BEADELL hebt ab

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1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzBEADELL hebt ab

14.12.09 16:28
65 m @ 0.83 g/t GOLD FROM 10 m, INCLUDING 5 m @ 5.1 g/t GOLD FROM 35 m
Beadell Resources Limited (“Beadell”) is delighted to announce that first pass Reverse
Circulation (RC) drilling at the Handpump prospect in the West Musgrave Complex, Western
Australia, has intersected significant gold mineralisation in rhyolitic breccia. Five-metre
composite analyses from hole number HPC001 reported 65 m @ 0.83 g/t gold from 10 m,
including a central high grade interval of 5 m @ 5.1 g/t gold from 35 m depth within a zone of
15 m @ 2.3 g/t gold from 30 m (Figures 1, 2 & 3).
The significance of this discovery cannot be understated as it represents the first economic gold
intersection in the Mesoproterozoic Musgrave block and may herald the beginning of a
completely new and sparsely explored gold province in Australia.
“This RC drill intersection is the most significant in Beadell’s short two year existence” Beadell’s
Managing Director Peter Bowler said. “The West Musgrave area is largely unexplored and has
the potential to host gold mineralisation of a significant size. We look forward to receiving the
remainder of the drill results over the coming weeks and our team is already planning a followup
drilling program early in the New Year”
Gold mineralisation at the Handpump prospect is associated with a north-dipping hydrothermal
rhyolitic breccia which is completely open in all directions. Results from a further 5 RC holes
which intersected the breccia are currently awaited. Results have been received for 2 other RC
holes: drill holes HPC002 and HPC003 were inclined to the north but interpreted geology now
indicates a dip to the north. As a result, these holes did not intersect the breccia and have not
tested the down dip position of the mineralisation. (Figure 1 & 2).
The main breccia that hosts the mineralisation in HPC001 was also intersected in HPC004 and
HPC005 with analyses still pending. Wide zones of brecciation, alteration and sulphidation were
intersected in both of these holes. Previous surface costean rock chip sampling by Beadell
indicates that the breccia and the mineralisation is northwest-striking and dipping to the north
over a known strike length in excess of 300 m. The northwest and southeast strike extensions of
the mineralised breccia are completely open.
Similar breccias were interested in HPC006 and HPC007 drilled south of HPC001 and
represent a separate breccia target (Figures 1 & 2). Analytical results for these holes are
pending. A further mineralised breccia outcrops north of the main breccia, however this has not
been tested by the current drill program.
The hydrothermal breccia-hosted gold mineralisation intersected in HPC001 is interpreted as a
distal magmatic setting with potassic alteration of wallrock adjacent to the silica dominant
breccia matrix. There is a fine-grained biotite and sericite overprint and minor disseminated and
vein-selvage pyrite with traces of chalcopyrite. No metallurgical testwork has been completed on
the mineralisation, however comparison of aqua regia and fire assay repeat analysis suggests a
non-refractory style of mineralisation.
The Handpump rhyolite breccia is located on a contact between rhyolite to the northeast and
agglomerate to the southwest. Mapping suggests continuity with the Primer prospect over 2 km
to the south, separated by an area of transported cover (Figure 3). The extensive area of
rhyolite breccia immediately southeast of the RC drilling at Handpump has similar alteration and
brecciation. A costean rock chip sampling program has just been completed in this area to
delineate the strike extension of the mineralisation and analytical results are pending. The
northwest extension of the mineralisation remains effectively untested as cover masks any
surface expression.
Handpump Prospect Background
The Handpump prospect is located 75 km east of Warburton in the remote central eastern part
of Western Australia, close to the border with South Australia and Northern Territory (Figure 4).
The Musgrave Complex forms a large belt of Mesoproterozoic rocks stretching in an east-west
direction from the northern part of South Australia across into Western Australia.
The area was originally targeted by WMC Resources as a conceptual geophysical / geological
target focussed on the southern tip of the Palgrave Cauldron which was thought to be a large
circular collapse volcanic feature. Widespread de-magnetisation of the rocks at the southern
margin of the Palgrave Cauldron was interpreted as due to extensive magmatic hydrothermal
alteration, considered to be an excellent geological target for gold mineralisation.
WMC Resources completed regional soil sampling across the project area and identified the
Handpump gold anomaly as a 1200 m by 400 m soil anomaly with a peak value of 0.250 g/t
Complex land access issues resulted in little or no follow up of the anomaly until Beadell
successfully negotiated a Land Access Agreement with the Yarnangu Ngaanyatjarraku Parna in
2008. The Handpump gold anomaly remained untested for over 10 years, representing one of
the largest un-drilled soil anomalies in Western Australia. The recently discovered Tropicana
gold deposit was also an historical WMC Resources gold soil anomaly of much lower tenor.
In September 2008 Beadell completed rock chip sampling on two separate lines across an
outcropping hydrothermal breccia. The sampling delineated a greater than 0.1 g/t gold
mineralised zone up to 58 m in width with highest values of 11 m @ 0.52 g/t gold and 13 m @
0.64 g/t gold. The anomaly occurs within a greater than 0.05 g/t, open-ended and northwesttrending
mineralised corridor over 300 m in width.
At the same time a limited first pass attempt to drill the original soil anomaly with aircore drilling
proved ineffective due to the coarse colluvium cover and hard impenetrable bedrock. The
aircore drilling predominantly targeted the southwest trending soil anomaly, however it has been
determined that the soil anomaly was hosted in transported cover that had shed off the
outcropping hill to the northeast of the anomaly.
The RC drilling at Handpump was co-funded by the Western Australian government and the
Geological Survey of Western Australia under the Exploration Initiative Scheme. Beadell
gratefully acknowledges this assistance and encouragement for Greenfields exploration in this
frontier region of the state.
For further information please contact:
Peter Bowler | Managing Director Robert Watkins | Executive Director – Exploration
T: +61 8 9429 0801 T: +61 8 9429 0802  

