Salazar - Explorer mit Geduld

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363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzSalazar - Explorer mit Geduld

26.02.08 10:12
Wie auch bei vielen anderen Explorern, die die letzten Monate in dem Finanz-Wirrwa stark abgestraft wurden, muss man bei Salazar starke Nerven haben...

Das wochenlange Pendeln um die 1€ Marke hat sehr viele Kleinanleger aus dem Markt gespühlt... viele haben einfach keine Geduld..

Was spricht für einen Kauf? Was soll man tun? Halten? Verkaufen?
Da ich von den ganzen Bashern im anderen Salazar-Tread nix halte, eröffne ich einen neuen Tread!  In anderen Foren wird positiver über den Wert gesprochen.. viele haben anscheinend vergessen, welche Management hinter Salazar steht...


363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzWarum werden Aktien schlecht geredet???

26.02.08 22:08
Wie z.B. Salazar? Erst bashen, dann kaufen, dann pushen! Immer wieder das gleiche!

Ich hoffe es gibt da draußen noch Anleger, die an ihre Aktie glauben und die momentane volatile Situation wegstecken... wer eine Aktie im Thread schlecht macht, hat damit immer ne Absicht im Hinterkopf...

Man soll sich auch in schlechten Zeit gute News von guten Zeiten raus suchen und nicht vergessen, das sich bei vielen Unternehmen absolut nix geändert hat, die Exploration im vollen Zuge ist und die Rahmenbedingungen von Woche zu Woche besser werden! (z.B. steigende Rohstoffpreise)

Das Salazar ein super 120-Kopf-Geologenteam im Sack hat, Freddy Ecuador seit vielen vielen Jahren wie seine Westentasche kennt und das Freddy damals der jenige Geologe war, der die bekannte Aurelian (0,50 Kad ---> zu 40 Kad) dazu drängte das hervoragende Goldprojekt Frutta del Norte sich unter den Nagel zu reißen..

Der Aktienkurs spiegelt momentan Bohrstopp, über 50% Entlassung der Teamkollegen und gescheiterte Bohrprogramme wieder...aber dem ist nicht so!

Freddy Salazar wird schon gewusst haben, warum er seine eigenhändig erforschten, über Jahre "eingesammelten" Gebiete zu einer großen Explorationsgesellschaft gebündelt hat :-)
Allein 4 Großprojete bringen ca. 150.000 Hektar Explorationsgebiet zusammen.


337 Postings, 6443 Tage kamaelion2Zur Zeit

27.02.08 10:42
dürfte der verhaltene Kurs eher an den politischen Verhältnissen liegen. Aber ich bleibe weiterhin investiert, da ich davon ausgehe, dass Fredy als Einheimischer gewisse Vorteile gegenüber den anderen Minengesellschaften hat, welche derzeit von der Regierung wohl unter Druck gesetzt werden.  

509 Postings, 6059 Tage BearpawVergleich BARRICK - Salazar

27.02.08 10:57
wie hat doch RSR noch bis vor wenigen Monaten gegen Barrick geschimpft  und für Salazar Marketing betrieben !

man sehe sich die Performance der beiden an  

619 Postings, 6060 Tage oljun801€ Marke ist eine Unterstützung..

27.02.08 11:01

1401 Postings, 7228 Tage Cuba MaßImmer noch nicht billig

27.02.08 11:11
gleich zur Klarstellung: Ich bin auch Salazar Aktionär, aber nur mit einem kleinen Teil meines Depots.

Für Salazar spricht sicherlich das Management und die Tatsache, das Fredy hoffentlich weiß was er macht. Man muss jedoch auch wissen, das viel davon im Kurs ist.

Bis jetzt hat Salazar noch rein überhaupt nichts vorzuweisen. Dafür ist die Marktkapitalisierung im Vergleich zu anderen nicht sehr hoch.

Schaut man sich zum Beispiel Firmen wie Sabina an, die nur gut doppelt so teuer sind wie Salazar, aber schon Ressourcen von mehreren Milliarden Dollar vorzuweisen haben wird klar was Salazar noch zu bewältigen hat um die von vielen in Aussicht gestellte Kursvervielfachung zu rechtfertigen.

Hoffen wir mal, das Fredy das macht, aber Röntgenaugen hat auch er nicht... (glaub ich zumindest)  

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzKlar, du hast recht..

