Press conference involving POSC and major company

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4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPress conference involving POSC and major company

23.04.10 20:21

Press conference involving POSC and major  company may be announced as early as next Monday   
Written by Staff and Wire Reports   
Friday, 23 April 2010 05:48

Following up on the rumors we have been chasing  for two weeks, it appears that staffers at Positron Corporation  (OTCBB:POSC) have been busy making arrangements for a soon to be  announced press conference.

   This news according to multiple sources who also told BioMedReports on  Thursday that an official announcement about "a big development for the  company" may be issued as early as Monday.

Yesterday, prices took a hit after a blogger made false and  defamatory accusations against not only BioMedReports, but the company  as well. This is the second time that the blogger has attacked  BioMedReports's and owners of this website intend to take swift and  complete legal action against the owner/author of that web site. Thus  far, after multiple requests, the author of the website has refused to  provide us with his legal contact information so that our legal  department can commence those actions.

The fact remains that POSC is an established company that has been in  business for over a quarter of a century and that a positive  announcement- apparently worthy of a press conference- will be made  public in the coming days. Speculation continues that a multi-billion  dollar company trading on the NYSE at over $50 per share has taken an  interest in the company.

Furthermore, sources at the company tell BioMedReports that pending  orders for their FDA approved, Frost and Sullivan award winning imaging  system run at least "over one hundred deep."

As we told subscribers two days ago, we fully expect the stock price  to see substantial  gains (beyond the initial 43% gains seen immediately  after our trade alert) as it now appears that the company had  positioned itself to be the clear leader in  the five billion dollar  molecular imaging market. Positron's PET  (Positron Emission Tomography)  scanner, known as the “Attrius”, has  robust cardiac specific imaging  software and, more importantly, is the  only "PET" imaging device in the  entire industry (see related story).

In a letter to   shareholders last month, the chairman of the board for the company  informed investors that "Positron has  several immediate opportunities  with some of the largest companies in  the nuclear medicine industry.  Any combination of success with these  opportunities will have a  tremendous positive present and future impact  on Positron."

It is clear that a positive development worthy of a full press  conference (rumored arrangements place it at the Nasdaq MarketSite in  New York City) may be officially announced as early as Monday.

If true, naked shorters who took negative positions in the stock will  not only have to cover, they will help push the stock price much higher  by doing so.


4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPositron Chariman confirms talks; Partnership ...

23.04.10 20:26
Positron Chariman confirms talks; Partnership or Buy-Out News May Follow

Written by M.E.Garza  
Thursday, 22 April 2010 00:00

Positron Corporation (OTC BB: POSC.OB) has been around for 27 years, but now it finally looks ready to move to the next level. It speaks volumes that recently, the company became the recipient of the “2010 Frost & Sullivan North American Molecular Imaging Systems New Product Innovation Award.”
Frost & Sullivan is a global research organization of 1,800 analysts and consultants who monitor more than 300 industries and 250,000 companies. The New Product Innovation Award is a prestigious recognition and validation of Positron Corporation’s accomplishments (see the chart below to see previous winners of the Frost & Sullivan award), but they may not be the only group ready to acknowledge the company and their technologies.

Rumors of a lucrative buy-out or partnership have been swirling around the company during the past two weeks. Multiple sources told BioMedReports, that details about "a big announcement involving Positron and a much larger, publicly traded NYSE company worth at least $25 billion" could come as early as next Monday.
We reached out to Positron's Chariman of the Board, Patrick G. Rooney and the head of the small molecular imaging company focused on Nuclear Cardiology has confirmed that his company "is currently in discussions with a potential partner in our industry."

Rooney refused to offer any assurances or details about when an agreement might be reached.

As we told subscribers yesterday, the stock price may see substantial gains now that the company had positioned itself to be the leader in the five billion dollar molecular imaging market. Positron's PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanner, known as the “Attrius”, has robust cardiac specific imaging software and, more importantly, is the only "PET" imaging device in the entire industry (see related video).

Triggered by our alert, shares rose over 43% yesterday, but further confirmation about interest in the micro-cap company could easily send shares into the multiple dollar range.

In a letter to shareholders last month, Rooney informed investors that "Positron has several immediate opportunities with some of the largest companies in the nuclear medicine industry. Any combination of success with these opportunities will have a tremendous positive present and future impact on Positron."

Rooney appears confident that his company will thrive financially given that "the cardiac business is five times greater than the oncology business."

"Everyone has a heart problem not everyone has cancer," said Rooney. "Once you have a heart issue they'll put you on some kind of imaging device to test your heart. It's just where medicine is going.  Everyone over 45 or so is starting to get imaged at the first sign of any heart issues."

Last year, Positron achieved a major milestone, as its joint venture with Neusoft Medical Systems of China received FDA 510k approval on the “Attrius” PET scanner. The event signaled the beginning of Positron’s ability to market and sell its state of the art cardiac PET scanner, the Attrius, in the United States.

In addition, the company's Nuclear Pharm-Assist® technology is set to reshape the radiopharmaceutical distribution in the nuclear cardiac imaging space. Analysts believe Positron will generate extraordinary revenues selling radiopharmaceutical consumables to the large customer base that exists today for SPECT radiopharmaceuticals (7,000+ opportunities) and will leverage the same base as the SPECT industry migrates to PET as the #1 cardiac imaging modality in the world.

