PEARL ASIAN nächster 10000%er?
Denke, dass diese Aktie, nach der Tageskonsolidierung, wieder nach oben ziehen wird.
Weitere gute News, oder diverse Analystenkaufempfehlungen, würden zu einer noch rascheren Kursentwicklung beitragen.
Dennoch bestätigen die bereits erhaltenen News, die Unterbewertung dieses Titels.
Vielleicht sehen wir die 0,002$ rascher, als wir alle denken.
Langfristiges Kursziel= UNBEKANNT!
Vielleicht wird es der SUPERTENBAGGER 2006.
Wünsche Euch dieses von ganzem Herzen!
MANILA, Philippines--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 17, 2006--
Chief Metallurgist Engr. Elvis Hidalgo and VP/ IRO Engr. Gary Gotanco of Pearl Asian Mining (OTC: PAIM) reports: The Pearl Asian mining engineering group called "CDO Gold Team" is prepared to receive the gold mining equipment from China. They have been preparing the mine and the gold plant site for weeks to set it up by July 31, 2006. The team has been using manual methods in breaking and preparing the location site by using moil, bareta and sledge hammers and using horses due to the remoteness of the area.
The CDO Gold Team is hoping to get the plant into operation within the first week of August or upon its arrival and obtain the first gold revenues. The funds to be generated will be used to cover overheads, purchase larger and state of the art equipment to break and haul the ores instead of the manual methods currently being used. The Gold Team will be able to explore larger goldveins that contain richer and higher grade gold ores, to build better housing accommodation, mine site office and communication center, medical clinic or dispensary. Pearl Asian will be able to hire additional miners and to increase the production rate from the small scale operations to 100++ tons per day by upgrading and adding bigger capacity of the processing plant.
An 18-20 tpd (tons per day) operation, a safe and environmentally friendly methodology, using specific gravity gold and silver extraction processing plant is designed to extract and to process these gold ores. This initial processing plant will act as a pilot plant for the envisaged full-scale operation, to increase the production rate from 20 tpd to 100-200 tpd.
The Operation CDO will produce gold and silver concentrates containing other precious metals and by-products such as copper and zinc.
It should be noted that "Operation Cagayan De Oro" will be the flagship of Pearl Asian Mining (PAIM) for sometime to come, covering an estimated 7,000 hectares of ancestral domain land. An approximately 20 hectares portion of this small scale mining operation, being permitted, is a joint venture gold mining project between Pearl Asian Mining (PAIM) and the Higaonon Tribes led by Chieftain Datu Joni of the Indigenous Group of People located in the Eastern Region of Mindanao.
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding the Company's projections regarding gold production in future periods. The Factors that could cause actual result to differ materially from anticipated results includes risks relating to estimates of reserves, mineral deposits and production costs; mining and development risks. The risk of commodity price fluctuations; political and regulatory risks; risks of obtaining required operating permits and other risks and uncertainties. Penny Stocks are very highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as the result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Source: Pearl Asian Mining Industries Inc.
Wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Abend.
Am Nachmittag rechne ich mit steigenden Kursen.
Was meint Ihr?
Werde sie gleich lesen.
Hab sie nur mal rein gestellt.
****E I L U P D A T E****
**** Meldung bestätigt**** Update soeben eingetroffen
****E I L U P D A T E**** (von heute: 19.07.2006)
Schichau reaktiviert (WKN 717 350)! Handel an Börse Hamburg und Berlin
Newsletter von Transatlantic Capital (vor wenigen Minuten veröffentlicht):
+++ +++ +++ +++
Nachdem es gestern vormittag bereits Gerüchte gab, können wir von Transatlantic Capital nun exklusiv und offiziell bestätigen:
Schichau Seebeckwerft AG (Handelsplätze Hamburg und Berlin mit WKN 717 350) wird nun doch reaktiviert!
Top-aktuell haben wir von unternehmensnahen Kreisen erfahren, dass die zunächst abgesagte Sanierung des Börsenmantels nun doch geglückt ist. Bereits in Kürze werde die operativ sehr gut dastehende Nachfolgegesellschaft in die Schichau Seebeckwerft AG re-integriert. Die Schichau Seebeckwerft AG werde dann als renommierte Trägergesellschaft mit jahrzehntelanger Reputation wieder operativ tätig. Ein leistungsfähiges Controlling sei bereits etabliert, und die Finanzausstattung der AG sei ebenfalls gesichert.
Für die Aktionäre bedeutet diese neue Situation zunächst einmal ein gewaltiges Kurspotenzial der Aktie um mind. 1.500%. Wir stufen die Aktie auf Strong Buy hoch – mit Kursziel 18 €.
+++ +++ +++ +++
Aktuell notiert die Aktie noch unter 2 €! Da sollte also noch gewaltig Platz nach oben sein!
Pearl Asian Mining Industries Begins Refining Its Own Gold, Silver and Platinum To 99.95% Purity and Acquired Gold, Silver & Platinum Refining Systems
MANILA, Philippines--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 19, 2006--
Chief Metallurgist Elvis Hidalgo and President/CEO Randolf Villanueva of Pearl Asian Mining (OTC: PAIM) announced today that Pearl Asian acquired a Smelting and Refining System to refine its own gold, platinum and silver to 99.95% purity. This gold and platinum system works without any acids. It was strongly recommended over any type of acid refining system. It is far safer, cleaner and easier to use. It's far less expensive and has a virtually indefinite shelf life. The manufacturing company has been around since 1918 and proved their equipment to be effective and efficient. It is estimated that there are over 5,000 units in use today and from just 1999-2001, over 5 metric tons of gold was refined in these refining systems. It has dual capacity and can run batches of up to 1 kilo of gold within an hour run time. It is so compact, about 1 cubic foot in size, and versatile.
Pearl Asian has included this revenue-making enterprise as a subsidiary of the Pearl Asian Mining Industries (PAIM) that also complements its actual gold-mining operations. Pearl Asian's mission and vision to enhance environmental protection will be achieved, as this system is proven safe because it does not use acids, cyanides or toxic chemicals and can be used in dust collection. It is odorless and has no smells. It produces 99.95+% purity every time. It costs only $1-$2 per ounce of gold to run.
"By refining our own gold, silver and platinum, Pearl Asian will have saved over $10,000,000.00 in our first year of production, and Pearl Asian has already begun offering this smelting and refining service to other local and small-scale miners, thus generating extra revenues immediately," exclaimed Randolf Villaneuva, President/CEO.
Forward-Looking Statements
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding the Company's projections regarding gold production in future periods. The Factors that could cause actual result to differ materially from anticipated results includes risks relating to estimates of reserves, mineral deposits and production costs; mining and development risks. The risk of commodity price fluctuations; political and regulatory risks; risks of obtaining required operating permits and other risks and uncertainties. Penny Stocks are very highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as the result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Source: Pearl Asian Mining Industries Inc.