27.02.08 12:34
Salazar ist noch im Frühstadium und hat noch einiges vor sich.
Es ist auch eine Aktie mit Geduld und Spucke...doch wenn man sich vor Augen hält, wer hinter Salazar Resources steht und was dieser Mann die letzten Jahre gemacht hat, dann wird man schnell vom Pessi- zum Optimist ;-)

Ich persönlich freue mich über alle Kurse unter 1€ und werde dort kräftig einsammeln!


9475 Postings, 6478 Tage TykoEinfach nur traurig,

27.02.08 19:04
auch wenn für Neueinsteiger jetzt "günstigere" Kurse locken, hat alles seinen Grund.

Entweder sind die anfangs euphorischen BB`s hieran schuld, oder fundamental werden die Prognosen nicht eingehalten.

Beides ist für die meisten hier desaströs.

Und Charttechnik auf Explorer übertragen, ist unmöglich...reine Glückssache wenn wirklich der Kurs Unterstützung findet.

Also bleibt nur eins, die nun schon satten Verluste aussitzen oder realisieren.

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arz1€ Unterstützung? Seit wann

27.02.08 19:52
wird eine "Unterstützungslinie" ausßerhalb der Heimatbörse gesucht?!?!
Die 1€ ist höchstens ne Marke, wo einige Schnäppchen abfischen, aber mit sicherheit keine Unterstützung...die sollte man wenn dann schon in der Heimatbörse suchen und finden...  

1401 Postings, 7228 Tage Cuba MaßTyko

28.02.08 11:44
die hohen Erwartungen waren schuld und da haben sicher die ganzen Börsenbriefe auch einen Anteil. Nach den Super Sample Ergebnissen kombiniert mit der Erfolgsstory von Fredy hieß es nicht nur, Salazar wird die nächste Aurelian, sondern Salazar ist die bessere Aurelian!

Die ersten Ergebnisse kamen jedoch bei weitem nicht an die von Aurelian heran und so verlieren momenan immer mehr die Hoffnung das da was ganz großes kommt. Tatsache ist aber auch, das erst die wenigsten Bohergebnisse vorliegen!

Ich denke wenn man mit einigermaßen "normalen" Erwartungen an die Aktie heran geht, kann man durchaus noch gutes Geld verdienen. An eine zweite Aurelian glaube ich persönlich nicht, aber ich würd mich längerfristig auch über Kurse von um die 3 Euro freuen. Müssen ja nicht gleich 20 Euro werden.  

619 Postings, 6060 Tage oljun80Leicht im Plus..

28.02.08 11:51

619 Postings, 6060 Tage oljun80News..

28.02.08 18:52

Feb 28, 2008 11:57 ET
Salazar Intersects Massive Sulphide Mineralization at New Anomaly at Las Naves; Provides Exploration Program Summary at Sesmo Sur

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces the intersection of 11 metres of massive sulphide mineralization at 115 metres depth (-55dip) at the Domo anomaly at Las Naves. The Domo anomaly was identified during the ground geophysics program and is located approximately 400 metres southeast from the Roble Anomaly. The drill program is continuing at Las Naves and assay results are pending. To view the core photos please view at:

At this time the first phase of drilling and exploration at the Sesmo Sur area at the Curipamba Project, Ecuador has been completed and the Company wishes to provide this summary report of the program results. A total of 3,746 meters were drilled in 18 holes.

Drill Program

Location of the drill holes: (see Figure 3:

HOLE                NORTH         EAST  SECTION  AZIMUT   DIP  DEPTH (m)
CURI-07-001     692775.00   9849299.00    49300     270   -45    217.93
CURI-07-002      69277900   9849299.00    49300      90   -45    141.73
CURI-07-003     692762.03   9849396.64    49400     270   -45    167.64
CURI-07-004     692713.47   9849500.63    49500     273   -47    214.88
CURI-07-005     692665.21   9849500.77    49500     273   -45    104.85
CURI-07-006     692823.32   9849402.63    49400     271   -47    208.48
CURI-07-007     692908.36   9849300.10    49300     270   -45    254.50
CURI-07-008     692700.59   9849599.79    49600     270   -45    185.62
CURI-07-009     692765.00   9849395.00    49400     180   -80    131.00
CURI-07-010     692302.00   9849497.00    49500      90   -50    295.96
CURI-07-011     692304.00   9849393.00    49400      90   -70    159.10
CURI-07-012     692651.00   9849298.00    49300     270   -50    272.79
CURI-07-013     692684.00   9849700.00    49700     270   -50    298.70
CURI-07-026     692670.00   9849998.00    50000      90   -50    140.50
CURI-08-027     692900.00   9849500.00    49500      90   -60    300.50
CURI-08-028     692475.00   9849400.00    49400      90   -70    326.70
CURI-08-031     692575.00   9849700.00    49700     270   -50    181.65
CURI-08-033     692775.00   9849437.50    49400     270   -50    143.55
                                                       TOTAL   3746.08

Drill Results

Please review past news releases for results from drill holes 1-12.

