Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Das war natürlich völlig überzockt, wie bei vielen anderen Werten auch, die fast alle nicht mehr existieren. In einen dieser Werte, nämlich in Commerce One, hatte Gastschreiber investiert, der damals als Ebörse auf vielen deutschen Boards sein Unwesen trieb, sich mit dem verbrecherischen CEO Hoffman von Commerce One sogar fotografieren ließ und dieses Bild über die deutschen Bildschirme jagte. Im Gegensatz zu Commerce One und anderen Konkurs gegangenen Werten war bei Internet Capital aber nicht übertriebene Verschuldung der Hauptgrund für den Absturz, sondern nur das maßlose Überzocken. Daher hat man mit den besten von ca. 80 Beteiligungen aus 2000 überlebt, ist heute schuldenfrei und allein die vier wertvollsten Beteiligungen 65% an ICGCommerce, 31% an Freeborders, 34% an Starcite und 32% an Metastorm sind selbst bei sehr vorsichtiger Bewertungen eine halbe Milliarden Dollar wert. Außerdem hat man noch Beteiligungen an 11 weiteren privaten Unternehmen, hat etwa 100 Millionen Cash und Aktien von Blackboard und GoIndustry im Wert von etwa 70 Millionen.
Das alles gibt es momentan für etwas mehr als 130 Millionen - also eine Unterbewertung um etwa den Faktor 7.
Ein Beispiel für diese Unternehmen ist Metastorm, das wertmäßig von den 15 Beteiligungen an Nummer vier stehen dürfte:
Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue
Global Enterprise Software Vendor Delivers Strong Q3 Financial Results
BALTIMORE, MD - November 19, 2008 - Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced financial results for its third quarter ending September 30, 2008. The privately held company posted record revenues, record profitability and reported a continued increase in enterprise-wide deployments of its software. Metastorm experienced 22% growth in total revenues year-over-year on a proforma basis, and recognized a 50% increase in software license revenues from the same quarter last year.
Metastorm added 44 new customers to its portfolio in Q3, including DISH Network (U.S.), Johnson Controls (U.S.), PSCU Financial Services (U.S.), Rompetrol (Romania), Sec Servizi (Italy), Stanley Works (U.S.), Tops Markets (U.S.), and U.S. DHS Transportation Security Administration (U.S.). Existing customers expanding their use of Metastorm software included AMEC Group (U.K.), Banca Populare di Sondrio (Italy), Channel 4 Television (U.K.), Defense Information Systems Agency (U.S.), DHL Express (U.S.), Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield (U.S.), Linklaters (U.K.), and U.S. Army (U.S.). Strong adoption rates and large enterprise license deals enabled Metastorm to post profitable growth for the quarter.
In August 2008, Metastorm successfully completed the integration of Metastorm Discovery™ - the software acquired through Metastorm's acquisition of Spotlight Data in December 2007 - with the Metastorm ProVision® enterprise modeling and business process analysis suite. Metastorm Discovery has become a key component of Metastorm ProVision, giving customers a formal tool to support process discovery and data capture on "as-is" processes which can then be analyzed and improved in Metastorm ProVision to eliminate inefficiencies, improve productivity and increase operational effectiveness.
Metastorm continued to receive strong external leadership recognition in the quarter. Metastorm ProVision was positioned in the Leader quadrant of the "Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Process Analysis Tools," published by Gartner, Inc. in September 2008. In addition Metastorm was recognized by both the Deloitte & Touche Fast 50 and Inc. magazine for its strong growth and received the KMWorld Trend-Setting Product of 2008 and the Supply & Demand Chain Executive 100 awards for its product innovation.
Metastorm's ability to sell into three growing markets - EA, BPA, and BPM - combined with its proven track record of delivering results and customer success has had a very positive impact on the performance of the company that culminated in the filing of Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission in May 2008 announcing Metastorm's intent to pursue an initial public offering. Last week, Metastorm withdrew its registration statement on Form S-1 as filed with the SEC due to the volatile capital market conditions. Withdrawing the S-1 removes the overhead and legal restrictions associated with SEC regulations and will allow Metastorm to continue to execute on strategic initiatives and pursue potential acquisition opportunities to expand its product offerings and support continued growth. The company will consider re-filing when market conditions improve.
