* Sub-Sahara = Neue Goldrakete !

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4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcSub-Sahara mit News

10.01.06 09:58
Fantastische News von Sub-Sahara, DEM australischen Goldproduzenten!



Die Ergebnisse vonm Eritrea-Asmara Joint Venture sind da!!!

Nebenbei findet ihr auf Seite 4 die wundervolle Darstellung, dass die "kleine" SUB-SAHARA 70 %-Anteile an Projekten von Gold-Giganten, wie BARRICK GOLD, CURRIE ROSE RESOURCES, RESOLUTE MINING LIMITED hält!An DRAGON MINING hält Sub-Sahara rund 48 Prozent!

Fazit: Sub-Sahara ist eine noch unentdeckte Goldperle! Die muss sich verzehnfachen!!!  
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SUB-SAHARA.gif (verkleinert auf 92%) vergrößern

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcHier der Bericht

10.01.06 10:09
Hier der Bericht:

Sub-Sahara´s Partner Sunridge Gold meldet wieder beste Ergebnisse in Eritrea

January 10, 2006 08:00 AM US Eastern Timezone
Sunridge Gold Corp.: Drilling Increases Adi Nefas VMS Project Strike Length by 160 Metres
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 10, 2006--
Four Rigs to Continue Operating at Asmara Project

Sunridge Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SGC) reports assay results from an additional twenty-six holes, NG-023-D to NG-048-D, received to date from the Adi Nefas Gossan zinc-gold-copper volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) project, part of the Asmara Project, Eritrea. These results have extended the strike length of high-grade zinc, gold and copper mineralization to the south by 160 metres, for a total strike length to date of 400 metres, and the depth to 250 metres vertical depth from surface. A total of 63 holes have now been completed at Adi Nefas and further assay results will be reported as available. Surface geological features defined by mapping and results of geophysical studies indicate that other potential zones of mineralization exist to the north, south and at depth. One drill will continue to operate at Adi Nefas to test these potential extensions.


NG-024-D - 7.85 metres grading 3.9 g/t Au, 147.52 g/t Ag, 5.5% Cu and 10.05% Zn

NG-025-D - 10.6 metres grading 3.16g/t Au, 96.08 g/t Ag, 2.23% Cu and 10.68% Zn

NG-026-D - 9.0 metres grading 11.91 g/t Au, 285 g/t Ag, 3.18% Cu and 11.05% Zn

NG-043-D - 5.25 metres grading 10.81 g/t Au, 239.8 g/t Ag, 6.77% Cu and 6.77% Zn

NG-046-D - 7.80 metres grading 4.0 g/t Au, 135.44 g/t Ag, 1.12% Cu and 5.62% Zn

Len- Gold Silver Copper Zinc (see
Drill From To gth (Au) (Ag) (Cu) (Zn) Note 1
hole # metres metres metres g/t g/t % % below) Zone
NG-023-D 283.35 288.35 5.00 0.33 11.00 0.17 2.93 4.55 P
NG-024-D 61.7 69.55 7.85 3.9 147.52 5.5 10.05 34.74 SG/P
NG-025-D 175.2 185.8 10.6 3.16 96.08 2.23 10.68 24.17 P
NG-026-D 60.45 69.45 9.00 11.91 285 3.18 11.05 38.88 SG/P
NG-027-D 204.05 222.65 13.62 3.11 40.69 0.34 5.13 10.92 P
NG-029-D 83.8 94.35 10.55 1.41 41.74 0.56 3.28 7.64 P
NG-030-D 175.3 180.8 5.5 3.87 58.91 0.76 1.86 9.23 P
NG-031-D 83 96.45 13.45 0.37 8.33 0.1 3.43 4.96 P
NG-043-D 75.9 81.15 5.25 10.81 239.8 6.77 6.77 42.82 SG/P
NG-044-D 133.75 148.30 14.55 0.68 27.16 0.38 2.31 4.99 P
NG-046-D 214.15 221.95 7.80 4.00 135.44 1.12 5.62 16.09 P
NG-047-D 155.95 158.95 3.00 0.59 43.23 0.20 2.60 4.95 P