In spite of the presence of a hydrothermal breccia with strong silica-pyrite alteration, drill hole 13 reported no significant values.

Drill hole 26 is located 500 meters north from the hydrothermal breccias intersected in drill holes 01 and 03; geologically, it's a stockwork of sphalerite veinlets with traces of chalcopyrite in volcanic andesites. The most significant values reported are:

Hole #        From    To     (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)   Cu(%) Pb(%)   Zn(%)
CURI-08-026  32.10  37.3   5.20     0.14      5.2    0.13     -    1.26

Drill hole 27 reported no significant values.

Results from drill holes 28, 31, and 33 will be released shortly.

Exploration Summary at Sesmo Sur

The first phase work program at Sesmo Sur was detailed and has generated an extensive data set. The Company is now analyzing all results of the phase 1 drill and exploration program and is in the planning stage for the Phase 2 drill program. The results of the first work program, along with new detailed mapping of the area and an interpretation of the ground geophysics induced polarization will assist the Company in targeting the focus of future work. Considering the results of the first phase program where the Company have intersected the mineralized body in several drill holes, the next phase will focus in following up on this initial success searching for the extension of these mineralized bodies.

Phase 1 work completed:

Ground geophysics grids have been cut every 100 meters and at a spacing of 50 meters totaling 55 linear kilometers (see figure 4, 5: In addition, 600 metres of trenches have been completed. A total of 325 rock chip samples were collected with lengths varying between 0.5 and 5 meters (101 trench samples, 90 outcrop samples, 24 float and 110 manual pit samples of 1 to 4 meters depth). Values ranged from 0.01 to 16.65 g/t gold and 0.01 to 1665 g/t silver.

Significant sample results include:

- 44 m at an average of 3.21 g/t gold and 15 g/t silver;

- 52 m at an average of 3.71 g/t gold and 162 g/t silver;

- 29 m at an average of 2.66 g/t gold and 14 g/t silver;

- 12 m at an average of 1.07 g/t gold and 183 g/t silver;

- Several float (sub outcrops) of hydrothermal breccia with barite and polysulphides; significant results: 1.5 g/t gold and 471 g/t silver, 1.64 g/t gold and 1665 g/t silver, 1.85 g/t gold and 415 g/t silver, among others.

Also, 593 soil samples were collected, 157 channel samples, and 378 auger samples with depths ranging from 1 m to 4 m. The soil sampling results has confirmed the presence of a hydrothermal breccia zone. The soil sampling also identified two gold and silver anomalies with coincident copper and lead (see figures 1 and 2:

At 350 meters north from the Sesmo Sur anomaly, the Company identified an outcrop 20 meters in diameter with high silicification and disseminated sphalerite. The sampling of this outcrop returned grades of 2.48 g/t gold and 2% zinc.

Lastly, the Company's "Aeromapa" completed the topographic restitution of a 12 000 hectare area at a scale of 1:5000.

Geophysics Summary at Sesmo Sur

Geofisica Consultores were contracted to complete a ground geophysics program at the Curipamba Property. They completed the data collection with geophysicist John Buckle providing the interpretation, conclusion and recommendations. A total of 55 linear kilometers of magnetometry was completed covering the following anomalies: Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa. Also 7 line kilometres of induced polarization with stations spaced every 25m was completed on lines 9300, 9400, 9500 and 9600. The magnetometry survey covers an area 3.5 kilometers west to east and 2 kilometers north to south, with stations spaced every 12.5 meters (figure 4, 5:

Results indicate:

- A significant magnetic low corresponding with an identified zone of hydrothermal breccias; and areas with strong argillic-sericite-pyrite alteration; the flanking magnetic highs imply surrounding unaltered mafic rocks.