"Our message of unifying strategy, analysis and execution with an integrated suite of EA, BPA and BPM software from Metastorm is clearly resonating in the market, as is evident by our continued growth in a very volatile economy," stated Robert Farrell, chairman and CEO of Metastorm. "Metastorm's software helps companies evaluate their enterprise assets and determine how to create greater efficiency and control in their core business processes. We understand the need for companies to optimize their business and gain rapid ROI and we continually work with our customers to realize quantifiable results through their EA, BPA and BPM projects. The ability to make optimal use of enterprise resources is especially critical in difficult times, and Metastorm is committed to providing software to help our customers in their efforts."
About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading software for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to improve business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is bringing together these critical disciplines to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide.
Re: Strong Q3 Financial Results from Metastorm 20-Nov-08 03:47 pm Internet Capital owns 32% of Metastorm.
Metastorm experienced 22% growth in total revenues year-over-year on a proforma basis, and recognized a 50% increase in software license revenues from the same quarter last year. Strong adoption rates and large enterprise license deals enabled Metastorm to post profitable growth for the quarter.
Solche Kurse aber haben auch eine Kehrseite!
In Deutschland haben wir es im Gegensatz zu den USA wohl überwiegend mit Zockern bei Internet Capital zu tun. Die haben aber meines Erachtens keine Chance und werden von Profis abgezockt. Die Profis kann man dagegen abzocken, indem man bei diesen Kursen kauft - ganz egal, ob der Trend jetzt negativ oder positiv ist.
Habe ich für drei gekauft und der Kurs ist bei 30, habe ich verzehnfacht. Bei einem Kaufkurs von 5 habe ich bei 30 versechsfacht. Habe ich nicht gekauft habe ich vernullfacht. So ist Lebbe, wird jetzt uns Steppi sagen.
Alles muss raus, egal zu welchen Preis, wer Sonderangebote zu schätzen weis, wird wissen was zutun ist.
Libby, wenn die Dinger endlich bei 3 cent sind, gibts du dann bitte, bitte endlich Ruhe und holst deinen langweiligen Thread nicht dauernd wieder hoch?
Niemand springt auf deinen kleinen Schrottwert auf, das dürfte ja wohl inzwischen selbst dir klargeworden sein. Also mach was sinnvolles mit deiner Zeit, und geh woanders spielen.
Market-cap of Internet Capital is only 41% of stockholder-equity of 309.6 million. The average of tech- and internet-companies is the 10-fold.
Compare with 333% of Google: Market-cap of Google is 82,56 billion and stockholder-equity is 27,47 billion.
Compare with the 477% of Salesforce.com. Some partner-companies of Internet Capital are softeware-on-demand-companies, too: Market-cap of Salesforce.com is 2.7 billion and the stockholder-equity is 566 million.
Compare with the 366% of IBM: The market-cap of IBM ist 100,6 billion and stockholder equity is 27,5 billion.
Oder ein anderer Punkt: Internet Capital kann sich mit seiner Cash komplett selbst kaufen und dann bleibt sogar noch Geld übrig. Denn sie haben zunächst einmal 100 Millionen in der Kasse um ihre Aktien mit einer momentanen Marktbewertung von 135 Million zu kaufen. Und darüber hinaus können sie jederzeit auf den Erlös aus dem Verkauf von 2.2 Millionen Blackboard-Aktien zurückkaufen, die über Termingeschäfte zu 55 Millionen nach unten abgesichert sind. Logischerweise bliebe der Kurs nicht auf dem jetzigen Niveau, sodass das nur eine theoreitsche Überlegung ist - es zeigt aber die aberwitzige Unterbewertung auf, zumal dann als weiteres Vermögen auch noch das eigentliche Hauptgeschäft da ist, die Beteiligung an 15 Technologie- und Internetnehmen mit einem anteiligen Umsatz von Internet Capital in Höhe von ca. 150 Millionen und einer Wachstumsrate von 30% sowie einen Wert von 600 Millionen.
