Local.com aussichtsreich

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Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:57von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.734
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63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas spielt Local Corp voll in die Karten

27.10.12 19:09
Excellent for Local Corp: Increasingly, consumers are demanding a seamless shopping experience — across online, in-store and mobile channels — or what retail experts call an "omnichannel" experience

Increasingly, consumers are demanding a seamless shopping experience — across online, in-store and mobile channels — or what retail experts call an "omnichannel" experience. A PricewaterhouseCoopers report published in September about the future of retailing, forecasts that, by 2020, "this should be a reality, with shoppers experiencing retailers as a single brand consistently across all points of contact, both virtual and real world."

Online Retailers Go Retro… Open Brick-and-Mortar Stores By Lisa Scherzer | The Exchange – Thu, Oct 25, 2012 1:51 PM EDT  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu 4201

28.10.12 10:16
A holiday shopping study commissioned by Google and conducted by market research firm Ipsos OTX illustrates the sometimes circuitous journey consumers take to make purchases. The study found that about half of shoppers will research products online and then buy in-store, while 17% will first visit a store and then purchase online. And another 32% will research online, visit a store to check out the product, then go back online to make the purchase.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaPropel für $249 liefert

28.10.12 21:04
URL Acquisition
Securing the right URL for your business is the first step in building an online presence that’s uniquely yours. We will:
• Research and secure the URL that best fits your business, makes you memorable and sets you apart from your competition

Web Hosting
A reliable host for your sites with a 99.9% uptime guarantee will ensure they are live when your customers are looking. We will:
• Set up and manage site hosting so you can focus on taking care of your new customers with no extra fees

Site Design
Your online presence is most effective when you have a site that looks good, works well and delivers important information about your business. We will:
• Design a complete site that is impactful and memorable for your customers
• Make sure you beat the competition by making key business details like your: address, phone number and business hours easy to find by your customers
• Link to pages via social media badges to maximize traffic and improve search engine performance

More and more, customers are searching for businesses while they’re on the go using their mobile phones and tablets. We will:
• Create a mobile site that is optimized for mobile phones that properly mirrors your business site
• Establish a mobile web address that helps you rank higher when customers search using a phone or tablet

Social Media
The role of Social Media and customer referrals in helping businesses win new customers is greater than ever. We will:
• Display social badges and link to your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages
• Integrate social sharing buttons throughout your custom-designed sites

Be found on the most important places on the web where people search. We will:
• Establish your business listing with enhanced information on over 1,000 places on the web including: Local.com, directories, maps, apps and network regional media sites
• Manage these listings from one place and make updates to your address, phone number, photos, specials and more for you

Ranking high on search engines is, by far, the most effective way to reach more customers that are looking in your area for businesses like yours. We will:
• Develop a site that is SEO optimized with the geographic location and keywords that match your business and reach the exact customers you want
• Write and consistently update site content that helps search engines clearly identify your business, so you show up in the right searches

Display Advertising
Connect with the right customers and stand out from the competition with branded banner ads. We will:
• Create custom banner ads that feature a link to your business website, phone number, logo and premium photography
• Give your business top-of-the-page premium placement on Local.com website, the fastest growing local search directory

Special Offers
Discounts and coupons get attention and help drive customers to your front door. We will:
• Post your monthly offers and coupons consistently through everything we do for you

Calls are the first step to getting customers through your door. We will:
• Provide you with call tracking numbers so that we can track the success of the campaigns that we’ve developed for you

Clicks turn into leads, leads turn into customers, customers turn into revenue. We will:
• Create a custom lead form for your sites to help you connect with local customers who are ready to learn more about your products and services  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda$249

28.10.12 21:06
bezieht sich auf einen Monat, was ca. 3000 Dollar pro Client im Jahr sind.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda#4203 darf ich auf Yahoo nicht komplett

28.10.12 21:57
vorstellen, vermutlich auf Intervention des kriminellen Crimes behind The Street Sweeper, der immer noch weit von einem Covern seier meines Erachtens gigantischen Naked Shortselling-Zahlen entfernt sein dürfte.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBiggest Winner of this Development is Local Corp

