Die Amis machens uns vor ! A0Q8FY

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1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixDie Amis machens uns vor ! A0Q8FY

01.10.09 20:46
Was die IQ für good old germany , das ist die A123 für Amerika !
Dieser IPO kann sich sehen lassen!
IPO , Elektro - Auto ,  Nanobatterie , sozusagen was das Zukunftsorientierte InvestorHerz höher schlagen läßt !  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixDer IPO !

02.10.09 07:28
Shares of A123 Systems jump after IPO closes
Shares of A123 Systems jump 11 percent a day after 32.4M share IPO closes

   * On Thursday October 1, 2009, 11:57 am EDT

           Buzz up! 7
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         o A123 Systems, Inc.
         o Morgan Stanley

WATERTOWN, Mass. (AP) -- Shares of lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems Inc. jumped in Thursday trading, a day after the company closed its initial public offering of 32.4 million shares.

A123 Systems shares jumped $2.35, or 11 percent, to $23.67 in midday trading.

The Watertown-based company raised $437.5 million in its initial public offering, selling the shares at $13.50 each, including 31.7 million shares sold by the company and 680,501 shares sold by shareholders.

Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. and Goldman, Sachs & Co. were joint book-running managers for the offering. BofA Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Lazard Capital Markets LLC and Pacific Crest Securities were co-managers.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixes hat den anschein , daß

02.10.09 18:46
trotz widriger umstände(man schaue sich mal die indizes an) , die a123 nur einen weg kennt.
da kann es außenrum donnern und gewittern.
was macht die denn , wenn schönes wetter ist ?!  ;-))
man scheint hier die hoffnungen auf ein zukunftsorientiertes unternehmens zu setzten, bei all den "schlechten " nachrichten der letzten monate.
auf zu neuen sphären. !  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixhier vielleicht noch ne kleine hilfe

02.10.09 19:23
so kann man gleich sehen , wie die rakete zündet.
momentan real 24,90.
viel spaß beim zuschaun.  

9581 Postings, 6510 Tage Tykowauh....

02.10.09 20:34
was das denn.....?

aber ne Rakete hinterherzujagen......kommt sicher auch zurück...

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixwer weiß wo die reise noch hingeht.

02.10.09 21:25
Natürlich ist es gewagt da jetzt noch reinzugehen aber wer bietet schon batterien mit nanotechnologie(was das für den moment auch heißt (bin da kein fachmann))  !
also , wenn man mal davon ausgeht , daß das e-auto wirklich irgedwann (5-10Jahre ) zur selbstverständlichkeit wird , dann sehe ich hier noch wesentlich mehr potential.
soweit ich weiß , heißt nano ( sehr sehr sehr sehr sehr  usw.  klein   :-))   .
wenn man sich jetzt mal die entwicklung des handys anschaut (am anfang haben die jungs einen aktenkoffer an batterie mit sich rumgetragen und mit nem "bügeleisen " telefoniert.)
heute stellt das keiner mehr in frage und die dinger werden noch kleiner und leistungsfähiger.
und da ist für mich der knackpunkt. geht die entwicklung nur annähernd in diese richtung , dann wird es da noch große überraschungen geben.
und warum nicht heute in eine firma investieren , die heute schon nano einsetzt.
denke die haben da nen gewaltigen vorsprung.
desderwegen bin ich hier guter dinge das die rakete noch weiter steigt , wenngleich auch nicht mehr so steil wie die letzten 5 tage.
noch ein kurzes wort zu nano.
als da die ersten firmen an die börsen gingen wurden die aktien in die höhe katapultiert und nach kurzer zeit gings fast genauso schell bergab.
damals hatten sich sicherlich viele leute gedacht "WIR" wüssten schon was und wie man damit umgeht.
doch nur sehr wenige hatten auch das tatsächliche wissen etwas "produktives" damit anzufangen und es dann auch Marktgerecht umzusetzten.
vielleicht gehört die A123 ja da dazu.
in diesem sinne

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixheute in usa bei

02.10.09 21:34
gepflegten 26,60 $ in der spitze.
mal schaun was wir hier in d. am montag erleben.  :-)))
auch übrigens grüße an polo 10 . (na immer noch uninteressant ??   :-))))))

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixsieht so aus als würde man sie bei uns

02.10.09 22:12
am montag nicht mehr unter 18 euronen bekommen.
schlußkurs 25,72$.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixunsere amerikanischen freunde

05.10.09 13:43
starten mit 26,50$ im premarket.
da wirds heute nochmal kräftig abgehen.
mal schaun , ob es heute schon für die 30 $ langt.  :-))  

33 Postings, 5514 Tage taliEinstieg

05.10.09 14:12

Bin grad noch zu 17,89 reingekommen, hoffe daß das Ding diese Woche nicht korrigiert oder unsere Amerikanischen Freunde uns im Stich lassen. Bin aber fest davon überzeugt, daß wir noch unsere helle Freude an A123 haben werden.

