Ebay & PayPal auf eine Erfolgreiche Zukunft !!
Ebay hat im vierten Quartal mehr verdient und umgesetzt als im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum. Das Online-Handelshaus vermeldete am Mittwoch nach New Yorker Börsenschluss einen Umsatzanstieg von 13,5 Prozent auf 4,53 Milliarden Dollar (3,43 Mrd. Euro). Der Gewinn legte auf 850 Millionen Dollar von 751 Millionen Dollar zu.
Das Unternehmen profitierte von seinem Bezahlservice PayPal, über den mehr Transaktionen getätigt wurden. Über die Zukunft des lukrativen Bezahldienstes ist aber ein Streit entbrannt. Der für sein aggressives Finanzgebaren bekannte US-Großinvestor Carl Icahn schlug Ebay zufolge vor, PayPal abzuspalten. Das Management lehnt dies aber eigenen Angaben zufolge ab.
Es sei für das Unternehmen, die Aktionäre und die Kunden besser, wenn Paypal weiterhin unter dem Dach von Ebay bleibe, hieß es weiter. Ebay hatte den Bezahldienst 2002 für 1,5 Milliarden Dollar (1,1 Mrd. Euro) gekauft.
Icahn nominierte zudem zwei seiner Mitarbeiter für das Board, wie Ebay weiter mitteilte. Der Investor hatte vor kurzem Aktien und Derivate gekauft, die ihm einen Anteil an Ebay von 0,8 Prozent sicherten.
PayPal könnte ausgegliedert werden und an die Börse gehen.
PayPal könnte aber auch direkt an einen Investor/Firma z.B. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Google usw. gehen. Aber eher unwahrscheinlich da strategisch für Ebay zu wichtig.
Ebay könnte komplett von Google übernommen werden. Relativ wahrscheinliches Szenario. Noch ist Ebay relativ billig zu haben, da wäre selbst ein Aufschlag von 40-50 Prozent noch vertretbar.
Was andere Internetfirmen oder vielleicht sogar Telekomfirmen mit Ebay im Sinn haben könnten, Kooperationen, Teilübernahme, Komplettübernahme mit vorausgegangenem Bieterwettstreit, könnte auch sehr spannend werden.
Jedenfalls werden die Ebay Manager alles tun, um ordentlich Kurspflege zu betreiben und nicht nur Carl Icahn zu befriedigen.
Mit dem Alibaba Börsengang wird Ebay noch mehr in den Fokus von strategischen Überlegungen rücken.
Mit einem Kurs von 40€, liegt Ebay aktuell ziemlich
genau in der Mitte des 52 Wochen Hochs/Tiefs. Außerdem könnte ein immer stärkerer Dollar gegenüber dem Euro zusätzliche Kursgewinne bescheren.
Es wird verdammt spannend!
wollte bei Ebay wiedereinstiegen.
Meine Frage (sofern man dieses überhaupt abschätzen kann).
Kurs nachdem Ebay bekannt gibt, dass Paypal zu 100% bei Ebay bleibt: +/-
Kurs nachdem Ebay bekannt gibt, Paypal 20% spin-off: +/-
Kurs nachdem Ebay bekannt gibt, Paypal 100% spin-off: +/-
Eventuell gab es ähnliche Szenarien bei anderen Firmen.
Die Zahlen waren nicht so schlecht, verstehe das nicht ganz. Und PayPal läuft und läuft...
Ich werde wohle eher aufstocken, da ich auf lange Sicht an Ebay glaube.
Und in einem anderen Szenario die Firma auch für eine Übernahme attraktiv wäre (Google / Amazon)
Viele Grüße
of Local Corp
"Local mobile marketing has tremendous potential for businesses that are trying to break free from traps of old marketing methods. Geofencing offers one option for businesses to consider
Geofencing allows a business to use GPS in someone’s phone to locate them. If they’ve opted into your program and come within a zone that you’ve specified they’ll receive notification of your campaign. This could come in form of a text message, a mobile advertisement or other notification."
Complete article at exploreb2b
Krillion by Local now powers local-shopping experiences for apps, brands and retailers. Krillion provides apps with real-time access to data on products, pricing and in-store availability at popular retailers, including Best Buy, Sears, Target and Wal-Mart.
