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Eröffnet am:16.07.07 09:05von: Börsentauche.Anzahl Beiträge:56
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1717 Postings, 6214 Tage ESVK2007Wie geht es weiter?

23.06.08 10:56
Jet Gold hat erwartungsgemäß etwas konsolidiert, der Anstieg war ja sehr stark und seither gab es keine nennenswerten News.

Zu den Aussichten hat mir ein Bekannter folgende Einschätzung geschickt, vielleicht kann hier jemand ggfs. Korrekturen vornehmen:

"hab ein wenig im Ni geblättert. Das sieht ja gar nicht so schlecht aus. Anthrazit Kohle oberflächlich gelegen, also im Tagebau abbaubar. Der Preis liegt zur Zeit bei 117,60 $ für 12500 Btu was in etwa 400kg Anthrazitkohle entspricht.
Also 294 $ pro Tonne (wenn ich richtig gerechnet habe)
Jetzt ist die Frage (das hab ich nicht eruieren können) wieviel Tonnen Anthrazitkohle gibt es...
gehe ich mal von 100 Mio aus, dann entspräche das einem Wert von 29 400 000 000 $ alleine für die oberflächliche Kohle, die gut abbaubar und hochwertig ist... ;-)
Natürlich abzüglich davon die Abbaukosten etc..."

Welche Kursfantasie resultiert daraus?


153 Postings, 5954 Tage CoktailFantasie

23.06.08 15:22
Gehe ich mal von 100 Mio Tonnen Kohle aus...
Mittelwert der Kohle 40$ (gibt ja auch 13,3$)
macht $ Gesamtwert der Kohle
2/3 davon an JAU
macht 2.666.666.666 $

Es gibt derzeit 26.618.755 shares (bitte korrigiert mich wenn anders)

also MK:
als unterer Wert 5% (5% von 2.666.666.666/Anzahl der shares)
macht etwa 5$ pro share
als oberer Wert 10% (10% von 2.666.666.666/Anzahl der shares)
macht etwa 10$ pro share

Ist aber sehr konservativ gerechnet, da ich nicht weiß, wieviel Kohle tatsächlich vorhanden ist. Warum die 40 $ als Mittelweg? Weil Anthrazitkohle vorhanden ist, die mit derzeit 117 $ notiert ist.  

153 Postings, 5954 Tage CoktailKohlepreis

23.06.08 15:43

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperKommt mir alles....

16.07.08 21:34
.... sehr bekannt vor hier.

Ach ja, Gulfside lässt grüssen!

Gleiches Managemant .... gleiche Pusher .... gleiche Parollen und Kursprognosen!


2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperIch meinte "VORSICHT!"

16.07.08 21:36

1717 Postings, 6214 Tage ESVK2007Die Zahlen werden`s zeigen...

18.07.08 15:12
Einen NI hat Jet Gold schon gebracht.
Jetzt laufen die Bohrungen. Danach werden wir sehen wie es wirklich aussieht...

Allerdings sind die Hauptumsätze nach Bekanntgabe des Bohrbeginns Anfang Juni ganz klar in Kanada erfolgt. Jet Gold wird in Deutschland (und wohl auch in Kanada, jedenfalls ist mir nichts bekannt)nicht gepusht. Beiträge in diesem Forum kann man auch nicht als Push bezeichnen, da diesen Thread ohnehin kaum einer liest.

Auf was ich persönlich setze: dass das mit Veröffentlichung der Bohrergebnisse anders wird.
Sollten diese gut sein, sind hier ganz schöne Gewinne drin, denn Jet Gold hat relativ wenige Aktien draußen...

5101 Postings, 6310 Tage AndreitoJet Gold Corp.: Exploration Update

15.08.08 09:31

Jet Gold Corp.: Exploration Update

 1:08 PM ET, August 14, 2008

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 14, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Robert L. Card, President, Jet Gold Corp. (JAU) ("Jet Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report that activities associated with its ongoing exploration on the Company's properties are advancing.

