Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.154
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63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWer etwas mehr las 50.000 Dollar übrig hat

24.09.12 15:59
kann momentan 34.700 Stück für $1,50 kaufen.

Local Corporation (LOCM)-NasdaqCM
1.56  0.10(6.84%) 9:54AM EDT - Nasdaq Real Time Price

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Prev Close: 1.46
Open: 1.48
Bid: 1.50 x 34700
Ask: 1.53 x 100
1y Target Est: 5.25
Beta: 2.66
Next Earnings Date: 14-Nov-12
Day's Range: 1.46 - 1.56
52wk Range: 1.42 - 3.25
Volume: 22,101
Avg Vol (3m): 94,433
Market Cap: 33.14M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.92
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMehr als 400.000 Aktien wurden

24.09.12 20:14
am Freitag benötigt, um den Kurs um den Prozentsatz zu drücken, für den beim Anstieg noch nicht einmal 100.000 Aktien nötig waren.

1.59  0.13(8.90%) 1:51PM EDT

Add to Portfolio
Prev Close: 1.46
Open: 1.48
Bid: 1.56 x 200
Ask: 1.59 x 200
1y Target Est: 5.25
Beta: 2.66
Next Earnings Date: 14-Nov-12
Day's Range: 1.46 - 1.60
52wk Range: 1.42 - 3.25
Volume: 98,651
Avg Vol (3m): 94,433
Market Cap: 35.12M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.92
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A

Auf welchen Betrag die nackten Shortseller hier an einem einzigen Tag hängengeblieben sind, lässt sich leicht nachvollziehen.  

2634 Postings, 4721 Tage mirko75na mal sehen,

24.09.12 20:16
ob das plus diesmal bis zum schluß reicht.......  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWer bei Yahoo bezahlt, darf offensichtlich

24.09.12 21:40
bestimmen, was gepostet wird - und daher auch festlegen, dass derartige wichige Informationen nicht in ein Local Corp-Board aufgenommen werden dürfen:

Local Corp: 23,578,549 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 33.48%
Angies List: 3,564,907Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 64.87%
Yelp: 20,882,599 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 8.83%
yp.com: 498,635 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 212.64%
Superpages.com: 13,006,025 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of -15.40%
Citysearch: 9,591,114 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of -21.74%

Das ist eigentlich eine Kursmanipulation, die sich die SEC und Finra anschauen sollten.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaKriminell ist, dass Naked Shortsellers

24.09.12 21:51
bei Yahoo jederzeit posten können:

Local.com Corporation Message BoardGet Message Board for:    Back To Board Search Keyword  in  Local.com Corporation Message Board All Yahoo! message boards  Search Advanced Search  
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Thank you!
By letitgrowknows . 1 minute 43 seconds ago . Permalink

Andere Poster können dagegen momentan bei Yahoo kein Posting anbringen. Die Frage ist meines Erachtens hier, wer wieviel an wen bei Yahoo bezahlen muss. Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass die oberste Heeresleitung von Yahoo hier absichtlich manipuliert, aber sie hat offensichtlich kriminelle Webmaster nicht im Griff.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDer beabsichtigte Verkauf von Rovion ist okay

24.09.12 22:11
denn die Rovion-Clientel ist nicht deckungsgleich mit der von von Local Corp angepeilten SMB-Clientel. Hier gibt es zwar auch Schnittmengen, aber die Zielgruppe dürfte noch überwiegend außerhalb des SMB-Clientels liegen.

Die für Rovion gezahlten 2,5 Millionen dürften aber meines Erachtens beim noch in diesem Quartal angepeilten Verkauf wieder hereingeholt werden.


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu 4031

24.09.12 22:19
Und während der kriminelle Naked-Shortselling-Basher in kurzen Abständen sein Posting kommentieren darf, sind andere Poster ausgeschlossen. Mehr Marktmanipulation ist kaum noch möglich - und mehr Kriminalität auf dem Yahoo-Board auch nicht mehr.