Auf baldige Gewinne




1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixna endlich jemand dabei.

05.10.09 14:22
dachte schon ich bin mal wieder alleinunterhalter.
willkommen an bord. !!!  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixund die rakete steigt weiter !

05.10.09 15:44
rt 27,33 $.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixda schreibt einer nen artikel und die

05.10.09 21:17
Amis werden richtig nervös.
entweder ist das hier jetzt die gaaaanz große vera..... oder wir sehen den kurs morgen wieder exlodieren.
die schafe folgen dem wolf im schafspelz.
Alter Fuß.

Why A123 Systems Still Not Worth It

By Rick Pearson

About this article:
This column is being previewed exclusively for RealMoney readers. A123 Systems shares reached $28.20 today, implying a market cap of approximately $2 billion. This is more than double its IPO price, and triple the low end of the initial IPO offering range. Investors are clearly placing a lot of hope in A123's technology, but are also ignoring the company's fundamentals and playing the stock for its momentum. At the other end of the spectrum, other lithium-ion battery plays such as China Digital Communications are also trading out of line with their fundamentals, but are undervalued rather than overvalued. In my last article on A123, I questioned its valuation when it was trading around $18 per share; I received massive amounts of feedback suggesting I didn't understand the potential for A123's lithium iron phosphate technology. I responded to many of these emails with a simple question: "What revenue and margin forecasts...  

33 Postings, 5514 Tage taliStabilisierung

08.10.09 15:22
Scheint sich nach der Konsolidierung ein wenig zwischen 22 und 24 Dollar zu stabilisieren. Wichtig wären jetzt kontinuierliche gute News und steigende Umsätze, dann sehen wir schon bald die 30...  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixja die ersten wellen scheinen

08.10.09 18:55
sich gelegt zu haben.
bin da guter dinge , daß es nach oben geht.
gut ding braucht weil !
und ich denke man hat hier einen vernünftigen wert in seinem depot!
auf gute news und kurse.

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixohhhh la

09.10.09 18:32
das ebtwickelt sich in die falsche richtung !  .-((
bin da auch zu nem "hohen" einstiegspreis rein.
allerdings bleib ich immer noch entspannt , weil ich einer von den anlegern bin die von der technik überzeugt bin!!
das kann von mir aus auch 2 jahre dauern , werd da nicht mehr rausgehen, zumal die medien vollgestopft sind mit elektroauto und eben selbiges zubehör.
bin sicher , daß das die "nahe" zukunft sein wird.
time will tell.

33 Postings, 5514 Tage taliBin wieder raus

13.10.09 14:09

und schau mir das erst mal von der Seitenlinie an. Sobald sich hier ein Einstieg wieder lohnt, überleg ich es mir nochmal.




1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixdas kann man dir nicht verübel

13.10.09 16:56
hoffe du hast nicht zu viel miese gefahren.
werde noch ausharren , da ich immer noch guter dinge bin.
im november sollen die q3 zahlen kommen.
mal schaun was sich dann ergibt !

WATERTOWN, Mass., Oct. 12, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A123 Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:AONE - News), a developer and manufacturer of advanced lithium-ion batteries and battery systems for the transportation, electric grid services and consumer markets, announced today that it will release its third quarter 2009 financial results for the period ended September 30, 2009 after the market close on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. On that day, management will hold a conference call and webcast at 5:00 p.m. ET to review and discuss the Company's results for the third quarter. A recorded version of this webcast will be available two hours after the call and accessible at http://ir.a123systems.com/.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixneu

14.10.09 10:16
A battery maker powers up post-IPO
Shares of A123 Systems have been on a rollercoaster ride since it went public. How much juice do they have left?
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SAN FRANCISCO (Fortune) -- If you believe that the battery in your car will soon be bigger than the engine -- or replace it entirely -- you should keep an eye on A123 Systems.

The Watertown, Mass.-based company, which develops advanced lithium ion batteries for things like power tools and cars, went public toward the end of September after pulling an earlier IPO bid to wait for a better investing climate.

