Broadvision =Profitable =Turnaround!

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18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannAuh Backe,ich glaube ich war gestern

05.03.07 10:43

nicht ganz wach,(abduck und schäm)

Waren "nur" 700%....aber trotzdem, alle Achtung.




18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannUS Börse

05.03.07 15:42
US-Börsen dürften zu Beginn Korrektur fortsetzen  

Montag, 5. März 2007  15:12
Knapp vor Beginn des Handels in den USA bietet sich anhand der aktuellen Futurestände ein eingetrübtes Bild. Der NASDAQ-Future verliert 0,5 Prozent auf 1.717 Punkte. Der S&P-Future gibt um 0,4 Prozent auf 1.379,75 Punkte nach. Es hat somit den Anschein, dass der US-Aktienmarkt seinem in der Vorwoche gestarteten Ausverkauf zunächst Nachdruck verleiht. In den vorangegangenen fünf Tagen musste der Dow Jones den größten Rückgang seit März 2003 hinnehmen. Als Belastungsfaktoren für den heutigen Tag gelten unter anderem die sehr schwachen Vorgaben von der Tokioter Börse und die Stärke des Yen, was Befürchtungen zum Schüren bringt, dass sich Kreditnehmer in Japan mit höheren Risiken konfrontiert sehen könnten. Da sich die japanische Währung zuletzt verteuerte, grassiert die Sorge, dass der bislang gut funktionierende Yen-Carry-Trade unterbunden wird. Zudem schwillt die Angst über mögliche Finanz-Schieflagen in den USA. So erhöhte sich bei der britischen Bank HSBC in den USA im Vorjahr das Niveau an faulen Krediten aufgrund der gestiegenen Zahl an Forderungsausfällen im Hypothekenbereich um 36 Prozent auf 10,57 Milliarden Dollar.Als bedeutender potentieller marktbeeinflussender Faktor ist der um 16.00 Uhr erwartete Konjunkturindikator zum ISM-Index des Dienstleistungssektors in Betracht zu ziehen. Die Prognosen der Volkswirte sehen einen Rückgang von 59 auf 57,3 Punkte vor.  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannMärkte erholen sich leicht

05.03.07 16:46
Realtime inaktiv  > Jetzt aktivieren 05.03.2007  16:42:01 Uhr  
Nameakt. Kurs+/-%Datum   Zeit
 DAX6.532,96 -70,36 -1,07% 05.03. 16:27:01 
 MDAX9.385,66 -147,80 -1,55% 05.03. 16:27:01 
 SDAX5.551,65 -156,33 -2,74% 05.03. 16:27:00 
 GEX1.992,01 -52,71 -2,58% 05.03. 16:27:00 
 TecDAX773,85 -22,06 -2,77% 05.03. 16:27:01 
 CGAX6.526,34  Citigroup-Indikation DAX
 EUROSTOXX 503.978,97 -32,66 -0,81% 05.03. 16:27:00 
 CGSTOXX3.972,00  Citigroup-Indikation EUROSTOXX 50
 FT-SE 1006.068,50 -47,70 -0,78% 05.03. 16:24:30 
 SMI8.798,71 +31,02 +0,35% 02.03. 17:30:59 
 ATX4.289,64 -56,82 -1,31% 05.03. 16:26:54 
 DJ IND12.139,33 +25,23 +0,21% 05.03. 16:26:59 
 S&P 5001.449,35 -1,85 -0,13% 26.02. 22:59:59 
 NASDAQ 1001.729,28 +3,25 +0,19% 05.03. 16:26:51 
 NASDAQ COMP.2.367,00 -1,00 -0,04% 05.03. 16:26:51 
 NIKKEI 22516.642,25 -575,68 -3,34% 05.03. 07:25:01 
 HANG SENG18.664,88 -777,13 -4,00% 05.03. 10:59:10 
 KOSPI Index1.414,47 -2,87 -0,20% 02.03. 08:30:00 

394 Postings, 6454 Tage HollemanHallo Zusammen

05.03.07 16:59
Ich habe ein sehr gutes Gefühl, dass wir heute wieder die 2$ erreichen!  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannHallo Holleman ;-))

05.03.07 17:08
1,98$ sind schon angetestet ;-))

Trotz der lechten Vorgaben setzt sich unsere Broadi durch  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannIch kaufe ein sch o. T.

