Local.com aussichtsreich

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Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
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63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaUnd der Markt entwickelt sich gut

13.10.12 10:33
"A flurry of paid-search reports surfaced Thursday as if trumpeting the unwrapping of Q3 2012 financial reports and signaling the entrance into the holiday season. Covario, Kenshoo, and Rimm-Kaufman Group (RKG) released analysis Thursday, following IgnitionOne, and Marin Software within the past few weeks.

Each report details a different piece of search engine marketing.

Covario focuses on the international paid-search markets mostly for enterprise, consumer electronics and retail companies. The analysis suggests growth in the Americas for Q4 2012, although Europe and Asia-Pacific will experience some softness after Q3 sequential declines for paid-search investments in those regions."

My advice: Go to Mediapost and read the complete article.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaQuelle für den Mediapost-Artikel

13.10.12 10:55

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu ## 4151/52

13.10.12 13:56
Covario's clients spent 33% more on paid-search ads in Q3 2012, compared with the year-ago quarter. Kenshoo's clients spent 24% more, but report regional CPC inflation and positive growth for the Yahoo Bing network. The analysis, based on more than $3 billion in annual global paid-search budgets, identified consistent CPC rates in the U.K., which are currently at $0.45 USD, could match the U.S. CPC rate of $0.48 by Q4 2012.

With CPC rising, marketers will have to increase search ad budgets and/or develop sophisticated optimization strategies to sustain traffic and conversion volumes.

Read more: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/...p.html#ixzz29BAjiFR8  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaWorkday wird nach dem IPO mit 22-fachem Umsatz

13.10.12 14:11

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaNoch so ein Vergleich, wo eine wesentlich

13.10.12 23:30
schlechtere Unternehmung eines Herrn Schambach, der uns von Intershop noch bestens bekannt ist, mit dem 16-fachen Wert von Local Corp bewertet wird - hier sind aber wirklich alle Werte mit Ausnahme der 16-fach höheren Marktkapitalisierung schlechter:

Prev Close: 33.11
     Open:     33.10          §
      Bid:§24.45 x 100
      Ask:§36.53 x 800
1y Target Est: 34.29
     Beta:       N/A§
Next Earnings Date: N/A
Day's Range: 33.05 - 33.57
52wk Range: 21.35 - 33.97
   Volume:   171,158§
Avg Vol (3m): 249,589
Market Cap: 970.99M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.20
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A

Total revenue for the second quarter was $18.4 million, a 43% year over year increase from $12.9 million in the second quarter of 2011
Demandware’s loss from operations for the second quarter of 2012 was $5.1 million, as compared to a loss from operations of $1.3 million for the same period in 2011, reflecting the company's increased investments to support the growth of its business.
Demandware’s GAAP net loss for the second quarter of 2012 was $5.6 million, or $(0.19) per share attributable to common stockholders, as compared to a net loss of $1.2 million, or $(0.71) per share attributable to common shareholders, for the second quarter of 2011.
Non-GAAP net loss for the second quarter of 2012 was $3.4 million, or $(0.12) per share, as compared to non-GAAP net loss of $0.9 million, or $(0.24) per share, for the second quarter of 2011.(1)  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDas sehe ich ähnlich

14.10.12 12:22
Seeking Alpha: "I can conservatively see this stock going to $12 by January 2013 based on pure current value."

"Local is a company that had $98 million in revenues in the last four quarters and is on track to do generate over $100 million in 2012, driven by record overall and mobile traffic numbers. Local is positioned to execute on monetizing mobile better than any other company because of the infrastructure it already has with local businesses in its networks that pay them every day for traffic, ads, and online marketing. With a renewed interest in the Internet and clear value play in this space, I can conservatively see this stock going to $12 by January 2013 based on pure current value -- and even higher based on news and strong earnings."  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaOrganice Traffic wächst überproportional

14.10.12 15:48
"Today, organic traffic represents 40% of the Company's web visitors to ist own sites and to the white-label directories provived by Local Corporation to its regional mdeia partner."  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaUnd auch Spreebird scheint sich im vorerst

14.10.12 16:50
angedachten bescheidenen Rahmen (1,5 bis 2 Millionen Umsatz von 106 bis 108 Millionen in 2012) zu etablieren:

Android 2.3 Tablet
$89 for One 8GB Android 2.3 WiFi Tablet PC with Front Camera ($290 Value)
Time Remaining
3 days, 7 hrs, 21 mins
127 Bought

Premium JLab Earbuds
$10 for One Set of Premium JLab Earbuds with Super Bass ($79.95 Value)
Time Remaining
2 days, 7 hrs, 26 mins
436 Bought  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaNoch ein Vergleich

14.10.12 22:51
Millennial Media, a Baltimore-based company runs a global network of advertising on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The company, which went public in March in a $1.8 billion offering, said it lost $2.2 million in the second quarter, which ended June 30, compared to $152,000 in the year-earlier period. The company also boosted its full-year revenue estimates by $3 million, from $176 million to $179 million.

