Der USA Bären-Thread
Seite 77 von 6257 Neuester Beitrag: 11.03.25 20:09 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 20.02.07 18:46 | von: Anti Lemmin. | Anzahl Beiträge: | 157.411 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 11.03.25 20:09 | von: Katzenpirat | Leser gesamt: | 24.402.262 |
Forum: | Börse | Leser heute: | 4.267 | |
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1a. Große Spekulanten (Hedgefonds usw.) - die "zynischen" Longs ("Wollen wir doch mal sehen, ob wir mit unseren Futures den Markt nicht noch weiter nach oben bringen können..."). Dazu große Normalo-Fonds, die massenhaft kaufen (müssen), weil sie Angst haben, sonst vom Index "outperformt" zu werden. Diese beiden Spezies "machen" die Kurse.
2a. Optimistische kleine Spekulanten. Oft Leute, die neu an der Börse sind, den Jahr-2000-Crash nur aus den Geschichtsbüchern kennen und mit Charttechnik als Hilfsmittel den Trend reiten ("Nach dem Ausbruch ist xyz ein klarer Kauf für mich..." - "Bin jetzt in WIXMST-Turbos long auf abc..."). Werden von den Typen aus 1a mit nach oben gehievt. Dazu kommen noch Bilanzen studierende "Fundamentalkäufer" von Nebenwerten - meist erfahrenere Börsianer - , die ebenfalls von der Welle aus 1a mit nach oben gespült werden (denen klappt meist die Kinnlade runter, wenn sie merken, dass ihre Fundamentalanalyse einen Dreck wert ist, wenn die Leute aus 1a zu verkaufen beginnen).
Bei den Bären sieht es so aus:
1b. Große Spekulanten (zurzeit kaum dabei)
2b. kleine Spekulanten (J.B., teilweise ich und andere) liefern mit ihren antizyklischen Shorts das Kanonenfutter für 1a, da sie sich stets höher wieder eindecken müssen. Dazu kommen pessimistische kleine Spekulanten, die den Long-Einstieg verpasst oder zu früh verkauft haben und nun den Irrsinn kopfschüttelnd aus dem Seitenaus verfolgen ("Das ist ja alles schon viel zu hoch gestiegen, das kann nicht gut gehen...")
Börse und wirtschaftliche Realität:
haben zurzeit - zumindest in USA - wenig miteinander zu tun. Die Rallye kommt von "zu viel Geld", das wiederum von "zu viel Kreditverfügbarkeit" und "billigem Yen" kommt.
Die normalen Fonds werden durch Regeln angetrieben. Meistens ist eine Mindestinvestitionsquote vorgeschrieben. Die kleinen Anleger, die ihre Fondsanteile kaufen oder verkaufen und dieses Regelwerk stellen eine Zwangsjacke dar, die alles andere als Flexibilität erzeugt. Sie werden stärker als die Märkte verlieren.
Die Hedgefonds bewegen oft so große Massen, dass sie sich selbst im Wege stehen. Sie sind schon heute nur noch begrenzt erfolgreich und viele werden bei einem deutlichen und nachhaltigem Trendwechsel rote Zahlen schreiben.
Flexibel ist der normale Einzelspekulant. Er muss nicht investiert sein. Er bewegt übersichtliche Summen und findet deshalb für sich immer hochliquide Märkte vor. Viele von dieser Spezies, die um den Beginn des Irakkriegs herum, zu einem Zeitpunkt wo die Profis ihre Aktien verschenkten eingestiegen sind, werden einen passablen Ausstieg finden und mit einem riesigen Reibach abschließen. Sie sind sicherlich keine Dummbullen!
Kleinanleger wie wir hier haben naturgemäß ein viel größeres Interesse an Performance, es geht ja um das eigene Geld. Außerdem können sie es sich leisten, "auf Verdacht" auszusteigen, wenn ein Top erkennbar wird, weil sie sich nicht - wie die Fonds - an den Indizes messen lassen müssen.