05.03.07 17:11

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannJetzt 2,00$ o. T.

05.03.07 17:12

394 Postings, 6454 Tage HollemanHallo Hirschi

05.03.07 17:21
Ich glaube das wird ne super Woche für alle broadi Fans!  

841 Postings, 7627 Tage anme737Charttechnisch

05.03.07 17:40
Ausbruch oder Rücksetzer bis ca. 1,5 $.  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage Hirschmannanme

05.03.07 17:54
Entweder oder

Alles ist drinn. Da ja am Mittwoch die weiteren Aussichten für Broadi bekanntgegeben werden, wirds wohl zum Ausbruch kommen,  nur so meine Vermutung :-))  

4388 Postings, 8362 Tage sorosgenau

05.03.07 19:07
Nasdaq Other OTC

2,02 USD

05.03.07  18:40

Diff. Vortag
+5,21 %


Gehandelte Stück


109 Postings, 7691 Tage KumpelEmpfehlung

06.03.07 09:51
10:53 05.03.07

Endingen ( AG) - Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" empfehlen bei der Aktie von BroadVision (ISIN US1114126071/ WKN 661762) kein Stück aus der Hand zu geben.

Mit den Q4-Ergebnissen, die in der letzten Woche präsentiert worden seien, habe sich BroadVision wie erwartet weiteres Erholungspotenzial verschafft. Für das Schlussquartal 2006 habe BroadVision bei Umsätzen von USD 13,0 Mio. einen Nettogewinn von USD 7,0 Mio. bzw. USc 9 je Aktie bekannt gegeben und habe seinen Überschuss damit im Vergleich zum Vorquartal erneut um knapp 30% erhöht. Das Unternehmen habe im 4. Quartal 2005 noch einen herben Verlust in Höhe von USD 27,8 Mio. verzeichnen müssen. BroadVision habe selbst ohne die Einmaleffekte von USD 2,6 Mio. unter dem Strich USD 4,4 Mio. eingefahren, im gesamten Jahr habe man einen Nettogewinn ohne Sondereffekte von USD 10,3 Mio. verbuchen können.

Damit befinde sich BroadVision auf dem besten Weg, die Gewinnprognose der Experten, die bei USD 20 Mio. per 2007 liegen würde, zu übertreffen. Mit einem ersten Ausblick würden sie bei der Analystenkonferenz am nächsten Mittwoch rechnen. Auch mit näheren Informationen zur geplanten neuen Softwaregeneration, die ab dem nächsten Jahr weiteres Wachstum sichern solle, könne dort gerechnet werden. Wie hoch die vorgelegten Ergebnisse einzuschätzen seien, könnten die Anleger auch an der Reaktion im Kurs erkennen, der letzten Dienstag trotz der Marktkorrektur mit einem zweistelligen Tagesplus in den Feierabend gegangen sei. Die Experten würden nun fest davon ausgehen, dass sich die Rally fortsetze, denn: Auf Basis der konservativen Gewinnschätzungen für 2007 ergebe sich für das Wertpapier lediglich ein KGV von 7, obwohl das Unternehmen, das keine Schulden habe, mit einem Cash-Bestand von USD 37 Mio. schon über 25% der Market-Cap abdecke.

Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" raten den Anlegern nach ihrem erfolgreichen Einstand bei der BroadVision-Aktie vorerst kein Stück aus der Hand zu geben.  

