silverado goldmines (867737)

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851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluauch aus RB

01.03.07 14:00
Schweitzer said the plan
could not be met without a $40 billion investment in carbon sequestration,


15 Postings, 6588 Tage bretschAsk

01.03.07 14:11
Kann mir vielleicht hier jemand erklären was die Ask bei realtime Kursen bedeutet?

851 Postings, 6616 Tage melu@br

01.03.07 14:47

17202 Postings, 6632 Tage MinespecAbgabedruck

01.03.07 15:55

45 Postings, 6922 Tage SaritaVerlängerung...

01.03.07 16:08
Wie melu schon geschrieben hat, war es letztes Jahr auch so. Und das ist der Chart dazu im Zeitraum vom 28.02. - 29.04.2006.

Von daher sehe ich da keinen Grund zur Sorge.  
Angehängte Grafik:
bigchart.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

851 Postings, 6616 Tage melu2006 kam keine

01.03.07 16:29
meldung ,,Notification that form 10-K will be submitted late,,

Ich hatte geschrieben dass es 2005 war.
Jahre miteinander zu vergleichen ist halt so eine Sache.Vieles hat sich geändert.Die Ziele sind nähergerückt.Bin ein Langinvestierter und habe auch jetzt nicht verkauft.

Wollte mit 5168  sagen dass es noch einen monat dauern könnte bis der report erscheint.

Danke für dein Interesse


30936 Postings, 8873 Tage ZwergnaseGap's sind zum Schliessen da und ich denke,

01.03.07 19:22
morgen bzw. spätestens nächste Woche werde ich bedient zu 0,07 €.

Grüße, ZN  

552 Postings, 6582 Tage kurshunterschlusskurs

01.03.07 20:05
Hi!  kann vielleicht jemand denn schlusskurs einstellen?  danke im voraus!  

574 Postings, 6881 Tage tornadotonimorgen eindecken fürs WE

01.03.07 22:38
oder bruch der Februar Trendlinie...  
Angehängte Grafik:
chart.png (verkleinert auf 81%) vergrößern

30936 Postings, 8873 Tage ZwergnaseEindecken od. nicht eindecken?

02.03.07 00:02
Zieht die lila Variante od. nicht? Das ist die grosse Frage. Ich denke, ich werde weiterhin auf die lila Variante setzen, könnte sein dass wir da noch mal aufsetzen. Wen nicht, laufe ich mit meine jetzigen Menge weiter nordwärts. Einen Versuch ist's jedenfalls wert, abzuwarten...Grüße, ZN  

30936 Postings, 8873 Tage ZwergnaseEindecken od. nicht eindecken?

02.03.07 07:48
Zieht die lila Variante od. nicht? Das ist die grosse Frage. Ich denke, ich werde weiterhin auf die lila Variante setzen, könnte sein dass wir da noch mal aufsetzen. Wen nicht, laufe ich mit meine jetzigen Menge weiter nordwärts. Einen Versuch ist's jedenfalls wert, abzuwarten...
Grüße, ZN  

30 Postings, 6581 Tage Mr.ScrabNa ich hoff

02.03.07 08:22
der kurs schmiert noch!!

Muss auch noch Nachkaufen!!

Und dann direkt ein paar News, wird langsam Zeit, ob positiv oder positiver
auch negative Publi. ist eine Publi.
Auch wenn es nur Loch 1 -> 10mtr. Gold
                Loch 2 -> 10mtr. Noch mehr Gold
                Loch 3 -> Ach alles gold!!

Irgendwann wird es langsam auch mal zeit, etwas fundamentales an Info rauszugeben!


851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluban all new coal-fired power plants except those

02.03.07 08:39

He said intensified research is particularly needed for carbon capture and sequestration -- technology to capture carbon dioxide in power-plant emissions and store it underground.

In fact, the experts panel urged governments to immediately ban all new coal-fired power plants except those designed for eventual retrofitting of sequestration technology.