- A significant induced polarization anomaly on lines 9300 to 9500 has amplitudes consistent with very high chargeability values that are characteristic of semi-massive to massive sulphide bodies. Line 9600 appears to indicate the limit of the anomalous unit to the north; however it is open to the south of line 9300. The anomaly is clearly observed in the data over 300 meters in length by 150 meters in width with a shallow dip to the west. It appears to broaden at a depth of 120 meters with observed continuation below 200 meters. The anomalous zone strikes approximately N 20 E.

The geophysics program is ongoing and will include the completion of 50 linear kilometers of induced polarization between Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa (see figure 1).

During the field exploration program at Sesmo Sur and surrounding areas, the Company successfully discovered two additional anomalous areas that require priority follow-up in the next phase of the exploration program. Descriptions are as follows:

La Vaquera Anomaly

During the exploration program performed at Gatuza Creek, within the area known as La Vaquera, various float samples were collected up to 5 meters in diameter consisting of quartz stockwork in strongly silicified rock and rock blocks and strong sericite- argillic-pyrite alteration. Results determined that the Company had discovered a significant geochemical anomaly. La Vaquera is located approximately 2000 meters west from the Sesmo Sur anomaly A total of 14 samples were collected (float and outcrop), values ranging from 0.01 to 16.3 g/t gold, from 0.1 to 136 g/t silver and from 7 to 5580 g/t copper. Results are presented in the following table:

Sample-            With
ID       Type        (m) Au g/t  Ag g/t  Cu PPM  Pb PPM  Zn PPM
356     float              0.59     4.3    6240       9    1095
357     float              0.04     0.2      34       3       9
365     float              1.09     0.4    3810     127     298
366     float              0.08     0.5     490       5      44
367     float              0.01     0.1      35      14       3
368     float              2.49     1.8    2210      97     229
1000    float              1.81    18.4     212     661     321
1001    float             16.30     2.6    2190      64     182
1002    float              1.13     0.1    2180      45     251
1014    float              1.10   136.0    3460      15      90
1015    float              0.04    10.8    5580       5       2
1003    outcrop       2    0.01     0.1       7       5     111
1066    outcrop       3    0.02     0.3     278       7      39
1067    outcrop       2    1.58     0.7    2830       8     216

Also, a total of 256 soil samples were taken at La Vaquera by auger. The soil sample results have uncovered an important anomaly approximately 200 meters in length with concentrations higher than 100 ppb gold in a strongly altered zone of sericite - argillic - pyrite.

A ground geophysics induced polarization program is currently taking place and preliminary results indicate a high chargeability / low resistivity anomaly approximately 400 meters in length.

The next work phase will include completion of the ground geophysics program, interpretation of results, followed by a targeted drill program. The Company estimates that La Vaquera will be drill ready within three months.

Quebrada Agua Santa Anomaly

Three creeks localized near Guabito town were investigated during the regional prospecting program. Several metre size floats of jasper and hydrothermal breccias enriched in barite, pyrite and sphalerite were encountered. The Company collected 29 float samples and results returned values ranging from 0.03 to 4.99 g/t gold, 0.1 to 496 g/t silver, and 7 to 28900 g/t zinc; anomalous copper and lead values were also reported. These results determined that the Company had discovered another significant geochemical anomaly. This anomaly is located approximately 1500 meters northeast from the Sesmo Sur anomaly.

Results are listed in the following table:

Sample-            With
ID       Type        (m) Au g/t  Ag g/t  Cu PPM  Pb PPM  Zn PPM
173     Float              0.10     2.8      88      80      27
174     Float              1.33    11.8     784     143     153
175     Float              0.16     5.5     489     336     250
176     Float              0.14     3.0     342      50     439
177     Float              0.23     5.8     262     240     798
178     Float              0.18     2.5      34      39      14
179     Float              4.99   496.0    2060    9910   18400
181     Float              0.14     3.9      97      50      94
314     Float              0.44     3.4     423     582     596
319     Float              1.79    30.7     895    1120     358
324     Float              0.23     9.0     991      28     112
325     Float              0.16     8.6      70      26      38
326     Float              0.10     1.2     174      92      37
327     Float              0.07     3.1     108      22      24
384     Float              1.33    42.9    1810     592   28900
385     Float              1.07     5.7     300    2390    1100
386     Float              0.03     1.6      14      15      46
387     Float              0.29     7.9     768     912     582
388     Float              0.06     0.7      10      27     145
389     Float              0.36     2.4    4170      54   28200
432     Float              0.24     2.5    1080     225    1680
433     Float              0.27    10.9     214    1850    3380
434     Float              0.13     2.5     266      18     912
459     Float              0.01     0.1      17       2      84
464     Float              0.04     0.2       3       7      16
465     Float              0.77    39.0     300    5600    8580
15084   Float              0.03     0.6     109       8       6
15143   Float              0.09     3.1      99      17      54
1049    outcrop       3    0.01     0.8      89      20      10
15141   outcrop       3    0.03     0.5     488       3      26
15142   outcrop       3    0.08     1.5      54      84      65

The next exploration phase at Quebrada Agua Santa anomaly includes the completion of a geochemical soils survey and a ground geophysics induced polarization program. This work phase will be implemented immediately.