Re: Thank you!
By letitgrowknows . 16 minutes ago . Permalink
Thank you again......
Thank you again...
0 users liked this posts 0 users disliked this posts Reply Ignore User | Report Abuse
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Re: Re: Thank you!
By letitgrowknows . 14 minutes ago . Permalink
Pleasure doing Business with you!...
Pleasure doing Business with you  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie letzten 20 Minuten

24.09.12 22:26

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInzwischen haben wir 5 Analysten. die Local Corp

24.09.12 22:39




Ascendiant Capital

Edward Woo

Ladenburg Thalmann

Jon R. Hickman

Noble Financial Capital Markets

Christopher  Ferris

RedChip Research

Tay Hock Meng

Sidoti & Co. LLC

Aaron Syvertsen

Local Corporation is followed by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Local Corporation's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Local Corporation or its management. Local Corporation does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaPflichtlektüre

24.09.12 22:59
September 7, 2012 - 8:30 AM EDT          

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LOCM 1.65   0.19  

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

Crystal Research Associates, LLC Issues Executive Informational Overview (EIO) on Local Corporation
NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 09/07/12 -- Crystal Research Associates, LLC announced today that it has issued an Executive Informational Overview® (EIO) on Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM). The full 48-page report can be found at www.crystalra.com.

Local Corporation ("the Company") is a leading online local media company that connects brick-and-mortar businesses with over a million online and mobile consumers each day using a variety of innovative digital marketing products. The Company generates revenues primarily through an ad-supported model. In the second quarter 2012, 79% of sales stemmed from pay-per-click advertising, 9% from subscriptions (direct customers), and 12% from display ads.

Over the past five years, the Company has grown from a single website (www.local.com) to an online media business powering multiple proprietary websites (e.g., www.krillion.com and www.spreebird.com) and over 1,000 regional media sites. In 2011, the Company expanded and diversified via several strategic acquisitions while deploying new features and functionalities for its existing channels.

Local Corporation has expertise in helping small businesses develop and maintain a sophisticated online presence in order to be easily found by consumers, both on their own web properties and on major search engines. Its platform includes rich media ad creative, local business directory and product search technologies, mobile capabilities, search engine optimization (SEO), web hosting, social media services, daily deals, and a loyalty/rewards program, among other products and services.

Be the first to hear about Crystal Research's new report releases and upcoming media coverage. Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/crystalresearch or visit http://crystalra.com/blog/ to stay up-to-date on industry and company news for clients under our research coverage.

Local Corporation is a registered trade name of Local.com Corporation.

About Crystal Research Associates, LLC

Crystal Research Associates, LLC is an independent research firm that provides institutional-quality research on small- and mid-cap companies. The firm is led by veteran Wall Street sell-side analyst Jeffrey Kraws, who is well known by the international financial media for his years of work on Wall Street and for providing consistent award-winning analyses and developing long-term relationships on both the buy-side and sell-side. He has been consistently ranked on Wall Street among the Top Ten Analysts for pharmaceutical stock performance in the world for almost two decades as well as ranked as the Number One Stock Picker in the world for pharmaceuticals by Starmine and for estimates from Zacks. Additionally, Mr. Kraws has been 5-Star Ranked for top biotechnology stock performance by Starmine.

Crystal Research Associates' unique and novel product, the Executive Informational Overview® (EIO), is free of investment ratings, target prices, and forward-looking financial models. The EIO presents a crystal clear, detailed report on a company (public or private) in a manner that is easily understood by the Wall Street financial community. The EIO details a company's product/technology/service offerings, market size(s), key intellectual property, leadership, growth strategy, competition, risks, financial statements, key events, and other such fundamental information. Crystal Research Associates has offices in New York City, West Palm Beach, Montréal, and Toronto. Crystal Research Associates has been compensated in cash of thirty-eight thousand five hundred U.S. dollars for its services in creating this report, for updates, and for printing costs.

Forward-Looking Safe Harbor Statement

Statements in this news release regarding future financial and operating results, potential applications of the Company's technology, opportunities for the Company, and any other statements about the future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans, or prospects expressed constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words "will," "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates," and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including limited operating history, need for future capital, and economic conditions generally. Additional information on potential factors that could affect results and other risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in the Company's periodic reports, including forms filed with the SEC.

These statements, and other forward-looking statements, are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. Crystal Research Associates assumes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements in this release.