So hat von Sommer 2000 bis März 2003 jede Cash-Anlage (inkl. Sparbuch) fast jeden großen Fonds (bis auf einige Hedgefonds) aus-performt.
Bekanntgabe des Sitzungsergebnisses des geldpolitischen Rates der Bank of England (BoE)
Die Bank of England erhöht die Zinsen um 25 Basispunkte auf 5,50 %. Damit war im Vorfeld bereits gerechnet worden. Zuletzt hatte die Notenbank die Zinsen am 11. Januar um 0,25 Prozentpunkte auf damals 5,25 % angehoben.
Bank of England makes quarter-point rate hike
Inflation, running at 3.1%, prompts U.K. central bank to take action
By Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch
Last Update: 7:03 AM ET May 10, 2007
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- The Bank of England on Thursday made its fourth rate hike since August, moving to tighten U.K. monetary policy after being forced to write an embarrassing letter explaining why inflation is so strong.
The central bank made a quarter-point rate hike to 5.5%. Most economists expected the move, though there were a few who supported a more aggressive half-point rise.
The central bank is being pressed into action as consumer-level inflation, at 3.1%, is running 1.1% over its targeted 2% rate. By law, the bank had to write a letter to Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer, explaining why inflation was running more than 1% ahead of its target.
"Lower gas and electricity prices and weaker import price inflation mean that CPI inflation is likely to fall back to around the 2% target in the course of this year. But the margin of spare capacity in firms appears limited and there are signs that businesses are more able to push through price increases," the bank said.
Also, the U.K. economy is growing at a 2.8% annualized rate -- with 59 straight quarters of growth -- healthy enough for growth fears to be put into the background.
"Business investment has been stronger than expected and, although indicators of consumer spending have been volatile, the underlying picture is one of steady growth," the central bank said.
Past rate hikes have yet to make much of a dent to Britain's housing market. Earlier on Thursday, the lender Halifax said U.K. house prices grew at an annualized 10.9% rate during April.
Laufende News aus dem Ticker:
Abercrombie & Fitch April same-store sales off 15%
Dillard's April same-store sales down 14%
Gap April same-store sales down 16%
Family Dollar April same-store sales down 4.9%
Aeropostale April same-store sales down 14%
Gymboree April Thomson view same-store sales off 2.9%
[BJ] BJ's Wholesale April same-store sales down 2.1%
[GYMB] Gymboree April same-store sales off 5%
[BONT] Bon-Ton April same-store sales off 15.8%; Carson's off 12.2%
[BONT] Bon-Ton April Thomson view same-store sales off 9.3%
[FD] Federated April same-store sales down 2.2%
[WMT] Wal-Mart Stores April same-store sales down 4.6%
[WMT] Wal-Mart April same-store sales down 3.5%
[ANN] Ann Taylor April Thomson view same-store sales off 4%
[ANN] Ann Taylor April same-store sales down 12.8%
[JCP] JC Penney April same-store sales down 4.7%
Die US-amerikanische Handelsbilanz weist für März ein Defizit in Höhe von 63,9 Mrd. US-Dollar aus. Erwartet wurde ein Minus im Bereich 59,5 bis 60,0 Mrd. US-Dollar.
Die Zahl der Erstanträge ist in den USA auf 297.000 zurückgegangen. Erwartet wurden 315.000 bis 325.000 neue Anträge nach zuvor 306.000 (revidiert von 305.000).
Nach den Horrorzahlen (# 1906 bis 1908) ist der SP-500 fette vier Punkte im Minus. Mein Tipp: Jetzt massiv long gehen und die nächsten 10 Punkte nach oben mitnehmen.