Drill holes NG-023-D to NG-027, NG-029 to NG-031-D and NG-043, NG-44, NG-46 and NG-47-D verify the continuation of the high-grade gold-copper-zinc over a 400 metre strike length. Drill hole NG-028-D intercepted only narrow intervals of zinc and gold mineralization. Drill hole NG-045-D tested a gravity anomaly located 600 metres northeast of the mineralized zone with no massive sulphides intersected in this hole. Drill holes NG-032-D to NG-042-D and NG-048-D returned no significant assays where the gossan appears to pinch out over a strike length of approximately 200 metres and gives way to more disseminated sulphides - see the attached map. However, further to the north along strike of this area, geological mapping has shown the surface gossans become stronger again, perhaps indicative of more massive sulphides at depth. This area will be drill tested in the near future subsequent to detailed mapping and a ground IP survey which will commence in early 2006.


Four drill rigs will continue to operate at the Asmara Project during the first quarter of 2006 to complete the current 24,000 metre exploration and development drill program. Dependent upon ongoing results, this program may be extended.


One rig will continue to operate at Adi Nefas to test potential extensions of the known mineralized zone as well to test a newly identified VMS gossan structure that extends for at least 500 metres and is located approximately one kilometre to the south of the current mineralized zone.


Two rigs are continuing to complete 9,000 metres of reverse circulation and diamond drilling at Debarwa. The purpose of this drill program is to test the potential strike extensions of the main zone to the south for at least 500 metres and to depth. This 500 metres of potential additional strike length is between 2 mineralized zones, Debarwa Main and Debarwa South, where the gossan zone outcrops are underlain by a strong gravity anomaly. In addition, part of this program will further define certain zones, particularly the high-grade gold gossan zone of Debarwa Main as part of the ongoing Conceptual Mine Plan. In 2004, 14,000 metres of drilling was completed at Debarwa with a focus on the high-grade copper-gold-zinc main zone over a strike length of 250 metres and to a depth of 100 metres.


Eleven diamond drill holes have been completed at the Emba Derho VMS prospect. Management believes that Emba Derho has strong potential for a new discovery based on the significant gossan exposure at surface, over 700 metres in length, promising past results from trenching and the existence of coincident gravity and EM anomalies. Continued drilling will be dependent upon assay results which will be reported when received.


Drilling by a previous operator has outlined a gold resource at Gupo as follows:

Resource Tonnes Average Grade - g/t gold Ounces of Gold
Inferred 1,965,000 2.99 189,200

Note: The above resource estimates are filed on Sedar as an independent consultant's geological report according to the CIM and JORC codes, dated May 6, 2004. Sunridge is planning 2,000 metres of diamond and reverse circulation drilling on the Gupo property in the first quarter of 2006 to verify previous drilling and to test extensions to the north, south and the depth.


1. All assays have been converted to a gold equivalent grade in grams per tonne in order to better clarify the value of these poly-metallic results. Gold equivalent values are calculated on gross metal values not adjusted for metallurgical recoveries, refinery costs and all other relevant conversion factors and based on the following metal values: gold equals US$500 per ounce, silver equals US$7 per ounce, copper equals US$2.00 per pound and zinc equals US$0.80 per pound.

2. Drill intercept lengths only are reported in the tabulations; it is estimated that true width will be approximately 80% of the reported drill intercept length. Drill sample results are from core drilling using HQ and NQ size.

3. Zones of mineralization in the tabulations are as follows: SG equals Supergene, P equals Primary zones of mineralization

4. A Quality Assurance/Quality Control program is part of the drilling program on the Asmara Project. This program includes chain of custody protocol as well as systematic submittals of standards, duplicates and blank samples into the flow of samples produced by the drilling.

