goconect, die Zukunft hat begonnen
Official GoConnect Press Release - 14 December 2004
GoConnect Ltd ("GoConnect") launched a revolutionary telephone directory search tool for mobile phone users of Microsoft Windows Mobile devices in August 2004, enabling these mobile phone users to search for global phone number information while on the move at a fraction of the cost of existing directory assistance services. Since the launch of Direct Assist, GoConnect has established a global network of 35 online affiliate sites that specialize in servicing mobile handset users, to market and distribute Direct Assist. Additional agreements will be finalized to add to this affiliate network. These online affiliates significantly extend the global reach and visibility that GoConnnect can achieve by itself via www.directassist.com.au. Satisfied customer feedbacks from the use of Direct Assist have been most encouraging: www.directassist.com.au/about_testimonials.shtml.
The successful launch of Direct Assist on the Windows Mobile platform provided the springboard for GoConnect to further extend this exciting utility search tool to mobile phones with other operating platforms. GoConnect is now pleased to announce that the company has successfully developed Direct Assist for Java enabled handsets with MIDP2 technology (Mobile Information Device Profile version 2). Most mobile handsets introduced to the market recently are equipped with MIDP2 and hence will be compatible with Direct Assist.
Direct Assist can now potentially work on any Java handsets with MIDP2. The First release of Direct Assist on Java handsets by early 2005 is expected to be compatible with a range of Motorola phones with MIDP2 including E398, V600, V525, V550, V620, V3, V535, V303, V300 and V303P, Nokia phones with MIDP2 including 6170, 9300, 7280, 7270, 6260, 6630, 6255, 7610, 9500, 6620, 5140, 6600, 6230, and 7700, and Sony Ericsson phones with MIDP2 including P910, K500i, Z500, K700, S700, P900, and Z1010.
The extension of Direct Assist from Windows Mobile to Java handsets and across multiple major brands and models of each brand has already attracted the interest of a number of mobile content providers and mobile phone retailers. The company is also in discussion with mobile phone retailers to bundle Direct Assist with mobile telephone plans on offer, providing a much value added service and savings to their customers. The increased interest and expanding distribution network are expected to significantly lift the sales of Direct Assist in 2005.
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Official GoConnect Press Release - 13 December 2004
GoConnect Australia Pty Ltd (GoConnect), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian Stock Exchange listed GoConnect Ltd (GCN), has entered into a distribution agreement with Carrier Devices to market and distribute GoConnect's Direct Assist, a revolutionary mobile device search tool, to the global customers of i-mate branded products.
Mr Calum Russell, director of Microsoft Australia's mobility business group said, "Direct Assist demonstrates the extensibility of the Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC's and Smartphone platform by offering customers value added services. Applications like this demonstrate the relevance of the Microsoft vision of delivering information anytime, anywhere and we are pleased to see GoConnect offer this to our mutual customers."
The agreement between the GoConnect and Carrier Devices will see Direct Assist marketed and sold from the popular website dedicated to providing the after sales support to i-mate customers, www.clubimate.com. This site is owned and operated by Carrier Devices.
"Direct Assist is a unique search tool for mobile devices that allows users to cost effectively access third party phone directories in a number of countries," says Anthony Voglis, Senior General Manager of GoConnect.
"At present, the application includes access to directories in the USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and Malaysia. This list will continue to expand over time. Moreover, users of Direct Assist will find that over time, this search tool will continue to improve in value as they are upgraded with the latest development of Direct Assist to search for a whole range of additional useful information."
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Code Last % Change Bid Offer Open High Low Vol
GCN 0.060 9.09% 0.057 0.060 0.056 0.060 0.056 606,241
jovi, wenn der wert hält, von mir aus auch zu 12 monaten - sind in der letzten zeit aber halt viele frick-eintagsfliegen gewesen
ich habe aber auch noch nen australier im depot 890889 - der im moment sehr solide und richtig in den schwarzen steht, hab ich damals einstellig bekommen - insofern fange ich mehr und mehr an, das land zu lieben :O)
bei aktuell 0,037 kommt die 200 Tage Linie greifbar nah!
jaja die Aussis
nicht so bekloppt wie otc
ok, kann man mit leben für den Rest der Woche :)
0,04 EUR 11:39:04 20.000
0,04 EUR 11:38:36 15.000
0,04 EUR 11:35:32 15.000
0,04 EUR 11:32:14 5.000
gut das mein broker soo genau anzeigt.
denke mal das werden alles 0,037 sein oder 0,038
Kaufinteresse ist da
Diesen Monat sollte ein Bericht kommen über neue Strategien.
Das wird dann entgültig zum Abheber führen.
ich meine wenn sich nur ein kleiner Teil von den Prognosen bewahrheitet könnte es hier recht interessant werden.
Anscheinend soll die Firma über die nächsten Monate gute Nachrichten aufweisen.
Es werden gute zeiten vorrausgesagt.
Mal schauen :)
0,04 EUR 13:51:24 26.000
0,04 EUR 13:48:22 5.500
0,04 EUR 13:47:06 33.700
zu 0,037?? ;)
Die 0,038 muß durchstoßen werden und dann gehts schnell aufwärts.
momentan pendeln wir uns schon bei 0,037 fest. das festigt den Weg nach oben.
kannst du vielleicht ab und zu mal die times&sales reinstellen bitte?