"The device is like a large refrigerator that is an automated virtual pharmacy," explains Rooney. "The way the world works now, is that if you are looking for an image of your heart, your doctor calls the radio pharmacy and they order a dose syringe cocktail. It arrives and you get an injection with it.  Currently, companies like Cardinal Health and GE Healthcare control this market and radio pharmacies deliver the radio pharmaceuticals. What our device does is that it compounds what you need on site, so literally we can install these devices at your cardiologist's office and when you walk in, they don’t say 'Hey, come back tomorrow so we can order you a does of radioactivity. With us, you hit some buttons and it comes out of this vending machine, if you will.

"So now literally, instead of opening up brick and mortar for $3 million and selling pharmaceuticals, we can install this inexpensive automated device that is compliant with all United States regulations on exposure issues and you can literally walk in; they hit some buttons and boom! A cocktail comes out in a syringe. They inject you and you get imaged on the spot. It works in emergency rooms- obviously that would work well- but it also works in cardiology offices where it's about patient management, It provides inventory control, it lower exposure issues and, quite frankly, it lowers cost across the board because there is less drive time, less gas consumption, etc.

"We're ready to bring in the imaging, and now we can also bring in the dose dispensing.  We're going to have the full solution so that we can say 'hey doctor, we'll install the PET camera as either a rental or a sell and as far as dispensing pharmaceuticals, here's your vending machine. And just like someone who puts in a vending or soft-drink machine, we sell the products and make our profits there. This device is just basically handed out. It's the same methodology and what happens is that now, we bring everything together. We can sell drugs and cameras to the cardiologist and all of it at a better price, with more efficiency and more effectiveness. That's how we deal with our market."

"What's happening here is that the future of nuclear cardiology is PET," explains Rooney. "It's been said by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and many other organizations. The future is PET for a lot of things, better medicine, more efficiency and there were some reimbursement changes on October 30, 2009. PET reimbursement was increased by 25% and SPECT Scans (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) was decreased by 36%.  So what happens is that this deal is worth about $100 for a PET scan and a SPECT scan is now worth about $11 or $12 dollars. So now, doctors are doing 12-15 a day to make or take 20,000 dollars or more a day, 250 days a year. That's a lot of money.

"We applied for FDA approval last January 2009 and we were approved around the beginning of May of the same year and now we have literally seen this massive rush of orders from former SPECT users. Oncology groups that want to go into PET literally come to us and say 'listen you are the only PET manufacturers in the world we want to buy PET. We don't want to buy PET CT like GE , Phillips and Siemens, because it would cost three times as much and there's the exposure issue and we just don't need this monster machine to image the heart. One of the things also, is that source radio activity for SPECT is in just massively short supply. The one used for PET is not an issue. So now doctors are saying: 'The slap in the face was the reimbursement issue. Now it's like a real kick in the pants because we can't even image because we can't get the drugs to image our patients. Thus, PET is coming on even faster and faster."

Is it any wonder the bigger players want in on the game that Positron controls so tightly? What is that worth to them? What will it be worth to investors?

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlHast du schon Pos. eingenommen?

23.04.10 20:27

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPOSC: The value proposition of Positron Corp.

23.04.10 20:36
POSC: The value proposition of Positron Corp.

Friday, April 23, 2010

With recent events around Positron Corp. causing quite the circus, I thought it would be wise to chime in about the value they offer through their products.  Recently, thru BMR's text alerts, we were notified that there will be an announcement of POSC's big news conference on Monday. ( See )

POSC has been at the center of many takeover rumors and it is important to look into what kind of price we could be talking about.
Some have estimated anywhere from $0.50 - $3 pps. We should try and give POSC as fair a valuation as possible.

With that said, for POSC to sell at 0.50, or about $200-220 million, would be a significant undervaluation. The purchasing company would make this back in under 5 years with selling a conservative number of about 45-50 per year of the Attrius. (We should also note the Nuclear Pharm-Assist should also start garnering some attention.) While pps estimate of $3 or more, significantly up the time till a company will see a return on investment(ROI), since it would cost nearly $1.2 billion at the $3 price point. They would have to sell significantly more than 50 per year and continue that for at 7 years. However, we can't deny the fact that at some point the Attrius will make it to overseas markets.

Frankly, I am more comfortable with estimates in the range of $1-2. This seems to be more in line with the broader economy and the ROI timeframe for those respectable prices. This would put a pricetag in between $400-800 million. This range allows for more conservative sales estimates to be met and a better time frame to recover the initial investment.

Obviously, we should rule out the proposition of them being partnered with a larger company. Frankly, I have not found any of these types of deals. Medical imaging companies have tended to be eaten up by larger companies. I don't quite know how the royalties or licensing works for these types of partnerships.

The value of PET scans

Now, with PET scans becoming more standard and the Attrius does not require vast amounts of shielding, they should be able to sell far more than that. Also, the need for PET scans has increased due to a better understanding of the value they add in diagnostics. A PET scan helps doctors see how the organs and tissues inside your body are actually functioning.

The problem with PET/CT scanners is the added costs. The machines cost $2 million to $4 million to install, including structural renovations. Not all health care facilities can afford the machine plus the costs of renovation. The Attrius also has much lower radiation dosing than most PET/CT scanners on the market. There has obviously been a lot of concern about radiation exposure in the wake of GE and Siemens problems. Definitely something that increases it's value.

