region signed a Memorandum of Understanding two years ago. According to the agreement, the states require automakers to sell no less than 3.3 million clean vehicles throughout the region. Fuel cell vehicles are included in this agreement. The states intend to see fuel cell vehicles begin being sold this year, with an increase in the number of these vehicles being sold in the region by 2018.
Improving the hydrogen fuel infrastructure could make fuel cell vehicles more attractive
Hydrogen Fuel - Clean Vehicle ProjectConsumers are not being forced to purchase clean vehicles, of course, and to make fuel cell vehicles more attractive, the NEESC is urging states to bolster their hydrogen fuel infrastructures. The project aims to see 110 hydrogen fuel stations built in the region, which may be enough to support the adoption of fuel cell vehicles. The NEESC believes that bolstering the region’s hydrogen infrastructure will have a positive impact on the economy, creating new jobs in the fuel cell supply chain.
Fuel cell industry continues to grow at a steady pace
According to the NEESC, the fuel cell industry in the Northeastern region is still emerging, but already has a $1 billion economic impact. The industry is expected to continue growing as fuel cells gain popularity. In the coming years, the NEESC believes some 1,300 megawatts of electrical power will be generated using hydrogen fuel cells in the region.
Friday,February 27,2015
In 2013, US-listed Fuel Cell companies, including Ballard Power (NASDAQ: BLDP), FuelCell Energy (NASDAQ: FCEL), Hydrogenics (NASDAQ: HYGS) et al. posted an average triple-digit return, led by Plug Power (NASDAQ: PLUG) advancing 210%, as shown (below).
The [fuel cell] excitement was precipitated by (i) a maturing technology whose price continued to decline towards being competitive with cheaper but less efficient alternatives, and (ii) regulatory as well as industry mandates to find long term cost savings and/or improve emissions, in the case of the auto industry. Large auto manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, Hyundai began commercialization of fuel cell vehicles to meet mandates like California's Zero Emission Vehicle Program(1).
We believe the same fundamentals foreshadow a hallmark year in 2015 for companies supplying auto and other industries with 'lightweight' materials. One of the best ways to potentially capture the upside is to own Integral Technologies (OTCQB: ITKG).
Integral Technologies makes a composite plastic called ElectriPlast that is non-corrosive, electrically conductive, and 40-60% lighter than the steel or aluminum components that it could potentially displace(2). The Company sees a meaningful opportunity in using ElectriPlast in electromagnetic interference shielding and conductive devices, as shown in Figure 1 (below), though industry applications are abundant.
FIGURE 1, Opportunities for Electriplast within Vehicle Base
Source: Integral Technologies
Investors might ask, why now? Why is 2015 potentially a hallmark year for companies that supply lightweight material and why Integral Technologies?
As with fuel cells in 2013, lightweighting is a big theme among all of the major auto manufacturers. Aluminum replaced steel; carbon fiber is increasingly replacing aluminum. For example, Ford's 2015 model F-150, which accounts for 1-in-20 cars sold in the US, will be 700 pounds lighter than its 2014 model with aluminum alloy replacing the heavier steel frame(3). BMW's i3 electric and i8 hybrid models use carbon fiber extensively and find savings in a smaller battery(4):
"Because of carbon fiber, the i3 weighs just 2,655 lbs, compared to nearly 3,300 lbs of the Nissan LEAF, despite the fact that both use similar sized (22 kWh vs. 24 kWh, respectively) batteries [...] That does wonders for efficiency, handling, and performance".
An industry whitepaper(5) predicts carbon fiber becoming increasingly price-competitive, as shown in Figure 2 (below), as demand for the materials soars.
FIGURE 2, Forecast of Carbon Fiber
Source: Infosys
Carbon fiber is a major input in the manufacturing of ElectriPlast, and as prices continue to decline, ElectriPlast becomes viable and competitive as a lightweight material. McKinsey predicts carbon fiber will decline 70% by 2030 in a report titled 'Lightweight, Heavy Impact'(6), although industry and government sponsored programs like the $102 Million MAI Carbon Cluster Management research project aims to reduce carbon fiber cost by up to 90%, which would take it from $20/kg to $2/kg, versus ~$1/kg for steel.
US regulators mandating that auto manufacturers reduce emission 65% by 2025 is a major driving force behind lightweighting in the auto industry as we note in ‘Integral Technologies Could Help Ford, GM Challenge Tesla in Efficiency’. This creates a viable opportunity for Integral Technologies’ ElectriPlast to become a part of the supply chain in one or more future vehicle product lines. The opportunity is particularly meaningful because it positions Integral’s investors for potential upside that is inherently more difficult to find among large lightweight material suppliers. The potential upside is well illustrated by Hexcel (NYSE: HXL), whose shares traded at less than $7 in 2009 and recently traded above $47 after the company’s carbon fiber material was made a part of the supply chain for Boeing and Airbus’ commercial aircraft. Figure 3 (below) shows Hexcel’s 7-year price chart.
