Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
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2109 Postings, 6511 Tage Brucknerbald klingeln die Kassen bei ICGE

05.08.08 17:28
möchtest wohl noch welche günstig kaufen,
weil Du hier so einen Müll erzählst !

Schau doch mal auf den Kurs von Ariba,
dann kannst Du Dir vielleicht vorstellen,
was ICGCommerce wert sein kann !

Ich rechne hier bald mit einem Verkauf !
Dieser Sektor brummt jedenfalls,
alleine mit diesem Verkauf wird ICGE mehr Geld als MK haben !

Und wenn Freeborders an die Börse kommt,
dann klingeln hier die Kassen bei den Langzeitanlegern !
20-30 Dollar ist das Mindeste !  


2109 Postings, 6511 Tage Brucknerbald klingelts im Geldbeutel !

05.08.08 17:33
Ganz vergessen:
Metastorm kommt ja noch dieses Jahr an die Börse -
dann klingelts ja schon vorher im Geldbeutel !

Dann haben die ja schon fast die komplette MK als Cash !

Dann klingelts ja um so heftiger, wenn ICGCommerce verkauft wird,
da gibt es einige, die diese Perle gerne hätten !

Und danach die unglaublich schnell wachsende Freeborders mit schon um die 50 Mio. Dollar Jahresumsatz,
dann klingelts nur noch im Geldbeutel !!!

Also kaufen bevor es klingelt !  


107 Postings, 6123 Tage Gastschreiberauch hier stimmt hinten und vorne nicht

05.08.08 21:45
von wegen fast die gesamte MK an Cash. Die haben ca. ein fünftel durch Cash abgedeckt, wenn man die Schulden abzieht.  

63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaNeuester Update: Fair Value (konserative) = $23

05.08.08 22:36

Das sind jetzt die Werte der acht nicht an der Börse notierten acht Kernbeteiligungen, die sieben nicht an der Börse notierten kleineren Beteilungen, die drei an der Börse notierten Beteiliungen und die Cash einbzogen.  


2109 Postings, 6511 Tage Bruckneres wird jeden Tag teuerer - deshalb gleich kaufen

05.08.08 23:02
Wie gesagt, wir sehen die 13 Dollar viel schneller als so manche es wahr haben wollen !

Geht es dann über 13 Dollar, was bei dieser extremen Unterbewertung kein Problem sein sollte,
dann triggern wir ein wunderschönes Kaufsignal mit charttechnischem Kursziel von mindestens
knapp 25 Dollar !
Denn dann haben wir eine vieljährige charttechnische S-K-S-Formation nach oben mit diesem Kursziel aufgelöst !

Bis wir soweit sind, dauert es noch eine Weile, doch in der Zwischenzeit wachsen ja die Beteiligungen
(durchschnittliches Wachstum pro Jahr satte 31 % !!!) weiter
und es werden sich dann bei Kursen um die 25 Dollar sehr wahrscheinlich ganz andere Kursziele ableiten lassen !!!

ICGE - long and strong !!!
Solche eklatante Unterbewertungen muß man einfach kaufen !!!

Das 20 Millionen Dollar Aktienrückkaufprogramm von ICGE wird zudem seine Wirkung zeigen !
Und der stärkere Dollar spühlt uns zusätzlich über 20 % in die ICGE-Kassen !!!  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWarum Genpact ICGCommerce kaufen wird

06.08.08 18:35
könnt Ihr hier lesen.


Internet Capital hält 65% an ICGCommerce. Bei einem IPO von ICGCommerce würde ich eine Marktkapitalisierung von ca. 300 Millionen sehen, Genpact dürfte aber wegen der gigantischen Synergie- und Markteintrittseffekt bereits sein, bis zu 400 Millionen zu zahlen.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaEIn Schritt hin zu dem von mir angekündigten Deal

06.08.08 22:14
Genpact and ICG Commerce Join Forces to Offer Source-to-Pay Solution
Tuesday May 20, 10:59 am ET
Combines Best-of-Breed Capabilities to Deliver Greater Value

NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Genpact (NYSE:G - News), which manages business processes around the world, and ICG Commerce, a leading procurement outsourcing specialist, have collaborated to offer an unmatched “Source-to-Pay” outsourcing solution. The solution combines superior sourcing capabilities, spend analytics and ongoing category management with procurement and accounts payable capabilities to maximize business impact.