394 Postings, 6454 Tage HollemanHier noch mal komplett

06.03.07 11:28
     Aktuelle Kursinformationen (Frankfurt)

Kurs Vortag Veränderung Datum/Zeit
1,53 € 1,54 € -0,01 € -0,65 % 06.03./11:01
ISIN WKN Jahreshoch Jahrestief
US1114126071 661762 1,61 € 0,57 €


BroadVision kein Stück aus der Hand geben

Hot Stocks Investor

Endingen ( AG) - Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" empfehlen bei der Aktie von BroadVision (ISIN US1114126071 / WKN 661762) kein Stück aus der Hand zu geben.

Mit den Q4-Ergebnissen, die in der letzten Woche präsentiert worden seien, habe sich BroadVision wie erwartet weiteres Erholungspotenzial verschafft. Für das Schlussquartal 2006 habe BroadVision bei Umsätzen von USD 13,0 Mio. einen Nettogewinn von USD 7,0 Mio. bzw. USc 9 je Aktie bekannt gegeben und habe seinen Überschuss damit im Vergleich zum Vorquartal erneut um knapp 30% erhöht. Das Unternehmen habe im 4. Quartal 2005 noch einen herben Verlust in Höhe von USD 27,8 Mio. verzeichnen müssen. BroadVision habe selbst ohne die Einmaleffekte von USD 2,6 Mio. unter dem Strich USD 4,4 Mio. eingefahren, im gesamten Jahr habe man einen Nettogewinn ohne Sondereffekte von USD 10,3 Mio. verbuchen können.

Damit befinde sich BroadVision auf dem besten Weg, die Gewinnprognose der Experten, die bei USD 20 Mio. per 2007 liegen würde, zu übertreffen. Mit einem ersten Ausblick würden sie bei der Analystenkonferenz am nächsten Mittwoch rechnen. Auch mit näheren Informationen zur geplanten neuen Softwaregeneration, die ab dem nächsten Jahr weiteres Wachstum sichern solle, könne dort gerechnet werden. Wie hoch die vorgelegten Ergebnisse einzuschätzen seien, könnten die Anleger auch an der Reaktion im Kurs erkennen, der letzten Dienstag trotz der Marktkorrektur mit einem zweistelligen Tagesplus in den Feierabend gegangen sei. Die Experten würden nun fest davon ausgehen, dass sich die Rally fortsetze, denn: Auf Basis der konservativen Gewinnschätzungen für 2007 ergebe sich für das Wertpapier lediglich ein KGV von 7, obwohl das Unternehmen, das keine Schulden habe, mit einem Cash-Bestand von USD 37 Mio. schon über 25% der Market-Cap abdecke.

Gruss Hollemann


394 Postings, 6454 Tage HollemanIch Ochse

06.03.07 12:46
war ja schon komplett  

108 Postings, 6806 Tage lee nover@ holleman

06.03.07 14:30
kein problem - so gute postings kann man ruhig zweimal schreiben ;-).  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannDie Märkte sind wieder grün

06.03.07 16:26

 Realtime inaktiv  > Jetzt aktivieren 06.03.2007  16:21:02 Uhr  
Nameakt. Kurs+/-%Datum   Zeit
 DAX6.590,99 +56,42 +0,86% 06.03. 16:06:02 
 MDAX9.487,66 +110,06 +1,17% 06.03. 16:06:02 
 SDAX5.676,67 +117,91 +2,12% 06.03. 16:06:00 
 GEX2.040,47 +42,20 +2,11% 06.03. 16:06:00 
 TecDAX792,71 +14,61 +1,88% 06.03. 16:06:02 
 CGAX6.591,90  Citigroup-Indikation DAX
 EUROSTOXX 504.012,09 +32,03 +0,80% 06.03. 16:06:00 
 CGSTOXX4.012,00  Citigroup-Indikation EUROSTOXX 50
 FT-SE 1006.127,70 +69,00 +1,14% 06.03. 15:41:00 
 SMI8.676,86 -121,85 -1,38% 05.03. 17:31:08 
 ATX4.331,10 +28,85 +0,67% 06.03. 16:05:58 
 DJ IND12.133,16 +82,75 +0,69% 06.03. 16:06:00 
 S&P 5001.449,35 -1,85 -0,13% 26.02. 22:59:59 
 NASDAQ 1001.733,22 +20,28 +1,18% 06.03. 16:05:54 
 NASDAQ COMP.2.369,45 +28,77 +1,23% 06.03. 16:05:54 
 NIKKEI 22516.844,50 +202,25 +1,22% 06.03. 07:37:13 
 HANG SENG19.058,56 +393,68 +2,11% 06.03. 10:59:11 
 KOSPI Index1.376,15 -38,32 -2,71% 05.03. 08:30:00