It found it, and shares in the company spiked 50% above the offer price on the first day of trading. The stock has been on a rollercoaster ride since. When the market slid the week of October 10th, shares of A123 (AONE) plummeted 17%. Overall, the stock is up about 8% since its public market debut on September 23rd.

Clearly, caution is warranted with this stock, as it is with all new issues. A123 is not a profitable company; it reported a loss of $89 million on revenue of $90 million in the year ending June 30.

And if it didn't land $249 million in federal stimulus funds to build a factory outside of Detroit to make its batteries, A123 would have been in an extremely tough spot and probably not much of an IPO candidate: Once a leading contender to be the initial supplier for the batteries in General Motor's forthcoming plug-in hybrid, the Chevy Volt, it lost out to a subsidiary of Korea's LG.

There's your warning. But consider that A123 is also one of the few U.S.-based companies competing in an industry that practically every automaker on the planet predicts will be huge.

Though it isn't cranking batteries out for carmakers yet, A123 does have relationships with a handful, most notably Chrysler (now owned by Fiat) Daimler and BMW. General Motors has left open the possibility of working with A123 in the future. In the meantime, Black & Decker and DeWALT are putting millions of A123 lithium-ion cells into power tools.
0:00 /3:26Low tech supply? Good sign

The electrification of transportation is coming in various forms, and batteries play a role in all of them. You have gasoline hybrids like Toyota's Prius. Plug-in hybrids like the Volt, and all battery-electric cars coming soon from the likes of Nissan and Renault.

Even hydrogen-fuel-cell cars require a sophisticated battery system, especially if they are to become a next-generation hybrid, running a fuel cell coupled with a battery, rather than a gasoline engine/battery combo.

The question that remains for A123 as an investment is how long will it take for all this technology to hit the mass-market road?

Consider the lesson of Ballard Power. Ballard (BLDP), which makes fuel cells, was once a high-flyer, but its shares are now worth about one-third less than when it went public in 1995 because fuel cells for cars failed to take off as quickly as was thought. They are finally getting there, though Ballard has exited the car business.

A123 faces a similar set of players, technological hurdles and issues of timing. If mass-market cars go electric soon, A123 could get a huge jolt. If not, you can expect a long, painful slog. To top of page  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixso heute gehts gleich

15.10.09 16:28
mit großen schritten richtung 24,20$.
an der marke sind wir gestern schon mal gescheitert.
wenn das heute heben sollte (über 24,20) bin ich guter dinge , daß wir auch bald die 26 wieder sehen werden.
jetzt noch ein paaaaar gute news und es kann wieder abgehen. !  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixneu

19.10.09 19:07
Playing Components in the Electric Car Market

   * the tickerspy.com Staff
   * On 12:35 pm EDT, Monday October 19, 2009

           Buzz up! 0
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         o Apple Inc.
         o A123 Systems, Inc.
         o BYD CO LTD H SHS
         o Consumer Goods Sector
         o Industrial Goods Sector
         o Technology Sector

The ultimate winners in the electric car race might not be the first out of the gate, but some investors are already winning big on components.
Related Quotes
    Symbol     Price    Change          §
      AAPL    188.92     +0.87§
Chart for Apple Inc.
      AONE     24.26     +0.74§
Chart for A123 Systems, Inc.
  BYDDF.PK     11.10     +0.90§
Chart for BYD CO LTD H SHS
      CBAK      4.55     +0.17§
Chart for China BAK Battery, Inc.
      CRTP      6.36     +0.31§
Chart for China Ritar Power Corp.
{"s" : "aapl,aone,byddf.pk,cbak,crtp,f,hpq,intc,tm,ttm","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""}

Today's report by BusinessWeek likens the technological relationship between batteries and electric cars to that of microchips and personal computers. The report noted that optimistic estimates suggest electric cars could account for a fifth of the auto market in the next decade - suggesting that the current front-runners might not be the ultimate winners. Just as Hewlett Packard (NYSE: HPQ - News) was not the first to build a PC, and Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL - News) wasn't the first to make an MP3 player, future giants in the electric car market might not be the first horses out of the gate. However, that hasn't stopped investors from placing their bets on the future Intel (NASDAQ: INTC - News) of electric car components.

A handful of battery stocks are flying today, continuing a trend that has sent select players up by double-digits over the last month, while others head south by similar margins. As the hype surrounding mainstream electric transportation grows, a potentially bright future for battery companies may become increasingly apparent.