Source-to-Pay outsourcing offers companies a significant savings opportunity by reducing indirect spend which can be a significant portion of total company expenditures, while also delivering considerable process efficiencies. However, realizing this potential value requires the combination of two distinct competencies: deep sourcing and supplier market expertise and global purchase-to-pay process management.

The Genpact - ICG Commerce solution combines best-of-breed strategic sourcing, procure-to-pay transactional expertise and industry-specific knowledge of procurement platforms to maximize the potential of Source-to-Pay outsourcing. Genpact’s extensive global process reengineering and operational management capabilities, coupled with ICG Commerce’s sourcing and category management strength, enable the providers to deliver greater business impact.

Genpact is a leading global business process and technology solutions firm focused on helping clients transform the ways in which they do business by continuously improving business processes. Initially established as part of GE Capital to manage multiple business processes, Genpact is known for its Six Sigma-based process reengineering capabilities and operational excellence. ICG Commerce, a leader in the procurement outsourcing space, brings its global sourcing and category expertise, supply market intelligence and proprietary tools as well as a proven track record of helping clients achieve measurable savings on spend.

“Few companies have been able to capitalize on the significant promise of Source-to-Pay outsourcing,” said Carl Guarino, Chief Executive Officer, ICG Commerce. “We are excited to bring this unique and powerful combination of capabilities to market and to deliver the full value of Source-to-Pay outsourcing to a broader set of companies.”

The companies have collaborated over the past year to support the full Source-to-Pay value chain for market leaders like Kimberly-Clark Corporation. In addition the two companies are delivering services on a global basis for The Hertz Corporation.

“As we evaluated potential partners, it became apparent that Genpact and ICG Commerce had the best combination of expertise, capabilities and provided the right cultural fit to help us achieve our objectives,” said Robert W. Black, Group President, Kimberly-Clark Corporation. “Over the last year the team has made significant progress toward our joint goals.”

“Genpact and ICG Commerce not only bring together extensive best-of-breed capabilities, but we also share a strong results-oriented culture and commitment to delivering significant business impact. We look forward to working together to drive even greater value for our clients,” said Genpact President and Chief Executive Officer Pramod Bhasin.  


2109 Postings, 6511 Tage BrucknerICGCommerce wird für'nen 2Dollar Kurssprung sorgen

06.08.08 23:22
Daß dieser Sektor extrem unter Strom steht sieht man momentan
an der unglaublichen Kursstärke von Ariba -
die mittlerweile schon mit mehr als dem 4fachen Jahresumsatz bewertet werden !

Da braucht man sich um den Wert einer ICGCommerce keine Sorgen mehr machen -
sobald hier ein Merger kommt explodiert der ICGE Kurs um 50 % Richtung Fair Value 20 - 25 Dollar !

Noch dazu das rasante Wachstum in diesem Bereich -
vielleicht reichen da 31 % gar nicht aus ?  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaMomentan 89,9% bei Instis und nach Rückkauf-

07.08.08 14:08
Programm über 20 Millionen wären die 89,9% gar über 95% der ausstehenden Aktien.

89,9% Institutional Holding     5 minutes ago     ICGE
Internet Capital Group, Inc. NASDAQ-GM

Institutional Holdings Description | Hide Summary

Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 39

Market Capitalization ($ millions): $338

Institutional Ownership: 89.9%

Price (as of 8/6/2008) 8.74

Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held: 109 34,787,790

New Positions: 13 202,015

Increased Positions: 45 2,200,491

Decreased Positions: 35 920,337

Holders With Activity: 80 3,120,828

Sold Out Positions: 6 61,789

Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().