5. A description of the geology, sampling procedures, and the Company's laboratory Quality Assurance / Quality Control procedures are as described in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report filed on February 17, 2004 and amended by the Amended Technical Report filed dated April 27, 2004. This report is available at www.sedar.com.

6. Samples are prepared at African Horn Testing Services (Eritrea) and analyzed at Genalysis Laboratories (a NATA registered laboratory) in Perth, Western Australia. Analytical methods used in these results are as follows: Gold - fire assay, 50 gm charge with AA finish. Silver, Copper and Zinc - Multi-acid digestion with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical (Atomic) Emission Spectrometry (ICP) finish.

7. The Qualified Person for the release of this exploration information is Michael Hopley, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sunridge Gold Corp.

Sunridge Gold Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, discovery and development of precious and base metal projects. The Company is currently conducting exploration on the Asmara Joint Venture Project in Eritrea. The Company is continuing to be the sole financial contributor to the JV to earn a 70% interest. The Company has 28.4 million shares outstanding and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SGC. For additional information on the Company and its projects please view the slide show on our website at www.sunridgegold.com or call Don Halliday at the number listed below.  

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcHier der zugehörige Chart

10.01.06 10:18
Das ist de Chart von Sunridge Gold.
Dem Partner von Sub-Sahara Gold.
Heute schon +11 Prozent im Plus!

Alltime Low 0,05 Dollar!!!
Alltime Hight über 6 DOllar!!!
Das sind über 10000 Prozent!!!!!!

P.S. Wir sind an der TSX Venture  
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4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcPre-Studie in Arbeit

11.01.06 14:38

hier ein paar Stimmen aus anderen Foren,
um sich ein Allround-Bild von Sub-Sahara
machen zu können:

war aber relativ reger Handel!

0,075 AUD
Gehandelte Stück
2,6 Mio.

ich möchte auch rein was meint ihr soll ich auf einen rückschlag warten oder gleich rein, würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir einen Tipp geben würdet Danke


Der Kurs ist noch günstig.
Runter geht es nicht mehr weit.

Meik 100 schau sie dir mal in Aussiland unheimliche Umsätze bei steigenden Kursen meiner Meinung nach ein klarer Kauf  

Die legen dieses Jahr mächtig los.

Ne Pre-Studie ist in arbeit.  
Angehängte Grafik:

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcSub Sahara gewinnt Gold

21.01.06 17:32
Sub-Sahara hat sich perfekt positioniert!

Wenn man bedenkt, dass erst vor einem Jahr die Regierung von Eritera die Erlaubnis an Sub-Sahara gegeben hat, weiter nach Gold zu graben, dann ist das wirklich eine unglaublich gute Entwicklung seitdem!

Sub Sahara ist unter allen Explorationsgesellschaften in Tansania die mit den größten Gebiete. Kein anderes Goldunternehmen besitzt so viele Länderein bzw. hat Optionen auf deren Kauf, wie Sub-Sahara. Sie haben sich perfekt positioniert! Diese Aufstellung träg nun ihre Früchte: Der Joint Venture Partner Sunridge ist plötzlich extrem an Sub-Sahara interessiert! Entweder wird Sub-Sahara komplett übernommen, oder Sunridge kauft ihnen eines der Gebiete ab! So oder so, Sub-Sahara ist der goldene Geiwnner!

Kursziel bis Mitte Februar 06: +150% (0,17 Euro)  

109 Postings, 6846 Tage StrickerSub Shara hat Potenzial

22.01.06 04:58
sich Pferdfekt positioniert am MARKT vom Pferdekonfekt direkt richtung NORDEN 1000%tig mit einer GEschwindigkeit , die die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat , mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit in den Goldrausch , Fett unetrwegs, ganz grosse schule ,,..

morgen gleich 3500% mit geilen Äpfeln im Berg,

Rohstoffe eine TrenntRakeTTEe ..  