As a whole, the Energy Storage and Battery Technology Stocks Index is ahead by 2.5% today. It is now outperforming the S&P 500 by 9% over the last month.

Leading today's rally is Chinese electric car and battery company BYD (OTC: BYDDF - News). The stock has gotten a lot of attention since news of Warren Buffett's investment in the firm was made public, and shares have doubled in just the last three months. The company's nine-month car sales shot up by 50% compared to last year's figure, according to Friday's report in the China Securities Journal, which was covered by Reuters on Thursday evening in the U.S.

Meanwhile, other Chinese battery stocks are following BYD higher today. China Ritar Power (NASDAQ: CRTP - News) and China BAK Battery (NASDAQ: CBAK - News) are both up by 4%.

The sector's newest component, A123 Systems (NASDAQ: AONE - News) is adding 3% to its 75% rally since going public less than a month ago. It is already one of the top performing 2009 IPOs.

As stated in BusinessWeek, "the great battery race will make sure that there will be several large companies that specialize in the design and manufacture of batteries for cars." So as Toyota (NYSE: TM - News), Tata Motors (NYSE: TTM - News), Ford (NYSE: F - News) and the like battle for their share of the electric car market, investors should keep a close eye on moves within the Energy Storage and Battery Technology Stocks Index.

Fun and informative, tickerspy.com is a free investing website where you can track multiple stock portfolios and compare against 250 proprietary Indexes tracking themes from stem cells to green energy to precious metals. Best of all, tickerspy.com lets you spy on the portfolios of nearly 3,000 Wall Street institutions and hedge funds and see graphs of their performance. Try tickerspy.com today and find out how you stack up against investing legends like Warren Buffett!  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixneu2

19.10.09 19:09
2-Star Stocks Poised to Plunge: A123?

By Brian D. Pacampara
October 19, 2009 | Comments (1)


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A123 Systems
CAPS Rating 2/5 Stars

Up $24.38 $0.86 (3.66%)
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Based on the aggregated intelligence of 140,000-plus investors participating in Motley Fool CAPS, the Fool's free investing community, lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems (Nasdaq: AONE) has received a distressing two-star ranking.

With that in mind, let's take a closer look at A123's business and see what CAPS investors are saying about the stock right now.

A123 facts  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixkönnte vielleicht interessant sein.

21.10.09 09:54
The performance bodes very well for makers of lithium ion batteries such as China Bak Battery(CBAK Quote), Advanced Battery Technologies (ABAT Quote), Hong Kong Highpower Technology(HPJ Quote) and China Digital Communication (CMTP.OB Quote), none of which have yet released quarterly results.

All of these stocks are public and liquid, but they trade on very different multiples, so investors should select carefully. China Bak is one to avoid for now, while China Digital could be the next home run. Advanced Battery and Hong Kong Highpower look fairly valued, but could benefit further if there are any positive earnings surprises.

Inside every iPod, iPhone and Apple laptop is a lithium ion battery. The lithium ion battery has become smaller, more energy efficient and longer lasting, effectively replacing the previous generation of nickel metal hydride batteries. The four companies are all competitors in this market and are currently enjoying high margins as demand for products such as those made by Apple continues to soar. Apple's strong results provide a great barometer for what to expect from upcoming earnings reports by these battery makers, all of which should enjoy a strong pick-up in revenue.

Following the initial public offering of A123 Systems (AONE Quote), China Bak's stock price is up more than 50% as enthusiasm has grown for next-generation battery makers. But like A123, CBAK is a money-losing company. I would expect to see significant revenue growth from CBAK this quarter, but unless it can effectively double sales from the previous quarter, it is unlikely to break even in the coming quarter.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixdie 24,20 scheint überwunden.

21.10.09 18:08
dann können wir morgen doch tatsächlich richtung 25$ schauen.
das heißt diese woche sieht bis jetzt gut aus.
wenn es morgen richtung süden geht könnten wir nächste woche wieder richtung 26$ greifen.
time will tell.  

1301 Postings, 6202 Tage sosixhört sich gut an.

23.10.09 15:13
Bookbinder cites General Electric (NYSE: GE) CEO Jeff Immelt as a major proponent in Corporate America for clean technology. GE's Energy Financial Services arm has made significant equity investments in A123 Systems (Nasdaq: AONE), a maker of next-generation lithium-ion batteries that has seen its stock price soar 38.8% since its IPO in September.  

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