Naskeena Coal Project

Drilling is going well with approximately 2800 ft drilled in July. Costs are down to around $35/ft and should stay in that range while drilling the present areas. Drilling starts today on a southern leg of an X shaped drill plan. Multiple coal seams have been encountered to date in all holes. Drill cores are now being logged. Once prepared they will be sent to the lab for analysis with results expected back within 4-6 weeks. The Company anticipates this drilling program to continue well into the fall and early winter months (depending on weather conditions). The Company has applied for an additional 1500 ha on the southern boundary of its present tenure, adding about 1/3 to the size of its current project area.

Kshish Molybdenum Update

The Company has completed the initial prospecting on the Kshish Molybdenum ("Kshish") property near Terrace, British Columbia, Canada and has found interesting molybdenite occurrences. The property is located 15 km northeast of the town of Terrace and is serviced by nine kilometres of public road and eight kilometres of logging road. Jet Gold holds options on approximately 4100 ha of mineral tenures covering the Kshish property.

Exploration work on the Kshish property has been on-going through the spring of 2008 with stream sediment sampling and general prospecting being the focus at this time. The work has followed the snow up the mountain and access is now at a point where the prospecting crews can work in the area identified as the original main target, Area 1, the Newtown creek exposure. This area also includes two zones of anomalous molybdenum values in soil samples identified by Amax in 1967 and 1968.

Stream sediment and moss mat samples were taken at 12 locations within the property with values ranging from 2 ppm to 45 ppm with values over 15 ppm considered to be anomalous. The general area covered by this sampling is approximately 2600 ha and it is anticipated the further sediment sampling will be required in areas that were not accessible in the spring to further refine prospecting targets. This work has been undertaken to ensure that adequate coverage of the property was in place as well as to follow up on the previous samples taken by the BC Geologic Survey and Amax.

The current sediment samples represent only the initial 1/4 of the property. The prospecting to date and the historic information has defined Area 1 of having an approximately area of 800 ha (3000m x 3000m) which will be the primary focus for 2008. The exploration on remainder of the property will be continued during the summer.

Large rock samples have been collected and prepared for assaying. The Company will be reporting on these sample assays shortly along with additional rock, soil and mat samples sent for assay to ALS Chemex.

Based on present work, the mineralized rock is evident over 400m (1300ft) of the creek exposure and additional mineralized rock has been identified well upstream and requires further detailed prospecting work. MINFILE 103I 033 showing which is approximately 2 km west of the Newtown Creek exposure, has a reported value of 0.48% molybdenite but prospecting has not yet reached this area. This reported showing is within one of the north east trending fractures. It is anticipated that more areas of mineralization will be discovered across this large property with the goal of defining new molybdenite source stock works and drill targets for either a late fall or spring drill program.

The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Alex Burton, P.Geo., P.Eng., a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Jet Gold Corp

Robert L. Card, President

5101 Postings, 6310 Tage AndreitoJet Gold Corp.: Exploration Update

10.09.08 18:03

Jet Gold Corp.: Exploration Update


 11:50 AM ET, September 10, 2008


VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sep 10, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX) -- Robert L. Card, President, Jet Gold Corp. (JAU) ("Jet Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report on activities associated with its on ongoing exploration program at the Naskeena Coal Project ("Naskeena") in Northern British Columbia.

Drilling has been on-going at the Naskeena with a short break at the end of August. A second shift was added in late August to make up this time and to generally increase productivity. Seven, HQ holes have been drilled in and around DDH2008-2 which intersected a promising coal bed at 178ft (54m). This coal seam is 8.5ft (2.6m) thick with an additional 1.5ft (0.45m) of mixed material below. More holes will be required to test continuity of this coal seam and other possibly related beds in this area. The surrounding holes have intersected coal seams but additional work will be required to determine the linkage to DDH2008-2. The holes to date on this occurrence have been drilled down the apparent dip of the coal bearing strata and the next holes within the drill plan will pursue the bed along strike. The core and core logs are currently being reviewed by the project geologist to determine if the intersected coal seams are related or separate seams and samples will be sent for analytical work after this review.