28.10.12 22:11
The rapidly growing popularity of smartphones worldwide has made mobile ads a viable option for advertisers. Research firm eMarketer estimates that spending on mobile advertising in the U.S. will reach $2.61 billion in 2012, before soaring to nearly $12 billion in 2016. In 2012, eMarketer estimates that the average amount of time U.S. consumers spend on their mobile devices -- talk-time not included -- will rise 51.9 percent to 82 minutes per day, a sharp increase from an average of just 34 minutes in 2010.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNoch ein Vergleich mit einem Speku-Darling

29.10.12 09:56
- nämlich MeetMe, das mit 150 Millionen zweieinhalb mal so hoch bewertet wie Local Corp

Number from Siteanalytics: MeetMe has only 3.3 million Monthly Unique Vistiors against more of 20 million Monthly Unique Visitors from the Flagship-Site of Local Corp - that is the 6-fold for the Flagship-Site of Local Corp. And together with its network has Local Corp 30 million Monthly Unique Visitors - the 9-fold of MeetMe.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch diese durch Zahlen von Siteanalytics belegte

29.10.12 09:57
Aussage lässt Yahoo übrigens nicht zu. Das ist aus meiner Sicht auch eine Form der Manipulation.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWarum neben Google und Yahoo nicht die Wand ist

29.10.12 10:26
But, they're all trying to cover every scenario without the help of partners, which, as we learned from Yahoo!, is impossible in the long run
By flankenking . 1 second ago . Permalink
Search has to evolve

These issues are the opportunities at stake for tomorrow's search engines. When you search, you know what you want (or something close to it) and the search engine points you in the right direction. You don't need to pre-install the results or pre-select the right app.

We've seen that Google, Bing, and Yahoo! have already made efforts to "appify" their results. When you search for "The Dark Knight," they all load movie show times, searching for addresses brings up maps, cities get weather forecasts, and stock symbols get charts, not to mention news results, image results, video results, etc. But, they're all trying to cover every scenario without the help of partners, which, as we learned from Yahoo!, is impossible in the long run.

The answer isn't to do it all in-house, nor is it only to enlist a community of app developers. The answer is a combination of the two: a portal connecting us to the app most qualified to accomplish the given query.

If the portal sees a query that's pretty common, they should make their own app. In Yahoo!'s case, they'd keep their own stocks and news apps, but they'd farm out things that are a little more niche (think Yelp, Spotify, social readers, etc.) This is similar to how the iPhone comes with a calendar app and stock app, but doesn't come with any games. There's always going to be a set of things nobody builds apps for - in that case, we always have the old school 10 blue links.

How would this work for search? Imagine if searching "black eyed peas" loaded the Spotify app right inside the website, or searching "French gourmet" loads the Yelp app? They can let third parties build as many apps as they want, with each competing for distribution by proving their value to the search engine's organic ranking system.

Such a search engine would mean that instead of having to install a hundred apps and remember which to use for which scenario, I'd have access to thousands of apps custom-built for each and every scenario I could ever desire. And even better, this lets me focus on my intent and what I want to do - not which app I should use to do it. Right now I have to think about the app category, like "I want restaurant info," to know which app to use. What I want is to skip this step and just state my intent: "I want French Laundry."

Quelle: Seeking Alpha  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLeider sind derarige Postings bei Yahoo nicht

29.10.12 23:47
anbringbar, wo ein Poster momentan mit kriminellen Fälschungen agiert, die auf alten Yahoo-Zahlen basieren. Vermutlich will Yahoo nicht eingestehen, dass die  eigenen Zahlen falsch sind, weil sie uralt sind.

pan_a-dero falsificate with old informations from Yahoo
By flankenking . 1 second ago . Permalink
A poster on a message-board must control, if he use correct informations. Correct informations only exist on the message-board of Nasdaq, not on boards like Yahoo or other, where lazy staff use old informations.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaKrillion gehört seit 2011 zu Local Corp

30.10.12 10:41
aber existiert noch neben den anderen Angeboten. In diesem Quartal soll das erste integrierte Angebot kommen:


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4211

30.10.12 10:58
There’s a new type of customer roaming the web these days:
the cross-channel shopper. These are well-informed consumers:
they use the web and their social networks to learn about
the latest products, research what to buy, compare different
brands and models, and finally to actually buy that product.
If you’re a manufacturer of consumer-goods products such as
major appliances, computers, cameras, or other electronics
products, chances are there are cross-channel shoppers on
your website right now looking for detailed product information,
pricing, and where they can buy that product.

