Vestas -alles andere als flügellahm
Vestas hat nun Aufträge aus ganz Südamerika mit einer Gesamtkapazität von einem GW erhalten. Davon hat der dänische Hersteller von Windkraftanlagen insgesamt 440 MW in ganz Südamerika, ausgenommen Brasilien, bis jetzt installiert.
Dabei lieferte das Unternehmen 80 Prozent aller Windkraftanlagen in Uruguay überhaupt, 71 Prozent aller Anlagen in Chile und 48 Prozent aller Windkraftwerke in Argentinien. In Argentinien entstand auch die erste Windfarm von Vestas in Südamerika, 1994 war dieses Projekt bereits abgeschlossen.
Kürzlich ergatterte Vestas Wind Systems AS (WKN: 913769) einen Großauftrag aus den USA. Dabei soll Vestas Windkraftanlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von über 100 MW in Nordamerika installieren.
In Brasilien ist die Voraussetzung für billigere Kredite ,dass die Produktion im Land erfolgt.Diese Voraussetzung erfüllt Gamesa .Alle Aufträge werden hier versteigert zu harten Konditionen
30.05.14 16:35
Goldman Sachs
New York ( - Vestas-Aktienanalyse von Goldman Sachs:
Die Aktienanalysten von Goldman Sachs stufen in ihrer aktuellen Aktienanalyse die Aktie des dänischen Herstellers von Windkraftanlagen Vestas Wind Systems A/S (ISIN: DK0010268606, WKN: 913769, Ticker-Symbol Kopenhagen: VWS.CO) aus Bewertungsgründen von "buy" auf "neutral" herunter.
Die Analysten hätten ihre Ergebnisprognosen und das Kursziel von 300 auf 315 Dänische Kronen angehoben, weil die Zahl neuer Windkraftanlagen in Deutschland, vor allem im laufenden Jahr, wohl höher als erwartet ausfalle. Allerdings habe sich die Vestas-Aktie zuletzt schon überdurchschnittlich entwickelt.
Die Aktienanalysten von Goldman Sachs stufen in ihrer aktuellen Aktienanalyse die Vestas-Aktie von "buy" auf "neutral" herab. (Analyse vom 30.05.2014)
Once complete, the project will become the very first wind power plant in the country, showcasing Vestas’ ambitions as wind power pioneers to develop new markets and grow together with our customers.
Delivery of the turbines will start in the fourth quarter of 2014, and the wind power plant is expected to be commissioned in the second quarter of 2015.
The contract for the turnkey project comprises supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, along with a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, full scope civil and electrical works, as well as a ten-year Active Management Output (AOM) 5000 service agreement.....
The San Antonio wind power plant will have an estimated annual production of 150,000 MWh, which will save the environment from over 40,000 tons of CO2 emissions on an annual basis, providing Guatemala with enough electricity to cover the residential electricity consumption of more than 890,000 people.
The project developer, Enel Green Power, plans to install the machines across the district of Mulchen, in the region of Biobio, according to information that was made public by Inproin.
The 40MW Los Buenos Aires project, being developed by affiliates of Italian utility Enel, will comprise Vestas V117-3.3MW turbines.
The project developer, Enel Green Power, plans to install 12 turbines across the district of Los Angeles, in the region of Biobio.
The first project, Arias (also known as Colonia Dr. José Arias) in the department of Flores, will comprise 40 Vestas V100-2.0MW turbines, .....
The project developer, Enel Green Power, plans to install the machines across the district of Mulchen, in the region of Biobio, according to information that was made public by Inproin.
das sind gute Neuigkeiten!
Vestas’ new strategy for Brazil emphasises investments to meet local content requirements.
Vestas will refocus efforts on the Brazilian market by implementing a new roadmap for profitable growth in the country. Vestas will invest up to R$ 100m (EUR 32m) in meeting local content requirements, prioritising initiatives that enable us to compete more effectively in the local wind industry.
With the purpose of respecting local content requirements set by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) under the FINAME II code, Vestas will localise 70 per cent of hub and nacelle manufacturing for 2MW turbines at our facility near Fortaleza in the north-eastern state of Ceará, allowing for production levels in excess of 400 MW per year, with the possibility of reaching up to 800 MW. Blade and tower production will also be sourced locally in order to comply with the requirements......
...Vestas aims to participate in the upcoming auctions for projects throughout 2014. Given the planned increase in manufacturing output, Vestas expects to create up to 300 direct jobs in Brazil and an estimated 1,500 indirect jobs in the coming months, with the possibility of producing turbines for export to the rest of Latin America.
Vestas receives 158 MW order for three projects in Turkey
Vestas has received an order of 158.4 MW from Borusan EnBW for V112-3.3 MW turbines in Turkey.
Vestas has received an order of 158.4 MW from Borusan EnBW for V112-3.3 MW turbines in Turkey.
With reference to Vestas Wind Systems’ A/S company announcement No. 23/2014 of 6 June 2014, Vestas has received an order of 158.4 MW from Borusan EnBW for V112-3.3 MW turbines in Turkey.
As part of the 207 MW framework agreement announced on 7 March 2014 between Vestas and the joint venture of German utility EnBW and the Turkish holding company Borusan, Vestas will supply 48 V112-3.3 MW turbines for three wind power plants in Turkey.
