Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.853
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:136
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 168 | 169 |
| 171 | 172 | ... 373  >  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGut drauf bei Videos

01.11.12 23:06

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaOffensichtlich enorme Synerigeeffket

03.11.12 02:03
durch die Zusammenarbiet mit Travelzoo, die Spreebird attraktiiver machen:

Lollipop Nail Studio
$29 - Organic Mani/Pedi & Mimosas at OC Mart Mix, Reg. $60
Time Remaining
8 days, 18 hrs, 16 mins
323 Bought

Snow Tubing Package - Mt. Baldy
$15 for One 2-Hour Snow Tubing Package PLUS Sugar Pine Chairlift Ride at Mt. Baldy ($35 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 22 hrs, 13 mins
449 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Canvas, Paint and Wine, Oh My!
$29 - Step-by-Step Painting Class w/Wine & Apps, Reg. $59
Time Remaining
5 days, 18 hrs, 13 mins
207 Bought  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie Botschaft von Seeking Alpha

03.11.12 08:54
To illustrate my belief that Local is enormously undervalued, I made a list of next year's revenue estimates for 14 peer companies in the local search and advertising space, including Yelp, Angie's List, Demand Media, (DMD), and ReachLocal (RLOC) among others. The average price/revenue per share, or revenue multiple, of the group is 2.5 times. Applying this to my estimate of Local's revenue per share in 2013, I arrive at a stock price of $12, which is where I believe the shares should be trading today."

In this respect, Local Corporation is right where the action is

It looks to me like monetizing mobile apps is the business to be in. The market is $2.7 billion and predicted to grow to $8 billion over the next four years. Recently, Facebook's stock got a much-needed boost when it announced plans to use some of the $16 billion it raised in its May IPO to develop mobile apps, placing it in the company of Apple (AAPL) and Google in creating the world's largest ad network.

In this respect, Local Corporation is right where the action is. It just announced plans to introduce a mobile app for iOS and Android phones so on-the-go users can search for what they need locally. To me, it makes more sense to have a mobile app for local searches than to check real estate listings.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaVergleich mit Linkedin zeigt Unterbewertung auf

03.11.12 11:20
Linkedin is an excellent company but extreme overvalued, too, with 11.29 billion market-cap by lower than one billion revenues in 2012

Meanwhile, LinkedIn hiked its full-year revenue view to $939 million to $944 million, up from $915 million to $925 million previously and above consensus calls for $933.5 million.

A documentation of this extreme overvalue of Linkedin is the following compare: Local Corp has only 53 million market-cap, but revenues in 2012 after guidance of 106 million.

Result: Linkedin has only 8.8-fold revenues of Local Corp, but the 213-fold market-cap of Local Corp. Such an extreme divergence will never lastening.  

10342 Postings, 6020 Tage kalleariLibuda

03.11.12 11:28
TaglikeMe anschauen. Ist dort wie zur Internetblasenzeiten.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaIch bin seriöser Investor und beschäftige

03.11.12 11:44
mich nicht mit Schund wie TaglikeMe - selbst DER AKTIONÄR ist sich für diesen Schund zu schade:


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4226, denn gerade Videos bieten

03.11.12 13:53
hier hervorragende Anknüpfungspunkte:

Generic Queries Dominate a Buyer’s Search Behavior

"Buyers are much more likely to search on generic terms than branded – 86 percent of buyers conduct generic versus branded queries. In studying the referrals from searchengines to brand and third-party sites, the research also shows that more visitors arrivefrom generic searches, indicating early stage searching at the top of the purchase funnel.Buyers show a greater propensity to click on a generic link, at a rate of 144 percent over the general shopper conducting searches in the related category. This reality becomesimportant because brands typically invest in generic terms based off of the ability toconvert down the funnel. However, this data suggests in-store buyers are active upfunnel, and if their activity is not supported by a strategy that delivers relevant brandresults, they may not reach the store for purchase.Understanding this new data forms a crucial point: Generic queries have meaning andvalue that go beyond the measured online activity."

Source: GroupM Search, together with Kantar Media – Read more in this article  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer in 4232 zitierte Text auch zum Durchklicken

03.11.12 15:52

Meines Erachtens sehr hilfreich bei der Bwertung von Aktivitäten von Internetfirmen.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBesonders absurd ist der Vergleich mit Linkedin

03.11.12 22:01
The market-cap of Linkedin is a joke, if you compare with Local Corp: Linkedin is an excellent company but extreme overvalued, too, with 11.29 billion market-cap by lower than one billion revenues in 2012

Meanwhile, LinkedIn hiked its full-year revenue view to $939 million to $944 million, up from $915 million to $925 million previously and above consensus calls for $933.5 million.