I believe some of the value added in facilities acquiring the Attrius or a company acquiring POSC, is they are opening up other markets. GE/Siemens/Phillips are going to have a tough time selling their CT/PET scanners to smaller facilities, that just can not afford the costs. That is where POSC can really capitalize. They are really pushing forward with this plan as seen by their recent presentation at a large physicians meeting, the MedAxiom Spring Conference.

"Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC - News) a molecular imaging solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology, will showcase their Attrius™ PET system at MedAxiom’s Spring Conference in Washington D.C., April 16th-18th (

MedAxiom is the largest service provider, information resource and networking organization exclusively for cardiology practices, representing over 5400 physicians and 300 Cardiology practices across the United States.

The MedAxiom Spring Conference targets 5400 physicians covering 45 states with approximately 65% of current attendees being CEO’s and other high-level administrators, and the other 35% being cardiologists. “We now have over 250 attendees from over 123 practices from across the United States registered, our highest attendance to date, emphasizing the importance of these kinds of meetings. We’re anticipating another great conference,” says Chris Romeo, Vice President of Corporate Relations for MedAxiom.

The MedAxiom conferences keep its members informed of changing trends, technologies, strategies and best practices in cardiology-practice administration and service delivery. These meetings allow experts, member practices and industry partners to come together to achieve truly extraordinary results for practice optimization. The conferences consist of both large-group presentations including all members and breakout sessions for small-group discussions on more specific issues.

Positron will sponsor a Partner Spotlight Luncheon, Saturday, April 17th, titled: Cardiac PET – The Present and Future of Perfusion Imaging.

Joseph Oliverio, Chief Technology Officer of Positron states, “Cardiac PET is emerging as the preferred nuclear cardiology imaging modality and Positron looks forward to educating the MedAxiom attendees of the benefits of adding Positron’s Attrius PET to their practice.” Mr. Oliverio further states, “The MedAxiom conference will demonstrate the market shift from SPECT to PET. Positron looks to deliver its Attrius™ and PET solutions to MedAxiom’s cardiology practices as their membership represents the leaders in the cardiology. Positron has the only dedicated PET system in the marketplace and expects to meet the unprecedented market demand with significant sales as a result of our corporate sponsorship.”
Posted by Patrick at 9:51 AM


@ Otto...: ja!

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axBiomed Reports Text Messages

24.04.10 21:01;mid=2687&tof=5&frt=2
See the Subscriber Only section for the trade alert which may take this $.20 company to the multiple dollar level at
Alert: Sources tell BiomedReports that POSC has scheduled a news conference. Announcement pending.
Alert: POSC news conference will be held at Nasdaq Market Site according to those sources.
POSC will not deny that news conference will be announced by Monday.
Alert: If POSC news conference is announced by Monday, dramatic rise in stock price is expected.
BiomedReports stands behind these reports 100%. Shorts will have to cover!
Alert: POSC's big news conference will be officially announced on Monday. Full details at BioMedReports.Com
Angehängte Grafik:

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815ax** POSC Annotated Chart ** @ ClayTrader

24.04.10 21:18
Angehängte Grafik:
posc.png (verkleinert auf 65%) vergrößern

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axINFO

25.04.10 13:17

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlDa kommt wohl doch nichts, wie vor angekündigt

26.04.10 15:20
also vielleicht doch nur Hokus Pokus........  

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPositron Corporation to Present at NASDAQ MarketSi

26.04.10 16:43
Positron Corporation to Present at NASDAQ MarketSite
Media and Investors are Invited to the MarketSite, New York City, Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 1:00pm EDT

Press Release Source: Positron Corporation On Monday April 26, 2010, 10:35 am

NEW YORK, April 26, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC - News), a molecular imaging solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology, today announced that its CEO Patrick Rooney and senior executives will present at the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square, New York City, NY.

They will discuss new initiatives and recent highlights including their Frost & Sullivan 2010 North American New Product Innovation Award for their Attrius PET Scanner.

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY

RSVP required for building security: 212 699-0999 or

Positron Corporation executives will be available for interviews. Please call 917 / 680 - 6011 to schedule.

About Positron: Positron is a molecular imaging company focused on Nuclear Cardiology. Positron utilizes its proprietary product line to provide unique solutions to the Nuclear Medicine community ranging from imaging systems to radiopharmaceutical distribution. Positron products include: the Attrius(TM), a PET imaging device; the Pulse(R), a SPECT imaging device; the Nuclear Pharm-Assist(R), an automated radiopharmaceutical distribution device; and the Tech-Assist(TM), a radiopharmaceutical injection shield. As a prominent player in the cardiac imaging industry, Positron maintains associations and relationships with multiple industry associations including the Academy of Molecular Imaging, American College of Cardiology, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and Society of Nuclear Medicine. Positron, founded in 1983, is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. More information about Positron is available at

Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this document contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on many assumptions and estimates and are not guarantees of future performance and may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Positron Corporation to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Our actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation those set forth as "Risk Factors" in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Christi Flood, Communications & Marketing Manager

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlfreier Fall hier, ich hoffe du warst mit

26.04.10 17:16
Spielgeld drin...  

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815ax...ich halte! - es hat sich NICHTs geändert

26.04.10 17:19
They will discuss new initiatives and recent highlights including their Frost & Sullivan 2010 North American New Product Innovation Award for their Attrius PET Scanner.

