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246516 Postings, 6980 Tage buran?EFGO ?

11.10.07 15:19
Leute hat einer Infos zu EFGO ?
Gruß buran  


246516 Postings, 6980 Tage burankeiner?

12.10.07 09:06


1847 Postings, 7416 Tage MeierFrage mal unsere Perle.

12.10.07 09:15
"Grüß dich, Hast paar Informationen für mich, von deinem Favoriten.Ich bin zwischenzeitlich so schnell wie möglich zu EFGO rüber.Da werde Ich auch bleiben, eine sehr lange Zeit lang..EFGO ist heiß, sehr heiß.
Warte nicht zulange.Ich freue über deinen Tip oder Tipps. Wenn du von mir Infos über EFGO haben willst, schicke mir doch einfach eine Board-Mail, Ich werde dir dann die ganzen Informationen über EFGO zu schicken.
EFGO at http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conews&tkr=efgo
Bis dann mal.Ciao;Good Luck."  


246516 Postings, 6980 Tage buranach der Herr Meier hat also auch die BM erhalten;)

12.10.07 09:18
schon und gut.'Ne WKN wäre nicht schlecht.Ein paar Fundamentaldaten auch nicht. Gruß b.  


1847 Postings, 7416 Tage MeierDas Thema hatten wir doch gestern schon

12.10.07 09:24

3743 Postings, 6689 Tage Limitlesshi buran

12.10.07 13:34
ich habe diese bm auch erhalten ...
das du dafür einen thread aufmachst ....
da gibt es doch besseres - auch aktien mit  ner WKN !!!! *gg

"Hast paar Informationen für mich, von deinem Favoriten.Ich bin zwischenzeitlich so schnell wie möglich zu EFGO rüber.Da werde Ich auch bleiben.EFGO ist heiß, sehr heiß. "


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54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierEFGO eine ist doch eine sehr Interessante Aktie

12.10.07 15:23
EFGO eine ist doch eine sehrInteressante Aktie.

Hi Buran, das du den Mut ist, einen Thread für EFGO aufzumachen, finde Ich echt Klasse.

Um weietre Informationen zu erhalten, kann du gerne bei www.bloomberg.con, Investroeshub.com und zb.B bei www.stockhouse.com u.a. reingucken.

Ich habe diese eMail auch erhalten, habe Mir eifnach dann zugelegt,Ihr fragt dann warum, Na müßt Ihr mal lesen!!



54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierMehr infos bei www.Bloomberg.com u.a.

12.10.07 15:41
Mehr infos bei www.Bloomberg.com u.a..Hau rein!!  


3743 Postings, 6689 Tage Limitlessjauw....wer da nicht

12.10.07 17:41
ist selber schuld *lol  


54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierVöllig Richtug.Mal erstmal wischenden Zeilen lesen

12.10.07 17:48
Richtig Limitless.Ich sehe du hast dich mal mit der Thematik angenommen.Potenzial,Substanz,China-Markt,USA-MArkt,Der Rest wird ein selbstgänger sein.Wer da nicht zuschlägt, hat selber schuld und wird danch nur dumm gucken,nach dem Motto.Warum habe Ich nicht!! Den Nagel voll auf den Kopf getroffen.Denkt mal darüber nach.Erst lesen.dann maul aufmachen,villeicht zu hart getroffen,Na, dann lesed mal weiter...
Weitere Infos findet Ihr auch im Investorshub.com Da sitzen die Amerikaner u.a  


3743 Postings, 6689 Tage Limitlessmeinst du diese aktie ?

12.10.07 18:17

sind zwar im mom noch vieeele nullen ...  limi  


246516 Postings, 6980 Tage buranhi Limi

12.10.07 20:20
erstmal Dank an Dir und den anderen.Ich habe leider Null Ahnung um welchen Wert es sich hier handeln soll.Vielleicht können uns weitere Postings mehr Aufschluss geben.Gespannt ist man ja schon ,aber wie gesagt null Ahnung.Gruß buran  


54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierGenau.Diese Aktie $$$ EFGO$$$

12.10.07 20:38
Habe selbst einen Aruf von einem Mitarbeiter von Morganfinsch bekommen.Hat sich eindeutig einer Stimmes eines Amerikaners angehört,Er hat gesagt, er rufe aus Barcelona an.Er wollte für mich arbeiten, sagte er.Wir atten einen Termin ausgemacht, wann er mich wieder anrufen sollte,Er wollte für Tmich rades machen, Er sagt sagte EFGO is A very fine Hotstock,Hotstock!!,No longer wait sir!!.Ich konnte ihn jedenfalls abwimmeln,und sagte Ihm das Ich selbst Heavytrader bin und selbst seit über 20 Jahren an der NYSE trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anruf von Morganfisch - Weebseite:MorganFinsch.com oder müßt Ihr mal herausfinden.
In letzter Zeit wurde soviel Wirbel umm EFGO gemacht, da scheint was drann zu sein!!!!

Ich nehme mal an das er sich für einen Insider ist, oder sich dafür hält.

Jedenfalls habe Ich dann ca. 80 Millionen mir zugelegt.


Die Nullen werden jedenfalls verschwinden.Ist ein Wunder wenn EFGO minimum 1 US$ erreicht, und in NASDAQ gelistet wird??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ist nur meine Meinung und der Meinung vieler anderer!!  


Angehängte Grafik:

54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierManagementteamofEFGO & Townhall.@buran &@limitless

12.10.07 21:46
ManagementteamofEFGO & Townhall: Infoquelle u.a.

Announcements @ Esprit Financial Group
10.11.07Insider SharesPosted in Investor Relations at 10:53 pm by adol77dai51


THe company has claimed there will not be any share structure increases and the bashers on the board [IHUB] keep claiming there will be 2 billion additional shares added to the O/S at anytime if not already.


