silverado goldmines (867737)
Congress should promote coal-to-liquids technology to boost energy independence
Published: July 27, 2006 03:51 pm
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
With gasoline prices at the forefront of the national energy debate, it is appropriate that Congress consider measures which would reduce our nation’s dependence on imported oil.
One way that we can accomplish this goal is to increase the use of coal to liquids technologies which can replace petroleum in powering transportation.
There is a proven technology which enables the conversion of coal to liquid fuel. Coal liquefaction has been in use since World War II. In fact, today the nation of South Africa is using coal liquefaction to produce approximately 40 percent of its transportation fuels.
The coal liquefaction technology is economical when crude oil prices are approximately $40 per barrel. Oil prices are currently much higher than that benchmark, and the Energy Information Administration forecasts that prices for crude oil will remain above this level for the foreseeable future. In addition, our nation has an abundance of coal with reserves of approximately 250 billion tons.
Given these economics and the benefit of increasing our nation's energy independence, there is great potential in converting coal to liquid fuel.
In recognition of the considerable potential for non-petroleum based liquid fuels, the Congress last year enacted a 50 cent per gallon excise tax credit for alternative fuel mixtures — including fuel derived from coal.
However, the tax credit is currently set to expire in 2009. Given the time necessary to finance, permit and construct a new coal to liquids facility, it is extremely unlikely that any coal to liquids production can occur by 2009.
While coal liquefaction technologies have been used successfully for some time in some parts of the world, the technology has not been widely adopted in the United States. Placing in operation an 80,000 barrel per day coal to liquid facility would cost approximately $7 billion and take between 5 and 7 years to construct.
Therefore, the coal to liquids facilities would be unable to utilize the alternative fuel tax credit, which is only payable when production begins, before it is set to expire. To remedy this problem, I have joined with my colleague from Illinois, John Shimkus, in the introduction of legislation which would extend the tax credit through 2020.
In addition to extension of the alternative fuel mixture tax credit, Congress should examine additional methods by which we can incent coal liquefaction as well as specific partnerships which might facilitate the launch of coal to liquids production.
The novelty of coal liquefaction technologies to the United States means that obtaining the investment capital for facilities is still somewhat uncertain. I am interested in exploring a means through which the federal government might be able to provide some additional financial encouragement to incent the construction of the plants.
One way to accomplish such a goal would be to establish loan guarantees or investment tax credits. While these methods would certainly be welcome, I am also interested in the possibility of establishing a different mechanism for government support.
For example, the federal government could establish a price support type mechanism through which the federal government would guarantee to make payments to coal to liquids producers in cases in which the price of their product dropped below a certain level. Since coal liquefaction is economic when crude oil is approximately $40 per barrel, the price floor could be set in a range comparable to that price. Given the probability that oil prices would not descend below that price, it is highly unlikely that the federal government would incur any costs under such a system.
In addition, a price ceiling could be established , and if prices rise in the future above a specified level , the coal-to-liquids operators would pay the federal government a certain amount, preventing a windfall to companies that launched with federal government financial assistance.
Establishing a federal guarantee correlated to price would enable companies to make the necessary investments to construct and operate a number of coal liquefaction facilities.
Our nation can gain energy independence through use of domestic resources. Since coal is our nation’s most abundant energy resource, we should harness federal energy policy behind a major effort to build coal to liquids facilities.
U.S. Rep. Rick Boucher represents the 9th Congressional District of Virginia.
hab mir noch mal den us-silverado-chart angesehen- bei 0,06 usd gibts eine gute unterstützung, noch aus 04/05 - bevor der absacker auf 0,031 usd kam.
allerdings wurde die aktienzahl inzwischen fast verdoppelt.
andererseits fördert slglf wieder gold und ist auch mit green -fuel im gespräch.
der gegenwärtige kurs könnte also derzeit eine realistische bewertung sein-
mit tendenz zum sprung nach oben - was durch eine positive nachricht jederzeit
möglich ist.
slglf bleibt also ein spannendes investment.
gruß - kl.
(der marktwert der afrikanischen konkurrenz liegt bei über 3 mrd.)
würde der kurs von slglf bei gleichbleibender aktienanzahl
1,6835017 usd betragen.
fängt jetzt etwa jemand an zu sabbern? ;-)
gruß - kl.
lohnt sich wohl doch, noch ein bischen zu warten.*fg*
gruß LB
kauf doch lieber mal für die angegebenen 100tsd euronen silverados ein, dann wären wir mindestens schon mal bei 0,15 - nix für ungut ;-)
gruß - kl.
Good Luck
gruß - kl.
Dafür sehe ich ob es Käufe oder Verkäufe waren u.
noch andere Infos.
Die 630 000 waren Käufe.
gruß LB
In addition to the jewelry grade gold mentioned above, Silverado is currently making preparation to extract the 3/16" and smaller gold from concentrates. Once this gold is extracted, the company will polish it to further enhance its value. While this extra treatment requires more work than smelting, the value of the end product is 20% higher than the untreated gold.