That 179 million revenues are only the 1.7-fold of Local Corp's revenues, but the market-cap of Millenial Media is with 1.22 billion (= 1,220 million) the 20-fold of iditoic low 61 million of Local Corp - divergence who never will lastening.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaWie verrückt

15.10.12 14:04
REPORT: Mobile Advertising Revenues Are Rising Like Crazy
By Samantha Felix | Business Insider – Thu, Oct 11, 2012 5:44 PM EDT
Mobile advertising is on fire.
According to a report released today by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, mobile ad revenues have increased 92 percent in the last year, rising from $344 million in Q2 2011 to $661 million in Q2 2012.
Digital advertising revenues had an increase of 14 percent in the first six months of 2012, growing from $14.9 billion in 2011 to $17 billion in Q2 2012. Although it's interesting to note that 73 percent of digital advertising dollars are spent on 10 ad-selling companies, and the remainder is spread across approximately 75 other companies.
In spite of the rapid growth of digital and mobile advertising, it's search that's on top, accounting for 47 percent of total digital revenues with $4.1 billion in revenue.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaLibuda steht mit seiner Meinung immmer weniger

16.10.12 19:18

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDen Umsätzen in Deutschland nach haben

16.10.12 22:18
die hiesigen Anleger die letzte Kursverdoppelung verschlafen - aber vielleicht haben sie ja auch direkt über die US-Börsen gekauft.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaUnd das waren nur die ersten Schritte, um

16.10.12 23:16
idiotische Divergenzen, die ich immer wieder angeprangert habe, zu korrieren:


Yelp und Angi müssen noch stark sinken und Local Corp stark steigen, um auch nur annähernd die gigantischen Divergenzen zu korrigieren.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaFantastische Entwicklung für Local Corp

17.10.12 11:31
Read in Business Insider: How Mobile Advertising Will Grow To $13 Billion
Paul Palmieri, CEO of Millennial Media, opened the Smarter Mobile Marketing (SM2) conference in New York this morning by noting that consumers spend about 10 percent of their time looking at mobile screens, but the medium still only commands about 1 percent of advertiser budgets.
The time/spend ratio under-represents the potential of mobile compared to the dollars going into traditional media. He gave these numbers:
    •§Mobile: 10 percent time; 1 percent adspend share
    •§Magazines: 3 percent time; 11 percent adspend share
    •§Newspapers 4 percent time; 14 percent adspend share
Using a piece of research by Gartner from 2011, suggested that annual mobile ad spending would grow like this:
    •§$3.9 billion in 2012
    •§$6.8 billion in 2013
    •§$9.9 billion in 2014
    •§$13.5 billion in 2015

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/...to-13-billion-2012-10#ixzz29XwuiCbO  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaThe Premium For More Local

17.10.12 20:40
The Premium For More Local

"Advertisers often pay a significant premium to place their ads in front of local searchers on websites like those powered by the consumer properties business, including LOCM or the firm's network partners' websites."
Source: Seeking Alpha

Local customers are worth more! - Example Credit Union

Search Term Click Bids
Credit Union $0.91
Seattle Credit union $2.141
Premim = 235%

Search Term Click Bids
Plumber $9.55
Plumber Los Angeles $26.91
Premim = 282%  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #4165

18.10.12 00:01
Search Term Click Bids
Restaurant $1.39
San Francisco Restaurant $1.93
Premimum = 139%  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaRückgang gegenüber Vormonat, Anstieg gegenüber

18.10.12 19:48
Vorjahr bei den Unique Visitors.


63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaÄhnlich sieht es auch beim Competitor Yelp aus

18.10.12 19:55

Yelp hat trotz weniger Unique Visitors mit 1,51 Milliarden das schier unglaubliche 23-fache an Marktkapitalisierung, ohne dass das fundamental zu rechtfertigen wäre.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDas Problem von Google sind die App's

18.10.12 22:15
Google's Problem are App's

The Local Corp-Flagship-Site-App now available for iPhone and Android

It is a fun, free way to discover the best places, events and savings in your neighborhood. You can:
Search by keyword and category
- Rate & Review
- Get Details
- Map it
- Share  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaBei Angi ist es ähnlich wie bei LOCM und Yelp