Mr. Fredy Salazar, President, states, "We are pleased to have advanced our project at a rapid pace at Sesmo Sur, gathering a large amount of data from which we will be able to make clear targeted decisions for our next work phase at Sesmo Sur and the surrounding areas. We are also encouraged to discover two more anomalous areas near Sesmo Sur that will garner priority follow-up in the coming months.

The drilling at Las Naves is progressing well, and with the recent addition of a second drill rig on site, and an ongoing ground geophysics program complimenting our drilling and aiding in the discovery of new anomalies such as Domo, we are pleased that Las Naves' potential continues to develop."

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person (QP) for the Company has reviewed this news release and is responsible for its accuracy.

Samples preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Lima, Peru, using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample batch to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAMGold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecuadorian based company gives us a strategic advantage enabling us to complete exploration at a rapid pace, with over sixty personnel on the ground, including twelve geologists. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 131,300 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

Salazar Resources Info

337 Postings, 6443 Tage kamaelion2News

28.02.08 18:52


   Salazar Intersects Massive Sulphide Mineralization at New Anomaly at Las Naves; Provides Exploration Program Summary at Sesmo Sur
   11:57 EST Thursday, February 28, 2008

   VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces the intersection of 11 metres of massive sulphide mineralization at 115 metres depth (-55dip) at the Domo anomaly at Las Naves. The Domo anomaly was identified during the ground geophysics program and is located approximately 400 metres southeast from the Roble Anomaly. The drill program is continuing at Las Naves and assay results are pending. To view the core photos please view at:

   At this time the first phase of drilling and exploration at the Sesmo Sur area at the Curipamba Project, Ecuador has been completed and the Company wishes to provide this summary report of the program results. A total of 3,746 meters were drilled in 18 holes.

   Drill Program

   Location of the drill holes: (see Figure 3:

   HOLE                NORTH         EAST  SECTION  AZIMUT   DIP  DEPTH (m)
   CURI-07-001     692775.00   9849299.00    49300     270   -45    217.93
   CURI-07-002      69277900   9849299.00    49300      90   -45    141.73
   CURI-07-003     692762.03   9849396.64    49400     270   -45    167.64
   CURI-07-004     692713.47   9849500.63    49500     273   -47    214.88
   CURI-07-005     692665.21   9849500.77    49500     273   -45    104.85
   CURI-07-006     692823.32   9849402.63    49400     271   -47    208.48
   CURI-07-007     692908.36   9849300.10    49300     270   -45    254.50
   CURI-07-008     692700.59   9849599.79    49600     270   -45    185.62
   CURI-07-009     692765.00   9849395.00    49400     180   -80    131.00
   CURI-07-010     692302.00   9849497.00    49500      90   -50    295.96
   CURI-07-011     692304.00   9849393.00    49400      90   -70    159.10
   CURI-07-012     692651.00   9849298.00    49300     270   -50    272.79
   CURI-07-013     692684.00   9849700.00    49700     270   -50    298.70
   CURI-07-026     692670.00   9849998.00    50000      90   -50    140.50
   CURI-08-027     692900.00   9849500.00    49500      90   -60    300.50
   CURI-08-028     692475.00   9849400.00    49400      90   -70    326.70
   CURI-08-031     692575.00   9849700.00    49700     270   -50    181.65
   CURI-08-033     692775.00   9849437.50    49400     270   -50    143.55
                                                           TOTAL   3746.08

   Drill Results

   Please review past news releases for results from drill holes 1-12.

   In spite of the presence of a hydrothermal breccia with strong silica-pyrite alteration, drill hole 13 reported no significant values.