FIGURE 3 Hexcel 7-Year Price Performance
Importantly Hexcel spent years qualifying their material to these clients. Integral Technologies has partnered and worked closely with industry leaders in the automotive supply chain, including Hanwha; BASF; Delphi Automotive Systems; EastPenn.
In 2015 the onus is on Integral Technologies to generate meaningful revenues from commercialization of ElectriPlast by leveraging global partnerships that appear to have validated the Company lightweight technology. This timeline is further supported by actions such as EastPenn filing patents(7) that encompass the use of Electriplast. Industry trends otherwise support the premise that if successful at commercialization, 2015 could be to Integral Technologies what 2013 was to leading fuel cell names.
Upcoming Initiation Report
In our upcoming initiation report, we explore the lightweighting opportunity and how Integral Technologies is positioning itself to capture alpha in this burgeoning multi-billion dollar market. Investors who are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of this report may do so by visiting http://www.oneequityresearch.com/intelligence-service/ or clicking here.
One Equity Research is initiating coverage of Integral Technologies under the guidance of an active, experienced industry executive, thought-leader and former materials analyst.
1) California Zero Emission Vehicle Program
2) Integral Technologies Corporate Presentation
3) Ford F-150 Sheds 700 Pounds
4) BMW Wants to Bring Carbon Fiber Costs Down 90%
5) Infosys Whitepaper: Carbon Composites Are Becoming Competitive and Cost Effective
6) McKinsey & Company: Lightweight, Heavy Impact
7) Patent Search: Electriplast
About One Equity Research
One Equity Research is a leading provider of proprietary and in-depth research crafted by respected financial analysts and domain experts. Our team includes trained finance professionals with diverse backgrounds that include equity research, investment banking, and strategic consulting at preeminent firms. We distribute our research through mainstream media partners and to subscribers of our Intelligence Service. To learn more please visit http://www.oneequityresearch.com/
Legal Disclaimer: This research note has been prepared by One Equity Research, LLC on behalf of a third party, as part of research coverage services. One Equity Research expects to be compensated up to twenty thousand dollars and may receive additional compensation for ongoing coverage of Integral Technologies. This research note is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell the securities of Integral Technologies. The report is for information purposes only, and is not intended to (and is provided explicitly on the condition that it not) be used as the sole basis to make any investment decision. Investors should make their own determinations whether an investment in any particular security is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.
FuelCell Energy Completes Sale of University Micro-grid Project to NRG Yield
NRG Yield purchased from FuelCell Energy, the previously announced 1.4 megawatt fuel cell power plant project at University of Bridgeport
First-ever fuel cell project placed into a yieldco..."
Wenn man dann die Dreckschleudern allein in Deutschland sieht, wird FCE die nächsten Jahrzehnte an nichts weiter als solchen Anlagen zu bauen haben.
Photo Release -- Competitive Carbon Reduction Solution Advancing With Affordable and Ultra-Clean Fuel Cells http://www.cnbc.com/id/102479971
Denke das kurz vor den Zahlen nochmal etwas Feuer in die
Aktie kommt. Ob negativ oder positiv bleibt die Frage.
Aber unter 1.Dollar?? Nee kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
Hoffe ja immer noch auf eine sehr..... gute Meldung vor oder bei
den Zahlen. ( leider nur Wunschdenken! )
Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL - Get Report), together its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, sells, installs, operates and services stationary fuel cell power plants for distributed power generation. This stock is trading up 3% to $1.32 in Thursday's trading session.
Thursday's Range: $1.28-$1.33
52-Week Range: $1.05-$4.74
Thursday's Volume: 1.53 million
Three-Month Average Volume: 3.66 million
From a technical perspective, FCEL is trending higher here right above some key near-term support at $1.24 with decent upside volume flows. This stock has been uptrending for the last month and change, with shares moving higher from its low of $1.05 to its recent high of $1.40. During that uptrend, shares of FCEL have been making mostly higher lows and higher highs, which is bullish technical price action. That move has now pushed shares of FCEL within range of triggering a major breakout trade above some key near-term overhead resistance levels. That trade will trigger if FCEL manages to take out its 50-day moving average of $1.33 and then once it clears some more key near-term overhead resistance levels at $1.36 to $1.40 with high volume.
Traders should now look for long-biased trades in FCEL as long as it's trending above some key near-term support at $1.24 and then once it sustains a move or close above those breakout levels with volume that registers near or above 3.66 million shares. If that breakout develops soon, then FCEL will set up to re-test or possibly take out its next major overhead resistance levels at $1.75 to $1.77, or even $1.83 to $2.
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