Eloro Resources Ltd NEW
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Symbol§C : ELO
Shares Issued 48,317,900
Close 2011-12-15 C$ 0.10
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Eloro Resources agreement to acquire a KWG subsidiary
2011-12-16 16:30 ET - Property Agreement
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The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to a share purchase agreement dated Dec. 8, 2011, between Eloro Resources Ltd., KWG Resources Inc. (a TSX Venture Exchange-listed company) and 6949541 Canada Inc. (Numco -- a wholly owned subsidiary of KWG). Pursuant to the agreement, the company shall acquire all the shares of Numco, which will include various mineral claims.
As consideration, the company shall issue KWG 3,080,580 units (comprising 3,080,580 shares and 1,540,290 common share purchase warrants, with each common share purchase warrant being exercisable into one common share at a price of 24 cents per share for an 18-month period) and 3,080,580 common share purchase warrants (each warrant is exercisable into one common share at a price of $1 per share for a period of five years).
The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers. Click the yellow link above for a free trial subscription.
Symbol§C : ELO
Shares Issued 48,317,900
Close 2011-12-20 C$ 0.10
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Eloro closes Louvicourt property acquisition with KWG
2011-12-21 16:54 ET - News Release
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Mr. Thomas Larsen reports
Eloro Resources Ltd. has completed the acquisition of all of the outstanding shares of 6949541 Canada Inc. from KWG Resources Inc. in exchange for shares and warrants of Eloro (see press release dated Dec. 12, 2011). 6949541 holds 11 contiguous mineral claims in Louvicourt township, adjacent to Eloro's wholly owned Simkar gold property near Val d'Or, Que.
As announced on Dec. 12, 2011, the acquisition closed in escrow, subject to the occurrence of the following conditions: (i) receipt of the TSX Venture Exchange's final acceptance of the transaction; (ii) registration of the transfer of the mineral claims comprising the Louvicourt property with the appropriate government offices in Quebec; and (iii) registration of a net smelter returns royalty agreement with the appropriate government offices in Quebec. All of these conditions have now been fulfilled, and the transaction documents have been released from escrow.
The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers. Click the yellow link above for a free trial subscription.
Ein gutes Zeichen ???
Date Transaction
Date Insider Name Ownership
Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit
Jan 13/12 Jan 12/12 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 25,000 $0.130
Jan 12/12 Jan 10/12 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,000 $0.125
Jan 10/12 Jan 6/12 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.135
Jan 10/12 Jan 6/12 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 8,000 $0.130
Jan 10/12 Jan 6/12 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 12,000 $0.125
Jan 3/12 Dec 29/11 Larsen, Thomas Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 16,000 $0.090
Jan 3/12 Dec 29/11 Larsen, Thomas Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250 $0.100
Jan 3/12 Dec 28/11 Larsen, Thomas Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 29,500 $0.100
Jan 4/12 Dec 22/11 Larsen, Thomas Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 34,000 $0.100
Jan 6/12 Dec 21/11 Ressources KWG inc. Direct Ownership Warrants 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Tom Larsen ist seit mehr als 30 Jahren Manager im Rohstoffsektor. Dabei hat er sich auf die Unternehmensfinanzierung spezialisiert, die bei Explorationsgesellschaften eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Derzeit ist Larsen Vorstandsvorsitzender von Champion Minerals und Eloro Resources. Nach einem Interview mit Larsen gehen die Experten des Stuttgarter Researchbüros davon aus, dass für beide Aktien Kursfantasie besteht. Dennoch sollten derzeit nur risikofreudige Anleger einsteigen, da beide Titel charttechnisch angeschlagen sind. Champion Minerals punktet mit erstklassigen Liegenschaften, die qualitativ hochwertiges Eisenerz beherbergen. Allerdings hat dieses Unternehmen mehr als zehn Millionen Optionsscheine ausgegeben. Die Besitzer dieser Scheine haben das Recht, Aktien von Champion Minerals zu Kursen zu beziehen, welche deutlich niedriger sind als die aktuellen Notierungen. Bei Eloro Resources ist es von großer Bedeutung, dass auf der Liegenschaft Simkar bereits Gold abgebaut worden ist. Deshalb dürften für die Instandsetzung der noch vorhandenen Mineninfrastruktur nur moderate Kosten anfallen. Zudem könnte die Ressourcen-Schätzung für Simkar noch in diesem Jahr deutlich erhöht werden.
so wie ich in den rohgrepierer investiert ist
Symbol§C : ELO
Shares Issued 48,317,900
Close 2012-05-28 C$ 0.045
Recent Sedar Documents
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Eloro Resources drills one m of 24.9 g/t Au at Simkar
2012-05-29 07:35 ET - News Release
Mr. Thomas Larsen reports
Eloro Resources Ltd. has released results from the 2011/2012 winter drilling program on its Simkar gold project, which is strategically located in the prolific Val d'Or gold mining camp, 20 kilometres east of Val d'Or.