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axUpdated: POSC to present at Nasdaq Marketsite

26.04.10 17:56

Updated: POSC to present at Nasdaq Marketsite   
Written by Staff and Wire Reports   
Monday, 26 April 2010 06:45

A senior POSC official has confirmed  to BioMedReports that a "very  important and positive development  regarding a partnership whose details  can not yet be discussed" will be  presented at the announced press conference.      "Obviously, the company has gone through great expense and effort to   organize this important event, and we would not be undertaking such   tasks if the announcements we have have to make weren't important to our   company and it's shareholders," said the official.

The following was released by the company via press release this  morning:

Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC), a molecular  imaging  solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology, today announced  that  its CEO Patrick Rooney and senior executives will present at the NASDAQ MarketSite in   Times Square, New York City, NY.

They  will discuss new initiatives and recent highlights including their   Frost & Sullivan 2010 North American New Product Innovation Award   for their Attrius PET Scanner.

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY

*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axUpdated CEO Interview Coming Tomorrow

27.04.10 20:18

Updated CEO Interview Coming Tomorrow   
Written by M.E.Garza   
Tuesday, 27 April 2010 09:39

We will feature an updated, fully press-released interview  with the CEO of Positron Corp. (POSC.OB) tomorrow morning.

   Yesterday, the company confirmed that they will be holding a press  conference next week and today they issued a breif description of the  press conference agenda.

As we told you last week, it is expected that some very positive  developments will be highlighted and that the company will emerge as the  clear leader in molecular imaging devices/software for cardiology in  the United States  and internationally.

Some key details about a big partnership which will be revealed at  the  press conference can not be discussed until early May, but we fully  expect that the stock will trade higher as the press conference date  approaches in anticipation of that news and our interview with the CEO  will attempt to put some of those topics and their effects on the  company's market-cap in perspective.

Text of today's company's press release is below:

Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC), a molecular   imaging solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology, today announced   that its CEO Patrick G. Rooney and senior executives will present at   the NASDAQ  MarketSite in Times Square, New York City, NY.

Topics to include: The Company will introduce  business  initiatives and certain strategic alliances with industry  leading  companies and will address how certain opportunities will  impact the  industry and the Company.

Senior Executives will discuss the Company's leadership role in the   Nuclear Medicine industry and the immediate demand driving Cardiac PET   (positron emission tomography) as a result of many positive industry   factors pushing Cardiac PET as the preferred nuclear cardiology imaging   modality. In addition, Positron Executives will discuss the Company's   revolutionary radiopharmaceutical distribution devices as to how they   enable disintermediation by manufacturers, wholesalers and consumers   alike.

Additional information will be given about the Company's patient   injection device as it applies to patient care and worker safety with   oncology and cardiology therapeutic and diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals.

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY




*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axLöschung

28.04.10 15:22

Zeitpunkt: 28.04.10 15:46
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axset to become the leaders in the CardiacPET market

28.04.10 15:23

Positron CEO: "It will be evident that we are  set to become the leaders in the Cardiac PET market"   
Written by Staff and Wire Reports   
Wednesday, 28 April 2010 04:30
The following is an exclusive interview with the CEO of  Positron Corporation (POSC.OB) Patrick G. Rooney. As readers of  BioMedReports know, there have been many rumors and speculation,  including some regarding partnerships and buy-outs that may be announced  next week at the company’s now confirmed press conference in New York  City at the Nasdaq MarketSite.               We reached out to the company to see if we could get a feel for what  sort of announcements will be unveiled there. While we were told that  while there will be some significant news, contractually, the company  cannot yet disclose the names or identities of some of the industry  leading companies which they will be unveiling as new partners or  strategic alliances. The following is a transcript of that interview:

BiomedReports: I know you can’t get into  too many details about some of the news that you’ll be discussing at the  upcoming press conference, but are a few things you can share with us?

Rooney: I think we want to bring  to market, exactly the position that the company is in. We do have some  big important strategic alliances that we will be talking about for the  first time. Some of them are already in contract form and we cannot  discuss them until after early May, and others involve  radiopharmaceutical companies that will be getting into the  radiopharmaceutical market with us, in other words, they have the drug,  but they may not have the device to image this drug on.

BiomedReports: Sounds like  your company is suddenly getting a lot of attention?

Rooney: The cardiac PET industry  is in the beginning of a massive upswing.

BiomedReports: Why is  that?

For one, it’s better medicine. All the leading  medical organizations have really gotten behind the cardiac PET  technology. Organizations like the Society of Nuclear Cardiology, The  American College of Cardiology, The American Society of Nuclear  Cardiology, basically the whole nuclear cardiology industry has really  put the endorsement stamp on Cardiac PET.

(Note: Cardiac PET (or cardiac  positron emission tomography) is a form of diagnostic imaging  in which patients are evaluated using a PET scanner after intravenously  injected with a radioisotope.

This form of diagnostic imaging has  traditionally been perceived as cost-prohibitive in comparison to  general nuclear  medicine cardiac stress testing using single photon emission computed tomography  (SPECT). However, due to significant gains in access to scanners,  related to the widely accepted role of PET/CT in clinical oncology,  cardiac PET is now set to become more widely available, particularly  given various clinical and technical advantages that will make this a  potential test of choice in the diagnosis of coronary artery/heart  disease.)

The standard of care throughout history has been  SPECT, but really it’s inferior to our PET technology. The financial  reimbursement for these services from places like CMS; Medicare and  Medicaid have just increased PET Reimbursement and decreased SPECT  reimbursement.