Storagetek hat nur gewinne und kein Cent verlust gemacht.
Schau mal den Aktien-Kurse von Sun. "nämlich im Keller "
Gute Beispiel war die VW Aktien-kurse.
Alles hängt von Chart-Technik und Leerverkauf ab. Und hat mit dem Realität nicht zutun.
Während also Sun keinen Cent für den Rückkauf eigener Aktien verwenden kann, kann Internet Capital z.B. fast seine kompletten 155 Millionen (100 Millionen Cash und 55 Millionen durch Hedging kursgesicherte Wertpapiere) für den Rückkauf einsetzen. Denn auch die anderen Vermögensteile sind hochliquide und können scheibchenweise veräussert werden - würde das Sun machen, wäre das Unternehmen noch mehr k.o, als es eh schon ist.
Compare with 333% of Google: Market-cap of Google is 82,56 billion and stockholder-equity is 27,47 billion.
Compare with the 477% of Salesforce.com. Some partner-companies of Internet Capital are softeware-on-demand-companies, too: Market-cap of Salesforce.com is 2.7 billion and the stockholder-equity is 566 million.
Compare with the 366% of IBM: The market-cap of IBM ist 100,6 billion and stockholder equity is 27,5 billion. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Market cap = 135 million, but stockholder equity 309.6 million 23-Nov-08 07:27 am Compare with 393% of VMware: Market-cap of VMware is 7.38 billion and Stockholder Equity is 1.88 billion. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Market cap = 135 million, but stockholder equity 309.6 million 23-Nov-08 10:46 am Compare with the high 354% of Oracle. Market-cap of Oracle is 84.42 billion and shareholder equity is 23,82 billion. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Market cap = 135 million, but stockholder equity 309.6 million 5 second(s) ago Look at Baidu and compare with the 597% of Baidu: Market-cap of Baidu is 3.86 billion and shareholder-equity is 646 million. Rating :
(No ratings)
The Parent Company Launches Shopping Comparison and Search Site Toys.comFont Scale: Posted 18 November 2008 @ 11:40 am ESTPR RSS Print E-Mail
DENVER, Nov. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Parent Company(Nasdaq: KIDS), a market-leading digital content and eCommerce company focusedon parents, announces the launch of Toys.com, a powerful product search andshopping comparison site that features the toy industry's largestrepresentation of major retailers and specialty toy retailers in a singleInternet destination.
Toys.com enables online shoppers to easily browse and search through agreat selection of toy and baby products, then click on product links to godirectly to the retailer site and purchase products. To make finding productseasy, Toys.com offers multiple search options, including an enlarged searchbox for quick product searches and a site-wide top navigation bar featuring"drop downs" for searching by price, category, age, brand, character andgender. Key category and subcategory links can be found on the home page fordrilled down searches. The home page also includes a rotating slideshowfeaturing seasonal or topical toys, with product images, titles anddescriptions, and a "see all" link to the complete toy group spotlighted.
Toys.com search results pages post product images, titles, descriptionsand min-max price ranges. Products listed on the search results pages link toindividual product pages, featuring enlarged toy images with detaileddescriptions and price ranges, plus retailer listings and prices. Additionalfeatures, including interactive customer reviews and social networking, willbe added to the site.
With the launch of Toys.com, The Parent Company is utilizing one of theindustry's strongest domain names and anticipates it will represent asignificant and efficient revenue initiative for the company. Unlike manyshopping comparison sites that are based strictly on a cost-per-click revenuestructure, Toys.com uses a partner-friendly combination of pay-per-performanceand pay-per-click affiliate marketing structures.
Michael Wagner, CEO of The Parent Company, commented on the launch,"Before Toys.com, comparison shopping search sites had not been able toattract big players in part because their pay-per-click revenue models pricedthem out of the market. Our dual revenue structure provides choice andflexibility and has already generated much better partner participation thanthe market-leading shopping comparison sites. Greater participation fromretailers means greater product selection and value to consumers, resulting ina robust search site that will draw traffic, generate leads for our partnersand generate efficient revenues for The Parent Company."