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannUnd noch was

06.03.07 16:29

Broadi knallt heute noch richtig hoch


Mit euphorischem Gruß



35 Postings, 6720 Tage belli1982Das ist ja heut der Wahnsin!

06.03.07 19:10
Habt Ihr die riesigen Pakete gesehen die heute über den Tisch gehen?!?!?!
Zwischen 10000 und 35000 Stücke und das alles Käuferkurse!
Ich denke da kaufen sich die großen Fondsgesellschaften ein! Die haben es endlich kapiert das Brodi bis 10 EUR dieses Jahr explodieren wird!

Was sehr witzig ist: Der M.Frick hat von dieser Aktie bislang noch nichts erwähnt! Erist doch sonst so ein toller!!!  

18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannHat heute leider nicht geklappt

06.03.07 22:27

Mist, dachte schon das sich hier heute was größeres tut


naja, dann Morgen sicherlich, wenn die Aussichten positiver Natur sind, wovon wir alle hier ausgehen, wirds noch einen dicken Schub geben.


4388 Postings, 8362 Tage sorosMarch 7, 2007 - 9:12 AM EST

07.03.07 16:28
March 7, 2007 - 9:12 AM EST          

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BVSN 2.05   0.02  

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

BroadVision Outlines Strategic Product Roadmap and Vision
Comprehensive 12-Month Plan for Continued Innovation

BroadVision, Inc. (Pink Sheets:BVSN), a global provider of e-business solutions, today announced a comprehensive product roadmap for the next 12 months. The roadmap includes a breadth of new products including an advanced e-business framework with modular web services, agile development toolsets, a companion implementation methodology, a vertical application, and an on-demand strategy. Additionally, the company announced the general availability of QuickSilver 3.0, the newest version of BroadVision’s world-leading e-publishing solution.

“As organizations invest in their next generation e-business applications, they need solutions that can differentiate their online presence and are cost-effective to deploy and maintain,” said Dr. Pehong Chen, CEO. “They want to leverage the time to market advantage of packaged application functionality while developing customized components that will set their e-business strategy apart. The new solutions we are announcing today will help them meet all of these goals.”

The details of the comprehensive 12-month roadmap are as follows:

BroadVision Kona™ e-business Framework

The Kona e-business framework uniquely brings together the fast time-to-market of packaged applications with the flexibility of custom developed solutions. Central to this framework is BroadVision’s fundamental intellectual property in personalization and self-service technologies, which provide organizations with a set of open, flexible and configurable services for developing compelling e-business applications quickly and efficiently. Kona’s extensive out-of-the-box capabilities for business and technical users, standards-based approach, and support for both Open Source and commercial Web infrastructure components drive the highest levels of performance with the lowest total cost of ownership. BroadVision Kona™ is available today.

Kona Application Services Library

Integrated with Kona is a library of flexible and modular web services, which enables more robust e-business applications:

e-Commerce: solutions for transacting business online through B2B and B2C channels. BroadVision’s Commerce Services powers the entire sales process from lead generation to sales execution to customer support and provides unique merchandising and personalization capabilities.
Portal: solutions to create unique environments where organizations interact and collaborate with visitors through personalized views of information, resources and business processes stored in diverse internal and external legacy information systems.
Content Management: solutions to give business users control over the quality of information as they create, manage and publish content to e-business applications.
Process Management: complete solution to develop and deploy user-centric self-service processes as well as task-centric workflow processes.
Organizations can mix and match services from this library to bring together the right combination of functionality for their e-business applications. All BroadVision Kona Application Services are generally available immediately, with incremental releases scheduled for availability throughout 2007.