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Jeffrey J. Kraws
Karen B. Goldfarb
Crystal Research Associates, LLC
P: (609) 306-2274
F: (609) 395-9339
Source: Marketwire (September 7, 2012 - 8:30 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAbsurd: Halb so viel Umsatz, aber fast 20-fache

24.09.12 23:15
Börsenbewerung wie Local Corp - und dabei sind die Umsätze von Local Corp noch wertvoller als die des nachstehenden One-Pony-Circus:


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie Verknüpfung mit dem Kurs klappt bei

24.09.12 23:44
Ariva nicht mehr - offensichtlich weil die Kennnummer von Ariva gewechselt hat. Wir sind nicht mehr bei $1,57, sonder bei $1,65.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie kriminellste Nummer auf dem Yahoo-Board ist

24.09.12 23:51
aber, dass durchgelassene Postings, die nachträglich dem Webmaster nicht gefallen, zwar mit einer Überschrift angezeigt werden, aber der sonstige Text nicht gelesen werden kann und dann folgender Kommentar auftaucht:

Error while retrieving the data (Error Code: MBHo_404404_1MBBa_INVALID_STATUS)

Unterdrückt wurde durch diese kriminelle Yahoo-Aktion die folgende Information:

Local Corp: 23,578,549 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 33.48%, market-cap =  33 million
Angies List: 3,564,907Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 64.87%, market-cap = 682 million = the 20-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp
Yelp: 20,882,599 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 8.83%, market-cap = 1,610 million = the 48-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp  

10 Postings, 4546 Tage GeldvermehrerGeldvermehrer kauft sich hier ein

24.09.12 23:59
Ich habe diese Aktie lange beobachtet,
weil hier meiner Meinung nach besonders viel zu holen ist,
bei mittlerweile begrenztem Risiko.
(Marktkapitalisierung - Peer Group Vergleich usw.)

Habe die letzten vier Tage in jede Intraday-Schwaeche hineingekauft.

Wer Augen hat sieht (schon am Umsatz eindeutig zu erkennen),
dass hier Shortpositionen eiligst glattgestellt werden,
da anscheinend jetzt die guten Zeiten bei dieser Aktie bevorstehen!

Und glaubt man dem Unternehmen, wovon ich ausgehe,
steht Local.corporation vor nachhaltigen Gewinnen.

Eine Aktie wie gemacht fuer mich.
Gute Nacht.

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAuch auf diesem Board war die Information

25.09.12 00:00
aus dem letzten Posting zunächst lesbar:

Angi and Competitors By flankenking . 7 hours ago . Permalink

Local Corp: 23,578,549 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 33.48%, market-cap =  33 million
Angies List: 3,564,907Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 64.87%, market-cap = 682 million = the 20-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp
Yelp: 20,882,599 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 8.83%, market-cap = 1,610 million = the 48-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp

Momentan kann aber außer der Überschrift nur das Nachstehende lesen, weil die Naked Shortseller offensichltich logischerweise mehr zahlen können als Flankenking, der nichts zahlt, weil er kein Krimineller ist und Marktmanipulatioen ablehnt: Error while retrieving the data (Error Code: MBHo_404404_1MBBa_INVALID_STATUS)  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDas hilft Local Corp

25.09.12 00:11

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAuf dem Yelp-Board von Yahoo

25.09.12 08:16
war eben gerade immerhin möglich das folgende Posting anzubringen:

Yelp and his competitors - Result: Yelp is extreme overvalued
By flankenking . 1 minute 6 seconds ago . Permalink
Yelp: 20,882,599 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 8.83%, market-cap = 1,610 million = the 48-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp
Local Corp: 23,578,549 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 33.48%, market-cap = 33 million
Angies List: 3,564,907Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 64.87%, market-cap = 682 million = the 20-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp
Sentiment: Strong Sell  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd auf dem Local Corp-Board von Yahoo war

25.09.12 08:31
sogar das anbringbar:

150 Digital Ad Networks to Explore
By flankenking . 2 minutes 2 seconds ago . Permalink
150 Digital Ad Networks to Explore (Source: Website Magazine)
1Google 2Yahoo 3Microsoft 4YellowPages 5Whitepages 6ClickBank 7Xtendmedia 8Local (Local Corp) 9CJ 10SuperPages 11Webgains 12Pepperjamnetwork 13Affiliatefuture 14Adroll 15 Media 16Maxbounty 17Thinkaction 18Adengage 19Clixgalore 20Affinity 21 7Search 22Affiliatewindow 23Federatedmedia 24 Adoori 25Marchex 26Radiumone 27Tapit 28Coregmedia 29Jumptap 30Collective 31Shareresults 32Mobfox 33Yumenetworks 34Admob 35Adonion 36Rocketfuel 37Neverblue 38Advertise 39Agamimedia 40Glammedia 41Adread 42Revenuestreet 43Mediashakers and more
Sentiment: Strong Buy  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWer bezahlt kann löschen lassen

