Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:57von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.225
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:259
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63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDas habe ich jetzt schon zweimal getan

04.10.12 20:31
selbst wenn mir der Moderator ly das erste mal erkärt hat, dass er das nicht könne, was ich wie schon oben angeführt, nicht nachvollziehen kann.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie von vielen zu Hirngespinsten erkärten

04.10.12 20:34
nackten Shortseller, die nach meinen Behauptungen nicht Teil der offiziell veröffentlichen Shortselling-Zahlen sind (denn wer meldet schon Illegales weiter) scheinen doch zu existieren.

Local Corporation (LOCM)-NasdaqCM
2.56  0.27(11.79%) 2:24PM EDT - Nasdaq Real Time Price

Add to Portfolio
Prev Close: 2.29
Open: 2.26
Bid: 2.55 x 200
Ask: 2.56 x 400
1y Target Est: 5.25
Beta: 2.59
Next Earnings Date: 14-Nov-12
Day's Range: 2.17 - 2.5899
52wk Range: 1.42 - 3.25
Volume: 771,586
Avg Vol (3m): 120,798
Market Cap: 56.33M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.92
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)  

2634 Postings, 4721 Tage mirko75mmhhhh,

04.10.12 21:32
nicht gut, von 2,55 auf 2,27usd  

2634 Postings, 4721 Tage mirko75jetzt wieder

04.10.12 21:44
bei 2,42usd. na mal schauen wo wir schließen...  

2634 Postings, 4721 Tage mirko75über 1mio. gehandelte

04.10.12 22:11
aktien heute.nicht schlecht..........  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMobile explodiert und Local Corp ist einer

05.10.12 09:38
der größten Gewinner - den letzten Zahlen nach vermutlich einer der größten:

Mobile Local Search Growth Explodes

by Brian Chee on Jul 31, 2012

DIGITAL ADVERTISING – AUTOMOTIVE DIGITAL MARKETING: Led by mobile search, local digital advertising is likely to grow over 13 percent in 2012 and will soon make up 25 percent or more of the local ad market. The forecast, completed by BIA/Kelsey, pegs mobile search growth at an astounding 77.2 percent, followed by online video at 51.6 percent and social media growth at 26.3 percent.

"We continue to see a dramatic increase in spending on online media and it is fundamentally changing the media planning and buying process for advertisers," said Mark Fratrik, vice president and chief economist, BIA/Kelsey. "As businesses examine their advertising opportunities, the trend is moving toward building a coordinated ad plan across different platforms, with different messages across different media. With traditional media getting more than three-quarters of the total local media ad budget, coordination between traditional and online media is the best way to explore how to effectively optimize new media, such as social networks and online video, to increase the chance of achieving business goals."  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDenn diese 274% Wachstum liegen haushoch über

05.10.12 09:40
dem schon hohen Marktwachstum und erfolgten keineswegs von einer extrem niedrigen Basis aus, die die Zahlen verfälschen könnten:

"Mobile traffic also continued to grow, representing over 24.5 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up over 274 percent from 6.6 million MUVs during the year ago period. "  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaThe Next Big Growth-Dirver

05.10.12 10:56
"We acquired Krillion in the second quarter last year and they will be powering our new product directory, which we expect to begin installing on our network starting in the fourth quarter. These instillations are forecasted to provide particularly high gross margin revenues to us."

Source: Transcript from last Conference Call on Seeking Alpha  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie beste Nachricht der leltzten Monate

05.10.12 12:46
The company reached organic traffic of over 39 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up 34 percent from 29 million MUVs during the year ago period.  

10 Postings, 4535 Tage wehreteuchgestern viel handel - bedeutet Korrektur kommt

05.10.12 15:27
heute kommt ne kleine Korrektur!

Aber mittel- bis langfristig sehe ich hier besonders viel Potential.

Ich selbst habe die Tiefs gekauft vorletzte Woche.