Perhaps you’re thinking: “We have a terrific online store. Plus,
we list all our online retail partners and storefront retailers.
We’ve got ’em covered.”
Well, maybe not. Research shows that these shoppers expect
your website to help them decide what to buy, and also where
to buy. That means they need to see accurate and up-to-date
presentation of all their buying options in one spot.
Check your website again. How good are your where-to-buy
options? Do you provide accurate pricing and retailer information
for both online and offline merchants? Read on to learn
what advanced features these shoppers need, and how you
can quickly implement them.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaKrillion power Local Search

30.10.12 12:33
Krillion adds efficiency to marketing and selling processes across the entire consumer goods value chain by providing up-to-date pricing and real-time, in-store availability.
Our elegant and flexible commerce and media solutions are powered by a comprehensive, location-aware product database:
• Consisting of 100 million unique data elements, many of which change daily
• Covering 200 top commerce categories
• Representing 1,200 brands across 40,000 storefronts  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSpreebird läuft

30.10.12 21:04

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd läuft

31.10.12 11:18
Custom Gallery Wrapped Canvas
$29 for One 16x20 Custom Gallery Wrapped Canvas OR $49 for Two Canvases (Up to $230 Value)
Time Remaining
14 hrs, 42 mins, 35 secs
132 Bought

10ft. iPhone/iPad/iPod Charging Cable
$10 for One 10ft. iPhone/iPad/iPod Charging Cable ($24 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
2 days, 14 hrs, 40 mins
401 Bought
Limited Quantity Available
Deal Parnter: Travelzoo

Hidden Creek Cabins
$189 - Smoky Mountains 2-Night Cabin Getaway, Reg. $350
Time Remaining
11 hrs, 39 mins, 6 secs

37 Bought
Deal Parnter: Travelzoo

The Essex Resort & Spa
$399 - Vermont 2-Night Culinary & Spa Escape, Reg. $778
Time Remaining
1 day, 11 hrs, 37 mins
50 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWarum Local Corp so gut positioniert ist

31.10.12 11:25

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd extrem unterbewertet

31.10.12 16:44

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda#42116 auf den Punkt gebracht

31.10.12 18:52
How entwined is the Web in consumers’ path-to-purchase for retail goods?Understanding the full impact of online requires looking beyond the obviousmetrics. Market analysts Forrester Research projected online retail revenues to be$173 billion in 2010, growing over 40 percent to reach nearly $250 billion by 2014. Yet for all the projected growth, the online channel will account for just 8 percentof total retail sales revenue. A deeper look at the numbers confirms that thisdrastically undervalues the role of the Web in the retail industry.

The same Forrester study found that in2011 more than $1.1 trillion in retail salescould be attributed to what they refer toas “Web-influenced” purchases.Web-influenced retail purchases aredefined by Forrester as offline retail salesthat are influenced by online research.Combined with measured online sales,48 percent of all retail sales are either online purchases or Web-influencedpurchases. This trend will continue; by2014, this number is forecasted to increaseto 53 percent – or $1.4 trillion. Both directlyand indirectly, the online channel is trulyan inseparable component of consumers’path to purchase.