BroadVision Kukini™ e-business Development Toolset

Kukini is a new standards-based toolset that enables agile application development and facilitates more effective collaboration between business and IT professionals throughout the e-business evolution process. It transforms web site construction’s tedious tasks such as page layout, site navigation, data presentation, report generation, etc. from difficult hard-coded programs into straightforward assembly of preconfigured patterns. Incorporating XML standard formats, rich Web 2.0-based user experiences and packaged as an extension module to the popular Eclipse interactive development environment, Kukini leverages Kona’s core capabilities such as the BroadVision Process™ technology and yet is independent of the Kona engine. BroadVision Kukini™ is scheduled for general availability in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision K2 Methodology™ — The Kona-Kukini Combination

The combination of Kona and Kukini dramatically speeds up development cycles, resulting in significant productivity improvements to customers. To help our customers harness these benefits, BroadVision has developed the K2 Methodology based on best practices accumulated from over 14 years of e-business project experience. The methodology emphasizes a “time-boxed” approach, iterated throughout all phases of a project’s 4D (discovery, design, development, deployment) lifecycle. It further promotes the configuration and assembly of reusable Kona objects and Kukini patterns to deduce the amount of hard coding, which delegates laborious chores to “role players”, freeing the more scarce high-end resources to focus on the inevitable but more challenging “one-off” programming tasks. Field implementations of the K2 Methodology have demonstrated substantial time to market gains and convincing cost savings across a wide spectrum of e-business initiatives. The BroadVision K2 Methodology™ will be generally available in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision eMerchandising™ — A New Solution for Boosting Online Sales

The first BroadVision vertical solution, eMerchandising™, gives merchants an innovative solution to boost online sales and strengthen customer relationships. Merchants can create a variety of cross- and up-sell opportunities including mix-and-match discounting, tiered-discounting, quantity/cost combination discounting, companion discounting and other creative incentive programs. In light of widespread and high shopping cart abandonment rates, eMerchandising™ delivers ever-needed benefits to shoppers with attractive value and to merchants with increased sales. Personalization capabilities allow targeted messaging, encouraging shoppers to take advantage of offers most germane to the items selected. An intelligent arbitration engine ensures that shoppers are always given the most advantageous discounts in real-time as shopping continues. eMerchandising™ integrates seamlessly with BroadVision Commerce 7.x and Kona Commerce platforms, as well as any non-BroadVision commerce engines. BroadVision eMerchandising™ is scheduled for general availability in April 2007.

BroadVision e-business Solutions On-Demand

Based on strong market needs, BroadVision also announced the formation of the BroadVision On-Demand (BVOD)™ business unit, headquartered in Beijing, China. BVOD’s on-demand solutions — easy to setup and operate via personalized self-service without costly upfront investments and lingering maintenance overhead — deliver compelling value to our customers immediately and continuously. CHRM™ (Collaborative Human Resource Management), developed using Kona-Kukini in record time and with tremendous cost savings as BVOD’s first offering, has proven to be an impressive showcase for the K2 Methodology. This on-demand solution provides superb visibility and agility for all members of our customers' organizations to collaborate more productively in each phase of the HR management lifecycle, creating a strategic competitive advantage through the efficient management of human assets. CHRM™ is scheduled for general availability in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision QuickSilver™ 3.0

BroadVision QuickSilver™ provides powerful features for creation and publishing of lengthy, complex documents supporting multiple output formats (including HTML, PDF, and Postscript) and automatic publishing of personalized content to BroadVision Portal solutions. QuickSilver 3.0, available immediately, delivers a number of new features including Unicode support and improved support for XML authoring.

Conference Call Reminder

The company will host an Investor/Analyst Call at 10:00 AM PST today, March 7, 2007, dial-in information is: 866-463-5401, pass code 426315#. Login information is also posted on During the call, Dr. Chen will discuss the 2006 results in more detail and review the company’s roadmap for the future. This call will be available via playback at for 90 days following the call.