So in the past, where cardiac imaging was, PET  versus SPECT, 99% of the 18 million exams per year were done with a  SPECT imaging system.

BiomedReports: Why?

Rooney: Because there was a  massive distribution of SPECT cameras, the drugs were more readily  available and reimbursement is comparable. Also, a SPECT camera cost  much less than a PET camera.

BiomedReports: What’s  changed?

Rooney: A few things, actually.

The first thing is that now all of reimbursement  money from insurers and Medicare/Medicaid has increased for PET and  decreased for SPECT.  These insurers are now pushing physicians to a  better imaging modality, a better medical practice.

BiomedReports: Why are  they doing that?

Rooney: Simply because it’s better  and it actually saves them money in the long run.

They’ve all said ‘We’ll pay more to get better  imaging now.’

It helps everyone down the line.

This bodes well for POSC, I would imagine because  our company is the only dedicated Cardiac PET manufacturer in the world.  There is no one else. Siemens, Philips Medical and GE Healthcare make  PET CTs – those are oncology based; primarily, oncology based. In other  words, they can be for cardiac, but there’s radiation exposure,  they’re  too expensive and actually, they’re too large. Their machines cost more  than twice what ours does. I believe that’s a fair number and  encompasses a range.

The other thing that has occurred is that there is a  worldwide shortage of Moly, or Molybdenum (also known widely as Mo 99),  which is necessary isotope used for SPECT imaging. It’s the primary  drug used in SPECT imaging procedures. So SPECT imaging has just taken  another hit, if you will and we’re seeing physicians in droves move away  from SPECT sooner and going to PET.

(Note:  Molybdenum is mined as a principal ore, and is also recovered as a  byproduct of copper and tungsten mining. On May 18, 2009, the National  Research Universal (NRU) reactor in Chalk River, Ontario—operated by  Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)—was taken offline for immediate  repair after a heavy water leak was found at the base of the reactor  vessel. The NRU reactor is one of the world’s major molybdenum 99 (Mo  99) supply sources; Mo 99 is the raw material used to produce a key  isotope used in medical imaging procedures. According to AECL, the  reactor normally supplies about 50 percent of the Mo 99 used globally  for diagnostic nuclear medicine studies. The U.S. and Canadian medical  communities are most affected by the current shortage. With only five  major Mo 99 reactors around the globe, and the Chalk River facility  producing roughly half of the world’s supply, the situation means Mo 99  will be in short supply.) During the past three years, different  reactors have been offline unexpectedly for extended periods of time,  creating vast Mo 99 shortages. [See the informative PDF document at  the FDA government site authored by Covidien (NYSE: COV)]

This change from SPECT to PET is all happening sooner than most  expected. The evolution was already happening, but the reimbursement and  Moly shortages have really taken things up a notch.

During the last three months alone, requests for proposals (for  equipment pricing and purchases) at our company from the medical  industry have increased three-fold.

The recent volcano incident has made a bad situation even worse. They  just had a two week shut down in Europe where no Moly was being  shipped, so that’s how sensitive the situation has become. You need  drugs to image the patient. There is nothing you can do without them.

BiomedReports: What about the isotope you  use in your machines?

Rooney: By contrast, the PET isotope is not in short  supply. Quite frankly it is very readily available. These are some of  the many factors that we’ll be discussing in more detail at our upcoming  press conference.

Our competitors, which are really like comparing apples to oranges,  are getting hammered. I mean really hammered.

BiomedReports: How else has this affected  your company and the future prospects of business?

On the PET side, we are now working on some significant strategic  alliances which we will talk about. For example, one of our new markets  that has very few PET systems in it is the Canadian market. We look to  be selling a significant amount of systems in Canada. With a population  of 38 million plus, that is a large market for us to be expanding into.

Compared to the United States, it’s a smaller market, but what’s nice  is that we are the only dedicated cardiac PET manufacturer in the  world, so the expansion opportunities will continue. We plan on being a  leader in the market place not only here in the U.S. (where the market  opportunities call for four to six thousand machines), but also outside  the U.S. There will be an announcement shortly that will impact those  markets opportunities for us in a substantial way.

BiomedReports: What are some of your  challenges going forward?

Rooney: One of our biggest challenges is that we’re  unknown to most of Wall Street. We’ve been around for 27 years, but  that’s mostly been as an academic company. Now it’s a true business  enterprise with a market place that is now completely pro PET and in the  need of our technology. The stars have aligned.

BiomedReports: Your business also has a pharma side. What can  you tell us about that?

On the pharmaceuticals side, we are now working with a number of  companies on our automated dose dispensing device. We’ve talked about  some of that that as part of the upcoming presentation at the press  conference.  We have these revolutionary dose dispensing  devices which automate, yet comply with exposure regulations while still  allowing us to expand and enhance the distribution of  radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive pharmaceuticals used in the field of  nuclear medicine as tracers in the diagnosis and treatment of many  diseases).

These machines are designed for use in both oncology and  radiopharmaceuticals.

BiomedReports: What will these developments  do for the value or market cap of the company?

When we say that we will be leaders of this Cardiac Pet market, I  think that will be evident to everyone within the next few months.  Positron is clearly the pioneer in Positron Emission  Tomography. We’re  the first name in PET. Now our technology has received some validation  with the big awards that we’ve been given and by the fact that PET is  now the future of radiocardiology.