Read more by: Chris Copeland, CEO, GroupM SearchProprietary research conducted by GroupM Search, together with Kantar Media CompeteOctober2011  

2743 Postings, 7002 Tage diabolo11auf den Punkt gebracht

31.10.12 19:32
geht die Sche... wieder von vorne los, und das Teil kennt wieder nur eine

2635 Postings, 4724 Tage mirko75was ist denn

31.10.12 19:36
hier heute wieder los?? de kurs steuert auf 2usd zu :-(  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSpreebird okay

01.11.12 13:02
Custom Gallery Wrapped Canvas
$29 for One 16x20 Custom Gallery Wrapped Canvas OR $49 for Two Canvases (Up to $230 Value)
Time Remaining
14 hrs, 42 mins, 35 secs
132 Bought

10ft. iPhone/iPad/iPod Charging Cable
$10 for One 10ft. iPhone/iPad/iPod Charging Cable ($24 Value)
Shipping & Handling Included!
Time Remaining
2 days, 14 hrs, 40 mins
401 Bought
Limited Quantity Available
Deal Parnter: Travelzoo

Hidden Creek Cabins
$189 - Smoky Mountains 2-Night Cabin Getaway, Reg. $350
Time Remaining
11 hrs, 39 mins, 6 secs
37 Bought
Deal Parnter: Travelzoo

The Essex Resort & Spa
$399 - Vermont 2-Night Culinary & Spa Escape, Reg. $778
Time Remaining
1 day, 11 hrs, 37 mins
50 Bought
Deal Partner: Travelzoo

iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case
$18 for One iPhone 4/4S External Battery Case ($99 Value)
Time Remaining
5 days, 11 hrs, 7 mins
288 Bought

Hotel Julien
$99 - Luxury Suite at Dubuque Riverfront Hotel, Reg. $299
Time Remaining
749 Bought (Sold Out)
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Amara Resort Hotel & Spa
$149 - Sedona 4-Star Escape w/$75 Spa Credit & Breakfast
Time Remaining
1 day, 9 hrs, 3 mins
223 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo

Belhurst Castle
$169 - Luxe Finger Lakes Castle Escape w/$100 to Spend
Value $280
Savings $111 (60%)
Time Remaining
1 day, 8 hrs, 0 mins
457 Bought
Deal Partner Travelzoo  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaIch habe heute und gestern

01.11.12 13:04
1.000 und 650 = 1.650 über Tradegate zugekauft.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4218

01.11.12 20:47
The research paints a clear picturethat shows shoppers have established search as their lifeline to the buying decisions they make. Not only is search the most-used online channel in the shopping process, it is often used more than once in that process. Ninety-three percent of all buyers, online or in-store, use search

Search is used throughout the different stages of the process, with the most frequent path being a single, generic query. However, when consumers conduct multiple searches and move down the funnel, searches shift to what and where to buy. In these follow-up queries, shoppers use explicit queries to inform the specific decisions they are looking to make.

Three key findings on consumer usage of search for in-store shopping came to theforeground:

1.For in-store buyers, search is about discovery via generic keywords.

2.In-store buyers click on organic listings.

3.There is increased store locator visitation among buyers who use search andpurchase in-store.

These themes form a profile of the intent-driven shopper that will dramatically challengepreconception of search’s role in retail and may very well usher in a change of strategyfor many retail brands.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaÄrmliches Ergebnis von Yelp bei 1,47 Milliarden

01.11.12 22:11

For the full year of 2012, net revenue is expected to be in the range of $136.4 million - $136.9 million, representing growth of approximately 64% compared to the full year of 2011. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of $3.5 million to $4.0 million, which excludes a one-time charge of $1 million related to the Qype acquisition.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaVergleicht das einmal mit den 54 Millionen

01.11.12 22:19
Marktkapitalisierung von Local Corp:

Fiscal 2012 Financial Guidance:

Revenue - The company expects 2012 revenue to be approximately $106 million, which will be an increase of over 35% compared to 2011 revenues.

Adjusted Net Income – Adjusted Net Income for 2012 is expected to be approximately $2.2 million, or $0.10 per diluted share, assuming diluted weighted average shares of 23.0 million, taking into account the dilutive effect of stock options and warrants.

2,2 Millionen Adjusted Net Income dürften sogar besser sein als 3,5 bis 4 Millionen Ebitda, da beim Adjusted Net Income noch mehr Aufwendungen abgehen - obwohl das immer auf den Einzelfall ankommt.  

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