1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzBEADELL hat offensichtlich zwei gute Goldprojekte

14.12.09 16:33
und das für 13 Mio € Markkapitalisierung

Beadell Resources Limited (“Beadell”) is pleased to announce that a significant new gold soil
anomaly “Jucelino” has been discovered 1.5 km south of the main Mandiocal and Mineiro
resource area. This new undrilled soil anomaly in addition to the high grade “Rio de Ouro”
discovery announced last week (see ASX 23 November 2009) further demonstrates the
significant potential to rapidly grow the resource base at Tartaruga heading towards
development of the project.
The new soil anomaly is located on a parallel mineralised shear zone 1.5 km south of the main
Mineiro Shear known as the “Jucelino” trend (Figure 1). Recent soil sampling on 400 m x 100
m spacing has identified a contiguous greater than 0.1 g/t soil anomaly over a 2 km strike
length. The size and magnitude of this anomaly is comparable to the main resource area at
Mandiocal and Mineiro where JORC inferred resources total 5.5 Mt @ 1.6 g/t gold for 279,000
oz. The large soil anomaly covering the main resource area is thought to be exaggerated by the
effect of historical artisanal mining in that area and would have produced a smaller surface
geochemical footprint prior to “Garimpeiro” activities. The new soil anomaly at Jucelino has no
historical workings except for a large 50 m x 50 m wide open pit approximately 1,000 m to the
west. Beadell completed 2 diamond holes beneath the pit in 2008 intersecting a large altered
shear zone with anomalous gold up to 1.3 g/t.
Only limited mapping and rock chip sampling was completed in conjunction with the recent soil
sampling program however a single rock chip of quartzite subcrop and float taken adjacent to
the soil anomaly assayed at 0.42 g/t gold. The Jucelino area consists mostly of shallow lateritic
soils with occasional outcrop. Importantly both scattered float of quartzite and tonalite were
noted in the area of the anomaly and are considered good host and source rocks for gold
mineralisation respectively.
Several other significant plus 0.1 g/t gold
soil anomalies occur along strike of both
the Jucelino trend and the Miniero trend,
each a potential signature of underlying
gold mineralisation. Both the Mineiro
and Jucelino trend exhibit surface gold
anomalism over 6 km of strike and both
are open to the east and west.
To the east of the Tartarugalzinho Grande river recent shallow fluvial cover associated with the
Amazon delta masks the underlying geology and renders soil sampling ineffective. This has
been demonstrated by the Rio de Ouro discovery which occurs beneath 2 m of cover.
The Jucelino soil anomaly represents a new and exciting drill target and together with the new
undrilled Rio de Ouro discovery will form the basis of a significant resource delineation drilling
program in early 2010. Both the Jucelino and Rio de Ouro targets are located in open rolling
plains and a conventional aircore and reverse circulation drill rig will allow rapid evaluation of the
Peter Bowler | Managing Director Robert Watkins | Executive Director – Exploration
T: +61 8 9429 0801 T: +61 8 9429 0802  