Owner Name
Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held Change
(Shares) % Change
(Shares) Value
FMR LLC 3/31/2008 3,850,000 0 0.00% $33,649

DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV... 6/30/2008 3,280,462 29,162 0.90% $28,671

GENDELL JEFFREY L 3/31/2008 3,262,780 0 0.00% $28,517

CAPITAL WORLD INVEST... 3/31/2008 2,869,000 50,000 1.77% $25,075

MASON CAPITAL MANAGE... 3/31/2008 2,304,164 0 0.00% $20,138

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Rating :

The announced buy-back-programm will reduce the outstanding shares form less than 39 million to 36,5 million.

The reduce of the number of outstanding shares from less than 39 million to 36,5 million increase the institutional ownership from 89,9% to more than 95%.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaFreeborders ist laut Zeitschrift "Aktionär"

07.08.08 17:55
mit einem jährlichen Wachstum von 100% die am schnellsten wachsende Beteiligung von Internet Capital (letzte Mai-Ausgabe). Aucn wenn mit Zahlen aus dem Aktionär vorsichtig sein muss, ist die Wachstumsrate nachvollziehbar, z.B. wenn man an den im Herbst 2007 erhaltenen größten IT-Outsourcing-Auftrag in der Geschichte von China denkt, der allein 400 IT-Beschäftigte für einen Mehrjahreszeitraum erfordert.

Recent Press Releases

Freeborders Discusses IT Offshore Governance At Gartner Sourcing Summit

Freeborders leads discussion about outsourcing solutions with IT leaders at Gartner Sourcing Summit.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 23, 2008 -- Freeborders, Inc., the leading provider of technology solutions developed from China, recently facilitated a discussion with senior IT leaders at the Gartner Sourcing Summit around the topic of IT Offshore Governance - with a focus on China.

There was a general consensus during the discussion that most companies now have varying levels of experience and relationships with offshore service providers - from the novice who needs to be comfortable with basic security and processes to the very mature client - who is more concerned about innovative pricing and relationship models.

It was clear that IT governance of the offshore journey is on a parallel course - with different levels of maturity - and that a flexible, scalable governance model must exist between the offshore vendor and the client.

After sharing the results achieved with two client case studies, a lively conversation ensued from the audience about what is working and not working in their current outsourced relationships. Seeing how Freeborders' ATLAS governance framework pulls together best practices found across industries and countries (including U.S., India and China), many companies picked up tips to use to improve the quality and productivity they get from outsourcing information technology work.

"Effective offshore governance requires that offshore vendors work with their clients to establish a framework that provides visibility into the services in their sourcing portfolio, create a relationship of trust, and secure control over services that are sent offshore," said Jim Reesing Executive Vice President, Freeborders. "Through the ATLAS framework, we provide a transparent line of sight between the client and Freeborders resulting in trust and superior results".

Companies are looking to replicate the predictable delivery of outsourced IT services they have found in India, while tapping into new resources and locations - such as China, ATLAS processes and tools provide a framework that allows western companies to utilize China-based resources with confidence and in the most effective manner.

About Freeborders
Freeborders is a U.S.-based, global provider of outsourcing solutions with development centers in China. The company specializes in a broad spectrum of information technology and information-technology-enabled services, including application development outsourcing. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, proven global delivery model, experienced management team, and highly skilled colleagues deliver award-winning customer support and quality to its clients. Freeborders is assessed at Level 5 of the SEI's CMMI, and is ISO 27001certified. To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com.



63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaVanguard hat seinen Anteil mehr als verdoppelt

07.08.08 23:35
Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().  

Owner Name
Select a name below for more information.  Date  Shares Held   Change
(Shares)  % Change
(Shares)  Value

VANGUARD GROUP INC  6/30/2008  1,281,243  680,202  113.17%  $11,198  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaIn der IPO-Pipeline ganz oben ist

08.08.08 11:24
der Börsengang von Metastorm, die bereits Mitte Mai ein S1-Filing über den IPO an die SEC geschickt haben, aber wegen der Börsenflaute in den letzten Wochen noch gewartet haben, wie alle IPO-Kandidaten. Wenn das losgeht ist schwer vorauszusagen, zumal Metastorm den IPO wie vielleicht der eine oder andere IPO-Kandidat nicht dringend braucht, da man organisches Wachstum locker aus dem Cash Flow bezahlen kann und nur bei größeren Zukäufen Geld von außen benötigen würde - und da hätte man zudem noch Internet Capital und die anderen beteiligten Wagnisfinanzierer.