Grüsse an alle


8541 Postings, 7252 Tage kleinlieschenIch machs wie ZN -

02.03.07 09:46
da ist noch Platz nach unten bis 0,08$ und der Aufwärtstrend ist immer noch in Ordnung- bloß keine Hektik und

Gruß kaa-äll :-)  

857 Postings, 6691 Tage TAN101ZN der Zug läuft schon wieder Richtung Norden

02.03.07 09:53

Ich glaube jetzt ist wirklich die letzte Gelegenheit sich nochmal einzudecken.
Kauf aber nicht zuviel damit Du unter der Veröffentlichungspflicht ( 5% Anteile ) bleibst. Ich habe übrigens meinen Anteil ausgerechnet: 0,00065 %.


851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluGut zu wissen

02.03.07 10:56


     Of the amount authorized to be appropriated for the Air Force for research, development, testing, and evaluation, $10,000,000 may be made available for the Air Force Research Laboratory to continue support efforts to test, qualify, and procure synthetic fuels developed from coal for aviation jet use.



                 `(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Defense may enter into contracts or other agreements with private companies or OTHER ENTITIES TO DEVELOP  and operate coal-to-liquid facilities (as defined in section 2 of the Coal-to-Liquid Fuel Energy Act of 2007) on or near military installations.

(d) Construction of Storage Facilities- As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of the Coal-to-Liquid Fuel Energy Act of 2007, the Secretary may construct 1 or more storage facilities in the vicinity of pipeline infrastructure and at least 1 military base.'.



11123 Postings, 7197 Tage SWayCoal in cars: great fuel or climate foe?

02.03.07 11:26
By Mark Clayton, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

Coal companies want to fuel your car and lately, they're getting a lot of political support for the idea.

Turning coal into gasoline-like fuel has several advantages. It would use America's vast coal reserves. It would reduce the nation's thirst for foreign oil and help dampen spikes in energy prices. There's just one problem: It is not "climate friendly" – at least, not yet.

Coal-to-liquids (CTL) fuels could end up emitting nearly double the carbon dioxide that the equivalent amount of gasoline does, mostly because of the way it's manufactured. The CTL industry says new technology will fix the problem. But because such technology is not yet developed, it's unclear whether CTL fuels would be competitive without state and federal subsidies, even competing against high-priced diesel, jet fuel, or gasoline, analysts say.

That's where politicians come in. The National Mining Association has ramped up Capitol Hill lobbying, creating a new coalition and website, Many in Washington are warming to the idea. CTL bills in the House of Representatives and the Senate have received strong backing.

"We have a very good chance of getting legislation passed in this Congress because momentum continues to grow," says Corey Henry, a spokesman for the Coal-to-Liquids Coalition, which includes coal producers and CTL developers. "It's one energy solution that does enjoy broad bipartisan support."

Supporters of the bill range from Sen. Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) (D) of Illinois to
President Bush. In his State of the Union speech Jan. 23, Mr. Bush called for the United States to produce 35 billion gallons of "alternative fuel" by 2017. The nation doesn't grow enough corn to meet even half that total. By setting that goal and using the term "alternative" rather than "renewable" fuel, the president was making the case for CTL, some analysts say.

"To me, the president's speech was all about turning coal into liquid fuel," says Gal Luft, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a think tank focused on energy security.

Global-warming impact
In coal-rich Illinois, Senator Obama's support is more nuanced. Citing energy-security concerns, his bipartisan legislation would grant tax and other subsidies for development of CTL refineries. He also supports separate global-warming legislation that, if passed, would keep carbon emissions from CTL refineries under control, he says. But Obama's CTL bill does not mandate capture of carbon dioxide.

That stance is likely to put him at odds with many environmentalists, who argue that a move to CTL will worsen global warming. Manufacturing and burning a gallon of CTL fuel creates nearly double the greenhouse-gas emissions that a gallon of gasoline does, they say.

"We want more energy security, too, but we're fighting this coal-to-liquids concept because it's just so bad for global warming," says Elizabeth Martin-Perera, a climate policy analyst with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a Washington environmental group. "It takes us from the frying pan into the fire."