   Drill hole 26 is located 500 meters north from the hydrothermal breccias intersected in drill holes 01 and 03; geologically, it's a stockwork of sphalerite veinlets with traces of chalcopyrite in volcanic andesites. The most significant values reported are:

   Hole #        From    To     (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)   Cu(%) Pb(%)   Zn(%)
   CURI-08-026  32.10  37.3   5.20     0.14      5.2    0.13     -    1.26

   Drill hole 27 reported no significant values.

   Results from drill holes 28, 31, and 33 will be released shortly.

   Exploration Summary at Sesmo Sur

   The first phase work program at Sesmo Sur was detailed and has generated an extensive data set. The Company is now analyzing all results of the phase 1 drill and exploration program and is in the planning stage for the Phase 2 drill program. The results of the first work program, along with new detailed mapping of the area and an interpretation of the ground geophysics induced polarization will assist the Company in targeting the focus of future work. Considering the results of the first phase program where the Company have intersected the mineralized body in several drill holes, the next phase will focus in following up on this initial success searching for the extension of these mineralized bodies.

   Phase 1 work completed:

   Ground geophysics grids have been cut every 100 meters and at a spacing of 50 meters totaling 55 linear kilometers (see figure 4, 5: In addition, 600 metres of trenches have been completed. A total of 325 rock chip samples were collected with lengths varying between 0.5 and 5 meters (101 trench samples, 90 outcrop samples, 24 float and 110 manual pit samples of 1 to 4 meters depth). Values ranged from 0.01 to 16.65 g/t gold and 0.01 to 1665 g/t silver.

   Significant sample results include:

   - 44 m at an average of 3.21 g/t gold and 15 g/t silver;

   - 52 m at an average of 3.71 g/t gold and 162 g/t silver;

   - 29 m at an average of 2.66 g/t gold and 14 g/t silver;

   - 12 m at an average of 1.07 g/t gold and 183 g/t silver;

   - Several float (sub outcrops) of hydrothermal breccia with barite and polysulphides; significant results: 1.5 g/t gold and 471 g/t silver, 1.64 g/t gold and 1665 g/t silver, 1.85 g/t gold and 415 g/t silver, among others.

   Also, 593 soil samples were collected, 157 channel samples, and 378 auger samples with depths ranging from 1 m to 4 m. The soil sampling results has confirmed the presence of a hydrothermal breccia zone. The soil sampling also identified two gold and silver anomalies with coincident copper and lead (see figures 1 and 2:

   At 350 meters north from the Sesmo Sur anomaly, the Company identified an outcrop 20 meters in diameter with high silicification and disseminated sphalerite. The sampling of this outcrop returned grades of 2.48 g/t gold and 2% zinc.

   Lastly, the Company's "Aeromapa" completed the topographic restitution of a 12 000 hectare area at a scale of 1:5000.

   Geophysics Summary at Sesmo Sur

   Geofisica Consultores were contracted to complete a ground geophysics program at the Curipamba Property. They completed the data collection with geophysicist John Buckle providing the interpretation, conclusion and recommendations. A total of 55 linear kilometers of magnetometry was completed covering the following anomalies: Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa. Also 7 line kilometres of induced polarization with stations spaced every 25m was completed on lines 9300, 9400, 9500 and 9600. The magnetometry survey covers an area 3.5 kilometers west to east and 2 kilometers north to south, with stations spaced every 12.5 meters (figure 4, 5:

   Results indicate:

   - A significant magnetic low corresponding with an identified zone of hydrothermal breccias; and areas with strong argillic-sericite-pyrite alteration; the flanking magnetic highs imply surrounding unaltered mafic rocks.

   - A significant induced polarization anomaly on lines 9300 to 9500 has amplitudes consistent with very high chargeability values that are characteristic of semi-massive to massive sulphide bodies. Line 9600 appears to indicate the limit of the anomalous unit to the north; however it is open to the south of line 9300. The anomaly is clearly observed in the data over 300 meters in length by 150 meters in width with a shallow dip to the west. It appears to broaden at a depth of 120 meters with observed continuation below 200 meters. The anomalous zone strikes approximately N 20 E.

   The geophysics program is ongoing and will include the completion of 50 linear kilometers of induced polarization between Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa (see figure 1).

