EK leitet den Turnaround durch Patentverkauf ein
Ich hab da mal ne Frage.
Was ist da in der Börse in Stuutgart am Freitag los gewesen?
Da sind 15 Mio Stück im bidsize?
was soll das bedeuten?
bei kodak und so ein mega bit war nie. weiss auch nicht was da los ist. sind ja nicht 2 oder 3 mil sondern über 15........ mil
bin aber mit c.a.40.000 euro dabei und das ist nicht so angenehm was da die letzten tage so los ist.ich weiss das ist viel aber wenn da noch was geht ist es eine mege geld ich liebe das risico.
keine sau sagt was dazu aber fast alle machen dumm hir mit dir.ich kann nicht so gut deutsch sreiben aber ist mir egal malaka.was ist da los bei kodak??? wann kommen die zahlen 30.1.13 oder wie hir einer glaubt 22.2.13???bin c.a mit 42000 euro dabei.was denkst du??? bist du noch dabei??oder war das alles nur gerede von dir?ich glaube nicht.muss immer viel arbeiten und deshalb war das immer gut so einen wie dich zu haben der uns oder mir ein haufen neues berichtet. nicht bösse gemeit.würde gerne wissen was du denkst und ob du noch dabei bist.die die dumm machen müssen das ja nicht lesen und auch keinn kommentar abgeben.würde mich freuen wenn du deine meinung sagst.
Könnte mal jemand diesen sinnlosen Kommentar löschen? Ich dachte in diesem Forum muss man noch ein bisschen Anstand und Professionalität an den Tag legen... Das dazu...
Jemand neue Infos zu EK??
Wenn die 42.000 € stimmen, was ich übrigens nicht glaube, dann ist das schon leicht wahnsinnig. Meine Meinung.
Von Kodak gibt aktuell keine interessanten News. Da muss noch weiter abwarten.
Mich verwundert ein wenig dein Kommentar zu den 42000. Ich dachte das ist eher am unteren Limit...
Mit welchen Beträgen zockt Ihr denn?
Also, wenn ich das hier alles so lese, dann wird mir ganz schummerig. ...
Warum das die Aktie nicht steigt,
@ MG16
oh man, ich frage mich echt manchmal wieso leute in aktien investieren und sich dann nicht drum kümmern.
Es wird in die Zukunft investiert.
Aber wenn einer Gewinnt muss irgend ein anderer verlieren.
Der Gewinner findet das gut
der Verlier meint das es nicht mit richtigen Dingen zugeht.
Wie eh und je
Ihr Geld hat ein andrer
The financing, which authorizes Kodak to borrow up to $844 million, strengthens the company's position to successfully execute its remaining reorganization objectives, finalize its Plan of Reorganization, and emerge from Chapter 11 in mid-2013, Kodak noted.
The financing is predicated on certain conditions, including the successful completion of the sale of Kodak's digital imaging patent portfolio for no less than $500 million. The Bankruptcy Court recently approved the sale of this portfolio for $527 million, and the completion of the sale is expected next month.
Upon meeting certain additional conditions, the approved financing also provides Kodak the option of converting up to $644 million of the loans into exit financing due five years after emergence. The additional conditions include the consummation of a Plan of Reorganization by September 30, 2013, the resolution of the company's U.K. pension obligations, and the successful completion of all or a portion of the sales of Kodak's Document Imaging and Personalized Imaging businesses, as detailed in the agreement. Kodak continues to make progress toward these objectives.
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Jan 23, 2013 12:58:53 (ET)
By Joseph Checkler
NEW YORK--A judge on Wednesday approved an $843.7 million financing deal for Eastman Kodak Co. (EKDQ), a package that will both pay off a prior bankruptcy loan and provide Kodak with the chance to reorganize successfully as the much leaner company it is striving to become.
Judge Allan L. Gropper of U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan agreed with Kodak that the loan, from a group of second-lien lenders led by Centerbridge Partners LP, was the best available option to Kodak. Other lenders include GSO Capital Partners and an affiliate of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM).
Kodak will use the proceeds to pay off the money left on an existing $950 million bankruptcy loan from a group led by Citigroup Inc. (C). The rest of the money will be used to fund Kodak's normal business operations and to settle pension issues in the U.K., the company said. More than $640 million of the money Kodak receives can later be rolled over into financing that will fuel its exit from bankruptcy.
"This is not to imply that we're done," said Sullivan & Cromwell LLP's Andrew G. Dietderich, a Kodak lawyer. Mr. Dietderich said the loan is a step toward Kodak's ultimate goal of becoming a streamlined company providing digital imaging services for business customers.
Since even before its bankruptcy filing, Kodak had pinned its hopes on raising cash from the sale of 1,100 digital imaging patents. But when the company realized it wasn't going to get anywhere near the $2 billion or more it expected for those patents, it decided to get out of some of its existing businesses to raise cash as it shopped the patents. Earlier this month, Judge Gropper approved the $527 million sale of the patent portfolio. Most of that money will be used to pay down the existing bankruptcy loan, which still has about $664 million left on it. The balance of the $664 million will be paid down with proceeds of the loan Judge Gropper approved on Wednesday.
Since it filed for bankruptcy in January 2012, Kodak has shut down or put up for sale many of its once-core businesses, including ending its consumer-printing business and shopping its photo kiosk, scanner and camera-film units. It has also gotten out of its once iconic camera business, recently signing a brand-licensing agreement with JK Imaging Ltd. that will allow JK to make digital cameras and projectors with the Kodak name.
The changes have resulted in thousands of layoffs at Kodak, and the company has cut pension benefits.
In a presentation to creditors made in a public filing earlier this week, Kodak provided an outline of its now-core commercial imaging business. That business will be split into two main segments: graphics, entertainment and commercial film, and digital printing and enterprise.
(Dow Jones Daily Bankruptcy Review covers news about distressed companies and those under bankruptcy protection. Go to http://dbr.dowjones.com)
Write to Joseph Checkler at joseph.checkler@dowjones.com. Follow him on Twitter at @JoeCheckler
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
January 23, 2013 12:58 ET (17:58 GMT)
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