Understanding Metastorm's IPO as an Investment Opportunity
by: Dennis Byron posted on: July 24, 2008 | about stocks: IBM / ICGE / MSFT / MSTM     Font Size: PrintEmail As I wrote recently concerning the leaders in the business process management [BPM] software market:

"I see IBM (IBM) and Fujitsu (FJTSY.PK) number one and two worldwide in BPM.... Other suppliers that are likely to have similar market share (to Software AG). ..include Oracle/BEA (ORCL), Microsoft (MSFT), TIBCO (TIBX), AT&T/Sterling Commerce (ATT), Autonomy [LSE:AU], SAP (SAP), ACI Worldwide (ACIW) and Sun (JAVA)... others including Metastorm (on the shelf as (MSTM)) are trying to work their way on to the leaderboard.

"Many--including the smaller suppliers--offer multiple BPM-related products because of acquisitions made over the last 36 months so a more useful ranking to determine market acceptance would be by product rather than vendor. Consider IBM with everything from Filenet to Notes or Oracle with everything from Fuego to the Plumtree portal to the Collaxa BPEL engine."

No current investment activity demonstrates the leader/chaser market share situation in BPM and the multiple brand through acquisition issue better than Metastorm, which filed its S-1 in May 2008. Naturally, MTSM is in no great rush to complete the offering, so I waited for a slow summer day to read its filings.

First the market share issue. BPM, for a variety of reasons, is different than most "emerging" software markets over the last two decades. In most other high flying software-market investment opportunities of the 1989-2008 timeframe, one company came out of a pack from a standing start, went public and then was acquired. There were two chances to cash in in almost all cases.

But BPM is different in that no startup has come out of the pack to go public.  Metastorm is the first to try. Pegasystems (PEGA) had been public since its bank-automation application phase, Fuego and a host of others had already been acquired, and the other smaller companies including Metastorm (with the possible exception of Lombardi and Savvion) cannot really be considered startups. They all have other functionality or technology heritages... in workflow (Handysoft), imaging (Global 360), KM (Appian), and so forth.

MTSM is throwing down the gauntlet to the other small players thinking about an IPO by publicizing its revenue streams. Its major problem is that unlike Ariba (ARBA) in 1999, Siebel and i2 (ITWO) in 1996, Arbor in 1995, and PeopleSoft earlier, Metastorm is not bringing its shares public competing in an undefined software market against a few equally small software suppliers. Instead it is aiming right at the major software suppliers in the information technology [IT] market.

With about $48 million in 2007 software revenue, Metastorm trails the leading suppliers. In addition, the S-1 numbers are probably not backcast for 2006/2007 acquisitions (because that is not required under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) so the growth rate is not quite as high as advertised. But Metastorm's growth still appears to outstrip the BPM market’s. Metastorm has a reasonable presence (30% of revenue) outside the United States, which is important given the current macroeconomic situation. Its products appear to be particularly popular in the government sector, which accounted for 26% of Metastorm’s business in 2007.

Another differentiator but possible sticking point is Metastorm's relationship to Microsoft. Most of its products are exclusive to or optimized for the Microsoft platform. That's good news unless Microsoft decides to more aggressively pursue this market opportunity.

As for the product acquisition trend, Metastorm is trying to redefine the already redefined BPM category as a market opportunity. Its S-1 says there is a unified market for enterprise architecture management [EAM], business process analysis [BPA] and BPM (as already redefined from workflow and integration middleware) in combination. I don't see it but even if I am wrong, such a redefinition is a tough challenge for a small player in a market and the challenge is compounded by the fact that all the major software-market players also offer products in all these categories. So even if Metastorm were successful in broadening the definition, its competitors are the same.