1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzgab neue Bohrergebnisse mit 192 g Gold

07.01.10 00:05
und eine gigantischen Kurssprung  

1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzSchon wieder 60 m @ 0.9 g/t gold

07.01.10 00:59
West Musgrave Gold Discovery Confirmed 60 m @ 0.9 g/t gold  

1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzACQUIRE AMAPARI GOLD FOR US$63 Million

28.01.10 17:07
(All amounts in Australian dollars unless otherwise noted)
Beadell Resources Limited (Beadell or the Company) is pleased to announce that a conditional
sale and purchase agreement (SPA) has been executed with New Gold Inc (NYSE AMEX:
NGD; TSX NGD:CA) (New Gold) to acquire 100% of the issued capital of New Gold’s Brazilian
subsidiary Mineração Pedra Branca do Amapari Ltda (MPBA) which includes:
(a) the Amapari Gold Mine (Amapari); and
(b) a royalty of 1% of gross iron ore revenue (net of 2% federal royalty) received from the
sale of iron ore from certain tenements forming part of the Amapá Iron Ore Project
all located 15 km from the town of Serra do Navio in Amapá State, Brazil for US$63 million
(Acquisition) via a cash and scrip deal.
Amapari is a significant gold development opportunity consisting of a 2.9 million ounce resource
including a 1.2 million ounce open pit gold resource (pit optimisation at US$1,000/oz gold price)
and approximately 2,500 km2 of highly prospective surrounding tenements. The Acquisition
includes existing gold inventory valued at US$7 million (at a spot gold price of US$1,100 per
ounce) and a modern fleet of earthmoving equipment capable of mining 3 million tonnes of ore
and 12 million tonnes of waste per annum.
Following completion of the Acquisition, Beadell is proposing to undertake a Feasibility Study to
support construction of a 2 to 2.5 million tonne per annum Carbon in Leach (CIL) processing
plant at Amapari, utilising the existing gold elution infrastructure. The capital cost associated with
construction of the CIL plant is estimated to be US$65 to 80 million and will be verified as part of
the Feasibility Study. The Macquarie Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities Group (FICC)
of Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL) has been engaged to act as sole arranger of the project
finance required to fund the development of Amapari, on terms to be agreed at the time. Beadell
estimates that production at Amapari will resume by 2012.
The Royalty provides immediate and ongoing cashflow linked to production at the Amapá Iron
Ore Project, majority owned and operated by Anglo American plc (70%) and Cliffs Natural
Resources Inc (30%). The operation comprises an open pit iron ore mine beneficiation plant and
railroad to the Santana Port on the Amazon River. Production was initiated in December 2007  