4 Postings, 6843 Tage begoodneednogodgab es in der all you can drink disco internet?

22.01.06 17:55
kann es leider nicht ganz nachvollziehen,was dieses wirre geschmiere (sorry)bedeuten soll.für einen witz fehlt alles für einen push mind.genausoviel.

naja vielleicht wirst du selbst erschrecken wenn du das nach deinem kater liest

bin auf jeden fall gespannt auf den weiteren verlauf von sbs


4 Postings, 6843 Tage begoodneednogodsolarparc wirst du von kreditzinsen gejagt?

22.01.06 19:24
du kannst noch sooft von gold und silber schreiben und wie wertvoll diese rohstoffe sind.hier geht es jedoch nicht um die wertsteigerung von riesenbeständen die bereits irgendwo im lager von sbs liegen,sondern um erschliessung und erforschung von gebieten in denen etwas vermutet wird.diese erforschungen sind unheimlich kapitalverschlingend und leider auch sehr oft umwelt zerstörend,das ist aber ein anderes wichtigeres kapitel.jedoch kommt auch hier erst das fressen und dann die moral,auch bei mir.
viele unternehmen sind bei ihren erforschungen verhungert.
also hoffen wir,dass die relation stimmt zwischen suchen und finden.für unsere umwelt und investierten.


622 Postings, 7529 Tage KleinGeldChart nach KE in AUD

25.01.06 12:59
...be happy and smileumgerechnet=0,067€KG  

399 Postings, 6852 Tage frank05@ KleinGeld woher hast du den Kurs

25.01.06 13:16
Laut Finanztreff ist der Sclusskurs in Sidney 0,093 AUD

Das entspricht dem Betrag von ca 0,057 €

Du kannst mich gerne eines bessern belehren

622 Postings, 7529 Tage KleinGeld@frank05

25.01.06 14:32
Hier ist die: http://stocknessmonster.com/
symbol: SBS bei ASX

399 Postings, 6852 Tage frank05@ KleinGeld habs mir angeschaut,

25.01.06 15:50
aber trotzdem

ist der Schlusskurs in Sidney 0,093 AUD

Das entspricht dem Betrag von ca 0,057 €

1,00€ /1,6273AUD  

622 Postings, 7529 Tage KleinGeldEigentlich hab ich den Chart reingestellt

25.01.06 17:32
Aber ARIVA hat es gelöscht! was für ein Software herrscht hier?
mit chart kann man den Überblick schaffen!Es geht schnell ins Hirn als Texte!
was solls- man muß damit zufrieden sein!
vielleicht bekommen wir morgen früh etwas billiger!

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcFeiertag

26.01.06 09:09
Heute ist Feiertag in Australien!
Gute Gelegenheit für Nachkäufe, oder was meint ihr?  

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcEndlich die News!

26.01.06 17:08
ASX Companies Announcements
Wednesday 25th January 2006

• Plan to increase equity in Zara Gold Project by 33.33%
• Major fund raising of $8,000,000 to finance Zara exploration programme

Zara Gold Project - Increase of equity

Following the success of the initial drilling at the Zara project, Sub-Sahara plans to increase its current equity in the project from 33.33% to 66.66% by acquiring the 33.33% project interest of Africa Wide Resources Limited (AWR). This will result in the Company then having the right to earn up to an 80% interest in the project. Under the agreement reached with AWR, the company will, issue 20,000,000 shares to AWR together with 10,000,000 options exercisable at fifteen cents ($0.15) per share on or before 30 June 2009, and pay a Net Smelter Return Royalty of 1.5% on 33.33% of the revenue derived from the sale of any gold or metal recovered from the project.
Sub-Sahara has also agreed to reimburse to AWR it's share of project expenditure incurred from 20 January 2006 until approval of the transaction by shareholders.

AWR is controlled by Mr H.D. (Dave) Kennedy, the Chairman of Sub-Sahara and a major shareholder.

The transaction is subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals, and the execution of binding agreements. It is also subject to approval of the Eritrean Minister for Mines.