There is the further problem as discussed at my blog on IT Business Edge: the categories EAM, BPA and BPM actually do not cleanly fit together. Metastorm says:

"However, BPM software alone generally focuses on the automation, management and control of business processes and does not address all of the activities needed to improve processes. By itself, BPM software may not allow an organization to fully understand a given process and how it relates to the strategy, people, systems and data that the process impacts across an organization."

Although that might be true of some BPM products, it is certainly not the roadmap that all the leaders have laid out. Metastorm is no further down the road toward integrating these functions because it is also the amalgamation of acquisitions: heritage Metastorm was formed by the merger of Metastorm and the U.K.-based Sysgenics (in 1998), Commercequest (which is the result of the mergers of KMG, ANS, and others) and Metastorm in 2005, and the acquisition of Provision with its EAM and BPA offerings and Spotlight Data by Metastorm in 2007. It was Sysgenics that brought the eWork capability to the mix originally and well as the foothold in the EU. Understanding the revenue streams of these disparate products--and their relationships to their disparate competitors--is really the key to understanding the Metastorm IPO as an investment opportunity.

The wildcard issue with this IPO is Metastorm's ownership by Internet Capital Group (ICGE). Metastorm is not the typical IPO in that Metastorm itself is over 30% owned by ICGE, another public company. This raises the VMware (VMW)/EMC (EMC) conundrum I have discussed at Research 2.0 in an investment-opportunity environment--both marco and individually--that is probably not worth the time to figure out. But that is not to say that ICGE has the same kind of complete control over Metastorm that EMC has over VMware.

In summary, the Metastorm offering serves the purpose of legitimizing the market for those of you thinking about whether BPM is legitimately a separate software function worth investing in or just a part of the ERP suite (as I discussed here) or middleware investment opportunities. Other players not mentioned above that are nibbling around the edges of the opportunity include Adobe (ADBE),  Axway/Cyclone/Tumbleweed (part of the Sopra Group listed on Bourse), BMC/Remedy (BMC), Cordys, DST Systems (DST), EMC/Documentum, GXS, IDS/Scheer, Intalio, Mega, Red Hat/JBoss (RHT), Ultimus, Vignette (VIGN), Vitria and W4/Akazi. Of course, most of these companies either do not report BPM as a separate business segment because it is still a minor part of their revenue under SEC (or equivalent) regulations. or they do not report their revenue at all because they are private companies.

NOTE: I do not recognize “pure-play” as a separate market research segment and don’t think you should consider pureplay as a feature when looking at BPM (or any other software market) investment opportunity. There is no reason why a company that only offers BPM should have a better BPM product than one that offers multiple types of software.


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaErgänzung zum Posting 2585

08.08.08 11:57
das zeigt, wie extrem sich die Shortseller verzockt haben und riesige Berge von noch nicht gedeckten Leerverkäufen vor sich herschieben, wobei die offiziell ausgewiesen Zahlen nur die Spitze des Eisberges sein dürften, denn meines Erachtens haben wir nacktes Shortselling in erheblichem Ausmaß, das nicht in diesen Zahlen auftaucht und noch einmal mindestens so groß wie das in den offiziellen Zahlen zum Ausdruck kommende Shortselling ist. Lange Zeit haben ja auch ahnungslose Schwätzer auch hier auf dem Board geleugnet, dass es nacktes Shorten überhaupt geben würde. Die Diskussion in den USA um dieses heiße Eisen lehrt uns aber anderes. Im Falle von Internet Capital gehe ich davon aus, dass die Shortseller unweigerlich in den Falle sitzen, denn die warten jetzt schon Jahre auf schlechte Fundamentals, die aber immer besser werden.

Additional to this 95% from institutionals after the buy back there are 2% of outstanding shares, which are holding from the management. In the result, that are 97%:


I believe, it is very easy to recognize, that there must exist a big number of naked shortselling, which is not part of the official numbers of shortselling of about 9-10% of the outstanding shares.