Local also demoed some cool products at Seimer Summit this week in Santa Monica. "Geofencing" technology allows brands and retailers to message consumers with offers that incorporate real-time product data when they come within a certain distance of a store. "Ambient data" feeds allow retailers to place store hours and location information next to product-related YouTube videos.
"Krillion's dynamic data feeds enable advertising and app data to be delivered in highly personalized ways," says Local CEO Thiel. "Marketers can reach targeted consumers based on where they happen to be, where they are going and what products they have been researching."
Investing in APIs is strategically important for Local. The Krillion API allows them to work with large corporations willing to subscribe to expensive data feeds. Local previously focused more on selling advertising packages to small and medium-sized business. Also, more than half of Local's revenue comes from partnerships with Yahoo and Google, so Local is now able to diversify its revenue and reduce dependence on the two tech giants.
Krillion by Local's developer site gives a broad overview of what is possible with Local's APIs.
Complete text at programmableweb
can be a big success, if brick and mortar use the right help
RETAILERS & MANUFACTURERS: More exposure means more local shoppers
Take advantage of Local Corp's vast network of publishers and partners.
nStore™ by Local
Consumers found you online. Now drive them in-store at one of your authorized dealers.
Provide online and on-the-go shoppers with a seamless shopping experience that makes it easy for them to buy your products anywhere they are sold, nearby or online. Increase retail channel sales with nStore, ™ a leading, multi-channel where-to-buy solution powered by Krillion ® by Local. Today’s consumers often research and compare products online before completing their purchase at a local store. That’s why nStore is the smartest, fastest way to drive online and mobile shoppers to local stores that have your products in stock.
Our solution features:
• Real-time store availability
• Dynamic nightly pricing updates
• Rich-store level details
• Flexible API
• Powerful reporting analytics
nFuse™ by Local
Make your ads more than an introduction
Engage more on-the-go consumers with nFuse by Local, the most intelligent, location-aware, data-driven retail mobile ad solution, powered by Krillion ®. The first of its kind, nFuse combines the power of hyper-local targeting and dynamic shopping information for a more intelligent rich advertising solution that helps you drive higher consumer engagement and more cross-channel purchases. We leverage your ambient data with precision geo-location and dynamic insertion of store hours, products, and pricing, reaching the right people with the right message at just the right time.
• Up-To-The-Minute Accuracy
• High User Engagement
• Flexible API for Easy Integration
Krillion by Local
Engage more cross-channel shoppers wherever they research products online.
We work with you to integrate your product and location catalog into our dynamic database — including local store assortment — to help you deliver the most robust and accurate local shopping experience for connected consumers. Less
According to Retailing 2020, successful retailers will need to transform themselves to grow in an increasingly polarized world of greater channel fragmentation that will result in greater non-store retail growth and smaller retail formats. In addition, retailers will need to cater to a future retail landscape, driven by income polarization, where income classes will define retail channel dynamics resulting in a disproportionately large impact in the future development of the US retail marketplace by 2020.
“As we enter an increasingly complex retail landscape with accelerating competitive pressures and digital shopping options, retailers will need to prepare for a wall-less omnichannel retail world, one where shoppers will come to expect a seamless brand experience online, in-store and across multimedia touch points,” said Susan McPartlin, PwC’s US retail & consumer industry leader. “This multi-format portfolio combined with the proliferation of small, urban, alternative retail formats will pave the way for future growth, dismantling the mass homogenization and scale assumptions that propelled two decades of retail growth.”
According to Retailing 2020, successful retailers will need to transform themselves to grow in an increasingly polarized world of greater channel fragmentation that will result in greater non-store retail growth and smaller retail formats. In addition, retailers will need to cater to a future retail landscape, driven by income polarization, where income classes will define retail channel dynamics resulting in a disproportionately large impact in the future development of the US retail marketplace by 2020.
“As we enter an increasingly complex retail landscape with accelerating competitive pressures and digital shopping options, retailers will need to prepare for a wall-less omnichannel retail world, one where shoppers will come to expect a seamless brand experience online, in-store and across multimedia touch points,” said Susan McPartlin, PwC’s US retail & consumer industry leader. “This multi-format portfolio combined with the proliferation of small, urban, alternative retail formats will pave the way for future growth, dismantling the mass homogenization and scale assumptions that propelled two decades of retail growth.”