Once the drilling in the current area, which was not drilled in 2007, is completed to the Company's satisfaction, the drill will be moved to another area of the property where coal was intersected in 2007. This area is considered to be the lowest stratagraphically and contains multiple beds of coal.

Samples from last years drilling will also be re-analyzed at this time by subjecting them to beneficiation (washing) to establish washing requirements. In 2007 the samples were analyzed as raw coal only and a review of the Groundhog area coal data noted that significant beneficiation was common during testing on that project. This has prompted the review of the 2007 Naskeena samples.

The work to date has only covered a very small portion of the Naskeena and significant drilling will be required to tie this coal project together. Anthracite coal does not appear in great thicknesses or quantity in British Columbia with the Groundhog and Klappan being the only deposits in B.C. To this end, the Company anticipates continued drilling on the Naskeena project into the winter months.

The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Alex Burton, P.Geo., P.Eng., a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors Jet Gold Corp.

Robert L. Card, President

2544 Postings, 6335 Tage HräswelgrNaskeena-News

11.09.08 09:09


Drilling has been on-going at the Naskeena with a short break at the end of August. A second shift was added in late August to make up this time and to generally increase productivity. Seven, HQ holes have been drilled in and around DDH2008-2 which intersected a promising coal bed at 178ft (54m). This coal seam is 8.5ft (2.6m) thick with an additional 1.5ft (0.45m) of mixed material below. More holes will be required to test continuity of this coal seam and other possibly related beds in this area. The surrounding holes have intersected coal seams but additional work will be required to determine the linkage to DDH2008-2. The holes to date on this occurrence have been drilled down the apparent dip of the coal bearing strata and the next holes within the drill plan will pursue the bed along strike. The core and core logs are currently being reviewed by the project geologist to determine if the intersected coal seams are related or separate seams and samples will be sent for analytical work after this review.

Once the drilling in the current area, which was not drilled in 2007, is completed to the Company's satisfaction, the drill will be moved to another area of the property where coal was intersected in 2007. This area is considered to be the lowest stratagraphically and contains multiple beds of coal.

Samples from last years drilling will also be re-analyzed at this time by subjecting them to beneficiation (washing) to establish washing requirements. In 2007 the samples were analyzed as raw coal only and a review of the Groundhog area coal data noted that significant beneficiation was common during testing on that project. This has prompted the review of the 2007 Naskeena samples.

The work to date has only covered a very small portion of the Naskeena and significant drilling will be required to tie this coal project together. Anthracite coal does not appear in great thicknesses or quantity in British Columbia with the Groundhog and Klappan being the only deposits in B.C. To this end, the Company anticipates continued drilling on the Naskeena project into the winter months.


Klingt danach das noch viel Arbeit auf Jet zukommt,um das Gebiet zu deffinieren.Es handelt sich wahrscheinlich nicht um Anthrzitkohle.Welchen Grad die Kohle hat wird sicher in einer der nächsten NR bekanntgegeben.


Es geht vorran und die Aussichten sind sehr vielversprechend. ;-)




2544 Postings, 6335 Tage HräswelgrUnd gleich die nächste News hinterher...

12.09.08 09:20

September 11, 2008 -- Robert L. Card, President of Jet Gold Corp.(the
"Company" (TXSXV.JAU), is pleased to announce that a non-brokered
private placement of 3,000,000 units at a price of $.25 per unit, to
raise gross proceeds of $750,000.00 has been negotiated. The financing
is composed of two million flow-through units and one million regular
units. Each unit is composed of one share and one half a share
purchase warrant exercisable at 35 cents per share for two years

A finder's fee may be payable in connection with this placement.

The offering and finder's fee are subject to completion and execution
of appropriate documentation and acceptance for filing by the TSX
Venture Exchange.