If you look at 97% of institutionals an the 9%-10% shortselling, there could be only 12% private holding of the outstandig shares. But after my estimates the private holding is 25-30% of the outstanding shares. The difference of about 15% of the outstanding shares must be not legal criminal shortselling.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage Libuda7,5 Milliarden Dollar fließen über Starcite's

08.08.08 16:16
Marktplatz. Internet Capital hat hier im ersten Quartal seine Beteiligungsquote von 26% auf 32% angehoben und im zweiten Quartal noch einmal um 2% auf jetzt 34%.

August 8, 2008

StarCite Introduces Hotel Group Rate Forecasting Tool

August 05, 2008

StarCite, a Philadelphia-based provider of meetings industry software and solutions, recently announced the launch of its first business intelligence tool, the StarCite Group Rate Advisor. Designed to help meeting planners and suppliers prepare and budget for future events, the tool generates reports that include forward-looking hotel rate forecasts based on data culled from real RFPs submitted via StarCite's signature meetings platform.

The Group Rate Advisor made its official debut last month at NBTA's annual conference in Los Angeles, where StarCite staff was on hand giving live product demonstrations.

The Group Rate Advisor works by compiling data from StarCite's online meetings marketplace—where more than 93,000 suppliers receive RFPs every year—in order to generate trend-based pricing reports according to metro area, property type and even industry. Although pricing information on individual properties will not be available, StarCite says meeting planners using the new tool will be able to analyze their hotel options for upcoming meetings in order to make the most cost-effective decision based on pricing trends and historical data.

"Meeting planners have never before had the ability to analyze hotel rates using forward-looking data," StarCite CEO Keith Forshew said in a statement. "This look into the future, based on specific aggregate pricing information derived from the $7.5 billion in corporate meeting business flowing through our online marketplace, will provide immense value and insight for our customers. It will bring a new degree of pricing transparency to the meeting planning process and allow companies to make more cost-efficient decisions based on better knowledge of how their rates compare with average rates within the StarCite community."



63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaEine wichtige Informationsquelle

10.08.08 21:52

63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDer nächste Schub müsste vom Metastorm-IPO

11.08.08 20:23
kommen, die den ja schon Mitte Mai der SEC mit einem S1-Filing angekündigt haben und ihn nur wegen der dann lahmenden Börse - wie fast alle IPO-Kandidaten - verschoben haben. Aber wenn das so mit der Nasdaq - wie jetzt schon Tage - weiter nach oben geht, werden die ersten IPO's kommen. Allerdings besteht bei Metastorm kein Grund zur Eile, da sie genügend Cash haben und noch dazu die Cash der von Internet Capital und der anderen Wagnisfinanzierer im Rücken haben.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaMein Kursziel für Ende 2011 = 50 Dollar = 50 Eurs

12.08.08 18:21
Ende 2011 dürften alle großen Monetarisierung gelaufen sein. Den Monetarisierungen von Creditex (bereits erfolgt) und Metastorm (IPO schon an SEC gemeldet) und Emptoris (erwartet) in 2008 dürften dann in 2009 die Monetarisierungen von ICGCommerce und Starcite folgen. Allerdings könnte es bei ICGCommerce auch schon dieses Jahr losgehen und bei Starcite könnte es 2010 werden. Die größte Werteschaffung erwarte ich langfristig von Freeborders, die vielleicht aber erst in 2011 an die Börse gehen - denn die wachsen momentan jährlich um 100% und wollen daher nicht durch einen zu frühen Börsengang (der übrigens schon einmal anfangs 2007 ins Auge gefasst und für die nahe Zukunft angekündigt war - aber dann wurde man von einer enormen Beschleunigung des Wachstums überracht und konzentrierte sich zunächst darauf) das Geld den Zeichnern der neuen Aktien in den Rachen werfen. Und 2011 dürften dann auch die Monetarisierungen von Whitefence und Channelintelligence absehbar sein, über VCommerce bin ich mir nicht so im Klaren, denn das ist so eine US-Version von Intershop und für die Entwicklung in diesem Bereich sehe ich zwar Zukunft, aber auch großen Preisdruck.

50 Dollar = 50 Euro ein Joke? Durchaus nicht, denn wir sind auf den Marsch zur Kaufkraftparität gestartet, die nach allen neuesten Untersuchunge sogar eher bei 1,10 als bei 1,20 liegt. Dazu kommt Überschießen in der Anpassungsphase - und da konnten wir in 2011 mittendrin stecken.  