The 2 billion shares are restricted under Rule 144, and subject to the trading restrictions under that rule.  They will not hit the market as free trading any time soon, and then, only in quantities limited by Rule 144 relating to market activity.

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Reverse SplitPosted in Investor Relations at 10:47 pm by adol77dai51


Is it possible that there will be a reverse split now, which would not affect Mr. Winters shares? This has come up on message boards since this news was posted, and I guess I am just looking for a little reassurance :). Some have posted that a r/s can be a good thing, my experience so far (which I admit is limited), it has really been a bad thing.

So far I am very please with what is going on so far, and the frequent communcation from the company is much appreciated.

Thank you for your time .


Should there be any reverse split in the future, the number of votes per preferred share would be reduced on a pro-rata basis to preserve the status quo. Again, the Company will not execute a reverse split solely to reduce the number of shares outstanding. It will only be considered if a major new business development required.

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CEO Garr Winters LongevityPosted in Investor Relations at 10:40 pm by EricTheRed


There is a lot of talk about Mr. Winters leaving at the end of the year. Is this true?I believe he is doing a great job of moving this company forward this year and I for one would like to see him continue in his role, with his direction, this is only the beginning of even greater things to come.


We’ve been trying very hard to convince him to stay.  That is one of the reasons we reached an accord to transfer some of Minaco-Tradex’s preferred shares to him.We will let him comment further himself.  Look for it shortly on the Town Hall.  .

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Auditied FinancialsPosted in Uncategorized, Investor Relations at 10:24 pm by Chris


Why isn’t EFGO auditing financials?



We intend to provide audited statements when appropriate, most likely for the 2007 year-end. Auditing quarterlies is an expensive and time-consuming exercise. The year-end numbers will be much more meaningful.Additionally, it will become much more relevant to issue audited statements once the revenues have started to ramp up. At this point, we have advised stakeholders that we have not yet begun to recognize significant increases to top-line revenue. It makes more sense to audit statements after we have started to achieve significant growth, to validate the accuracy of the increases in revenue, cash flow and assets after they start being realized.Most accounting disasters relate to inflated earnings and assets, and have an impact on shareholders when they buy and/or hold shares based on these inflated numbers, and then lose money when earnings have to be re-stated downwards.

We are not yet a large Blue Chip large-cap Company. There is much more upside potential than downside. We have ambitious plans. We don’t intend to let them get derailed by running out of cash, and we will continue to preserve liquid assets to the greatest extent possible.

We hope this addresses your concerns.

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Garr/Minaco-TradeX sharesPosted in Announcements, Investor Relations at 10:05 pm by EricTheRed


I think that is great news that Garr will be here next year to continue to run the company.Some concerns after reading these post need answered.

I thought the preferred shares were only 2000, obviously Gar can not live off of a portion of these. So how many shares do Minaco-TradeX own and how/when did this happen?
It was stated these shares are the same as our common shares only with 30,000: 1 voting rights. Again how can he live off that.
Still concerned about losing my share count after the O/S has double since buying my shares, giving me ½ the percentage to O/S I had before.

First, we must clarify that he has not agreed to stay and run the Company. We are discussing an ongoing role in the Company. However, he has other business interests that will conflict with him staying on a full-time basis. He will comment shortly on the Town Hall himself.

To the first question, Garr is a very successful businessman. He does not need to sell shares to survive financially. That is why he turned the shares back to the Company. To be able to sell a few shares in bits and pieces is not worth the trouble (as an insider there are still stiff restrictions on the number of shares he can sell). He does, however, deserve to be compensated for all of the work he has done. If and when we close some of the major deals on the table, he will have earned the right to be properly compensated. That is the intent of transferring dome of the preferred shares to him. That provides the opportunity for him to be compensated in the future. Both the Company and Minaco-Tradex have recognized this factor, and this is the simplest way to provide compensation at a future date commensurate with his actual performance.The preferred shares are preferred in only one respect, and that is their multiple voting rights of 30,000,000 per share. There is no current market for them. They were issued to Minaco-Tradex exactly as announced. There are only 2,000 issued. They are currently all held by Minaco-Tradex. The transaction to transfer a portion of them to Mr. Winters has not yet been executed. All parties are acting simply on good faith.

As for your last question, the answer is also straightforward. While your percentage of the Company may be less than it was, we believe the assets acquired have added substantially more than the dilution factor. Like the age old addage; Would you rather have 100% of nothing, or half of something valuable?

Esprit will either grow, or wither on the vine. Under Garr’s leadership, the Company has taken an aggressive approach to growth, by diversifying into new areas that trade on the Company’s core competencies. Obviously we can’t expect to hit a home run on every single initiative. However, we have had a lot more opportunities ‘at bat’ since the strategic change. If only one deals works out well, the Company will be far ahead of where it would have been. We believe our actual batting percentage is going to be a lot more respectable than that.

Once we start closing contracts on the table, we should be able to silence all the naysayers. In the mean time, all the ‘chicken little contingent’ has been able to do is scare away a couple of potential deals with their endless criticisms, as well as potential new investors.

We look forward to the opportunity to shut them up once and for all. Why a shareholder would constantly complain while insisting they are ‘long’ is beyond us. If they think Esprit is such a terrible Company, sell and move on. Be a man, take your loss, and go invest brilliantly somewhere else.

Otherwise, be quiet and give us a chance to prove the value of what we are working on. Remember, when Xerox made the first duplicating machine, they thought it was a solution to a question that no one had asked, and expected it to go nowhere. Whoops. That turned out to be a bit of an under-estimate. Everyone wrote off Apple, until they came back.

Enough said.

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Nevada S.O.SPosted in Investor Relations at 9:28 pm by thamsgt


According to this September Nevada Sec of state Hugo Rubio is still affliated with Cash Now. Am I reading this correctly?  To what capacity is Rubio affiliated with Espirit? I thought he was gone?


