FCEL vor Gewinnschwelle 2013
Im letzten Jahr 30.000 PLUG gekauft (0.35 $/ct) und dann erstmal monatelang im roten Bereich rumgekrebst. Dann stiegen die auf geradezu wahnwitzige 0.75 $/ct und ich habe schnell verkauft. Wenige Monate später standen die bei über 10 $ - ob ich mich wohl geärgert habe?
Ebenso hatte ich 700 Aktien von Tesla für immerhin 50 $ erstanden und schnell wieder bei 75 $ verkauft - welch ein Fehler…;-))) Was lerne ich daraus? Wenn ich an etwas glaube - dran bleiben und keine Nerven zeigen.
Die japanische Regierung will bis zum Jahr 2030 Kraftwerke mit umweltfreundlichen Brennstoffzellen ausstatten, um zehn Prozent des landesweiten Strombedarfs zu decken. Das soll die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen aus dem Ausland senken, die nach der Katastrophe in Fukushima rasant gestiegen ist.
SEOUL, July 1 (Yonhap) - POSCO Energy Co. is heading to the global fuel cell market based on its experience at home, first targeting Japan, which is seeing a growing demand for eco-friendly, efficient energy sources, the company said Tuesday.
The energy unit of South Korea's top steelmaker, POSCO, has been developing a wide range of high-efficiency fuel cells for its clean energy project since 2007.
The company recently held a business presentation in Tokyo to introduce two types of fuel cells using molten carbonate, which are designed for natural, biogas and coal-based power plants.
Japan was selected as the first stop as it searches for power sources that can withstand disasters and complement services provided by utilities following the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami.
A 2.5-megawatt fuel cell facility, which can power 3,000 households, only needs an area as wide as a basketball court, a space that cramped cities could easily accommodate, Kim Tae-hyun, the company's marketing director, said.
The company pledged to further develop the fuel cell technology as part of its renewable energy project, which would also help boost the nation's manufacturing industry.
"About 1,400 components are needed to build a fuel cell power plant. This helps create jobs in the related field, as in our case where we work with about 380 contractors," POSCO Energy CEO Hwang Eun-yeon said.
POSCO Energy is planning to expand its business to Asia and the Middle East, aiming for fuel cell sales of 2.5 trillion won (US$2.4 billion) by 2020, up from 300 billion won last year.
The company operates fuel cell power plants with a total capacity of 146 megawatts in 26 locations in South Korea, and it is set to complete construction of a fuel cell power plant with a capacity of 300 kilowatts in Indonesia later this year.
Dow Jones 16,560.54 -0.06%
Nasdaq 4,389.25 -0.27%
Energy -0.65% §
FCEL 2.27 -2.16%§
2.27 -0.05 (-2.16%)
After Hours: 2.41 +0.14 (6.17%)
The stock was up 4.41% to $2.37 at 4:36 p.m.
Dallas, Texas 2014.08.12 - FuelCell Energy Inc mit seinem Ruf für die die Handhabe von hohen Qualitätsstandards der Operationen in der Brennstoffzellenindustrie hat sich FCEL nun eine Stufe höher bei diesen Normen bewegt. Brennstoffzelle mit seiner jüngsten Zertifizierung - ISO 9001: 2008 Zertifizierung hat angekündigt, dass sein Qualitätsmanagementsysteme haben nun internationalen Standard.
Was bedeutet die Zertifizierung ?
Die Zertifizierung zeigt, dass die Qualitätsstandards, die das Geschäft der Umsetzung sind sehr strenge und robuste Qualitätsstandards, kommentierte CEO der FuelCell Energy Inc., Tony Rauseo in einer aktuellen Pressemitteilung.
Er kommentierte auch, dass die Zertifizierung ist ein Instrument, um Kunden zu präsentieren die höchsten Qualitätsstandards des Unternehmens;
Na Jungs & Mädels, es geht vorwärts, resp. aufwärts
By David Appleyard
Contributing Editor
Distributed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installed capacity in the Asia-Pacific region will grow from around 37.7 GW in 2013 to approximately 64 GW by 2019, according to an analyst from GlobalData.
Ankit Mathur, GlobalData’s Project Manager for Alternative Energy, states that the region will spend almost $56 billion on bolstering its distributed CHP installed capacity between 2014 and 2019. This is the second largest investment globally behind Europe, which will boast distributed CHP capital expenditure of around $144 billion between 2014 and the end of the forecast period.
Dear Herr Wolf,
Thank you for your interest and support of FuelCell Energy. In terms of your question, a provincial government entity issued a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for sizeable fuel cell projects in their region of South Korea. As you may be aware, an MOU is an indication of interest but is not a firm contract enforceable in a court of law. We are encouraged with the strong interest in large-scale fuel cell parks but it is just too early in this project development for us to comment on this specific project. As decisions are made, timetables established, and greater clarity around the project becomes available, then we will communicate this information publicly with shareholders.
Kurt Goddard | Vice President - Investor Relations
Direct: 203.830.7494 | kgoddard@fce.com