18.10.12 23:34

Völlig absurd ist es, dass die mit einem Siebtel der Unique Visitors mit 564 Millionen die neunfache Marktikapitalisierung von Local Corp haben. Adam Riese würde aus der Multipliations von 7 mal 9 den Faktor 63 errechnen - ganz schön heftig.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaLauch by Local ist eine Wucht

19.10.12 00:08
Don’t Forget Your Local Customers When Marketing Online
10/10/2012 - Business Insider

An astounding 33.4 percent of SMBs have local phone numbers listed on their  company website, according to a recent SMB DigitalScape study. Only 22 percent have an e-mail  address on their website. This oversight highlights a problem with today’s small  business, who has been increasingly urged to shift advertising and marketing  efforts online. However, for small businesses that rely on local traffic, it’s  important to find ways to get the word out to those closest to you. Local Corp is  offering a solution.

Launch by Local is Local Corp's online solution to reaching  people in your own neighborhood. While there are many other online local  marketing solutions (Yelp, Reach Local, etc.), Launch by Local offers a far more  comprehensive service.

“Because this is built into our own platform, we’re able to offer it at an  incredibly low price as compared to our competitors, yet with very high gross  margins,” states Heath Clarke, Local Corporation’s chief executive officer. “We  plan to grow our direct sales force in order to sell Launch by Local at larger  scale, and also intend to increase the number of sales channels using the  product. We’re excited with the performance thus far and look forward to  reporting growth in our direct Launch subscriber numbers in future periods.”

With prices starting at only $249, small businesses can be up and running  within ten business days. Launch by Local offers listings in at least thirty  places, including websites, mobile, banner ads, banner listings, and content.  Additionally, Launch by Local can provide SEO, lead generation, and  loyalty/rewards programs that can keep customers returning to your business over  and over again.  

2580 Postings, 4996 Tage Japetuszu #4147 Thema Smartphones

19.10.12 12:57
Google: Smartphone und Co. zerstören Geschäftsmodell 19.10.2012, 11:55 Uhr

Bereits 2013 soll mehr Datenvolumen über Smartphones und Co. abgerufen werden, als über den heimischen PC. Ein Problem für Internet-Werbegiganten wie Google. Ihnen fehlen neue Werbe-Ideen - das Geschäftsmodell schwankt.


63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaVerkauf von Rovion ging besser als befürchtet

19.10.12 21:50
über die Bühne:

Total consideration for the assets sold is $3.9 million (Source: 8-K from today)
By flankenking . 3 minutes 24 seconds ago . Permalink
On October 19, 2012, Local Corporation (the "Registrant") issued a press release...
On October 19, 2012, Local Corporation (the "Registrant") issued a press release announcing that it had completed its divestiture of its Rovion technology platform to Rovion, LLC (the "Buyer"), a subsidiary of Point Roll, Inc. ("Point Roll") in accordance with the terms of that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated October 19, 2012 (the "Agreement") by and among the Registrant, Buyer and Point Roll. A copy of the press release is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1. The description of the Agreement contained herein is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1. Total consideration for the assets sold is $3.9 million, subject to balance sheet adjustments and subsequent claims against escrow, if any. The Registrant received consideration of $3,510,000 in cash at the closing of the transaction. An additional $390,000 is being held in escrow for a period of eighteen months in the event certain indemnification claims or final balance sheet adjustments are asserted against the Registrant. The assets sold include a self-service, rich media advertising platform and related toolset. Additionally the Buyer will be assuming certain assets and liabilities related to the assets sold, including accounts receivable, certain personnel and lease obligations related to the Rovion business.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaGekauft wurde für 2,3 Mio = 1,6 Mio Gewinn

19.10.12 23:58
Local Corp entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Rovion on April 4, 2011. Under the terms of the agreement, Local Corp acquired the assets of Rovion for approximately $2.3 million in cash.

Local Corp Closes Acquisition of Rovion, Inc.

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Local. Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it has completed the acquisition of the assets of Rovion, Inc. (“Rovion”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of DigitalPost Interactive, Inc.

Local. Corp. entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Rovion on April 4, 2011. Under the terms of the agreement, Local Corp. acquired the assets of Rovion for approximately $2.3 million in cash.  

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaTrotzdem dürfte das kein sehr gutes Geschäft

20.10.12 00:44
gewesen sein, denn die produzierten Verluste in der Besitzzeit von Rovion dürften in der Größenordnung des jetzt erzielten Gewinns gelegen haben, allerdings sind die produzierten Verluste in den letzten vier oder fünf Quratalen schon verbucht worden, sodass jetzt der Gewinn aus dem Verkauf voll auftaucht.  

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