The funds are principally earmarked for further development and
drilling of the Company's Naskeena Coal project and the Kshish
Molybdenum Prospect as well as general working capital.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Jet Gold Corp

"Robert L. Card"

Robert L. Card

Investor Contact:

Robert L. Card, President
604-687-7828, 1-800-687-7828
Fax 604-687-7848
email: jetgoldcorp@shaw.ca



2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperAktuell 0,115€

17.09.08 21:38

Bald wieder unter 10ct  

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperAufpassen!

28.09.08 18:09
So wie sich die aktuelle Lage darstellt, siehts bei der 2.Bude (Gulfside) von Mr. Card nicht sehr rosig aus und der Kurs wird sich nach beendigung des CTO´s sehr Nahe der Nulllinie einpendeln.

Wie schon geschrieben hat JetGold den selben Vorstand, also obacht geben bei JetGold!

5101 Postings, 6310 Tage Andreito@ice

28.09.08 18:22
was hat das mit jetgold zu tun? es geht um ganz andere projekte! wir sind bei jetgold nicht in der mongolei wo sich ein mongole querstellt so wie bei gmg. also wieso sollte man aufpassen? beschaeftige dich erstmal mit den aktuellen projekten von jetgold und danach kannst immer noch vorsicht schreien wenn du meinst das es bei denen nicht gut aussieht.
ausserdem woher weist du das card den deal verbockt hat? dies steht in keiner news von gmg, nur das der mongole sich quergestellt hat. also ist dies nicht die schuld von card, solltest eher ueber den mongolen herziehen als ueber den ceo von gmg.

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperMenschenskindernochmal....

28.09.08 19:53
... hör endlich auf irgendeinem Mongolen für das Versagen von Card verantwortlich zu machen.

Vieleicht wars ja auch Vorsatz, Card hatte schliesslich 9! Monate zeit, einen Mongolen zu generieren!

Mal drüber nachdenken.

5101 Postings, 6310 Tage Andreitodenken dann schreiben...

28.09.08 20:07
mal drueber nachgedacht das du keine fakten der aktuellen lage vorliegen hast, aber trotzdem gross rumposaunst?!?!?! wieso, weshalb, warum und welche probleme es gab/gibt weis niemand... also halt den ball mal flach, machst dich sonst nur laecherlich.

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperIch posaune seit fast...

29.09.08 10:01
... 1,5Jahren lieber Oberpusher, die Quittung habt ihr bei Poly und Gulf nun bekommen.

Deshalb, aufpassen bei JetGold!

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipper...

01.10.08 10:08

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipper.

01.10.08 10:12

JET GOLD CO. 0,082€ -24,78% Perf. seit Threadbeginn: -75.15%

5531 Postings, 8915 Tage DerYetiguter wert, solides management...

01.10.08 15:21

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipper.

02.10.08 10:53

JET GOLD CO. 0,062€ -24,40% Perf. seit Threadbeginn: -81.21%

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperNun ist der Push....

02.10.08 13:42
... wieder auf seiner Ausgangsposition, was nicht heissen soll, dass es nicht weiter bergab gehen könnte.

5101 Postings, 6310 Tage Andreitolieber ice

05.10.08 20:29
schau mal aufs volumen, mehr muss man nicht dazu sagen...

1717 Postings, 6214 Tage ESVK2007Jeder weiß...

07.10.08 11:42
...dass die Bohrarbeiten bis zum Winter andauern sollen.

Das Problem bei Explorerwerten ist einfach die Ungeduld der "Anleger", die ja in der Regel mit "Zocker" besser bezeichnet wären.

Bei dem Umfeld wird aber wohl auch bei guten Bohreergebnissen nicht das gleiche wie zu normalen Zeiten herauskommen.

Erst müssen aber mal gute Bohreergebnisse her, das ist klar.  

2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipperESVK2007

15.10.08 23:47

Das Problem bei Explorerwerten ist einfach die Ungeduld der "Anleger"

Na, bei Cards anderer Klitsche, Gulfside Minerals, bewiesen die Anleger ja sehr viel Geduld.

Leider wurde es Ihnen nicht vergütet.   


2996 Postings, 6204 Tage IceRipper.

25.11.08 00:35

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