7885 Postings, 9212 Tage ReinyboyWieso nur 50 $

12.08.08 20:06
könnte durchaus über die 3000$ maschieren um alte Höhen zu erreichen.

Rein charttechnisch wären dann auch Kursziele von über 7000$ möglich.


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaIhr erinnert Euch sicher - Reiniboy war einer

12.08.08 23:29
von den Postern, die Euch beim letzten Dip von 6,80 Dollar davon abgehalten haben, innerhalb von nur vier Wochen fast 50% reicher zu sein. Zwar sind die heutigen 9,24 in Dollar gerechnet nicht ganz 50%, aber wenn man den Rutsch des Dollar von 1,60 auf 1,49 berücksichtigt schon.

Da kommt keinerlei Entschuldigung für die Schäden, die Reinyboy bei den Lesern verursacht haben dürfte und die sie dann sehr teuer zu stehen kommen hätten konnen und es in manchen Fällen vermutlich auch getan haben. Absurd sind zudem die alten Geschichten aus 2000, wo sich offensichtlich Reinyboy völlig verzockt hatte und die vermutlich für sein Frustschieben verantwortlich eind. Diejenigen, die hier diskutieren, sind i.d.R. zwischen 3,40 Dollar und acht Dollar eingestiegen - und wir interessieren uns herzlich wenig dafür, wenn Reinyboy im New-Economy-Wahn vielleicht für $4,280 gekauft und dann uns dann im Tief für $3.40 verkauft hat. Nur eines; Wir danken ihm dafür, dass er dazu beigtragen hat, damals zu günstiger Einstiegsmöglichkeiten zu schaffen.  


9251 Postings, 9020 Tage Byblos@ Libuda

12.08.08 23:58

kannste für mich mal bitte etwas checken ???

Habe vor ewigkeiten den Wert China.com gekauft und in meine Depots gepackt.

Jetzt sehe ich, das der Kurs, laut Chart, explodiert ist.

Kann leider nichts über einen schon durchgeführten Re-Splitt finden.

Gilt auch für alle anderen hier.

Wäre über jede Info dankbar.

Gruß Byblos

P.S.: Internat Capital ist nicht tod und wird in Kürze fast genauso gut abgehen wie China.com :-) teu teu teu !  


7885 Postings, 9212 Tage ReinyboyMein lieber Herr Libuda,

13.08.08 09:49
Sie sollten mal zum Doktor, hehehehehe...


2829 Postings, 7687 Tage asdfder libuda ist nur frustriert weil er seit 7-8

13.08.08 09:55
jahren auf seinen einstandskurs wartet.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaGoIndustry könnte in 2008 noch positiv überraschen

13.08.08 13:54
Goindustry will be a positive surprise    

As a brief update on Go Industry have closed the transaction during the quarter the newly combined company is the clear international leader in the sale and valuation of used industrial machinery and equipment. Integration has gone well and the company is on track to deliver cross sales of approximately $8 million in 2008. They always have the strong sales pipeline including deals of Eli Lilly, Atlas Aluminum as well as two valuation contracts with GE commercial finance, an advisory from Alex Partners.

Economic trends are in Go Industry’s favor given that many options are conducted as a result of insolvency and the fact that business is our hungry to realize value from our used and surplus assets. As a result we believe the combined company is well position for growth in 2008 and beyond.  


63765 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaBei Metastorm dürfte der IPO bald

14.08.08 12:46
stattfinden, wenn die Kurse an der Nasdaq weiter steigen - das S1-Filing an die SEC ist bereits Mitte Mai erfolgt. Hier eine gute Analyse des Unternehmens durch den Spezialisten IDC.


Internet Capital hält 32% an Metastorm.  


3309 Postings, 6127 Tage kirmet24...

14.08.08 13:02
du brauchst dringend ein neues Hobby, libby  

Seite: < 1 | ... | 102 | 103 |
| 105 | 106 | ... 385  >  
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