   During the field exploration program at Sesmo Sur and surrounding areas, the Company successfully discovered two additional anomalous areas that require priority follow-up in the next phase of the exploration program. Descriptions are as follows:

   La Vaquera Anomaly

   During the exploration program performed at Gatuza Creek, within the area known as La Vaquera, various float samples were collected up to 5 meters in diameter consisting of quartz stockwork in strongly silicified rock and rock blocks and strong sericite- argillic-pyrite alteration. Results determined that the Company had discovered a significant geochemical anomaly. La Vaquera is located approximately 2000 meters west from the Sesmo Sur anomaly A total of 14 samples were collected (float and outcrop), values ranging from 0.01 to 16.3 g/t gold, from 0.1 to 136 g/t silver and from 7 to 5580 g/t copper. Results are presented in the following table:

   Sample-            With
   ID       Type        (m) Au g/t  Ag g/t  Cu PPM  Pb PPM  Zn PPM
   356     float              0.59     4.3    6240       9    1095
   357     float              0.04     0.2      34       3       9
   365     float              1.09     0.4    3810     127     298
   366     float              0.08     0.5     490       5      44
   367     float              0.01     0.1      35      14       3
   368     float              2.49     1.8    2210      97     229
   1000    float              1.81    18.4     212     661     321
   1001    float             16.30     2.6    2190      64     182
   1002    float              1.13     0.1    2180      45     251
   1014    float              1.10   136.0    3460      15      90
   1015    float              0.04    10.8    5580       5       2
   1003    outcrop       2    0.01     0.1       7       5     111
   1066    outcrop       3    0.02     0.3     278       7      39
   1067    outcrop       2    1.58     0.7    2830       8     216

   Also, a total of 256 soil samples were taken at La Vaquera by auger. The soil sample results have uncovered an important anomaly approximately 200 meters in length with concentrations higher than 100 ppb gold in a strongly altered zone of sericite - argillic - pyrite.

   A ground geophysics induced polarization program is currently taking place and preliminary results indicate a high chargeability / low resistivity anomaly approximately 400 meters in length.

   The next work phase will include completion of the ground geophysics program, interpretation of results, followed by a targeted drill program. The Company estimates that La Vaquera will be drill ready within three months.

   Quebrada Agua Santa Anomaly

   Three creeks localized near Guabito town were investigated during the regional prospecting program. Several metre size floats of jasper and hydrothermal breccias enriched in barite, pyrite and sphalerite were encountered. The Company collected 29 float samples and results returned values ranging from 0.03 to 4.99 g/t gold, 0.1 to 496 g/t silver, and 7 to 28900 g/t zinc; anomalous copper and lead values were also reported. These results determined that the Company had discovered another significant geochemical anomaly. This anomaly is located approximately 1500 meters northeast from the Sesmo Sur anomaly.

   Results are listed in the following table:

   Sample-            With
   ID       Type        (m) Au g/t  Ag g/t  Cu PPM  Pb PPM  Zn PPM
   173     Float              0.10     2.8      88      80      27
   174     Float              1.33    11.8     784     143     153
   175     Float              0.16     5.5     489     336     250
   176     Float              0.14     3.0     342      50     439
   177     Float              0.23     5.8     262     240     798
   178     Float              0.18     2.5      34      39      14
   179     Float              4.99   496.0    2060    9910   18400
   181     Float              0.14     3.9      97      50      94
   314     Float              0.44     3.4     423     582     596
   319     Float              1.79    30.7     895    1120     358
   324     Float              0.23     9.0     991      28     112
   325     Float              0.16     8.6      70      26      38
   326     Float              0.10     1.2     174      92      37
   327     Float              0.07     3.1     108      22      24
   384     Float              1.33    42.9    1810     592   28900
   385     Float              1.07     5.7     300    2390    1100
   386     Float              0.03     1.6      14      15      46
   387     Float              0.29     7.9     768     912     582
   388     Float              0.06     0.7      10      27     145
   389     Float              0.36     2.4    4170      54   28200
   432     Float              0.24     2.5    1080     225    1680
   433     Float              0.27    10.9     214    1850    3380
   434     Float              0.13     2.5     266      18     912
   459     Float              0.01     0.1      17       2      84
   464     Float              0.04     0.2       3       7      16
   465     Float              0.77    39.0     300    5600    8580
   15084   Float              0.03     0.6     109       8       6
   15143   Float              0.09     3.1      99      17      54
   1049    outcrop       3    0.01     0.8      89      20      10
   15141   outcrop       3    0.03     0.5     488       3      26
   15142   outcrop       3    0.08     1.5      54      84      65

   The next exploration phase at Quebrada Agua Santa anomaly includes the completion of a geochemical soils survey and a ground geophysics induced polarization program. This work phase will be implemented immediately.