The latest phase of drilling on the Project totalled 3,880.5 metres and comprised five (5) new holes (SK11-15 and SK12-16 to SK12-19), and extensions to two (2) previous holes (SK11-10ext and SK11-14ext), summarized in Table 1. The exploration programme continues to test the projected extensions of mineralized zones defined by Eloro's previous drilling on the Property; specifically the East Zone Shear, and the new South and 600 Zones.
East Zone Shear (EZS)
Hole SK12-18 encountered 24.90 gpt(i) Au over 1.00 metre (236.50 to 237.50 m) within the EZS on Line 9250 East. ((i)Gravimetric duplicate: original fire-assay returned 22.80 gpt Au), and hole SK12-19 encountered mineralized diorite and quartz veins with low-grade gold from 166.50 to 183.25 m down-hole on Line 9150 East,, including 2.27 gpt Au over 2.50 m, from 178.50 to 181.00 m and 2.54 Au over 0.75 m from 182.50 m to 183.25 m (Table 2).
The East Zone Shear (EZS) is a narrow, high-grade, gold-bearing zone that was being actively mined underground when production at the Simkar Mine ceased in 1993.
Previous drilling on the EZS yielded both high-grade and low-grade core intervals in the vicinity of holes SK12-18 and SK12-19 (see Table 2), reflecting the erratic and localized "nugget-effect" nature of vein-style gold deposits like Simkar.
South Zone
The newly defined South Zone is associated with a narrow diorite intrusion, or series of intrusions, parallel with the southern-most part of the Property. The encountered mineralization appears to be hosted in a series of near-surface "flat-veins" that formed as ladder-like tension gashes between the C Zone to the north, the East Zone Shear, and a postulated parallel shear zone, outside the southern Property boundary.
Hole SK12-19 intersected 13.15 gpt Au from 12.00 to 12.50 m down hole on Line 9150 East, and hole SK11-15, which was collared on Line 9050 East, intersected 7.56 gpt Au over 1.40 m from 4.10 m to 5.50 m down hole.
Similar, near-surface, high-grade flat veins have been intersected along the southern part of the Property, over 1.85 km of strike, from Line 8300 East to Line 10150 East (see Table 3).
600 Zone
Drill-holes SK11-10 (802 m) and SK11-14 (801 m) were extended by 102 m and 114 m respectively in order to intersect the "600" Zone, which was encountered in a gabbro-hosted shear zone by hole SK11-09 (3.14 gpt Au over 7.00 m, from 764.00 m to 771.00 m: see Eloro Press Release dated August 16, 2011).
Both SK11-10ext and SK11-14ext encountered numerous, sulphide-bearing, quartz-tourmaline veins and associated chlorite and albite alteration within narrow shear zones; however, no notable gold-bearing intervals were encountered.
Tom Larsen, Eloro's President and CEO commented, "The results from our latest drill program testing mineralization below the Simkar mine workings are encouraging as they continue to delineate both new and historic zones of gold mineralization and vein structures south of the existing deposit. With our team's structural model of the Simkar Property, we expect the next phase of drilling to focus on the new mineralization zones to potentially expand the existing gold resources to support reactivating ore production from the Simkar mine."
Simkar Project
The property hosts a gold-bearing, fault-fill and extensional quartz vein system, characteristic of nearby gold deposits in the Val-d'Or Gold Mining Camp. As exploration activities conducted by Eloro on the Property since 2009 have advanced, similarities between the gold mineralization at Simkar and that of the shear-zone associated gold deposit at the well-studied Sigma Mine in Val-d'Or, continue to be recognized.
QA/QC Procedures
The Company has implemented QA/QC procedures to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of the core samples. The NQ drill core is logged and then split with one-half sent for assay and the other retained in the core box as a witness sample. Duplicates, standards and blanks are inserted regularly into the sample stream. The samples are delivered, in secure tagged bags, directly to the ALS Laboratory Group facility in Val-d'Or (Quebec) for analysis. All samples were assayed for Gold-content using conventional Fire Assaying with 30 g fusions and AAS finish. Eloro's protocol calls for gravimetric or total metallic screen check-assays to be completed on the coarse crushed reject for all samples reporting greater than 10 ppm (gpt) gold from the initial fire assay, whereas other samples within the intersection are re-submitted for check fire-assay using the original pulps. The final reported gold grade for a sample is either the Total Metallic Sieve assay result, the gravimetric result, or the average of the fire assays.