The Mut, Harmanlık and Koru RES wind power plants will be installed across three different regions near the cities of Mersin, Bursa and Çanakkale, respectively. Delivery of all three projects is expected to occur in the final quarter of 2014 with commissioning in the second quarter of 2015.
Mehmet Acarla, General Manager of Borusan EnBW Enerji states: “We have taken the decision to realise one of the largest onshore wind farm portfolios in Europe. To achieve our goal, we have chosen one of the world's foremost wind turbine manufacturers, based on Vestas’ capability of ensuring business case certainty for our long-term plan, together with superior new technology which we look forward to installing across the country.”
“Being chosen as the turbine supplier and service provider for EnBW and Borusan proves that our products and services have earned the trust of our partners during the last 30 years,” comments Marco Graziano, President of Vestas Mediterranean. “Our goal is to secure the lowest cost of energy and best possible performance for our customers throughout the turbines’ lifetime.”
Together, the three contracts amount to 158.4 MW and include supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, a VestasOnline® Business SCADA system, as well as a five-year full-scope service agreement (AOM 4000).
Once completed, the three wind power plants will have a total estimated annual production of more than 500,000 MWh per year, saving the environment from over 230,000 tons of CO2 emissions on an annual basis. Furthermore, it will provide enough electricity to cover the residential electricity consumption of more than 830,000 people in Turkey.
About Vestas in Turkey
Vestas has been operating in Turkey since 1984 when it installed the country’s first wind turbine. Since then, Vestas has delivered 664 MW of wind power capacity to Turkey. In January 2008, Vestas established an office in Istanbul and has three warehouses and service locations in the country.Vestas has developed a top-class local value chain in Turkey – contributing to local jobs and local competencies and to the development of a strong network of local suppliers which can deliver components, products, spare parts and services.
About Borusan EnBW Enerji
Headquartered in Istanbul, Borusan EnBW Enerji was founded in the summer of 2009 as a joint venture between EnBW and the Turkish company Borusan. The aim of the joint venture is to expand Turkey's electricity generation capacity by some 2,000 megawatts, primarily in the field of renewable energy.
About Vestas
Every single day, Vestas wind turbines deliver clean energy that supports the global fight against climate change. Wind power from Vestas’ more than 51,000 wind turbines currently reduces carbon emissions by over 60 million tons of CO2 every year, while at the same time building energy security and independence.
Vestas has delivered wind energy in 73 countries, providing jobs for around 16,600 passionate people at our service and project sites, research facilities, factories and offices all over the world. With 52 per cent more megawatts installed than our closest competitor and more than 60 GW of cumulative installed capacity worldwide, Vestas is the world leader in wind power energy.
We invite you to learn more about Vestas by visiting our website at and following us on our social media channels:
About Vestas PowerPlus™
Vestas PowerPlus™ consists of three product offerings:
• Power Uprate (V82-1.65 MW, V90-1.8 MW and V100-1.8 MW);
• Extended Cut Out (V90-3.0 MW, V100-1.8/2.0 MW); and,
• Aerodynamic Upgrades (V82-1.65 MW).
Power Uprate is a modification to the turbine control parameters that allows the wind turbines to increase their maximum power output from 1.8MW up to 2.0MW (V82: 1.65MW up to 1.8MW). The result is an increased Annual Energy Production (AEP) (generally 1.0-4.0%).
Extended Cut Out is a modification of the turbine control parameters that allows turbines to capture more wind at higher speeds by extending the maximum wind speed limit from 25 m/s up to 30 m/s. The result is an increase in AEP (generally 0.5-2.0%).
The Aerodynamic Upgrades are Vortex Generators, which are a cost-effective solution using small fins that optimise air flow over the blades to improve the aerodynamics and increase AEP of a wind power plant (generally up to 0.8%).!company-news
Neu in der Produktpalette ,bringt auch Geld
Op ad eftermiddag kunne Vestas så offentliggøre en pæn ordre på 148 MW til Tyrkiet, der bringer årets samlede, offentliggjorte ordreindgang op på 1843 MW.
soviel zu Credit Suisse
Die Windtitel sind seit gestern unter Druck.
Nordex hat gestern 5% verloren und kann sich heute immerhin knapp halten...
Gamesa hat ebenfalls knapp 5% eingebüßt und Vestas im ähnlichen %-Bereich.
Auf die Amis hoffen :)
Gamesa geriet unter Druck wegen spanischen Subventionskürzungen,Nordex ist rasnaz´t gestiegen in den letzten Wochen,Konsolidierung normal und bei Vestas hat die Citibank das Sentiment etwas verhagelt mit ihrem lächerlichen Kursziel
was soll da Amerika retten??
du bist einfach ein substanzloser Basher und die brauchen wir hier nicht
Vestas has signed an agreement with Elemental Energy for a 10-year AOM 4000 service agreement renewal that covers the 27 MW Fermeuse wind power plant in Newfoundland, Canada. The project features nine V90-3.0 MW turbines and was commissioned in 2009. Vestas has conducted service on the site since installation.
AOM (Active Output Management) 4000 is an energy-based availability guarantee that ensures the turbines are operational when the wind is blowing. This service option includes the VestasOnline® surveillance system that remotely controls and monitors the turbines and minimizes lost production by predicting when maintenance may be required. ....
TV2 Østjylland hat geschrieben ,dass von den 200 Mitarbeitern in Aarhus 120 das Angebot angenommen haben mit der Geschäftsführung nach Kopenhagen zu gehen beim beabsichtigten Umzug