A documentation of this extreme overvalue of Linkedin is the following compare: Local Corp has only 53 million market-cap, but revenues in 2012 after guidance of 106 million.

Result: Linkedin has only 8.8-fold revenues of Local Corp, but the 213-fold market-cap of Local Corp. Such an extreme divergence will never lastening.

Or do you thinking that such small net incomes of Linkedin in the last four quarters makes sense by more than 11 billion market- cap of Linkedin?

2.811 million

4.989 million

6.919 million

(1.598) million  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas nächste große Ding steht vor der Haustür

04.11.12 08:40
Why the coming integration of Krillion in the Search-Offers of Local Corp will be THE NEXT BIG THING:The Value of the Store Locator
By flankenking . 0 seconds ago . Permalink
One of the biggest landing points, when consumers do click, is the store locator page.More than 5 percent of the traffic measured to an advertiser’s site was store locator activity. This interest was shown across all three brands studied, with a notable spike for the brand selling its own branded products in its own stores. When comparing toCompete’s Top 100 U.S. Retailer data, this pattern proves consistent across the larger retail segment, with nearly 15 million consumers conducting a search that results in aclick on the store locator during the December holiday period alone. With newfunctionality from Google and others that embeds store locator options into a SERP, thisactivity by buyers proves it is more important than ever for advertisers to take advantageof such features.

Source: From Intent toIn-Store: Search’sRole in the NewRetail Shopper Profile October 2011  

5066 Postings, 4834 Tage einstegerLibuda,

04.11.12 11:37
Oktober 2011-ist nicht gerade "...vor der Hautür"  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEntschuldige, dass ich mich hier nicht so

04.11.12 12:05
präzise ausgedrückt habe, wie das für einen Leser, der sich mit dieser Aktie neu beschäftigt, erforderlich gewesen wäre.

Der Text über die Vorzüge eines Locators, der anzeigt, wo gesuchte Produkte in der näheren lokalen Umgebung in welchen Geschäften zu finden sind, stammt, wie Du das richtigerweise anführst, aus dem Oktober 2011. Im Portfolio von Local Corp befindet sich auch schon seit Frühjahr das Unternehmung Krillion, das einen solchen Locator betreibt, aber diese Seite war bisher noch nicht mit den anderen Produkten von Local Corp, insbesondere der Flagship-Seite Local.com, verzahnt - man musste Krillion noch zusätzlich anwählen. Während die Flagship-Seite Local.com in 2012 in der Spitze bis auf 25 Monthly Unique Visitors kam, waren es bei Krillion nur Bruchteile von einem Prozent von dieser Zahl. Ob diese Verzahnung so kompliziert ist bzw. warum sie 18 Monat auf sich warten ließ, kann ich Dir auch nicht sagen - aber sie soll jetzt in Q4/2012 kommen, denn in der Mitschrift des letzten Conference Calls bei Seeking Alpha kann man folgends lesen:

"We acquired Krillion in the second quarter last year and they will be powering our new product directory, which we expect to begin installing on our network starting in the fourth quarter. These instillations are forecasted to provide particularly high gross margin revenues to us."  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda25 Millionen statt 25 - im letzten Posting hat

04.11.12 12:23
sich ein Fehler eingeschlichen, denn es muss natürlich heißen:

"Während die Flagship-Seite Local.com in 2012 in der Spitze bis auf 25 Millionen Monthly Unique Visitors kam, waren es bei Krillion nur Bruchteile von einem Prozent von dieser Zahl.  

5066 Postings, 4834 Tage einstegerdas klingt schon interessanter:

04.11.12 12:24
"...These instillations are forecasted to provide particularly high gross margin revenues to us."

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudazu #4237: Oft wird übersehen, dass nicht die

04.11.12 17:41
Online-Verkäufe für Online-Marketing-Firmen die wichtigsten sind, sondern die stinknormalen konventionellen Verkaufsakte, die aber wiederum webbeeinflusst sind - und die sind ein hohes Mehfaches der Online-Verkäufe selbst. Und genau dieser Bereich der online-beeinflussten konventionellen Verkaufsakte ist die große Stärke von Local Corp.

