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14478 Postings, 4810 Tage Zanoni1Word of Mouth - Audiotree Live

02.02.24 16:49

14478 Postings, 4810 Tage Zanoni1Dusty Lion

02.02.24 16:54

14478 Postings, 4810 Tage Zanoni1Late July

02.02.24 16:55

14478 Postings, 4810 Tage Zanoni1Unlucky Skin (Show Me Shows)

02.02.24 17:02

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage Fillorkillfantastische reihe, zan

03.02.24 10:44

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage Fillorkille txai shenibu

03.02.24 12:09

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillGuten Morgen, wir sind die Huni Kuin

03.02.24 12:17

The Huni Kuin tribe (huni “man”, kuin, “true”) extends from the foothills of the Peruvian Andes to the Brazilian borders, in the states of Acre and southern Amazonas, encompassing the area of Alto Juruá, Purus and the Javari valley.

Their mother tongue is Hatxa kuin, “the language of truth”, although practically all of them are bilingual (Spanish and Portuguese, depending on the country). This tribe is divided into small communities or villages that have remained isolated until 1946 in the virgin forest, far from the rivers that the merchants sailed. In recent decades they have experienced a great change both in terms of internal exodus (many Peruvian populations have moved to the Brazilian side), and in their way of life.

The Huni Kuin are also called cashinahuá (or kaxinawá), perhaps because of their ability to move at night in the jungle, since kaxi means “bat” in Hatsa kuin.

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72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillUnser Volk besteht aus roundabout 9.000 Menschen

03.02.24 12:29

The social life of the Huni Kuin is highly marked by their sex. Man is the predator, the hunter, he is the one who brings the meat and the raw material from the jungle. He is the nomad, the intrepid who ventures into the thick of the jungle. The woman is the one who transforms what the man brings from the outside and converts it for his inner use. She is the one in charge of handicrafts, gathering vegetables, cooking food, raising children. The man is in charge of building the house and the woman of decorating and caring for it. The man is the one who prepares and plants the farm and the woman who is in charge of taking care of it and collecting the food. The woman, in principle, never goes into the virgin forest.

However, although her tasks are separated on the material and practical plane of life, both men and women are closely united on the spiritual level of all these tasks. It is a very dual organization, but neither of the parts is superimposed on the other, neither is subjugated, the two are part of the one, of the whole.

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillMawa Isa Keneya

03.02.24 12:40

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillHawa Putu Maima

03.02.24 18:10

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillNa Hene Waka (full version)

03.02.24 18:19

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillNawashahu & Ykashahu Yawanawa

03.02.24 19:12

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillYuxibu Yura Keneya

03.02.24 19:52

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage Fillorkill1. August 1934 - 2. Februar 2024

03.02.24 20:43
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72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillHallo, ich bin der Heraclitus of Ephesus

03.02.24 20:55

Heraclitus (*500 BC) was an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher from the city of Ephesus, which was then part of the Persian Empire.

Little is known of Heraclitus's life. He wrote a single work, only fragments of which have survived. Most of the ancient stories about him are thought to be later fabrications based on interpretations of the preserved fragments. His paradoxical philosophy and appreciation for wordplay and cryptic, oracular epigrams has earned him the epithets "the dark" and "the obscure" since antiquity. He was considered arrogant and depressed, a misanthrope who was subject to melancholia. Consequently, he became known as "the weeping philosopher" in contrast to the ancient philosopher Democritus, who was known as "the laughing philosopher".

The central ideas of Heraclitus' philosophy are the unity of opposites and the concept of change. He also saw harmony and justice in strife. He viewed the world as constantly in flux, always "becoming" but never "being". He expressed this in sayings like "Everything flows" (Greek: πάντα ρει, panta rei) and "No man ever steps in the same river twice". This changing aspect of his philosophy is contrasted with that of the ancient philosopher Parmenides, who believed in "being" and in the static nature of reality.

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillNay Pinu Huwana

04.02.24 08:55

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillNai Mawa Yuxini Kayatibu

04.02.24 09:09

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillAldeia Mati Txana Mukaya

04.02.24 09:50

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillTse Era Era Ne

04.02.24 10:04

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillBana Huni Samata

04.02.24 11:05

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage Fillorkillund: Yube Nure Maiti

04.02.24 11:18

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillAlexander Kluge über Oskar Negt

04.02.24 11:22
'Das Überwinden der Schwerkraft wäre eine schöne Idee zum Tod von Oskar Negt. Diese Fähigkeit, die Flügel zu erheben. Man sagt, die Seele schwebe empor. Aber nein, die wirklichen Menschen sind es. In uns steckt ein flugfähiges Wesen. Und das ist das Tröstliche.'


72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillTell My Mother She Has No Daughter Anymore

05.02.24 11:25

72579 Postings, 6116 Tage FillorkillThe Moment

05.02.24 11:43
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