25.09.12 10:02
denn den nakcten Shortsellern haben die Inahlte in #4043 und #4044 nicht gefallen, sodass Yahoo nur einen Zugriff auf die Überschriften "Yelp and his competitors - Result: Yelp is extreme overvalued" und  "150 Digital Ad Networks to Explore" zulässt, aus denen der Leser nichts über die excellente Situation von Local Corp entnehmen kann.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaLaunch Local:Turn Smartphones into Smart Business

25.09.12 10:21
Quick Response – "QR" – codes are those pixilated boxes turning up on business cards, ads, billboards, websites, brochures and even tee shirts. Snap a photo of the QR code with a smartphone and to view anything from product information to a video. Very cool! But what do QR codes mean for your local business?

A competitive advantage. While QR codes are on the rise, they're still relatively new. Using them now could mean a competitive advantage, especially if your audience includes smartphone users. And don't think that means just teens and the Twenty-Something crowd.

Some of the biggest users of smartphones are "household managers." These include busy moms on the go at work, running errands, or sitting at kids' practices. They use their smartphones to check Facebook, research businesses and products, make reservations and purchase just about everything. Adding a QR code to your website or ads can make it easier for them to buy from you! A possible boost for search rankings. The fresher your content, the higher a search engine will rank your website. Adding QRs signals fresh content. Plus, search engines may soon recognize QR codes and even index the content they contain.

A new way to engage your audience. With QR codes, even small banners or ads can be gateways to a wealth of information. So, instead of trying to squeeze in features, benefits and calls to action, put them into QR code links. By doing that, you get a better chance to make your points and encourage people to "stick" with you longer – and the longer they engage with your brand and business, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Here are just a few ideas for what your QR codes might provide:

• A coupon or details on a special offer

• Hours of operation, address, and contact details

• Product information

• A link to a YouTube video or demo

• Product details and pricing  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaEinbeziehung von Zillow und Anpassung an Kursan-

25.09.12 13:51
stiege von gestern bei Local Corp:

Local Corp: 23,578,549 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 33.48%, market-cap = 36 million

Angies List: 3,564,907Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 64.87%, market-cap = 682 million = the 18-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp

Yelp: 20,882,599 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 8.83%, market-cap = 1,610 million = the 44-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp

Zillow: 12,451,147 Unique Visitors and year-over-year-growth of 37.45%, market-cap = 1,300 million = the 36-fold of the market-cap of Local Corp  

10 Postings, 4546 Tage Geldvermehrersqueeze out?

25.09.12 14:07
Local.corporation könnte vor einem Squeeze out stehen!
Es wird zu diesen absurden viel gekauft,
sehr hohe Umsätze!
Können die Shortseller nicht mehr richtig glattstellen,
weil auf diesem Niveau sich natürlich viele Käufer finden,
könnte ein wirklicher Shortsqueeze entstehen und
sich die Aktie auch mal innerhalb weniger Wochen verdoppeln.

Nur meine bescheidene Meinung.
Geldmacher bzw. Geldvermehrer  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDas bringt die neue Krillion-Lösung in Q4/12

25.09.12 19:27
Know where your traffic is coming from and what words they're searching to find your site. "One of the statistics we tell our clients to look out for is the bounce rate. The lower you can get your bounce rate, the better your success rate." Bounce rate is the amount of time spent on a webpage prior to exiting. You also want to know what page your customers exit from. Generally, you want them to leave from either the "purchase success" or "contact" page. You do not want them to exit from the homepage or the product detail page.  

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAus dem Transcript des letzten Conference Calls

25.09.12 19:44
von Seeking Alpha:

"We acquired Krillion in the second quarter last year and they will be powering our new product directory, which we expect to begin installing on our network starting in the fourth quarter. These instillations are forecasted to provide particularly high gross margin revenues to us."  

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