Hugo Rubio continues to be a director of the Company. That has not changed. His role is simply the same as any director of public company, which means that he is not actively involved in the daily operations of the Company.  However, he does have a fiduciary duty to protect the interests of the shareholders at all times.

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10.09.07Investor Awareness CampaignPosted in Investor Relations at 8:20 pm by adol77dai51


I see where ConnectAJet.com (cajt) has been running and investor awareness campaign for the last couple weeks, which includes a full page ad in the USA Today daily paper. Their stock has went from approx. $1.25 to $2.75. This has obviously work for them.

Is this the kind of full out exposure you are going to do? And when will this campaign start.


That’s a little out of our league.  A full page ad runs roughly $150,000 per insertion. Our campaigns have been online, using websites, newsletters etc. targetted to micro cap investors. When we can announce major news, we can ramp up an online campaign and spend more aggressively.

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Great days ahead!!!Posted in Investor Relations at 8:09 pm by GoVols1

To the EFGO staff,

Thanks guys for keeping the communication lines open for us. Between the returned emails and the Town Hall, most all my questions are always answered. I understand that all my emails can not be answered as it may effect progress and could be considered inside information, but it’s obvious to me that you try your best to answer all the questions that you can. I’m very anxious to here about the progress in China and with IFGX as well. At these levels, I consider EFGO to be one of the greatest potential investments of the year. Thanks for your efforts and keep up the good work!!!

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I’m behind you EFGO! [Reverse Split]Posted in Investor Relations at 8:09 pm by planetoid_cranium


Many trader’s are sitting on pins and needles- struggling for any information to calm their fears. Many do not understand the options that are available to public companies- to make money! That’s what is all about, really. Ponder this:  EFGO has many options through themselves and the aquired shell companies. Obviously- selling the shell companies would be an instant source of cash and revenue stream- depending on how the deal is structured. Although, that affects the balance sheet, and the value of the company- most are worried about EFGO proper. Many are worried about a R/S. Don’t! A reverse split is most likely inevitable, and quite frankly- needed at some point. The O/S are ridiculous. For EFGO to be a major player in the financial sector- it’s O/S must be under 800million at some point! It is wishful thinking- to expect EFGO to buyback billions of shares. This is not ecomically feasible, or time capable! They would only be able to buy back up to 25% of the daily trading volume- do the math- it would take a long time. A R/S is the only option- but traders fear a R/S- concentrating on the reduction of shares- not the increase of value per share, or the range those shares can increase- if a company like EFGO is strong, with GOOD HORIZONS! Many will disagree with me- until they truly THINK about it. A 10:1 REVERSE SPLIT is NOTHING TO INVESTORS(investors have millions of shares)- BUT EVERYTHING to the VALUE OF EFGO, and ultimately to the INVESTORS PROFITABILITY! For those who agree- see you at the finish line. For those who don’t- SELL ME YOUR SHARES.


We will not do a reverse split just to reduce the number of shares.  The bottom line, it is the market cap that is important in valuing Company shares.  If the PPS goes to .001, the market cap rises to $10 million, .002 equals $20 million.  A reverse split would not change the market cap, only the value of each share.  We don’t think our shareholders will complain if they have 10 million shares worth $10,000 or 1,000 shares worth the same amount. Of course, the higher, the better.Yes, we may have to address the number of shares in the future, but from a position of strength, after we have proven the true value of the Company

As previously noted, this could coincide with a major business development that requires this type of adjustment.

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Please answer the check 21 questionPosted in Announcements, Investor Relations at 7:56 pm by thamsgt


As I have mentioned many shareholders don’t quite understand the check21 process can someone explain it in laymens terms………….Thanks.


“Check 21″ (Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act) is an U.S. federal law that became effective on October 28, 2004. It is designed to enable banks to handle more checks electronically, which should make check processing faster and more efficient.As of mid-2006, most banks physically moved original paper checks from the bank where the checks were deposited to the bank that paid them. This transportation can be inefficient and costly.

With check 21, the original checks are scanned (front and back) and then cleared electronically. This radically speeds up the check clearing process, as the paper checks no longer have to be transported, sorted, cleared, returned to the originating bank etc. Usually 80% of the funds of a check deposit are available to the depositor within 24 hours, and the remaining funds within 48.

If necessary, Check 21 allows for the creation of “Substitute Checks” from check images. These Substitute Checks are essentially a printout of the original check, have the same legal status can be processed in the same way.

For U.S. denominated checks that are deposited overseas, this increased efficiency is much more dramatic. A U.S. check deposited in China can take up to five weeks to clear. Check 21 will clear it in a fraction of that time. It therefore becomes a very valuable convenience for the party depositing the check, in exchange for a small service fee.

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New IFGX Division HeadPosted in Press Releases, Announcements, Investor Relations at 4:54 pm by adol77dai51

Esprit will be issuing a press release this afternoon related to the IFGX division. The full content of the release is included below.

Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) IFGX Division appoints Steve Edwards Vice President, Business Development North AmericaLAS VEGAS, Oct 9th 2007 - Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com announced today the hiring of Steve Edwards as Vice President, Business Development for its IFGX division, responsible for the North American market. Mr. Edwards has extensive experience in sales development in a number of different industries, including the Financial Sector.

Commenting on the appointment, CEO Garr Winters said: “We are very excited with the way things are proceeding for IFGX. While there has been a lot of focus on our new opportunities in China, we have also made significant progress attracting interest from North American based companies. The IFGX division has been progressing much more quickly than anticipated. We have brought Steve in to take on responsibility for this area and relieve pressure and allow senior management to retain primary focus on business developments in China. Steve brings with him a wealth of experience in sales and he has been very pro-active in taking charge of this important division in the short time he has been with the Company.”