According to Silverado's President and CEO, Garry Anselmo, "We are excited about the recovery of the gold this year, as well as the new discoveries we have made on our properties. More importantly, we are extremely pleased with the results of the time we spent this year establishing the infrastructure necessary to allow us to fully focus on gold recovery during the next season. We have always considered the Swede Channel and its Sister channels to be a multi-year project. Last winter the majority of our mining effort was spent developing the underground infrastructure rather than actual gold ore production. This infrastructure included a haulage way, trucks and front end loader turnarounds, explosive storage, ore pad, settling ponds, water delivery systems, roads, and the completion of an extremely efficient 680 yard per day gold washing sluice facility (gold recovery plant). Last winter Silverado mined only 25% of the gold bearing gravel in the channel, leaving the remaining 75% of the gold ore for this winter's operation.
In addition to the Swede Channel, we have located other gold channels which cause gold to accumulate on ancient hillside "benches" as the channels drain gold down the mountain from its source. One such source is the Solomon Shear, a five mile long gold bearing silicified shear zone from which all drainages (creeks and rivers) are carrying nugget gold. These benches will substantially increase our gold resources and eventually our gold reserves. As well, we have identified three other sub-parallel benches that run about 1.5 - 2 miles in length. They are all gold collectors and the information gained from this year combined with data gathered in previous years has completed the model. These four benches on this section of the Nolan, will allow us to placer mine for another 4 to 5 years at a minimum. These benches make up only a small portion of the total Nolan gold project.
Anselmo continued, "We are engaged in an aggressive rotary drilling program to compliment our previous placer gold drilling programs. All of these results are now being incorporated to generate 3-D computer models which indicate massive stretches of gold-bearing frozen gravel on our properties. In the past year we have expanded our Nolan property by acquiring an additional 8 square miles of land for a total land holding of 11 square miles in the Koyukuk District. Our samples from our newly discovered bench (the second of four identified benches) have yielded the following pan assay results:
Notes: All drill holes are done with a Becker Reverse Circulation Drill; all azimuths are 0 and inclinations are -90 (vertical); drill pipe extends to drill bit (no drill cuttings exposed to hole wall); all drill cuttings from each 5' section are passed over a drill mounted sluice with recovered heavy media (sulfides, heavy rock particles +/- gold) bagged, labeled, and transported to our onsite lab for panning and immediate assay turn around. Gold observed is weighed and noted. Only results of 0.01 troy ounces or better per bank (in place) cubic yard are listed here.
Rotary Drill Intersection Sample Troy Ounces RDH # IDFS SW TOG/
Hole # Depth From Width Gold Per Bank BCY
Surface Cubic Yard
TC 20 10-15 FEET 5 FEET 0.01 MB 70 30-40 10 0.03
TC 21 15-20 5 0.03 MB 72 50-55 5 0.48
TC 27 10-15 5 0.01 MB 74 40-45 5 0.03
MB 01 35-40 5 0.06 MB 79 45-50 5 0.16
MB 02 30-35 5 0.04 MB 001 25-30 5 0.01
MB 03 25-35 10 0.02 MB 009 35-45 10 0.17
MB 14 25-30 5 0.01 MB 010 30-35 5 0.01
MB 15 30-35 5 5.76 MB 016 95-105 10 0.04
MB 18 30-35 5 0.09 MB 018 95-105 10 0.07
MB 21 30-35 5 0.01 MB 019 85-90 5 0.01
MB 24 30-35 5 0.01 MB 020 80-85 5 0.01
MB 29 50-55 5 0.01 MB 022 95-100 5 0.24
MB 31 30-35 5 0.23
MB 34 45-50 5 0.05
MB 36 25-30 5 0.01
MB 40 60-65 5 0.01
MB 52 30-35 5 0.03
MB 55 30-35 5 0.02
MB 68 25-30 5 0.04
The drill locations of the higher assay values, being 5.76 / 0.09 / 0.23 / 0.05 / 0.48 / 0.16 / 0.17 / 0.07 / 0.24 are contiguous and constitute an area 500 feet long which is situated on the newly discovered bench just above Mary's Bench and is sub-parallel to it. These drill results are the richest and most consistent gold assays encountered on our property to date. Part of the pay zone appears to be amenable to open-cut mining which is considerably less expensive than underground mining. As other ore zones have been discovered nearer the existing underground workings of Swede Channel, continuing drilling will determine whether this new high grade bench area will be mined in 2007 or 2008.
We continue our busy 2006 year and look forward to increasing our production and discovery into 2007 and beyond. Our gold mining operation is now focusing primarily on completing gold recovery, and we continue to move forward with our LRCWFuel project. Most of the 'behind-the-scenes' work with government authorities has been completed on the fuel project, and we anticipate a very exciting announcement either in August or September," concluded Mr. Anselmo.
This press release was prepared by Edward J. Armstrong, Certified Professional Geologist; who is a qualified person as defined under the standards of Canadian National Instrument policy 43-101.
To learn more about Silverado Gold Mines Ltd., visit us online at or contact Bob Dynes, Investor relations, toll free at 1-800-665-4646.
This Press Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.
CONTACT: SILVERADO GOLD MINES LTD., Mailing Address: 505-1111 W. Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 4M3, CA, (800) 665-4646 or (604) 689-1535, F: (604) 682-3519,,; Field Address: P.O. Box 83730, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99708, USA
SOURCE Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.
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