silverado goldmines (867737)' target="_new" rel="nofollow">
Gute Nacht
Für mich einfach unerklärlich...
Bleibe (was auch sonst) weiter investiert und hoffend...
in der Tabuzone, lohnt es sich natürlich wieder einzusteigen und auf neuem Ausbruch zu warten! Erst wenn 500000st(und größere) blöcke reihenweise gekauft werden, wissen wir das die richtigen einsteigen!
Silverado wird in der szene langsam ein begriff... in dem moment wo man glaubt es ist aus und vorbei... wird die nächste Rakete gestartet!!!
von 15 pro B. am Tag gerade mal 315 B. pro Tag macht auch wenn sie es für 25 Dollar
produzieren gerade mal pro Tag 7800 US Dollar. bei einer beschäftigungszahl laut news von
ca 150 Personen. Da sind ja die Kosten nicht einmal gedeckt, oder? und wenn man dies dann noch in Euro rechnet wären das gerade mal knapp 6000 Euro. Oder wie sieht ihr das?
Friday December 22, 6:00 am ET
JACKSON, MS, Dec. 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - On December 18, 2006 Silverado entered an agreement with Mississippi to build a demonstration facility in Choctaw County, Mississippi. The project, which is anticipated to take 18-24 months to complete will, among other things, pave the way for a commercial facility to be built in the surrounding area.
The reader should note that Silverado is progressing well with the Federal Government in gaining significant appropriation funds to offset its cost contribution to the project. Language was included in the FY 2007 Energy Appropriations Bill. Due to the November elections, Congress postponed any action on unfinished appropriation legislation, however final approvals are anticipated in the 2007 legislative session.
It is also significant to note that many of Silverado's plant equipment items needed for the Mississippi Green Fuel Project are available from Silverado's now retired 300 ton per day gold mill at Fairbanks, Alaska.
A Ground Breaking ceremony in Choctaw County is scheduled for February
The Choctaw Plaindealer - Choctaw County Signs
$26 Million Deal With Silverado
By Laura Sandiford
The Choctaw Plaindealer - Silverado deal promises to create
local employment opportunities
By Laura Sandiford
Silverado Green Fuel Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of its publicly traded parent, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. To learn more about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., please visit and the parent public corporation at
Das Unternehmen hat mit dem Staat Mississippi einen Vorvertrag abgeschlossen zur Errichtung einer Anlage zur Demonstration der ökonomischen Machbarkeit und der Überlegenheit beim Umweltschutz des Kraftstoffes aus niederwertiger Kohle. Auch dient die Anlage der Definition von Parametern für eine kommerzielle Massenproduktion.
Ist erst ein Einstieg, welcher sich natürlich nicht sofort selbstfinanziert.
Aber die Grundlage für einen Markt der spätere Milliardenumsätzen und Gewinne hervorruft..
Die Beschäftigung der Arbeiter wird ja von den 26 Mill gedeckt.
oder ist der Vorvertrag noch gar nicht beschlossen?
Wenn Greenfuel in ein paar jahren anläuft was ich hoffe, sollte sich Silverado inzwischen
auf Ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren, weil wenn wirklich so viel Gold in Alaska ist,
das wären zwei super geldquellen ..GOLD und Neue Energie und das noch für Öl- besser könnte es kein unternehmen bekommen..aber warum jetzt schon wieder unter 0,06E??
Das hat nichts mit Shorties zu tun, das wäre für die viel zu heiss , falls das alles
so stimmt wie Silverado es schreibt!
The reader should note that Silverado is progressing well with the Federal Government in gaining significant appropriation funds to offset its cost contribution to the project. Language was included in the FY 2007 Energy Appropriations Bill. Due to the November elections, Congress postponed any action on unfinished appropriation legislation, however final approvals are anticipated in the 2007 legislative session.
It is also significant to note that many of Silverado's plant equipment items needed for the Mississippi Green Fuel Project are available from Silverado's now retired 300 ton per day gold mill at Fairbanks, Alaska.
A Ground Breaking ceremony in Choctaw County is scheduled for February
The Choctaw Plainde
@s(ilverado)way - bin auch komplett - kann wieder up :-)
Tüüüß eurer Toni
0,096$ sind etwa 0,073€... Da scheint mein investiertes (Weihnachts-)Geld vom 22.12.2006 aber schon gute Zinsen zu bringen. :)
Wünsche Euch was. :)
By Jennifer Kho
Silverado Green Fuel CEO Garry Anselmo said Wednesday the company has signed a deal to build a clean coal demonstration plant in Mississippi.
Mr. Anselmo claims the plant will be the first in the U.S and maybe the world
to turn low-grade coal into a liquid fuel, although others convert high-grade coal into liquid, such as in China.
This is an environmentally friendly, low-cost energy,he said.
But some environmentalists and industry watchers disputed the claim, arguing that clean coal is an oxymoron. While technologies that reduce the environmental impact of coal have been making strides, and many consider them to be an important step, others say coal can ever be considered clean.
Take Robert Wilder, CEO of WilderShares, who manages three energy indices, including one tracking technologies to reduce the impact of fossil fuels.
I would not use the word clean anywhere near the word coal
-Robert Wilder,
I would not use the word clean anywhere near the word coal, he said. a misnomer; coal is inherently dirty. You cannot say clean coal for the basic reason that mining coal is dirty work, so you can get clean coal unless you ignore the fact of getting coal, which is ridiculous
Coal-to-liquids technologies are getting plenty of attention lately because of energy security, he said. While oil must be bought from countries that don´t necessarily love us, the United States has been called the Saudi Arabia of coal because we have so much of it, he said.