"The same Forrester study found that in2011 more than $1.1 trillion in retail salescould be attributed to what they refer toas “Web-influenced” purchases.Web-influenced retail purchases aredefined by Forrester as offline retail salesthat are influenced by online research.Combined with measured online sales,48 percent of all retail sales are either online purchases or Web-influencedpurchases. This trend will continue; by2014, this number is forecasted to increaseto 53 percent – or $1.4 trillion. Both directlyand indirectly, the online channel is trulyan inseparable component of consumers’path to purchase.

Read more by: Chris Copeland, CEO, GroupM SearchProprietary research conducted by GroupM Search, together with Kantar Media CompeteOctober2011  

4388 Postings, 8507 Tage soroses gibt viele billige aktien die gewinne schreiben

04.11.12 17:53
siehe gigamedia und der kurs liegt immer noch bei 1,02usd...hat sich bisher nicht viel getan...news interessieren ein in solchen zeiten kaum, wenn die gesamtstimmung nicht bullisch ist und das geld nicht in die märkte überschwappt!;-) meine meinung!  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWenn ich mir die direkten Vergleichswerte ansehe

04.11.12 18:11

ist das aber nicht der Fall und Local.com ist gegenüber ihnen absurd unterbewertet. Und das war ja auch der Tenor des Artikel in Seeking Alpha weiter oben:


03.11.12 08:54
To illustrate my belief that Local is enormously undervalued, I made a list of next year's revenue estimates for 14 peer companies in the local search and advertising space, including Yelp, Angie's List, Demand Media, (DMD), and ReachLocal (RLOC) among others. The average price/revenue per share, or revenue multiple, of the group is 2.5 times. Applying this to my estimate of Local's revenue per share in 2013, I arrive at a stock price of $12, which is where I believe the shares should be trading today."

In this respect, Local Corporation is right where the action is

It looks to me like monetizing mobile apps is the business to be in. The market is $2.7 billion and predicted to grow to $8 billion over the next four years. Recently, Facebook's stock got a much-needed boost when it announced plans to use some of the $16 billion it raised in its May IPO to develop mobile apps, placing it in the company of Apple (AAPL) and Google in creating the world's largest ad network.

In this respect, Local Corporation is right where the action is. It just announced plans to introduce a mobile app for iOS and Android phones so on-the-go users can search for what they need locally. To me, it makes more sense to have a mobile app for local searches than to check real estate listings.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAngesichts einer Reichweite von mehr 30 Mio.

04.11.12 18:23
Monthly Unique Visitors ist eine Bewertung mit nur 53 Millionen Dollar absurd.


Zumal ja auch eine gewisse Monetarisierung gelingt, im letzten Quartal waren es 27 Millionen Dollar Umsatz und im gesamten Jahr 2012 werden nach dem Guidance 106 Millionen sein.

Und das mit der Unterbewertung gilt auch dann noch, wenn nur 40% orginaler Traffic sind und man für den Rest an Google und Yahoo und .... bezahlen muss und somit im Umsatz erhebliche "cost of revenues" stecken.  

4388 Postings, 8507 Tage soroslocal.com: Visits per day: 601,300

04.11.12 18:51
local.com: Visits per day: 601,300
zumindest haben die ne menge traffic auf ihrer seite!;-)  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaIch weiß nicht, woher Deine Zahlen stammen

04.11.12 22:23

aber Du müsstest da einen besonders schlechten Tag erwischt haben, denn im Schnitt sind es mehr als eine Million pro Tag. Aber das kann auch damit zusammenhängen, dass Deine Zahl nur die von einem Tag auf der Flagship-Seite Local.com ist - aber Local.com hat daneben auch noch ein umfangreiches Netzwerk:

 "Local Corporation’s consumer properties – which include our flagship Local.com website, Spreebird.com, Krillion.com and a network of more than 1,000 regional media sites – connect our merchant and advertiser partners to more than one million consumers every single day. These sites help online shoppers locate and purchase the products and services they need through multiple channels, including the web, mobile, email and social media, while delivering significant value to businesses through increased revenue and deeper customer engagement. Our consumer properties are powered by Local Corporation's proprietary ad distribution technologies, which make it possible to gather and disseminate relevant content and advertising from a variety of sources in real time, resulting in immediate returns for businesses and creating millions of satisfied customers."