Esprit’s IFGX.com will primarily provide financial consulting to assist companies wishing to enter the public markets, primarily through reverse mergers with shell companies controlled by Esprit. The division will also provide merchant banking services, providing clients with assistance in raising funds to fuel growth.

Esprit Financial is very bullish on growth with a number of new exciting business opportunities in the offing. Over the last few months the Company has been acquiring a shell companies with this purpose in mind.

Winters added: “We are now pretty well geared up to bring a number of projects on line in the coming months. We have also recently launched a website devoted to IFGX; www.ifgx.com to support the growth of this division”.

About Esprit Financial Group Inc.

Esprit Financial Group Inc. is a public company engaged in a diversified number of online financial services. These include: the Payday Loan Software division, Forex Trading, Advanced Electronic Funds Management, and IFGX Specialized Investment Banking and Financial Advisory Services.

Safe Harbor Statement

Information in this press release may contain ‘forward-looking statements.’ Statements describing objectives or goals or the Company’s future plans are also forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the financial performance of the Company and market valuations of its stock, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the ‘Safe Harbor’ provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks relating to the ability to close transactions being contemplated, risks related to sales, continued acceptance of Esprit Financial Group’s products, increased levels of competition, technological changes, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks detailed from time to time in Esprit Financial Group’s periodic reports filed with the regulatory authorities.


Investor Relations: 1-416-619-0397

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AdvertisingPosted in Investor Relations at 4:51 pm by Chris


How are you going to market and advertise the new IFGX website to potential clients? Do you have any plans of doing commercial adds?



These are specialized  deals, and not marketed using traditional techniques.  We have developed a network of contacts over the last year that steer potential clients to us.  We will also develop an SEO (search engine optimization) program that will enable our website to raise its visiblity for potential clients using search engines to find companies that can assist them in going public or raising funds.

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10.08.07QUESTION: Moving to OTCBBPosted in Investor Relations at 8:41 pm by gotmoneyido


So is the paln to move in a otc bb shell that you own still a go? If so, where are we at on this project thanks and keep up the good work see you in the pennys lol


The decision to uplist to the OTCBB has not been made. The Company is considering various options, but will not take any immediate action pending results from at least some of the projects currently under negotiation in China. These can have a potential material impact on the decision as to the most appropriate venue for Esprit.

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Who is IHUB?Posted in Investor Relations at 8:33 pm by ebiz3000


I keep reading about IHUB. Who are they and how do I get in touch with them? I own shares in this company and have a real interest in what is happening with the shares.

Thank you.


Investors Hub is an online chat forum that hosts a large number of chat boards related to different stocks. Each chat board follows a different stock, or topic of interest related to investing. It currently has over 100,000 Members on over 9000 Boards. It provides a forum for investors to share information about a Company, which helps with the Due Diligence process for potential and existing investors. However, comments can be speculative in nature. There are no real controls to verify the accuracy of any specific comments, as it is a public forum open to all.There is an active IHub board that follow’s Esprit’s stock. It can be found at:http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/board.asp?board_id=6529

Note: Chat boards often have members with hidden agendas. Beware of bashers (people who are trying to undermine the value of the stock with negative comments) and promoters who are trying to generate excitement about the stock without providing any real information.

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WTH?Posted in Investor Relations at 8:08 pm by planetoid_cranium


If you please-I think it is curious: that most town hall posts are coming from adol77dai51. Is this a psuedoname for the administrator of the town hall forum? If it isn’t- I think most answers could be e-mailed to him/her! This person is obviously a novice with the inability to understand a simple employee “pay package”! If it is- stop trying to manipulate the forum- with propoganda- and just start answering REAL investor posts! Thank you.


We only answer legitimate questions that have been posed to Esprit from outside sources. Often, the same question is asked by a number of different people. We take editorial license, and post a single question rather than repeating the same response to multiple enquiries. We edit out inappropriate language, but generally try to leave the questions intact (including the odd spelling mistake). If you scan through the Town Hall posts, you will see that a number of questions posted are challenging, if not outright confrontational.We usually cut and paste questions from various questions and sources, which accounts for the adol77dai51 links.

We often get feedback from posters who are surpised that we had the courage to post there questions as asked.

You will note that we toned down the Headline in this post, but oterhwise left your comment intact, as per standard policy.

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12.10.07 21:48
@all -  www.cashnow.com - unbedingt lesen  


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54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierPlease answer the check 21 question

12.10.07 21:55
Please answer the check 21 question
Posted in Announcements, Investor Relations at 7:56 pm by thamsgt
As I have mentioned many shareholders don’t quite understand the check21 process can someone explain it in laymens terms………….Thanks.
“Check 21″ (Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act) is an U.S. federal law that became effective on October 28, 2004. It is designed to enable banks to handle more checks electronically, which should make check processing faster and more efficient.As of mid-2006, most banks physically moved original paper checks from the bank where the checks were deposited to the bank that paid them. This transportation can be inefficient and costly.
With check 21, the original checks are scanned (front and back) and then cleared electronically. This radically speeds up the check clearing process, as the paper checks no longer have to be transported, sorted, cleared, returned to the originating bank etc. Usually 80% of the funds of a check deposit are available to the depositor within 24 hours, and the remaining funds within 48.
If necessary, Check 21 allows for the creation of “Substitute Checks” from check images. These Substitute Checks are essentially a printout of the original check, have the same legal status can be processed in the same way.
For U.S. denominated checks that are deposited overseas, this increased efficiency is much more dramatic. A U.S. check deposited in China can take up to five weeks to clear. Check 21 will clear it in a fraction of that time. It therefore becomes a very valuable convenience for the party depositing the check, in exchange for a small service fee.
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New IFGX Division Head
Posted in Press Releases, Announcements, Investor Relations at 4:54 pm by adol77dai51
Esprit will be issuing a press release this afternoon related to the IFGX division. The full content of the release is included below.

Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) IFGX Division appoints Steve Edwards Vice President, Business Development North AmericaLAS VEGAS, Oct 9th 2007 - Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com announced today the hiring of Steve Edwards as Vice President, Business Development for its IFGX division, responsible for the North American market. Mr. Edwards has extensive experience in sales development in a number of different industries, including the Financial Sector.
Commenting on the appointment, CEO Garr Winters said: “We are very excited with the way things are proceeding for IFGX. While there has been a lot of focus on our new opportunities in China, we have also made significant progress attracting interest from North American based companies. The IFGX division has been progressing much more quickly than anticipated. We have brought Steve in to take on responsibility for this area and relieve pressure and allow senior management to retain primary focus on business developments in China. Steve brings with him a wealth of experience in sales and he has been very pro-active in taking charge of this important division in the short time he has been with the Company.”
Esprit’s IFGX.com will primarily provide financial consulting to assist companies wishing to enter the public markets, primarily through reverse mergers with shell companies controlled by Esprit. The division will also provide merchant banking services, providing clients with assistance in raising funds to fuel growth.
Esprit Financial is very bullish on growth with a number of new exciting business opportunities in the offing. Over the last few months the Company has been acquiring a shell companies with this purpose in mind.
Winters added: “We are now pretty well geared up to bring a number of projects on line in the coming months. We have also recently launched a website devoted to IFGX; www.ifgx.com to support the growth of this division”.
About Esprit Financial Group Inc.
Esprit Financial Group Inc. is a public company engaged in a diversified number of online financial services. These include: the Payday Loan Software division, Forex Trading, Advanced Electronic Funds Management, and IFGX Specialized Investment Banking and Financial Advisory Services.
Safe Harbor Statement
Information in this press release may contain ‘forward-looking statements.’ Statements describing objectives or goals or the Company’s future plans are also forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the financial performance of the Company and market valuations of its stock, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the ‘Safe Harbor’ provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks relating to the ability to close transactions being contemplated, risks related to sales, continued acceptance of Esprit Financial Group’s products, increased levels of competition, technological changes, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks detailed from time to time in Esprit Financial Group’s periodic reports filed with the regulatory authorities.
Investor Relations: 1-416-619-0397
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Posted in Investor Relations at 4:51 pm by Chris
How are you going to market and advertise the new IFGX website to potential clients? Do you have any plans of doing commercial adds?
These are specialized deals, and not marketed using traditional techniques. We have developed a network of contacts over the last year that steer potential clients to us. We will also develop an SEO (search engine optimization) program that will enable our website to raise its visiblity for potential clients using search engines to find companies that can assist them in going public or raising funds.
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Posted in Investor Relations at 8:41 pm by gotmoneyido
So is the paln to move in a otc bb shell that you own still a go? If so, where are we at on this project thanks and keep up the good work see you in the pennys lol
The decision to uplist to the OTCBB has not been made. The Company is considering various options, but will not take any immediate action pending results from at least some of the projects currently under negotiation in China. These can have a potential material impact on the decision as to the most appropriate venue for Esprit.
Permalink Comments
Who is IHUB?
Posted in Investor Relations at 8:33 pm by ebiz3000
I keep reading about IHUB. Who are they and how do I get in touch with them? I own shares in this company and have a real interest in what is happening with the shares.
Thank you.
Investors Hub is an online chat forum that hosts a large number of chat boards related to different stocks. Each chat board follows a different stock, or topic of interest related to investing. It currently has over 100,000 Members on over 9000 Boards. It provides a forum for investors to share information about a Company, which helps with the Due Diligence process for potential and existing investors. However, comments can be speculative in nature. There are no real controls to verify the accuracy of any specific comments, as it is a public forum open to all.There is an active IHub board that follow’s Esprit’s stock. It can be found at:http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/board.asp?board_id=6529
Note: Chat boards often have members with hidden agendas. Beware of bashers (people who are trying to undermine the value of the stock with negative comments) and promoters who are trying to generate excitement about the stock without providing any real information.
Permalink Comments
Posted in Investor Relations at 8:08 pm by planetoid_cranium
If you please-I think it is curious: that most town hall posts are coming from adol77dai51. Is this a psuedoname for the administrator of the town hall forum? If it isn’t- I think most answers could be e-mailed to him/her! This person is obviously a novice with the inability to understand a simple employee “pay package”! If it is- stop trying to manipulate the forum- with propoganda- and just start answering REAL investor posts! Thank you.
We only answer legitimate questions that have been posed to Esprit from outside sources. Often, the same question is asked by a number of different people. We take editorial license, and post a single question rather than repeating the same response to multiple enquiries. We edit out inappropriate language, but generally try to leave the questions intact (including the odd spelling mistake). If you scan through the Town Hall posts, you will see that a number of questions posted are challenging, if not outright confrontational.We usually cut and paste questions from various questions and sources, which accounts for the adol77dai51 links.
We often get feedback from posters who are surpised that we had the courage to post there questions as asked.
You will note that we toned down the Headline in this post, but oterhwise left your comment intact, as per standard policy.
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« Previous entries



54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierFrankfurt & USA - Geplant sind u.a. an die OTCBB u