Typische Leerverkaufsorgien,
die die Ursache für die Finanzkrise 2008 sind.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIn Deutschland ist nacktes Shortselling verboten

05.10.12 16:14
- generell und wohl auch gut kontrollierbar.  In den USA ist nacktes Shorten eigentlich auch verboten, wenn es Teil einer Marktmanipulationsstrategie ist, aber das wird dort kaum kontrolliert, denn die leiden in der SEC und Finra immer noch darunter, dass sie unter Bush derart finanziell ausgehungert wer waren, dass sie auch heute noch keine vernünftige technische Infrastruktur haben.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaLOCM growing in the mobile space with near 4-fold

05.10.12 19:43
pace of the market-growth:

Market-Growth: The forecast, completed by BIA/Kelsey, pegs mobile search growth at an astounding 77.2 percent, followed by online video at 51.6 percent and social media growth at 26.3 percent.

Growth of Local Corp: Mobile traffic also continued to grow, representing over 24.5 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up over 274 percent from 6.6 million MUVs during the year ago period.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaEinfach noch einmal durchlesen

05.10.12 23:08
Local Corporation Reaches Record Overall, Mobile and Organic Quarterly Search Traffic
Company Ranked 8th on List of Top 50 Digital Advertising Networks

Press Release: Local Corporation – Thu, Oct 4, 2012 7:30IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

Local Corporation (LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced record total, mobile and organic search traffic for the third quarter 2012.

The company reached over 101 million total monthly unique visitors (MUVs) during the third quarter, up 10 percent from 92 million MUVs during the year ago period.

Mobile traffic also continued to grow, representing over 24.5 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up over 274 percent from 6.6 million MUVs during the year ago period.

The company reached organic traffic of over 39 million MUVs during the third quarter 2012, up 34 percent from 29 million MUVs during the year ago period.

"Traffic growth is a key performance indicator for our business and these records, specifically related to mobile and organic traffic, represent major milestones for our business,” said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation, chairman and chief executive officer. "We continue to make significant progress in growing our overall ecosystem, including traffic, technology and advertisers.”

The company was also recently ranked #8 on Website Magazine’s Top 50 Digital Advertising Networks.

All site traffic and usage statistics are from third-party service providers engaged by the company. Quarterly MUV traffic is equal to the aggregate of each month's MUV traffic numbers in that quarter.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaLeider ist Ariva immer noch nicht in der Lage

05.10.12 23:36
die Kursangabe der aktuellen Sitation anzupassen, obwohl ich schon zweimal Moderatoren darum gebetn habe - sei's drum.

Momentan sieht es so aus:

Geld- und BriefkurseHandelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread  Zeit
Tradegate  1.000 1,885 €     1,915 €  1.000 1,59%  22:00:22  
Stuttgart  4.000 1,932 €     1,966 €  4.000 1,76%  19:59:05  
Frankfurt  1.555 1,93 €     1,968 €  3.200 1,97%  19:59:04  
Nasdaq  100 2,29 $     2,58 $  1.000 12,66%  22:18:51  
Einfacher als diese Klarstellung wäre es allerldings, wenn die bei Ariva einmal ihre Ärsche bewegen würden.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu # 4108. Und durch Patent gesichert

06.10.12 09:35
Oct 5, 2012 4:55 AM
Through its acquisition of Krillion Local Corp has gained a broad patent that covers presentation of inventory data online, for local/offline retailers. It also has an advertising component. This is the latest in a number of patents issued to Local Corp.

The patent (8,032,427), “System for providing localized shopping information,” was issued on October 4. Here’s how Local. Corp summarizes it in the release:

The patent describes a system by which consumers are provided with online information for specific products sold by local retailers using location-based information to determine relevance. The patented system also provides for the display of relevant advertising along with the sought-after local shopping information.  

2743 Postings, 6999 Tage diabolo11Libuda

06.10.12 10:09
wenn Ariva nicht in der Lage ist, vielleicht könntest Du einen neuen Thread dort anfangen?  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNoch zum Patent aus # 4115

06.10.12 18:31
October 14, 2011 Last week, the USPTO granted a patent to Local Corp (Nasdaq: LOCM) that appears to have significant implications for location based product and deal search offerings in the local space and has the potential to be the most valuable among a growing and increasingly valuable stable of local and directory search patents owned by Local Corp.