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd Spreebird läuft in seinem bescheidenen

04.11.12 22:26
Rahmen weiterhin gut. Das wird nicht das große Ding, aber bleibt wohl ein Bestandteil - auch wenn der Umsatz 2012 mit ca. 2 Millionen nur ca. 2% zum Umsatz von 106 Millionen beitragen dürfte.

iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case
$18 for One iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case ($99 Value)
Time Remaining
2 days, 6 hrs, 13 mins
594 Bought

Snow Tubing Package - Mt. Baldy
$15 for One 2-Hour Snow Tubing Package PLUS Sugar Pine Chairlift Ride at Mt. Baldy ($35 Value
Time Remaining
6 hrs, 11 mins, 15 secs
521 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

Lollipop Nail Studio
$29 - Organic Mani/Pedi & Mimosas at OC Mart Mix, Reg. $60
Time Remaining
7 days, 2 hrs, 4 mins
464 Bought
Dealparnter: Travelzoo

Canvas, Paint and Wine, Oh My!
$29 - Step-by-Step Painting Class w/Wine & Apps, Reg. $59
Time Remaining
3 days, 2 hrs, 3 mins
228 Bought

Holiday Feast - Lake Forest
$60 for Take-Out Holiday Feast for Up to 12 People OR $120 for Take-Out Holiday Feast for Up to 24 People from Texas Pit BBQ (Up to $240 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 6 hrs, 0 mins
56 Bought

Beso Hollywood
$49 - Beso Hollywood: Celeb Hot Spot Dinner for 2, Reg. $102
Time Remaining
3 days, 5 hrs, 56 mins
602 Bought
Deal Partner: Tavelzoo  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaKleine nackte Shortseller aufgepasst

04.11.12 22:36
My advice for small naked shortseller, which are lemmings of the criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper: Cover your naked shortselling positions and don't sell additional shares to the criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper, who is covering since longer time their gigantic naked shortselling-positions, which are not part of the published shortselling-numbers, with low success.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAus Spreebirds Zusammenarbeit mit Travelzoo

05.11.12 09:41
The Mendocino Hotel & Garden Suites
$199 - Coastal Mendocino 2-Night Retreat, Reg. $667
Time Remaining
12 hrs, 24 mins, 31 secs
451 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo

Chattanooga Choo Choo
$99 - Tennessee: Chattanooga Choo Choo Escape w/$25 Credit
      $178   Savings§
$79 (56%)
Time Remaining
11 hrs, 21 mins, 43 secs
251 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo

Hotel Julien
$99 - Luxury Suite at Dubuque Riverfront Hotel, Reg. $299
Time Remaining: Sold Out
749 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo

Cambria Pines Lodge
$189 - Cambria 2-Night Romantic Escape w/Dinner, Reg. $414
Time Remaining: Sold Out
2,395 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLocal Corp ist sensationell gut positioniert

05.11.12 20:31
No other company worldwide is better positioned in this market like Local Corp

The same Forrester study found that in2011 more than $1.1 trillion in retail sales could be attributed to what they refer to as “Web-influenced” purchases. Web-influenced retail purchases are defined by Forrester as offline retail sales that are influenced by online research.Combined with measured online sales,48 percent of all retail sales are either online purchases or Web-influenced purchases. This trend will continue; by 2014, this number is forecasted to increaseto 53 percent – or $1.4 trillion. Both directly and indirectly, the online channel is truly an inseparable component of consumers’path to purchase.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch das darf der böse Flankenking momentan nicht

05.11.12 22:57
posten - da scheinen ein paar Shortseller, die bei Yahoo arbeiten, total von der Rolle zu sein - und dabei geht es nur um ein paar Beispiele von Spreebird-Deals:

Angry Red Bird Hat
$15 for One Angry Cardinal Red Bird Hat ($40 Value)
Time Remaining
2 days, 1 hr, 20 mins
142 Bought
Limited Quantity Available

iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case
$18 for One iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case ($99 Value)
Time Remaining
1 day, 1 hr, 19 mins
683 Bought

$19 - Mexikosher: LA Weekly Top 5 Dinner for 2, Reg. $35
Time Remaining
6 days, 1 hr, 12 mins
139 Bought

Laugh Factory
$15 & up - Laugh Factory: Comedy Night w/2 Drinks, $10 Off
Time Remaining
25 days, 1 hr, 11 mins

164 Bought

U.S. Aviators
$39 - Pilot a State-of-the-Art Flight Simulator, Reg. $100
Time Remaining
3 days, 1 hr, 10 mins
142 Bought  

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