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axCEO of POSC Bullish About Upcoming Press Conferenc

28.04.10 15:32
Apr 28, 2010 09:24 ET

CEO of Positron Corporation Bullish About Upcoming Press Conference Announcements

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - April 28, 2010) - Patrick G. Rooney, the Chariman of the Board of Positron Corporation (OTCBB: POSC) -- a molecular imaging company focused on Nuclear Cardiology -- has confirmed in an interview with BioMedReports that his company is about to grow significanlty given various new partnerships and shifting market conditions: "When we say that we will be leaders of this Cardiac Pet market, I think that will be evident to everyone within the next few months."

"The standard of care throughout history has been SPECT technology, but really it's inferior to our PET technology," explains Rooney. "The financial reimbursement for these services from places like CMS, Medicare and Medicaid have just increased PET Reimbursement and decreased SPECT reimbursement."

"The first thing is that now all of reimbursement money from insurers and Medicare/Medicaid has increased for PET and decreased for SPECT. These insurers are now pushing physicians to a better imaging modality, a better medical practice.

"The other thing that has occurred is that there is a worldwide shortage of Moly, or Molybdenum (also known widely as Mo 99), which is a necessary isotope used for SPECT imaging. It's the primary drug used in SPECT imaging procedures. So SPECT imaging has just taken another hit, if you will and we're seeing physicians in droves move away from SPECT sooner and going to PET."

During the last three months alone, requests for proposals at Positron have increased three-fold, according to the CEO.

Positron recently won the 2010 Frost and Sullivan "North American Molecular Imaging Systems New Product Innovation Award."

The complete special report is available at

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4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axNews Coming

28.04.10 21:26

News Coming   
Written by Staff and Wire Reports   
Wednesday, 28 April 2010 10:56

Everyone has been speculating on the identity of  the potential partner for Positron Corporation's (OTC BB: POSC.OB)  upcoming partnership anouncements. BioMedReports has learned that  tomorrow morning we may get some more information about the company (or  companies) involved directly from POSC.

Apparently, today's special interview with the CEO has caused a  number of calls to the company for more information regarding the impact  of potential revenues for POSC, etc and the company will be addressing  some of those topics on Thursday morning.

As we reported yesterday, we fully anticipate that the stock will  trade higher in anticipation of next week's already announced pressw  conference which is to take place at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York  City. Traders love forward looking news events that drive stock prices  higher and since the company has already told us that they are not going  to be doing anything like dilutive financing, the light is green for  further upward action in the coming days.

The stock price shot up over 38% as of the printing of this article  after CEO  Patrick Rooney's exclusive ineterview with BioMedReports, in which  he stated that his company is now poised to become the leader of the  lucrative Cardiac Pet market place. "I think that will be evident  to  everyone within the next few months," said Rooney.

*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPositron's Revolutionary Nuclear Medicine Device

29.04.10 15:23
Positron's Revolutionary Nuclear Medicine Device for Use in Both Cardiac and Oncology Sectors Gaining the Attention of Industry Leading Companies

29.04.2010 14:47

Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC) is a molecular imaging solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology states that its proprietary product line also includes unique solutions for the oncology community designed to enhance its position in this industry.

The Company's Nuclear Pharm-Assist®, an automated radiopharmaceutical dose dispensing device aims to greatly transform the way healthcare providers serve patients seeking care for numerous cardiac and cancer diseases.

The innovative device has been attracting significant new partners by streamlining the production, dispensing and delivery of radiopharmaceuticals.

"We believe Positron's dose dispensing device will revolutionize the way radiopharmaceuticals are compounded and distributed in the US and around the world. Positron's products, services and position in the marketplace provide an economical, efficient and regulatory compliant solution in the multibillion dollar per year radiopharmaceutical consumables industry," said Positron's CEO Patrick G. Rooney. "While most in the industry already know that PET is the future of nuclear cardiology, we fully expect that an equal to greater amount of revenue and profits will be generated by our new proprietary automated radiopharmaceutical device as it is used in both the cardiac and oncology sectors."

Through automation procedures which are normally manually performed by technologists, pharmacists and staff, Positron's platform is able to expedite and deliver difficult to handle and transport doses at medical treatment facilities of all sizes. At the same time, the Nuclear Pharm-Assist®, meets the strictest guidelines for radiation exposure and is designed as a platform for compliance with United States Pharmacopeia regulations (USP 797).

Next week, the Company is scheduled to address investors and discuss Positron and the nuclear medicine industry's demand for its products and how current and future opportunities will significantly impact the industry and the Company.

Positron Corporation's Press Conference

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY

RSVP required for building security: 212 699-0999 or

About Positron: Positron is a molecular imaging company focused on Nuclear Cardiology. Positron utilizes its proprietary product line to provide unique solutions to the Nuclear Medicine community ranging from imaging systems to radiopharmaceutical distribution. Positron products include: the Attrius™, a PET imaging device; the Pulse®, a SPECT imaging device; the Nuclear Pharm-Assist®, an automated radiopharmaceutical distribution device; and the Tech-Assist™, a radiopharmaceutical injection shield. As a prominent player in the cardiac imaging industry, Positron maintains associations and relationships with multiple industry associations including the Academy of Molecular Imaging, American College of Cardiology American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and Society of Nuclear Medicine. Positron founded in 1983, is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. More information about Positron is available at

Forward Looking Statements: Statements in this document contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on many assumptions and estimates and are not guarantees of future performance and may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Positron Corporation to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Our actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation those set forth as "Risk Factors" in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Positron Corporation
Patrick G. Rooney, (317)576-0183

© 2010 Business Wire

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axUpdate: POSC Chart Says...