Sub-Sahara has the right to earn a 48% interest in the project from Dragon Mining NL by funding Dragon's share of project costs either to completion of a Bankable Feasibility Study or the expenditure of US$3.3m, whichever is the lesser. To date Sub-Sahara has earned a 33.33% interest. On the basis that approval is obtained by Sub-Sahara to acquire AWR's interest, the ultimate contributing equities will be Sub-Sahara 80% and Dragon 20%.


Sub-Sahara is sufficiently encouraged from the preliminary drilling results at Koko (one of several targets that make up the Zara Project) to embark on a major drilling programme during 2006 that will see it conduct some 20,000 metres of diamond and reverse circulation drilling with the view to obtaining sufficient information to produce a resource estimate.

The estimated cost of exploration is approximately $7.5m and Sub-Sahara's share of this programme is estimated at $6.8m with Dragon being required to contribute the balance to maintain its 20% equity.

Major Financing

To finance its share of Zara project costs and ongoing corporate costs the company proposes to raise up to $8,000,000 by way of the issue of up to 100,000,000 shares.
The issue will be in two parts, viz;
1. The placement of 20,000,000 shares at eight cents ($0.08) each to raise $1,600,000. Each share subscribed will entitle the subscriber to one option for every four shares subscribed, exercisable at15 cents per share and expiring on or before 30 June 2009, and;
2. a pro rata, non- renounceable offer of 80,000,000 shares at eight cents ($0.08) each to all shareholders on a one for four basis to raise $6,400,000. Each share subscribed will entitle the subscriber to one option for every four shares subscribed, exercisable at 15 cents per share and expiring on or before 30 June 2009.

The placement will be managed by DJ Carmichael Pty Ltd (DJC) and they will be paid a management fee of 2% together with a brokerage fee of 4% on funds subscribed. These shares will be placed in accordance with Section 708A (5) of the Corporations Act.

The offer to shareholders will be subject to an offer document which will be forwarded to shareholders when it has been lodged with the regulatory authorities. The timetable will be announced when available.

DJ Carmichael Pty Ltd has been engaged to place any shortfall arising from the pro rata issue on a best endeavours basis. DJC will receive a management fee of 2% together with a brokerage fee of 4% for placement of any shortfall arising from the pro rata issue and will also be granted a success fee of 750,000 options exercisable at 15 cents per share, on or before 30 June 2009. Paradigm Capital Pty Ltd will be assisting DJC with the placement of any shortfall and will also be granted a success fee of 750,000 options on the same basis as DJC as above. It will also be paid fees by DJC on an agreed basis.


Sub-Sahara is an exploration company with an extensive portfolio of advanced exploration projects. An estimated 9 drill rigs are operating currently on 3 projects, namely the high-grade Asmara gold/copper/zinc/silver project (4 rigs), Nyanzaga gold Joint Venture with Barrick Gold (4 rigs) and high-grade Zara gold project (1 rig).

Initial mineral resource estimates are expected for Debarwa (Asmara project) and Nyanzaga in the current half year while a Conceptual Mining Study on Debarwa copper/gold deposit is due for completion during February 2006.

In addition two further Sub-Sahara projects will be subject to follow-up drilling commencing the next quarter by Joint Venture partners, Resolute Mining Limited and Currie Rose Resources INC.

For and on behalf of
Sub-Sahara Resources NL

M R Griffiths
CEO & Executive Director  
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SUB-SAHARA.gif (verkleinert auf 92%) vergrößern

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcWeiter investieren

26.01.06 17:12
Super News! Sub-Sahara macht es richtig
und investiert weiter kräftig in diesem
Jahr! Das Zara-Projekt scheint eine
enorme Goldgrube zu sein! Und 0,15 CAD
sind bei und rund 0,09 Euro, richtig?
Also ein Kurspotenzial von kurzfristig
mindestens 50%!!!