Es haben sich wieder ein paar Bären auf den Opferaltar gelegt
Retailers Post Weak April Sales
Thursday May 10, 10:38 am ET
By Anne D'Innocenzio, AP Business Writer
Retailers Post Weak April Sales As Gas Prices, Housing Market Lead Consumers to Cut Back
NEW YORK (AP) -- The outlook for consumer spending in the coming months grew dimmer Thursday after big retailers stumbled in April, their sales hurt by rising gasoline prices and the weak housing market.
As retailers released their monthly sales figures Thursday, weak performers cut through all segments of the industry and included Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which recorded a rare drop in business, as well as Abercrombie & Fitch Co. and Federated Department Stores Inc.
"Consumers are feeling pressured by higher gasoline prices and a sluggish housing market, particularly low and middle income consumers," said Ken Perkins, president of RetailMetrics LLC, a research company in Swampscott, Mass.
Analysts had already expected last month to be weak after an early Easter motivated many consumers to do their holiday shopping in March, siphoning away part of April's business. But sales were much softer than expected, raising concerns that retailers will also see disappointing results in the months ahead.
The UBS-International Council of Shopping Centers sales tally posted a decline of 2.3 percent, the biggest drop since the index started tracking the data. The tally is based on same-store sales or sales at stores open at least a year, which are considered a key indicator of retailers' health. For the combined March and April months -- which provides the best read on the spring selling season, the tally was up a modest 1.8 percent, below the 2.8 percent forecast.
While analysts will be closely watching how May fares since the month will provide a better indication of the health of the consumer, concerns are rising that shoppers can no longer bear the weight of the economy's woes.
"The slowdown is at hand," said Michael P. Niemira, chief economist at the International Council of Shopping Centers.
Wal-Mart reported a 3.5 percent decline in same-store sales. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had expected a 1.1 percent decrease.
Wal-Mart warned last month it expected same-store sales in April to be anywhere from unchanged to down 2 percent, but business was much weaker because of disappointing apparel and home goods sales at its Wal-Mart discount chain. Same-store sales at the discount stores were down 4.6 percent, while at the Sam's Club warehouse club division, same-store sales rose 2.5 percent.
The last time Wal-Mart reported a drop in same-store sales was last November,when the retailer posted a 0.1 percent decrease.
Wal-Mart said the slowing economy was a big factor in its sluggish performance. It noted that recent surveys of discount store shoppers show that consumers are increasingly concerned about rising gas prices, which are now averaging over $3 a gallon nationwide.
Wal-Mart also blamed its performance on cold weather and the earlier Easter. It also said product recalls by dog and cat food manufacturers contributed to a slowdown in pet supply sales during April.
The world's largest retailer said it expects May same-store sales to rise 1 percent to 2 percent.
Target Corp. suffered a 6.1 percent decline in same-store sales, in line with the 6.2 percent estimate. Target blamed the dropoff on a sales shortfall during the first two weeks of the month, and an earlier Easter holiday.
However, the company said it remains on track to meet its earnings goals for the year.
Costco Wholesale Corp. had a 7 percent same-store sales gain, better than the 6.3 percent estimate.
Federated, which operates Macy's and Bloomingdale's, posted a 2.2 percent decline in same-store sales, while analysts forecast a 1.7 percent gain.
Penney said its same-store sales fell 2.7 percent, more than the 0.8 percent analysts expected.
Among upscale retailers, Nordstrom Inc. recorded a 3.3 percent gain in same-store sales,which was below the 4.2 percent estimate. Saks Inc. had a robust 11.7 percent gain in same-store sales, above the 6.7 percent estimate.
Gap Inc., whose problems led to the departure of its CEO in January, suffered a 16 percent drop in same-store sales, much worse than the 7.1 percent decline that analysts had expected.
Limited Brands Inc. had a 1 percent decline in same-store sales, worse than the 1 percent gain that analysts had expected.
Abercrombie & Fitch posted a 15 percentd rop in same-store sales, much worse than the 4.7 percent decline Wall Street projected.