1987 Postings, 6586 Tage DasMünzBDR 10.3 m @ 23.0 g/t gold, 60.9 m @ 2.2 g/t gold

05.08.10 23:47
10.3 m @ 23.0 g/t gold
(Including 7.0 m @ 32.1 g/t gold
60.9 m @ 2.2 g/t gold)
(Including 4.5 m @ 9.7 g/t gold & 8.4 m @ 6.1 g/t gold)
Beadell Resources Limited (“Beadell”) is pleased to announce that results from the first 6
diamond holes drilled at the Tucano gold project in Brazil have returned highly significant results
of up to 10.3 m @ 23.0 g/t gold, including 7.0 m @ 32.1 g/t from the Tapereba AB deposit.
Importantly all 6 holes recorded significant grades and widths in excess of expectations from
previous resource models. Results from a further 11 completed diamond holes are eagerly
An additional diamond and RC rig are mobilising to site bringing the total number of rigs
operating at Tucano to 6. The drilling aims to rapidly drill out and extend the inferred resources
at the base of the current optimised open pits in line with Feasibility study timelines to
recommence mining at the Tucano gold project as soon as possible.
To date a total of 17 diamond holes have been drilled for approximately 2,500 m of an initial
25,000 m first stage program. The commencement of RC drilling over the next week is expected
to rapidly expedite the drilling program.
The Tapereba AB deposit is the southern most of the 3 main deposits which comprise the
current 3 Moz resource hosted along a 7 km long north-south striking fault zone (Figure 1). Gold
mineralisation within the Tapereba AB deposit is hosted by a series of steeply dipping
mineralised zones, which splay and flatten out to the southwest.
At the south-eastern end of the deposit, the main steeply east dipping structure remains
completely open at depth and along strike. Initial attempts to drill the southern extension failed
due to start up issues at the commencement of the drilling and therefore a previous result of 9.9
m @ 8.2 g/t gold and 4.0m @ 27 g/t gold in FD1056 remains completely untested down plunge.
Two drill holes tested the northern part of this zone with FD1264 intersecting significant near
surface mineralisation with a result of 60 m @ 2.2 g/t gold from surface, including 4.5 m @
9.7g/t gold from 10 m, 8.4 m @ 6.1 g/t gold from 20.8 m, 8.0 m @ 2.0 g/t gold from 32 m and
2.9 m @ 4.1g/t gold from 58 m. A significant drill out of this zone will take place over the coming
months with excellent potential to extend and add to the current resource base.
Exceptional drill results were also received from the central Tapereba AB area called Tapereba
AB2. A genuine high grade, steeply plunging zone exists at this location with outstanding results
from FD1256 recording 10.3 m @ 23.0 g/t gold from 128.8 m including 7.0 m at 32.1 g/t from
130 m (Refer to Figures 2 & 3). Two other results were received from Tapereba AB2 which
included FD1255, 13.3 m @ 3.1 g/t from 142.8 m including 6.3 m @ 5.3 g/t from 142.8 m and
FD1260, 18.0 m @ 2.2 g/t from 12 m including 8.8 m @ 3.9 g/t from 15 m. Several drill results
from this high grade zone are awaited.
The initial phase of resource drilling is primarily designed to prove up the resources at Tucano
leading to remodelling and optimisation for the Definitive Feasibility Study. Preliminary modelling
of the Tapereba AB deposit has defined distinct high grade zones within the orebody, showing
consistently higher grades than the previous model. It is anticipated that this will be reflected in
the updated resource mainly due to previous resource estimation techniques having significantly
understated the grade of the deposit by using a very broad mineralised envelope to model the
Itabirite Iron Ore upside within the Tapereba AB optimised pit
Aside from the excellent upside for ongoing drilling to extend and increase the gold resources
beneath the existing optimised open pit at Tapereba AB, the occurrence of significant quantities
of friable itabirite iron ore within and adjacent to the current optimised open pit has the potential
to materially affect the economics of the entire project.
An iron ore resource is
currently being estimated by
both Anglo American and
Beadell with discussions having
commenced on a joint mining
agreement as is obligated
under the existing exploration
agreement between Anglo
American and Beadell.
A joint optimisation of gold and
iron ore has the potential to
drive the pits significantly
deeper and also significantly
reduce operating costs by
offsetting ore and waste mining
Anglo American are currently
completing a major resampling
and logging exercise and plan
to complete a substantial
resource drilling program for
iron ore within Beadell’s tenure
over the next few months.
For further information please contact:
Peter Bowler | Managing Director Robert Watkins | Executive Director – Exploration
T: +61 8 9429 0801 T: +61 8 9429 0802  

962 Postings, 6072 Tage evensDie 2.beste Goldrakete nach PMI Gold

06.03.11 15:28

962 Postings, 6072 Tage evensDas ist doch mal ne Aktie!!

30.11.12 16:40

256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommFakten zu Beadell

08.04.16 23:04
Beadell gehört m.M.n. zu den sehr interessanten Goldproduzenten in den kommenden Jahren! Hier einige Fakten:

:-: Vor kurzem veröffentliche Beadell sehr gute Bohrergebnisse nahe ihrer Verarbeitungsanlage. Die Goldgehalte sind sehr gut. Das letzte Ergebnis laut Aufführung mit 33 Meter und 31,82 g/t Gold ist sehr stark!
Siehe Link:

Passend dazu der Report auf Minenportal:

:-: Beadell Res. hat eine Vormachbarkeitsstudie für einen Untertageabbau auf dem Urucum Gebiet erstellen lassen. Siehe hier:

- Anfängliche Minenlaufzeit 7-8 Jahre
- bisher 310.000 Unzen
- Studie wurde mit Goldpreis von "nur" 1.120 USD berechnet
- All in Kosten sollen bei nur 825 USD liegen
- Anfänglicher Kapitalbedarf bei "nur" 18,1 Mio USD
- Sollte die Produktionsentscheidung kommen, wovon ich persönlich ausgehe (nur meine Meinung), dann dürften an die 40.000 - 50.000 Unzen laut Minenportal zusätzlich dazukommen)

:-: Beadell führte eine Kapitalerhöhung durch und hat ordentlich Geld eingenommen. Die Insider haben sich mit insgesamt rund 300.000 Austr. Dollar beteiligt. Der neue CEO Jackson beteiligte sich mit 100.000 AUD und erwarb von allen Insidern die größte Menge.