Information Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

Information in this release that involves expectations, beliefs, hopes, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements included in this release, including, but not limited to, the availability of new product and solution offerings, are based upon information available to BroadVision as of the date of this release, and BroadVision assumes no obligation to update or correct any such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results could differ materially from BroadVision's current expectations. Various factors and risks associated with BroadVision's business are discussed in its most recent annual report on Form 10-K and in BroadVision's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


18623 Postings, 6699 Tage HirschmannAnleger im Urlaub ? ?

07.03.07 17:28

Kurs eigeschlafen ???


Ungeduldig abwartender Hirschi


394 Postings, 6454 Tage HollemanNaaaaaaaaaaaa

07.03.07 19:30
tut sich doch noch was?!  

841 Postings, 7627 Tage anme737Ich denke, die News ...

07.03.07 19:52
... muß erstmal verarbeitet werden.  

841 Postings, 7627 Tage anme737Hier ist es:

07.03.07 19:54
BroadVision Outlines Strategic Product Roadmap and Vision

Comprehensive 12-Month Plan for Continued Innovation

BroadVision, Inc. (Pink Sheets:BVSN), a global provider of e-business solutions, today announced a comprehensive product roadmap for the next 12 months. The roadmap includes a breadth of new products including an advanced e-business framework with modular web services, agile development toolsets, a companion implementation methodology, a vertical application, and an on-demand strategy. Additionally, the company announced the general availability of QuickSilver 3.0, the newest version of BroadVision’s world-leading e-publishing solution.

“As organizations invest in their next generation e-business applications, they need solutions that can differentiate their online presence and are cost-effective to deploy and maintain,” said Dr. Pehong Chen, CEO. “They want to leverage the time to market advantage of packaged application functionality while developing customized components that will set their e-business strategy apart. The new solutions we are announcing today will help them meet all of these goals.”

The details of the comprehensive 12-month roadmap are as follows:

BroadVision Kona™ e-business Framework

The Kona e-business framework uniquely brings together the fast time-to-market of packaged applications with the flexibility of custom developed solutions. Central to this framework is BroadVision’s fundamental intellectual property in personalization and self-service technologies, which provide organizations with a set of open, flexible and configurable services for developing compelling e-business applications quickly and efficiently. Kona’s extensive out-of-the-box capabilities for business and technical users, standards-based approach, and support for both Open Source and commercial Web infrastructure components drive the highest levels of performance with the lowest total cost of ownership. BroadVision Kona™ is available today.

Kona Application Services Library

Integrated with Kona is a library of flexible and modular web services, which enables more robust e-business applications:

* e-Commerce: solutions for transacting business online through B2B and B2C channels. BroadVision’s Commerce Services powers the entire sales process from lead generation to sales execution to customer support and provides unique merchandising and personalization capabilities.
* Portal: solutions to create unique environments where organizations interact and collaborate with visitors through personalized views of information, resources and business processes stored in diverse internal and external legacy information systems.
* Content Management: solutions to give business users control over the quality of information as they create, manage and publish content to e-business applications.
* Process Management: complete solution to develop and deploy user-centric self-service processes as well as task-centric workflow processes.

Organizations can mix and match services from this library to bring together the right combination of functionality for their e-business applications. All BroadVision Kona Application Services are generally available immediately, with incremental releases scheduled for availability throughout 2007.

BroadVision Kukini™ e-business Development Toolset

Kukini is a new standards-based toolset that enables agile application development and facilitates more effective collaboration between business and IT professionals throughout the e-business evolution process. It transforms web site construction’s tedious tasks such as page layout, site navigation, data presentation, report generation, etc. from difficult hard-coded programs into straightforward assembly of preconfigured patterns. Incorporating XML standard formats, rich Web 2.0-based user experiences and packaged as an extension module to the popular Eclipse interactive development environment, Kukini leverages Kona’s core capabilities such as the BroadVision Process™ technology and yet is independent of the Kona engine. BroadVision Kukini™ is scheduled for general availability in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision K2 Methodology™ — The Kona-Kukini Combination