Auf gehts!  http://www.subsahara.com.au/pages/asx/2006/asx2006.htm  

4891 Postings, 7062 Tage SolarparcNeue News!

27.01.06 11:41
Am Montag steigen wir wieder ;-)

ASX Companies Announcements
Wednesday 25th January 2006

Airborne Magnetic Survey Completed at Mabale Hills in Tanzania

Joint Venture partner Currie Rose Resources Inc. has completed a close spaced airborne magnetic survey over the entire Mabale Hills project in the Lake Victoria Gold Field covering the Mwamazengo discovery and other known targets such as Susu River.

The survey was completed by New Resolution Geophysics (NRG) of South Africa and covers a total of 2,190 line kilometres in the East - West direction at spacing of 100metres with tie lines at 500metres.

The data will now be processed and is expected to identify new high quality drill targets in the vicinity of the Mwanazengo deposit. A first pass image showing the raw processed data is attached.

Although full processing has not been completed, Sub-Sahara as manager of the project is very encouraged by the data to date as it clearly defines the Mwamazengo discovery and shows a number of other "look-a-like" targets.

Currie Rose can earn a 70% interest in the Lake Victoria Joint Venture by completing a bankable feasibility study on one project area within the joint venture package that includes the Mabale Hills, Jubilee Reef and the Nyamirembe projects.

For and on behalf of
Sub-Sahara Resources NL  

273 Postings, 6849 Tage Jigga06Zitat aus "DER AKTIONÄR"

31.01.06 17:00
""Das perfekte Goldinvestment 2006
Aus „Sand wird Gold und mehr” titelt DER GOLDBRIEF in der aktuellen Ausgabe. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Hintergründe.

Mit der Sub-Sahara Resources beleuchtet DER GOLDBRIEF eine Goldexplorationsgesellschaft, die im Blickpunkt institutioneller Investoren steht. Seit der Börsennotierung in Deutschland sprangen die Titel um mehr als 100 Prozent nach oben. Kooperationen mit Branchengrößen wie Barrick Gold und Placer Dome sorgten für Fantasie, ebenso wie der das so genannte ASMARA Joint Venture in Eritrea, das gemeinsam mit Sunridge Gold abgeschlossen wurde. Dank diesem Projekt errechnen sich jetzt ein Wert von 0,12 Euro je Sub-Sahara-Aktie, was einem Kurspotenzial von 100 Prozent entspricht. In dieser Berechnung ist die Beteiligung am Megagoldfund Zara im Norden Eritreas noch nicht enthalten. Die jüngsten Probebohrungen lassen auf ein „gigantisches“ Potenzial hoffen. Jetzt ist der perfekte Einstiegszeitpunkt gekommen. ""


60 Postings, 6820 Tage golfer43bid 0,12 News dürften heute endlich Erfolg haben

02.03.06 00:01

60 Postings, 6820 Tage golfer43bid 0,13 Wenn die so eröffnen sind das 40% o. T.

02.03.06 00:10

1399 Postings, 7262 Tage BettlerImmer mit der Ruhe! ;o)) o. T.

02.03.06 00:23

799 Postings, 7063 Tage AsteroidHeute geht es los o. T.

02.03.06 09:57

3074 Postings, 6834 Tage SilberlöweHabe gerade nachgekauft.

02.03.06 10:16
Hallo an alle Sub-Sahara Aktionäre.
Ich glaube Asteroid hat recht.
Das könnte jetzt gerade der Startschuß gewesen sein
für eine neue Rally Richtung Norden.

Schöne Grüße  

799 Postings, 7063 Tage AsteroidJeder ist für sich selbst veranwortlich,

02.03.06 10:24
aber der druck nach norden ist da  

3074 Postings, 6834 Tage SilberlöweBeste Aussichten!

02.03.06 10:44
Mit den aktuellen Projekten in Eritrea und Tansania
ist die Aktie ein klarer Kauf.

Sicherlich ist das mit einem gewissen Risiko verbunden,
aber die Chancen sind hier viel höher.

Schöne Grüße  

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