--> PARADICE INVESTMENT erhöhte im Rahmen der KE seinen Anteil von 46.355.608 Aktien auf 70.781.308 Aktien.


256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommBeadell on track

19.04.16 09:42
Der Bericht hört sich gut an :)

"Beadell Resources (ASX:BDR), a company that has consistently missed the majority (if not, all) of its guidances now seems to be back on track on its Tucano gold project in Brazil. The company expects to produce 145,000-160,000 ounces of gold in the current calendar year, which would be a 19-31% increase compared to the total gold production in 2015. The AISC is expected to come in around $715-815/oz whilst non-sustaining capex will result in an additional cost of approximately $30 per produced ounce of gold."

Weiter lesen und Quelle:


256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommVan Eck

12.05.16 15:26
Van Eck (Verwalter der weltgrößten Gold ETF Fonds) erhöhte seinen Anteil an Beadell Res. auf 9,17 %

Starkes Zeichen !


256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommNeuer Insti

09.06.16 12:49
Hunter Hall, ein weiterer Institutioneller ist bei Beadell mit 62,58 Mio Aktien (5,93 %) eingestiegen. Sehr gutes Zeichen


71 Postings, 6962 Tage hoerBeadell

16.06.16 20:13
der Goldproduzent wurde in einem Börsenbrief als sehr spannend aufgenommen .
KGV 4,9  

256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommPerle

24.06.16 09:52

256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommAktuellste Präsentation

24.06.16 09:54

256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommAusbruch :)

29.06.16 14:55
Schöner technischer Ausbruch nach oben in Australien :) somit dürften erstmal nun die 0,50 Aud angepeilt werden. Da ist noch viel Luft nach oben. Beadell gehört mit zu den besten Goldproduzenten mit den niedrigsten AISC (All in Kosten) Kosten weltweit. Sie sollen in 2016 zwischen 715 und 815 USD liegen !!!  

256 Postings, 3629 Tage MäcpommHigh grade results !

06.07.16 11:28
Es wurden mal wieder fantastische Goldgrade entdeckt. Der Kurs kennt seit Tagen  kein Halten mehr. Ist an die 0,50 Aud Marke rangekommen. Mal sehen, wie es weitergeht  

11901 Postings, 2670 Tage VassagoBDR.AX 0,18 A$

20.07.17 18:17
Der Chart von Beadell Resources sieht gruselig aus. Zudem liegt das Asset in Brasilien, das erinnert mich ein wenig an Luna Gold  

11901 Postings, 2670 Tage VassagoBDR.AX 0,185 A$

31.07.17 12:49

Beadell Resources hat im Juni-Quartal 2017 rund 23,7 koz Gold produziert bei AISC von 1558$/oz(!!!). Im H1 liegt die Produktionsmenge bei 54,7 koz Gold und die AISC bei 1338$/oz.
Cash 38 Mio. A$ von 56 Mio. A$ (im März-Quartal).


11901 Postings, 2670 Tage VassagoCDR.AX 0,18 A$

24.11.17 17:17
Beadell Resources hat im September-Quartal 2017 rund 28,8 koz Gold produziert bei AISC von 1264$/oz. Der Ausblick soll am unteren Ende der 140-150 koz Gold liegen bei AISC von 1000-1100$/oz. In Q4/17 muss Beadell 60 koz produzieren um die Prognose erreichen zu können.  

11901 Postings, 2670 Tage VassagoBDR.AX 0,1725 A$

22.12.17 11:02

"Beadell Resources Limited (Beadell or Company) advises that Tucano mine gold production for the December quarter now likely to be approximately 50,000 ounces of gold..."

Damit wird die Jahresprognose klar verfehlt.


526 Postings, 5721 Tage BergdocHeute wieder -18% in Sydney

01.03.18 07:50
Das Gute ist:
Mehr als 7 Cent kann es nicht mehr runtergehen... :-(  

270 Postings, 2983 Tage PinussylvestrisWas soll man da noch sagen ....

01.03.18 08:50
Unfassbar schlecht das Ergebnis.  

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