Plans for US plants
At least nine coal-to-liquids facilities are now in the planning stages, including one each in Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming that already have significant funding lined up and are slated to begin production by 2009, according to the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

If all nine plants were built, they could produce about 3 billion gallons of fuel a year – not enough to meet the president's goal. But if federal tax incentives and state subsidies kick-start the industry, coal-based fuel production could soar to 40 billion gallons a year by 2025 – or about 10 percent of forecast oil demand that year, the National Coal Council reported to the
Department of Energy (DOE) last year.

A key question is whether those plants will capture the greenhouse gases they produce and bury them underground. If they don't, the plants will pump millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually, environmentalists say. Even if gases were pumped underground, CTL fuel, when burned in an engine, would still send about 8 percent more CO2 skyward than a gallon of gasoline, a landmark 2003 Princeton University study found.

Storing or capturing carbon dioxide
But CTL supporters say the industry would produce "clean fuel" that helps the environment by putting out fewer smog-forming nitrous oxides and other chemicals than regular diesel fuel. If 85 percent of CO2 from coal-to-liquid refineries could be captured and stored, CTL diesel fuel would then have about the same emissions as a gallon of regular diesel, they say.

"By the time this first fleet of CTL plants is constructed, that technology will be there and we'll be using it," Mr. Henry says.

Such a promise was called into question in a DOE environmental impact filing in December, which reported that a leading CTL development had no near-term plan to capture any of the 2.3 million tons of CO2 it would produce annually. The $800 million project, which would make 5,000 barrels of CTL fuel a day in Gilberton, Pa., is part of an industry push where CO2 capture costs are frequently not factored into the bottom line of the business plan, Wall Street analysts say.

"The price estimates cited by industry proponents assume facilities are uncontrolled for CO2 emissions," write Christine Tezak and K. Whitney Stanco of the Stanford Group in a December report. Investors should beware of "the increasing likelihood" that the US could establish emissions controls, so that "any large investment in CTL would need significant subsidies to offset environmental costs," the reports says.

High capital costs – $1 billion to $6 billion for a single facility – and the unknown cost of carbon sequestration could make such projects unappetizing for investors to swallow without federal incentives.

States are offering subsidies as well. Montana, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania passed measures to lure CTL plants. Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell last month called on Bush to restore a $100 million no-interest loan for the Gilberton project. The loan, promised in 2003, he said, is not in the 2008 DOE budget.


die I-Seite in dem Artikel erreicht Ihr über  

11123 Postings, 7197 Tage SWayHier, hier, hier, wir sind dabei !

02.03.07 11:40

857 Postings, 6691 Tage TAN101Das kann ja nur heißen das es jetzt noch steiler

02.03.07 11:53
nach oben geht. Also letzte Möglichkeit noch mal günstig zu investieren.  

11123 Postings, 7197 Tage SWayDas heisst vor allem DAS es steil nach oben

02.03.07 11:55
gehen wird und unser Baby keine Luftblase ist...

(was ich immer wusste...)  

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluSlogan des Tages o. T.

02.03.07 14:11
Angehängte Grafik:
1111.PNG (verkleinert auf 92%) vergrößern

427 Postings, 6755 Tage 18prozentWOW!

02.03.07 14:18
Da werden wir endlich mal nametlich zwischen den anderen
kohleverflüssigungsfirmen genannt


echt der hammer, bin jetzt richtig erleichtert
die ganzen scheiss basher, minespec und andere, haben mich schon bisschen zweifeln lassen

ich sage  euch :  die technologie ist ganz am anfang und wir sind mit dabei

jetzt erstmal die testanlage bauen und schauen ob greenfuel wirklich so toll ist
wie gary es behauptet
wenn wir dann noch das problem mit dem co2 ausstoss beseitigen
na dann hallelulja


30936 Postings, 8873 Tage Zwergnaseda will einer unbedingt raus zu 0,084 mit 310k

02.03.07 15:15
macht den Anschein, als ob USA mit rot eröffnet, was SLGLF anlangt...  

8524 Postings, 7339 Tage sts091280könnte es sein das es der hier war *ggg

02.03.07 15:28
0,086   3.750 Stk 02.03.07 13:49:25  

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluGoldpreis stark zurückgefallen

02.03.07 15:58
mal sehen ob er wieder steigen wird und silverado mit.Darum also die 310T.


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