12.10.07 21:58
Every board has a residential grouch, the one who apparently knows it all and has nothing but negative posts to offer.
All posts are just my opinion.
Handelbar an folgenden Börsenplätzen: Frankfurt & USA - Geplant sind u.a. an die OTCBB und London u.a.
CEO Interview
Transcript of interview with Garr Winters, CEO of EFGO.
Broadcast 5/23/07 on WallSt.net:
Older Interviews
MP3 format
Check 21 Scanners to China
Renomiertes Management Team:
Garr Winters
Robert Xu
Peter Presland
Keith Roberts
Peter He
Yes they go for $50,000-$300,000 OTCBB for $500,000 and Nasdaq 1.5 mill
These shells are Nadaq qualified BTW! IFGX needs to get a client that has assets to meet Nasdaq rules
Minaco ist based London
Company Links:
Europeans - Check this out - Info on the Euro FX
For complete company disclosure, visit;
http://www.Stockhouse.com u.v.m.
Related Press Releases
EFGO corporate guidance. A must read!!!! :
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com announced today
that its CEO, Garr Winters, will be returning to China next week for high-level negotiations on several business projects.
Jun 29 2007 4:21 PM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Completes Acquisition of Check 21 China (Press Release)
Jun 26 2007 11:05 PM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc Announces Three US Based Banks
Jun 25 2007 11:54AM ET
Interest In Check 21 Service Options for Chinese Market (Press Release)
Jun 21 2007 9:37AM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Announces Plans to Wholesale ATM Machines
Tuesday Jun 19 2007 3:28 AM ET
Esprit Financial Group acquires Check 21 China
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Discovers New Low-Cost ATM Supplier During China Travel (Press Release)
Thursday June 14 2007 11:13 AM ET
Tuesday June 12 2007 4:03 AM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Introduces New Branding for Advanced Electronic Funds Management Division
Monday June 4th, 4:20 pm ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Announces the Release of its Quarterly Report

OK lets do the math!

IFGX is listed as 5% or more shareholder.(this sum could be 7 8 or 10% I assumed it is 7.5% in my calculations

So lets take a low number of 5%

62 mm shares @ 5% = 3.1 million shares

3.1 mm shares @ 1.00 euro = 3.1 mm EUROS

3.1 mm Euros is 4.5 mm USD

So at 5% IFGX is 4.5 mm USD in the deal at 10% it is 9 mm USD

That is from the Emerald they also Pr Magna Plus we have GVHL


"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did,
I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Quote by: Henry Ford
(1863-1947) Founder of Ford Motor Company

LAS VEGAS, Sept 12, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK)
www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that it has signed a new licensing agreement of its PayDay Loan Software system for the Indiana regional district.
LAS VEGAS, Sept 17, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that
it has signed a new licensing agreement of its PayDay Loan Software system to an independent Florida based company.
LAS VEGAS, Sept 19, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that it will begin testing its Check 21 service for the Chinese market.
September - 21.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK)
Announces Signing of Utah PayDay Loan Regional Distributor
September - 24.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Retains Chinese Law Firm for Upcoming Projects
September - 27.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) IFGX Division to assist Chinese companies entering public markets

For complete company disclosure, visit;

Quarterly Report  Jun 30, 2007  Aug 14, 2007  
Articles of Incorporation  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 3, 2007  
Corporate Bylaws  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 1, 2007  
Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 1, 2007  
Management Discussion and Analysis  Jul 31, 2007  Jul 31, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Mar 31, 2007  Jul 6, 2007  
Annual Report  Dec 31, 2006  Feb 13, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Dec 31, 2006  Feb 13, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Sep 30, 2006  Dec 14, 2006  
Quarterly Report  Jun 30, 2006  Aug 16, 2006  
Yes they go for $50,000-$300,000 OTCBB for $500,000 and Nasdaq 1.5 mill
These shells are Nadaq qualified BTW! IFGX needs to get a client that has assets to meet Nasdaq rules
Ich werde immer nachkaufen!!
Forever trust in who you are and nothing else matters
Do your own research.To you I say shut up and leave!
EFGO - Strong Buy and Stay Long - $$$$



Angehängte Grafik:
managementteamofefgou.jpg (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierEFGO . Neue Infoquellen gefunden.Unbedingt lesen

13.10.07 01:01
Every board has a residential grouch, the one who apparently knows it all and has nothing but negative posts to offer.
All posts are just my opinion.
Handelbar an folgenden Börsenplätzen: Frankfurt & USA - Geplant sind u.a. an die OTCBB und London u.a.
CEO Interview
Transcript of interview with Garr Winters, CEO of EFGO.
Broadcast 5/23/07 on WallSt.net:
Older Interviews
MP3 format
Check 21 Scanners to China
Renomiertes Management Team:
Garr Winters
Robert Xu
Peter Presland
Keith Roberts
Peter He
Yes they go for $50,000-$300,000 OTCBB for $500,000 and Nasdaq 1.5 mill
These shells are Nadaq qualified BTW! IFGX needs to get a client that has assets to meet Nasdaq rules
Minaco ist based London
Company Links:
Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...

Europeans - Check this out - Info on the Euro FX
For complete company disclosure, visit;
http://www.Stockhouse.com u.v.m.
Related Press Releases
EFGO corporate guidance. A must read!!!! :
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com announced today
that its CEO, Garr Winters, will be returning to China next week for high-level negotiations on several business projects.
Jun 29 2007 4:21 PM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Completes Acquisition of Check 21 China (Press Release)
Jun 26 2007 11:05 PM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc Announces Three US Based Banks
Jun 25 2007 11:54AM ET
Interest In Check 21 Service Options for Chinese Market (Press Release)
Jun 21 2007 9:37AM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Announces Plans to Wholesale ATM Machines
Tuesday Jun 19 2007 3:28 AM ET
Esprit Financial Group acquires Check 21 China
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Discovers New Low-Cost ATM Supplier During China Travel (Press Release)
Thursday June 14 2007 11:13 AM ET
Tuesday June 12 2007 4:03 AM ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Introduces New Branding for Advanced Electronic Funds Management Division
Monday June 4th, 4:20 pm ET
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Announces the Release of its Quarterly Report

OK lets do the math!