29.04.10 15:38

Update: POSC Chart Says...   
Written by M.E.Garza   
Thursday, 29 April 2010 04:27

Two of our best technical analysts  take a look at the short squeeze that is underway with POSC.


   Yesterday, the stock rebounded +43.75% after our interview with CEO  Pat Rooney. The shorts had gotten hold of it (coupled with several bad  market days) and if the run continues upward in anticipation of next  week's press conference, as expected, many of those shorts will have to  continue to cover.

This morning's positive press release, in which the company reveals  it's expectations that the new radiopharmaceutical business should  generate as much revenue- if not more- than as it's core PET business,  should help that push.

Said CEO Pat Rooney in this morning's release: "While most in the         industry already know that PET is the future of nuclear  cardiology,  we        fully expect that an equal to greater amount of revenue and   profits will        be generated by our new proprietary automated  radiopharmaceutical  device        as it is used in both the cardiac and  oncology sectors."

It is now widely rumored that a large cap NYSE company trading at  around $50 per share has already tapped this tiny micro-cap company for a  partnership or strategic alliance. Perhaps that partnership involves  the company's new technology.

Another look:

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axPositron's CEO Believes Impact of New Technology

30.04.10 19:06

Positron's CEO Believes Impact of New  Technology and Partnerships Will Make Company Significantly More  Profitable Than Ever   
Written by M.E.Garza   
Friday, 30 April 2010 03:19

Patrick G. Rooney, the Chariman of the Board of  Positron Corporation (OTC:POSC.OB) - a molecular imaging company focused  on Nuclear Cardiology- has confirmed in an exclusive interview with  BioMedReports that while his company will be profitable this year, he  sees it becoming much more profitable next year and so on- year over  year- going forward.


While his candid comments to us appeared bold and optimistic, his  estimates apparently did not include some of the resources and  capabilities that will be brought to the table for POSC by some of the  partnerships that are about to be announced publicly.

"Once you  add those relationships, the revenue and profit numbers increase  significantly," explains Rooney. "It’s very significant.”

BioMedReports  learned yesterday that while POSC's position as the leading Cardio PET  imaging manufacturer makes the company very attractive to small and  micro-cap investors, its revolutionary Pharm-Assist® automated  radiopharmaceutical distribution device is what has attracted the  attention of not only one multi-billion dollar NYSE company which has  already inked a yet-to-be announced deal with Positron, but other  publicly traded, large cap companies as well.

Rooney spoke  exclusively to us about the technologies and strategic alliances his  company will be presenting at POSC's upcoming news conference at the  Nasdaq MarketSite in New York City.

The following is a transcript  of Rooney's comments to us:

"In 2008, we acquired a company in Indianapolis and this company  brought us two things, they brought us pharmaceutical expertise and they  brought us a device that looked like a large, fat refrigerator. What  this device does is pretty incredible. It’s an automated virtual  pharmacy.

"The way the world works now, if you want to get your  heart imaged, your doctor picks up the phone and calls a registered  pharmacy specializing in the preparation and delivery of radioactive  drugs (radiopharmacy).  Once they get the right person on the phone,  they order a dose or a ‘syringe’ – a cocktail of the right  radiopharmaceutical.  You get injected with it and then you get imaged.

"There  are about five hundred of these special pharmacies across the country,  many of which are run by Cardinal Health, Covidien and General Electric  Co.  What our device does, is that it compounds these same  radiopharmaceuticals on site. So literarily, we can install these  devices at hospitals or at the cardiologist’s office so that when I walk  in as a patient, they’re not saying ‘hey come back tomorrow so that we  have time to order you a dose of radioactivity.’ Instead, the doctor  hits some buttons and the dose comes out of this ‘vending machine,’ if  you will.

"Our (Pharm-Assist®) machine is not only a very  attractive option for patients and doctors, but also to many of the  current companies and drug manufacturers who deal in the cardiac and  oncology imaging space because instead of taking on the expense of  opening up a brick and mortar location for $3+ million and being worried  about the expensive overhead and personnel costs of selling  radiopharmaceuticals, we can install this inexpensive, automated device  that is compliant with all the U.S. rules and regulations for safety and  exposure issues.  It works well in emergency rooms, in cardiology  offices, etc.  There are many benefits to it, including the fact that it  saves a great deal of money, gas, and time. In addition, if you’re  trying to get a dose and you’re the 10th person in line ordering, you  may not get the dose.  With our system, you’re guaranteed to get a dose.  

"With this component, POSC brings in the imaging, the dose  dispensing of these radiopharmaceuticals to the doctor’s office. So  what’s going to happen in the coming months is we’re going to be  offering full solutions to the industry. We’re going to say, ‘Hey doc,  we can get you a PET camera and we can get it to you as a rental, thanks  to our new finance partners, or as an outright sale/purchase.  In  addition, in a very similar way to which someone puts in a vending  machine, we’ll install our automated pharmacy device and sell the drug  products through it at a better price while being more efficient and  more effective.