Chris Cummings, CTO of The Parent Company, outlined the site'sconfiguration and expected visibility, "The launch of Toys.com is alreadyexpected to benefit from the high seasonal focus on toys for the upcomingholiday and the expected entry of the word 'toys' as a commonly typed searchterm in the major search engines. The site is built in a manner that shouldultimately lead to high ranking in the unpaid, natural search results of sitessuch as Google and Yahoo, thereby providing an efficient launch during thehigh-traffic holiday period.
The Parent Company operates Toys.com independently from its eCommerce andeContent sites. The company has retained Channel Intelligence, a leader ofinnovative marketing technology solutions for manufacturers, retailers andpublishers, to manage merchant data feeds, revenue collection and new merchantsign-up. The CI Ad Network has more than 5,000 retailers with more than 500offering products in toy-specific categories.
Roger Robbins, Vice President Business Development of ChannelIntelligence, also commented, "We really are thrilled to have contributed tothe launch of Toys.com, one of the few unutilized domain names in existencethat has an opportunity to lead a category by virtue of its simplicity andsearch relevance. With the deep and long-standing retailer relationships ofthe Channel Intelligence AD Network at its disposal, The Parent Company hasthe potential to transform this prime Internet address into a truly remarkablebusiness model."
The Parent Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: KIDS) is a leading commerce, content andnew media company for growing families. The company provides comprehensiveeCommerce and eContent resources to help families plan, play and grow. Thecompany's toy business offers thousands of toys and children's productsthrough its eToys.com web site, catalogs and strategic retail partnerships;and personalized dolls and accessories through its My Twinn.com brand. Throughits baby business, the company is a leading online retailer of brand-namebaby, toddler and maternity products sold through the BabyUniverse.com andDreamtimeBaby.com web sites. The company's luxury brands, PoshTots.com andPoshLiving.com, reach the country's most affluent consumers with luxury babyapparel and furnishings. With its content sites, BabyTV.com, PoshCravings.comand ePregnancy.com, The Parent Company has established a recognized platformfor the delivery of content and new media resources to a national audience ofexpectant parents.
CI is a product data technology and marketing company focused on helpingretailers and manufacturers make their products easier for consumers to findand buy on the Internet and in local retail stores. The CI product database iscapable of storing, managing, optimizing and analyzing hundreds of millions ofproducts every day. This database powers product data for leadingmanufacturers and retailers in Computing, Hardware, Tools, Appliances,Consumer Electronics, Toys and other Consumer Product industries such asApparel, Cosmetics and Jewelry. CI offers innovative suites of services forhundreds of the world's best-known manufacturers, retailers and publishers andprovides distribution of product data to over 50 destination websites,including the proprietary CI Ad Network. Cultivating partnerships with some ofthe best solution providers in the eCommerce arena, CI is a partner company ofInternet Capital Group and Aweida Capital Management. CI was founded in 1999by CEO Robert Wight and EVP Alan Fulmer and is headquartered in Orlando, Fla.,with offices in Geneva, Switzerland and London, England. Learn more atwww.channelintelligence.com.
SOURCE The Parent Company
Three insiders bought seven weeks ago for $7.52 19 minutes ago INSIDER TRANSACTIONS REPORTED - LAST TWO YEARS
Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
Director 2,493 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $7.52 per share. $18,747
Director 1,911 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $7.52 per share. $14,370
Director 2,327 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $7.52 per share
Spätestens nach dieser Lekture dürfte selbst Lesern mit Tomaten auf den Augen und Bohnen in den Ohren klar sein, dass Internet Capital momentan um den Faktor 7 - 10 unterbewertet ist, was auf eine Verzehnfachung des momentanes Wertes bis Ende 2010 hinausläuft. Wir haben also, auch wenn dieser Begriff verbrannt ist, einen echten Tenbagger.