IFGX is listed as 5% or more shareholder.(this sum could be 7 8 or 10% I assumed it is 7.5% in my calculations

So lets take a low number of 5%

62 mm shares @ 5% = 3.1 million shares

3.1 mm shares @ 1.00 euro = 3.1 mm EUROS

3.1 mm Euros is 4.5 mm USD

So at 5% IFGX is 4.5 mm USD in the deal at 10% it is 9 mm USD

That is from the Emerald they also Pr Magna Plus we have GVHL


"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did,
I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Quote by: Henry Ford
(1863-1947) Founder of Ford Motor Company

LAS VEGAS, Sept 12, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK)
www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that it has signed a new licensing agreement of its PayDay Loan Software system for the Indiana regional district.
LAS VEGAS, Sept 17, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that
it has signed a new licensing agreement of its PayDay Loan Software system to an independent Florida based company.
LAS VEGAS, Sept 19, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (ESPRIT) (EFGO.PK) www.espritfinancialgroup.com is pleased to announce that it will begin testing its Check 21 service for the Chinese market.
September - 21.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK)
Announces Signing of Utah PayDay Loan Regional Distributor
September - 24.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) Retains Chinese Law Firm for Upcoming Projects
September - 27.2007 -
Esprit Financial Group Inc. (Esprit) (EFGO.PK) IFGX Division to assist Chinese companies entering public markets

For complete company disclosure, visit;

Quarterly Report  Jun 30, 2007  Aug 14, 2007  
Articles of Incorporation  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 3, 2007  
Corporate Bylaws  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 1, 2007  
Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information  Jul 31, 2007  Aug 1, 2007  
Management Discussion and Analysis  Jul 31, 2007  Jul 31, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Mar 31, 2007  Jul 6, 2007  
Annual Report  Dec 31, 2006  Feb 13, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Dec 31, 2006  Feb 13, 2007  
Quarterly Report  Sep 30, 2006  Dec 14, 2006  
Quarterly Report  Jun 30, 2006  Aug 16, 2006  
Yes they go for $50,000-$300,000 OTCBB for $500,000 and Nasdaq 1.5 mill
These shells are Nadaq qualified BTW! IFGX needs to get a client that has assets to meet Nasdaq rules
Ich werde immer nachkaufen!!
Forever trust in who you are and nothing else matters
Do your own research.To you I say shut up and leave!
EFGO - Strong Buy and Stay Long - $$$$


Angehängte Grafik:
managementteamofefgou.jpg (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

3743 Postings, 6689 Tage Limitlesshallo buran

13.10.07 14:20
hmmmm, ????
aus der schule bin ich nu schon eiige tage raus, wo wir kettenbriefe und sonstiges gespielt haben...
Hier das sehe ich ähnlich, aber wenn du spielen willst, versuch es doch mal mit 50ig oder 100 euro; bekommst auf alle fälle eine menge ???? -
bloss solltest du auch einen grossen bekanntenkreis haben, die sie dir dann wieder abkaufen.... *gg
Sonst könnte man für die 100 euro auch schön essen gehen....
Aber das weisst du ja selber,
in diesem sinne dir  ein schönes WE ...   limi  


246516 Postings, 6980 Tage burangut ,jetzt sind einige wieder etwas

13.10.07 15:31
weiter gebildet worden.Ich danke hiermit und wünsche ein schönes WE.buran  


54 Postings, 6204 Tage HaierBei einigen wird die Glühbirne Klack machen.

13.10.07 16:19
Bei einigen wird die Glühbirne Klack machen.Hierbei haldelt es sich um eine extrem hochspekulative High Risk Stock.
Nach durchkämmen der NAchrichten und Company Hintergrundhinformationen werden bei einigen die Glühbirne glühen, und werden feststellen, das sich Hier was braut, was sehr großes.
Wie heißt es so schön: No Risk, No Big Money,Hierbei spreche Ich von sehr vielen $$$$$$$!!

Nun jeder handelt für einige Rechn ung.Infos und Ratschläge und Tip sind immer willkomen, sollten aber dementsprechend sachlich und klar definiert formuliert sein.

Wer nach spätestens 1-2 Monaten immer nach anders denkt, das der jenige mit Dax Werten besser aufgehoben wäre.

Leute, da braut sich was zusammen. EFGO agiert aggresiv am Markt.Die wissens schon wie sie das machen.
Und das ist immer gut für meine Kasse und für die die investiert sind bzw. noch die Absicht in EFGO investieren wollen.

Ich ünsche jedem ein schönes WE

EFGO - Strong Buy and be Long

Godd Luck

Gruß Haier



105 Postings, 6201 Tage TomsVisionsEFGO wird u.a. auch abgehen - Strong Buy

14.10.07 06:26
EFGO wird u.a. auch abgehen - Strong Buy  

105 Postings, 6201 Tage TomsVisionsLöschung

16.10.07 09:45

Zeitpunkt: 22.10.07 11:05
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß-Doppel ID



106 Postings, 6196 Tage F16GeschwaderWeihnachten wird vorverschoben.China wir kommen

19.10.07 19:49
Guten Morgen! Gibt interessante News!    

Letter to the Shareholders from Garr Winter
Posted in Announcements, Investor Relations at 7:40 pm by adol77dai51

I’d like to take the opportunity to say a few words regarding the progress of Esprit and where we are heading. They are overdue, and I apologize for the delay. First, let me express my thanks for the many positive comments we receive from our shareholders. An even bigger thanks for your patience. We have been hard at work building a solid foundation upon which to achieve very aggressive objectives in terms of growth. I know that it can be frustrating to be told deals are in the works, contracts are being negotiated, and everything good is yet to come. Please know that we are as impatient as you to start closing some of these deals. More importantly, we have a high level of confidence that we can deliver that growth, and reward your patience very, very handsomely.

I know we have our detractors as well. I want to make clear that we are doing everything in our power to move things forwards as quickly as humanly possible. I think we all understand how important that is, not only from a financial point of view to build the Company to the next level, but to start generating solid, positive momentum in our stock. Again, as insiders, we can see further down the road more easily. I am therefore very optimistic about the next couple of quarters, based on the business developments we are working on.