If your only concern was energy security, and there was no such thing as climate change, we would probably have a lot more coal-to-liquids technology, he said.
While so-called clean coal might be cleaner than regular coal, it is probably not cleaner than some of the other fossil fuels it might replace such as oil and natural gas, he said.
Still, such technologies could well have a place, Mr. Wilder said.
This doesn´t mean it´s not interesting, exciting, and innovative, he said. I think technologies that can make use of the waste streams should be looked at. They are trying to come up with a substitute liquid fuel in the near- to mid-term, but the real problems are ecological and immensely serious, and it doesn´t help anybody to use terms like clean coal.
But as worldwide demand for energy grows, there´s no doubt coal will continue to play a role. Whether or not they are aptly named, projects categorizing themselves as clean coal are being developed around the world.
Last month, U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said the United States would distribute $1 billion in tax credits for clean coal projects this year, with $650 million credits slated for 2007.
Also last month, a group of companies said it would build a $700-million coal-fired plant in Norway using technology developed by Oslo-based Sargas, and the Victoria, Australia state government granted HRL, an Australian-owned energy company, $50 million to help build a $750-million pilot plant with China´s Harbin Power.
And earlier this month, one U.K. energy company, E.ON UK, submitted plans to build the first new coal-fired power plant in the U.K. in 20 years using clean coal technology.
Joel Makower, a principal at Clean Edge, said clean coal technologi greenness depends on what they are replacing.
Is this compared to dirty coal or compared to solar? he said. It has a lot of potential, but it really depends on what the alternative is.
Dealing With Mississippi
In this new Mississippi deal, Silverado is working with the Mississippi Development Authority, Choctaw County Board of Supervisors, and the Choctaw County Economic Development District to build a plant on a 14-acre site at the Choctaw County Economic Development District´s Ecoplex.
The plant, expected to be finished in two years or less, will cost up to $26 million (and possibly only $20 million), Mr. Anselmo said.
The company has applied for federal, state, and county funding, and Mr. Anselmo said the cost would be shared between the company and the government agencies but wouldn´t disclose the amount it expects to spend.
The plant will produce 287,500 barrels of the company´s Green Fuel, which will contain energy equivalent to 115,000 barrels of oil, and will emit 15 percent less carbon dioxide than regular coal when it´s used, he said.
Silverado´s technology grinds down a low-grade coal, which is 35 percent water, and pressure cooks it to drive out all the water. (It sweats, Mr. Anselmo said.) The process seals the pores of the coal particles, so water isn’t allowed back in. The particles are removed, the water is treated to take out the remaining hydrocarbons along with the carbon dioxide and heavy metals ”and the cleaned water is mixed back in with the particles to get the fuel to shipping grade.
It looks and acts like oil, Mr. Anselmo said, with the exception that it takes 2.5 barrels of Green Fuel to make a barrel of oil equivalent.
Unlike coal gasification technologies, which turn coal into gas, Silverado´s method doesn´t release carbon dioxide when converting the coal, he said.
Silverado´s process happens in small batches, in a contained area with only oxygen (and no regular air), he said. It produces hydrogen, which can be used for fuel cells; a small amount of fly ash, which can be used as an industrial material; and sulfur dioxide, which can be converted into sulfuric acid, he said.
The Green Fuel can be produced for about $15 per barrel of oil equivalent, he said. While Silverado hasn´t decided on pricing, it should be able to set them lower than current oil prices, he said.
Potential Impact
While Silverado doesn´t gasify the fuel, and therefore avoids releasing carbon dioxide, Mr. Wilder said it’s unclear how useful the technology is. It is still pretty nasty coal in a liquid, goopy form, he said.
Potentially, this is interesting as a way to convert coal from a solid to a thick, viscous liquid,he said. My problem is, then what?
There aren´t many oil-fired power plants in the United States, Mr. Wilder said.
Mr. Anselmo said the fuel could be used in industrial heat and electricity applications, such as in industrial boilers and in integrated gasification combined cycle power (IGCCP) facilities, and also said the fuel could be further refined into rocket fuel, diesel, plastics, explosives, and everything else oil becomes.
Those products can be made with no particulates, and the downstream, refined fuels would give off no carbon dioxide when they´re being used, he said.
Mr. Anselmo also claims that no carbon dioxide would be emitted while refining the Green Fuel into lighter fuels or other products. There is no CO2 in the refining process, he said.
But Mr. Makower said carbon dioxide generally is emitted somewhere in the process.
No CO2 at all would be hard to believe, he said. not just when you burn it, but when you refine it and transport it; you can´t just talk about the tailpipe part of it.
Mr. Wilder agreed.
I´m fairly confident that anything that takes that liquid and converts it into something that´s not viscous ”that can be used in cars, etc.”will have CO2,” he said. What they´re saying is fantastic, if they´re saying there´s no CO2. I don´t know how that could be.
In any case, Mr. Makower said coal technologies have potential, as well as hurdles, and more innovation, R&D, and investment are needed. Among the dozen or even dozens of technologies that will be successful, there could well be a place for technology like Silverado´s, he said.
Und das bei wirklich geringem Volumen. Anscheinend wussten doch viele Leute nicht dass gestern gehandelt wurde.