   Mr. Fredy Salazar, President, states, "We are pleased to have advanced our project at a rapid pace at Sesmo Sur, gathering a large amount of data from which we will be able to make clear targeted decisions for our next work phase at Sesmo Sur and the surrounding areas. We are also encouraged to discover two more anomalous areas near Sesmo Sur that will garner priority follow-up in the coming months.

   The drilling at Las Naves is progressing well, and with the recent addition of a second drill rig on site, and an ongoing ground geophysics program complimenting our drilling and aiding in the discovery of new anomalies such as Domo, we are pleased that Las Naves' potential continues to develop."

   Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person (QP) for the Company has reviewed this news release and is responsible for its accuracy.

   Samples preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Lima, Peru, using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample batch to ensure quality control.

   To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit  

337 Postings, 6443 Tage kamaelion2Doppelt gemoppelt hält besser

28.02.08 18:58
Wäre nett, wenn die News kommentiert werden könnten. Mir fällt auf, dass die Kupfer und Zink Proben sehr hoch erscheinen. Aber ich habe von solchen Dingen keine Ahnung.  

2379 Postings, 6826 Tage tomerdingZeit, dass ich mich

28.02.08 19:50
mal wieder als Salazar Fan oute... :-)

Hab schwer gelitten, aber die ERgebnisse heute waren stark.

"44 m at an average of 3.21 g/t gold and 15 g/t silver"

sind wirklich sehr gut! Es geht zwar auch besser (siehe Aurelian) aber es stehen ja noch einige Löcher aus!

"Results from drill holes 28, 31, and 33 will be released shortly"

Noch 44 m mehr und das doppelte Gehalt an Gold und wir stehen bei 5 Euro

Ach ja, so reagiert Can... ;-)  
Angehängte Grafik:

337 Postings, 6443 Tage kamaelion2@tomerding

28.02.08 20:06
Kannst Du auch damit was anfangen: "Massive Sulphide Mineralization". Soweit mir bekannt ist, ist das ein Hinweis auf richtig große Vorkommen. Aber ich weiß das nicht genau, bin gerade am Anfang mit meinen Studien.  

15890 Postings, 8528 Tage Calibra21Spekulativ eingekauft

28.02.08 20:11
So, habe mir jetzt auch mal ein paar SRL gekauft. Bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass wir spät. morgen die 2,00 C-$ Marke erfolgreich erobern und dann bis 2,5 C-$ locker hochlaufen. Ich weiss, ist sehr spekulativ. Aber dieser Satz sorgt für Fantasie:

...Results from drill holes 28, 31, and 33 will be released shortly...  

960 Postings, 6368 Tage ZwenerTyko

28.02.08 20:14
jetzt gehts upp  

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzIch sag doch

29.02.08 00:05
Salazar-Explorer  mit  Geduld :-)
...und 2 Tage später kommen super Bohrergebnisse! Jippppppi!!!!!!!!  

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzMorgen wird´s kurz runter gehen

29.02.08 00:17
ganz normale Gewinnmitnahmen und dann kommen die BB´s zum Einsatz und veröffentlichen die super Bohrergebnisse! Dann gehts ab!

Da nun die Todgesagte Aktie wieder lebt und mächtig Spekulation nach Oben vorhanden ist (wir sind wirklich sehr weit vom Hoch entfernt...) seh ich kurzfristig nen ordentlichen Kursschub nach oben! Ich werd auf jeden Fall Kaufkurse setzen, falls sie morgen früh nochmal runter kommt...


15890 Postings, 8528 Tage Calibra21Ausbruch unter hohem Volumen.

29.02.08 07:56
Angehängte Grafik:

15890 Postings, 8528 Tage Calibra21Was für ein Fake!

29.02.08 15:46
Bin raus.  

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzNach 30% rauf sind 10% runter

29.02.08 16:36
verständlich...und man muss zugeben, das sich Salazar trotz des schlechten Marktumfeldes sehr gut hält!
Ich bleib drin! Stück für 1,00€ werden nicht mehr kommen...  

363 Postings, 6389 Tage T1503arzich meinte Stücke

29.02.08 16:37

2379 Postings, 6826 Tage tomerdingbin auch wieder zum Teil raus

29.02.08 17:20
Die Ergebnisse waren aber trotzdem nicht schlecht. Mal schaun vielleicht in ein paar Tgen wieder nachkauf  

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