Patent #8,032,427 related to location based product search appears to encompass core aspects of services being offered by Groupon (GRPN) (Groupon Now), Living Social (Instant) and Foursquare; and is part and parcel of the product search functionalities offered by eBay's Milo (Nasdaq: EBAY), Gannett's ShopLocal (NYSE: GCI), Jiwire's NearbyNow, Retailigence and Goodzer.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIch kann mir vorstellen, dass Ignite ein Renner

06.10.12 18:50
wird - vielleicht sogar eher als Propel:

Offer of Business Solution of Local Corp: Ignite for only $99

Content is a part of Ignite
The content of all your sites is critical role for helping your customers find you first. We will:
• Generate content that helps your site rank higher on search engines
• Post custom tips, articles and pictures on your site on a monthly basis to keep your sites fresh and up-to-date

Mobile is ar part Ignite
More and more, customers are searching for businesses while they’re on the go using their mobile phones and tablets. We will:
•Create a mobile site that is optimized for mobile phones that properly mirrors your business site
•Establish a mobile web address that helps you rank higher when customers search using a phone or tablet

Site Design is a part of Ignite
Your online presence is most effective when you have a site that looks good, works well and delivers important information about your business. We will:
•Design a complete site that is impactful and memorable for your customers
•Make sure you beat the competition by making key business details like your: address, phone number and

Web Hosting is a part of Ignite
A reliable host for your sites with a 99.9% uptime guarantee will ensure they are live when your customers are looking. We will:
•Set up and manage site hosting so you can focus on taking care of your new customers with no extra fees

URL Acquisition is a part of Ignite
Securing the right URL for your business is the first step in building an online presence that’s uniquely yours. We will:
• Research and secure the URL that best fits your business, makes you memorable and sets you apart from your competition
Sentiment: Strong Buy  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDa es Ariva immer noch nicht geschafft hat, den

06.10.12 21:40
Uralt-Kurs der tatsächlichen Entwicklung anzupassen und ihre Webmaster trotz zweier Mails nach ihren Aussagen das auch nicht können bzw. nicht veranlassen können, was mich schon ziemlich verwurndert, hier die tatsächliche Entwiciklung:


Griechenland lässt sich auch in Deutschland offensichtlich locker übertreffen.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaApp (1): Discover with Smart Suggestions

07.10.12 09:12
Personalized results for just the right time. Use personalized smart suggestions based on time of day, location and current weather to inspire you. Discover things like indoor activities for kids, nearest movie theaters and swimming lessons, to name a few.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaApp (2): Use Your Voice to Search and More

07.10.12 10:20
Want to find something while on the go? Use voice to control search on your phone, all without worrying about having to type. Say it and we get results for you fast. Voice search by keyword, location or category.

Not sure what the business name is? Search by the most popular categories at a touch of button.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaApp (3): Connect with One-Touch Talk

07.10.12 11:54
Search. We find it. With a tap of your finger, talk. Simple.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd mit LOCM wird man m.E. haushoch outperformen

07.10.12 12:22
Am Anfang eines mehrjährigen Bullenmarktes: Aus einem Interview in der vorletzten Euro am Sonntag mit Savita Subramanian, Bereichsleiterin für US-Aktien bei Bank of Amerca Merrill Lynch.

Euro am Sonntag: Viele Amerkianer besitzen jede Menge Anleihen, Bargeld, Festgeld und etwas Gold. Aktien dagegen kaum noch. Wann kehren sie auf den Aktienmarkt zurück?

Savita Subramanian: Ich denke, wir befinden uns am Anfang eines mehrjährgen Bullenmarktes. Momentan hasst fast jeder Aktien. Genau deshalb sind sie superbillig. Dabei war ihre Performance in diesem Jahr sehr gut. Aktien verzeichneten eine Rendite von 15%. Unternehmensanleihen erzielten etwa die Hälfte, was Aktien brachten. Bargeld brachte null. Allmählich werden die Anleger das merken und nach und nach umschichten zurück in Aktien. Zunächst langsam, doch daraus wird sich ein starker langer Bullenmarkt entwickeln.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaApp (4): Never Get Lost Again

07.10.12 14:01
Navigate to places old and new with simple one-touch business details, maps and driving directions. Count on us to get your there, wherever you are.  

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInteressant ist, dass jemand auf Yahoo

07.10.12 20:52
die beiden ersten Postings unter der folgenden Adresse und den kompletten in der Normalstellung wie auch immer "wegzaubert":


Das scheint jemand nicht zu gefallen, dabei sind das simple Fakten.  

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