The combination of Kona and Kukini dramatically speeds up development cycles, resulting in significant productivity improvements to customers. To help our customers harness these benefits, BroadVision has developed the K2 Methodology based on best practices accumulated from over 14 years of e-business project experience. The methodology emphasizes a “time-boxed” approach, iterated throughout all phases of a project’s 4D (discovery, design, development, deployment) lifecycle. It further promotes the configuration and assembly of reusable Kona objects and Kukini patterns to deduce the amount of hard coding, which delegates laborious chores to “role players”, freeing the more scarce high-end resources to focus on the inevitable but more challenging “one-off” programming tasks. Field implementations of the K2 Methodology have demonstrated substantial time to market gains and convincing cost savings across a wide spectrum of e-business initiatives. The BroadVision K2 Methodology™ will be generally available in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision eMerchandising™ — A New Solution for Boosting Online Sales

The first BroadVision vertical solution, eMerchandising™, gives merchants an innovative solution to boost online sales and strengthen customer relationships. Merchants can create a variety of cross- and up-sell opportunities including mix-and-match discounting, tiered-discounting, quantity/cost combination discounting, companion discounting and other creative incentive programs. In light of widespread and high shopping cart abandonment rates, eMerchandising™ delivers ever-needed benefits to shoppers with attractive value and to merchants with increased sales. Personalization capabilities allow targeted messaging, encouraging shoppers to take advantage of offers most germane to the items selected. An intelligent arbitration engine ensures that shoppers are always given the most advantageous discounts in real-time as shopping continues. eMerchandising™ integrates seamlessly with BroadVision Commerce 7.x and Kona Commerce platforms, as well as any non-BroadVision commerce engines. BroadVision eMerchandising™ is scheduled for general availability in April 2007.

BroadVision e-business Solutions On-Demand

Based on strong market needs, BroadVision also announced the formation of the BroadVision On-Demand (BVOD)™ business unit, headquartered in Beijing, China. BVOD’s on-demand solutions — easy to setup and operate via personalized self-service without costly upfront investments and lingering maintenance overhead — deliver compelling value to our customers immediately and continuously. CHRM™ (Collaborative Human Resource Management), developed using Kona-Kukini in record time and with tremendous cost savings as BVOD’s first offering, has proven to be an impressive showcase for the K2 Methodology. This on-demand solution provides superb visibility and agility for all members of our customers\' organizations to collaborate more productively in each phase of the HR management lifecycle, creating a strategic competitive advantage through the efficient management of human assets. CHRM™ is scheduled for general availability in the second quarter of 2007.

BroadVision QuickSilver™ 3.0

BroadVision QuickSilver™ provides powerful features for creation and publishing of lengthy, complex documents supporting multiple output formats (including HTML, PDF, and Postscript) and automatic publishing of personalized content to BroadVision Portal solutions. QuickSilver 3.0, available immediately, delivers a number of new features including Unicode support and improved support for XML authoring.

Conference Call Reminder

The company will host an Investor/Analyst Call at 10:00 AM PST today, March 7, 2007, dial-in information is: 866-463-5401, pass code 426315#. Login information is also posted on During the call, Dr. Chen will discuss the 2006 results in more detail and review the company’s roadmap for the future. This call will be available via playback at for 90 days following the call.

Information Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

Information in this release that involves expectations, beliefs, hopes, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the Future are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements included in this release, including, but not limited to, the availability of new product and solution offerings, are based upon information available to BroadVision as of the date of this release, and BroadVision assumes no obligation to update or correct any such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results could differ materially from BroadVision\'s current expectations. Various factors and risks associated with BroadVision\'s business are discussed in its most recent annual report on Form 10-K and in BroadVision\'s quarterly reports on Form 10-Q as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission  

841 Postings, 7627 Tage anme737Sehe ich jetzt erst,

07.03.07 19:58
hatte soros schon gepostet. Sorry.  

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