Summary of 2011-2012 winter drill programme - Simkar Project
Table 2: East Zone Shear
Hole From To Interval Au
Section (1) (m) (m) (2)(m) (gpt)
9000 E SK10-11 156.00 156.50 0.50 41.70
SK11-14 239.20 239.80 0.60 66.60
9075 E SK10-13 155.10e 155.60 0.50 3.85
SK10-13 164.10 164.60 0.50 2.26
SK10-13 178.80 179.20 0.40 6.07
375-37 123.76 124.08 0.32 19.20(i)
375-37 176.00 176.31 0.31 6.36(i)
SK10-13 246.00 247.30 1.30 40.30
SK10-13 247.30 247.90 0.60 14.20
9150 E SK12-19 166.50 167.00 0.50 1.20
SK12-19 169.00 169.30 0.30 1.45
SK12-19 178.50 179.50 1.00 3.56
SK12-19 179.50 180.00 0.50 1.98
SK12-19 180.50 181.00 0.50 2.24
SK12-19 182.50 183.25 0.75 2.54
9175 E 525-90-17 68.60 69.00 0.40 60.93(i)
525-90-18 87.00 87.70 0.70 4.00(i)
525-90-18 88.00 88.40 0.40 4.86(i)
9200 E F87-32 226.13 226.59 0.46 15.75(i)
9225 E F87-44 162.40 163.37 0.97 7.13(i)
9250 E SK12-18 236.50 237.50 1.00 24.90
F87-26 225.46 225.64 0.18 5.80(i)
F87-23 69.60 70.26 0.66 5.10(i)
Table 3: South (flat-vein) Zone
Hole From To Interval Au
Section (1) Year (m) (m) (2)(m) (gpt)
8300 SK11-12 2011 18.70 19.30 0.60 15.55
8575 SK11-13 2011 6.00 6.50 0.50 8.66
SK11-13 2011 129.00 129.70 0.70 7.40
8800 91-7 1991 23.80 24.00 0.20 11.66(i)
SK11-10 2011 3.80 4.25 0.45 4.42
8850 91-9 1991 30.70 31.00 0.30 9.05(i)
8875 SK12-17 2012 17.50 18.00 0.50 2.10
8900 92-2 1992 35.00 36.00 1.00 16.19(i)
92-12 1992 84.00 84.20 0.20 167.80(i)
8925 SKR-07-09 2007 39.70 40.20 0.50 31.00
9000 SK10-11 2010 74.00 75.00 1.00 4.61
76.40 77.70 1.30 1.03
9050 SK11-15 2011 4.10 5.50 1.40 7.56
42.00 43.50 1.50 4.71
51.00 52.50 1.50 1.95
72.00 73.50 1.50 1.40
9075 SK10-13 2010 40.00 41.00 1.00 4.22
83.10 84.00 0.90 1.23
84.00 85.50 1.50 1.12
9150 SK12-19 2012 12.00 12.50 0.50 13.15
85.30 86.00 0.70 4.11
9175 SKR07-04 2007 160.70 161.00 0.30 99.80
88-1 1988 106.26 107.00 0.74 8.70(i)
9200 F87-32 1987 100.50 101.00 0.50 6.30(i)
83.30 84.10 0.80 3.10(i)
9225 F87-26 1987 62.56 63.49 0.93 33.95(i)
55.11 55.61 0.50 14.65(i)
89-6 1989 55.50 56.00 0.50 7.53(i)
9250 F87-33 1987 39.14 39.88 0.74 9.40(i)
44.58 45.58 1.00 16.60(i)
9275 SK10-14 2010 79.20 79.70 0.50 2.61
9400 88-4 1988 78.60 79.36 0.76 6.10(i)
9425 88-5 1988 32.21 32.74 0.53 3.31(i)
10150 SK11-07 2011 13.60 14.40 0.80 4.86
15.00 16.00 1.00 6.42
The technical information contained in this Press Release has been prepared and reviewed by John Langton, MSc., P. Geo, Vice-President Exploration for Eloro and Qualified Person according to National Instrument 43-101.
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