"The current technologies, including all the old  SPECT imaging systems that are out there, are all outdated. They’re  also more expensive and invasive. For example, 35% of the time, the use  of a SPECT imaging system requires that additional imaging work be done  in order to get a clearer picture of what is going on. Our PET scan  technology works and it’s the future of medicine. Government healthcare  agencies, insurance companies, and everyone else involved prefers it,  that’s why it’s important that we’re the undisputed leader in the  cardiac PET field. When you give a patient a PET scan, across the board  the results are much clearer and the technology works. It will tell you  in a clear and unambiguous fashion what your issue is. A patient doesn’t  need to have someone go into their artery in order to put something  into their heart to have a look at what is going on.

"These  technologies have brought us a wave of new interest for partnerships,  strategic alliances and, frankly, we’re having to start staffing and  hiring much faster than ever before. We’re a company that has been  waiting for the evolution to come and now we find that it’s coming on  stronger than we thought.

"Although it has taken some time,  development and really honing in all of our components, we are there  now.

"We will be profitable this year, much more profitable next year and  so on- year over year going forward; and that doesn’t include some of  the resources and capabilities that will be brought to the table by some  of the partnerships that are about to be announced. Once you add those  relationships, the revenue and profit numbers increase significantly.  It’s very significant.”

Company shares gained 48% after Rooney's comments to BioMedReports  two days ago, before giving up $.02 in Thursday's trading action.  Analysts expect that shares will continue to trend higher as we get  closer to Wednesday's press conference in New York.

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlInteressiert sich keiner für diese Aktie

03.05.10 15:35
da wird am Mittwoch was großes verkundet und keiner ist dabei oder was ?  

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlAuszug aus dem Yahoo Board

03.05.10 15:37
MUST READ: KEY Points from Friday AM's CEO Press Release:

Folks…this is an incredible situation and could be one of the best investments this decade. It is already the largest investment I’ve made in any one company. I believe huge things will be happening starting next week. I also expect additional deals, partnerships and numerous new orders as early as next week. Finally, I think POSC will be in the $3.00-$5.00 per share range by the end of this year. Please see these important highlights from Friday AM’s Press Release below:

1. Positron will be VERY profitable this year.

2. Positron CEO sees the company being “MUCH More Profitable Next Year and so on, year over year going forward”.

3. These growth estimates DO NOT include the revenue about to be announced next week from the partnerships.

4. “Once you add those relationships, the revenue and profit numbers increase significantly. It's very significant." (I expect revenue growth to be exponential by 4Q2010 and certainly next year. 300-800% growth? Yes, these are easily attainable and reasonable with the expected partnerships about to be announced).

5. Positron has already inked a deal with a “yet to be announced multi-billion dollar NYSE company”.

6. Positron has received calls in been in discussions with several other publicly traded, big cap companies as well.

7. Positron has started staffing and hiring much faster than ever before and much sooner than anticipated.

8. Positron’s business plan has materialized much faster and more intensely than ever expected.

Good luck to all...except there is no luck needed. All that's needed is smart investing. And buying in now is about as smart as you can be.  

730 Postings, 6830 Tage OttomanRosendahlweiter gehts

03.05.10 15:41
more research about POSC and the PET market. Rooney is talking the talk, but their products will be walking the walk. everything he has said is in line with the market. see here for more.

all other articles about POSC here  

4951 Postings, 6204 Tage 0815axAgenda for Media and Analyst Conference

04.05.10 15:01
Update: Positron Corporation Announces CEO Agenda for Media and Analyst Conference
Media and Investors are Invited to the MarketSite, New York City, Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 1:00pm EDT

Tuesday May 4, 2010, 8:30 am

NEW YORK, May 4, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Positron Corporation (OTCBB:POSC - News), a molecular imaging solutions company focused on Nuclear Cardiology, today announced that its CEO Patrick Rooney and senior executives will present at the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square, New York City, NY.

Topics to include: updates on new business initiatives, strategic alliances and global distribution partnerships.

Senior executives will also discuss the company's leadership driving Cardiac PET's (positron emission tomography) expanding dominance as the preferred nuclear cardiology imaging modality over legacy technology SPECT (single-photon emission computerized tomography). Positron has the only dedicated PET system in the marketplace.

When: May 5, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite, 4 Times Square, New York, NY

RSVP required for building security: 917-680-6011,


CLICK HERE to schedule webcast in your calendar. Click "open" and the "Save and Close" when prompted.

CLICK HERE to watch the event May 5, 1:00pm

Positron Corporation executives will be available for interviews. Please call 917-680-6011 to schedule.

About Positron: Positron is a molecular imaging company focused on Nuclear Cardiology. Positron utilizes its proprietary product line to provide unique solutions to the Nuclear Medicine community ranging from imaging systems to radiopharmaceutical distribution. Positron products include: the Attrius(TM), a PET imaging device; the Pulse(R), a SPECT imaging device; the Nuclear Pharm-Assist(R), an automated radiopharmaceutical distribution device; and the Tech-Assist(TM), a radiopharmaceutical injection shield. As a prominent player in the cardiac imaging industry, Positron maintains associations and relationships with multiple industry associations including the Academy of Molecular Imaging, American College of Cardiology American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and Society of Nuclear Medicine. Positron founded in 1983, is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. More information about Positron is available at

Forward Looking Statements: Statements in this document contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on many assumptions and estimates and are not guarantees of future performance and may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Positron Corporation to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Our actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation those set forth as "Risk Factors" in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Bradley Smith

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