It is also a poorly kept secret that the Company has suffered from significant short selling, and from what I can tell, there have been some desperate moves to accuse the Company of everything from outright lying and fraud, to stealing candy from a baby. Many of these criticisms seem designed to undermine confidence in the Company, rather than express legitimate complaints, in order to keep the stock price low until the shorts can cover their positions. I trust the ability of our shareholders to be able to differentiate hysterical accusations from legitimate concerns.

I’d like to announce at this point that I am planning to continue work with Esprit beyond the end of this year. Part of this is selfish. The remainder of 2007 promises to be a whirlwind. We have worked very hard to develop new opportunities to grow our Company. I’d like to hang around for a while and enjoy the fruits of our labor as we begin to turn plans into reality, and good intentions into cold hard cash.

While I will not be able to stay on in a full-time capacity as the CEO, I will remain involved to help the Company transition as it matures and the operational side of the business flourishes. However, I have other business interests that require my attention as well, and need to balance my time between these.

As many of you doubtless know, I have returned my common stock to the Company. Initially, I planned to leave after the end of the year, and would have been free to sell my common stock as I saw fit. However, as an insider, the restrictions on trading Rule 144 stock creates complications, required filings, calculations on how much I can sell at any given time. Like you, I would like to reap the rewards as the price of our stock goes up.

Thankfully, I am well enough off that this is not a financial burden. However, I didn’t get to where I am by being a complete idiot. If some of the deals we are negotiating come through as we intend, I expect to get properly compensated.

We have put together a good faith agreement to have Minaco-Tradex transfer a portion of their preferred shares to me, as the most convenient method. At this time, no shares have been transferred to me. I have confidence that things will unfold as they should, in an equitable manner to all parties. Most importantly, I have confidence that our shareholders will be rewarded for their patience.

Importantly, shareholders should know that I still have a vested interest in seeing the Company’s share price rise significantly, as this is one of the key measures on which my performance will be judged in regards to the preferred shares. In other words, I am still accountable to bring the share price up to its real potential.

I know that our Investor Relations department has been working very hard to answer your questions and concerns, and I have not made it an easy task for them by being out of the country more than in it. If there are delays in responding to your questions, please know that it is often attributable to me.


As most of our shareholders are aware, China has become our key focus.

Robert Xu is completing the testing for the Check 21 service in conjunction with the banks. There was a delay getting the scanners through customs that pushed the testing process back until after the Golden Holiday week. We will provide updates as quickly as possible. I can state that things are looking very positive for this service, and we will provide more in-depth information as we get ready to roll the service out.

There are a number of China based companies that are intent on accessing the public markets outside of China, who have approached us in regards to reverse mergers. While traditional reverse mergers have a variety of obstacles in place within the Chinese regulatory system, we have developed an approach that can achieve a similar result much more easily and within a much shorter time-frame.

This will bring significant new revenues to the Company through our IFGX division. We intend to close one or more contracts in this area within a month.

PayDay Loan Division:

Our sales team continues to generate new software licenses to contribute sales in addition to our existing monthly maintenance revenue.

Australia has just recently passed new legislation that is more restrictive than the U.S. or Canada. It is likely that this will result in softer initial software licensing sales for this market.

On the good news front, Esprit has negotiated a financing package that will allow new licensees to finance the purchase of our software over an extended period of time. This achievement is very recent, and we have successfully put through the first two deals using the financing facility in the last few weeks.

We believe that this financing option will open up a whole new class of licensees, who are looking for home-based businesses. With the ability to spread the cost of start-up over an extended period of time, Cash Now becomes a very attractive business opportunity compared to most other Home-Based or SOHO alternatives.

Advanced Electronic Funds Management (AEFM):

As mentioned above, we are getting very close to green-lighting our Check 21 service for China.

The Company is also in early discussions to begin offering a new electronic funds transfer product to our portfolio. While it is premature to make any announcements, we will provide updates if and when the project advances.


This division has been a bit of a sleeper. The division concentrates on two key financial services; Mergers and Acquisitions (primarily reverse mergers) and merchant banking. We saw these areas as opportunistic, and a way to leverage our knowledge base of the OTC markets.

To our surprise, we have had a couple of deals come to the table within the last few months, and Robert Xu has been approached on multiple occasions by Chinese companies seeking public listings outside of China. I hope to finalize one or more of these deals in China later this month.

We will start showing revenues from this division in the upcoming quarter, and believe that the division can deliver significant revenue primarily from China, but also from the U.S. as well.

We have hired Steve Edwards to head up North American sales, and free up senior management resources.


We have de-prioritized this project during the last quarter, but will renew our focus in this division during the last quarter of this year.

In the mean-time, Peter Presland has begun trading a house account on behalf of the Company, and has been evaluating a number of third party services that can generate additional revenue beyond the pip spread.

We will be revamping the website and adding a number of related services to our portfolio in the upcoming quarter.

In summary, there have been a lot of exciting developments for the Company during the last quarter. We didn’t end up exactly where we planned, and there have been a few bumps along the way, but we have also been quick to seize new opportunities that have presented themselves.

Jack Chang was a bitter disappointment, while Robert Xu has delivered in spades. We stalled out a little on the Forex front, but saw the IFGX division roar to life and show growth potential well beyond our initial expectations.

China holds the promise of radically transforming the Company, not only from the projects we have announced, but from projects that are not yet finalized and still confidential in nature.

Net-net, we are a couple months behind our plans in terms of generating top line revenue, but we are working on a number of projects much larger in-scope and scale, and with higher revenue potential than originally anticipated.

In short, we think we’re going to end this year with a helluva bang!


Garr Winters

106 Postings, 6196 Tage F16GeschwaderMonstervolumen !!

19.10.07 21:03
Monstervolumen !!  

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