Apparel retailer Bebe Stores Inc. had a 9 percent drop, worse than the 6.6 percent analysts forecast. Wet Seal had a 9.6 percent decline, more than the 8.3 percent estimate.
Gadget retailer Sharper Image Inc., which has been languishing for months, suffered an 11 percent drop in same-store sales. Still, the results were better than the 25 percent decrease analysts expected.
Die Aktienmärkte ignorieren diese Tatsache schon seit langem, die Anleihenmärkte verlangen noch immer nur sehr geringe Prämien.
Somit warte ich weiter ab bis sich diese Erkenntnis an den Märkten anfängt einzuschleichen.
Das Risiko: Es kommt über Nacht und ein Einstieg auf die Rutsche der Talfahrt ist nicht mehr möglich.
Mit diesem Risiko muß ich leben.
Denn bedenke :
"Wer den Grill zu früh anwirft, muss viel Kohle nachwerfen, bis das Fest beginnt."
Für mich ist jetzt entscheidend was die Dip Buyers morgen machen werden: Bügeln sie die Scharte aus oder halten sie sich bedeckt? Wenn letzteres passiert kann m.E. langsam mit Shorten begonnen werden.
By Rev Shark Contributor
5/10/2007 12:39 PM EDT
The breach of the lows of the day certainly did trigger some selling, as I had contemplated in my prior post. The dip-buyers have gotten downright complacent lately and were overdue to be caught leaning the wrong way.
But I certainly wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this is the beginning of the end of this recent market run. It may turn out that way, but it is far too early to draw any major conclusions. The bulls are entitled to some profit-taking, and a few days of it won't kill this uptrend.
There are still plenty of buyers waiting for the chance to get in at lower prices, and they will step up sooner or later. That might only prove to be temporary support, but they are likely to keep us propped up for a while at a minimum.
The biggest source of unhappiness for many market-players recently is that there haven't been any meaningful dips that allow them to get in. Keep in mind though that those pullbacks that we kept hoping for when the market was so strong usually don't feel the way we hoped when they actually occur. What seemed like a good idea yesterday may not hold the same appeal today when you actually see some real selling.
Ich frage mich immer, woher die Leute diese Weisheit "plenty of buyers waiting for the chance" nehmen. Diese Leier wurde bisher vor jedem Crash tausendmalig aubgespult. Morgen werden wir sehen, ob es wirklich "plenty" sind.
Zur Sicherheit sollte der Short-Einstieg natürlich gestaffelt werden, z.B. in 3 Teilen. Vielleicht sind die Dummbullen ja doch noch vorhanden und nicht investiert. Aber, AL, ein Risiko muss man immer eingehen, sonst verdient man nichts.
Auch heute sollte man den Tag nicht vor dem späten Abend loben. Es sieht so aus, als ob Big Ben heute aus dem Hubschrauber ausgestiegen ist und sich an der Futures-Pumpe zu schaffen macht ;-))
Jedenfalls sind wir, bezogen auf meinen Referenzpunkt (# 1912) bis jetzt gerade mal neun SP-500-Punkte im Minus (die Futures stehen jetzt bei 1502). Das könnte noch gut als "kleine Gewinnmitnahme im intakten Uptrend" durchgehen. Entscheidend ist, wie wir heute schließen. Sollten die Dip-Buyer die Indizes wieder halbwegs hochkaufen können, gilt das aus deren Sicht sogar als "Konsolidierung auf hohem Niveau" (Re-Test der 1500) - "was den Weg nach oben öffnet".
Marty Chenard
Important China Warning Update: What is China's Zhou Xiaochuan going to do now?
Zhou Xiaochuan is the governor of the People’s Bank of China. Like us, he knows that the Chinese stock markets are in a bubble and he is very worried about a precipitous decline. His power on making such comments, comes from the fact, that in the past, Chinese investors always took the Government's work as "Gospel".
In the past, all he had to do was "issue a public warning" and investors would listen to him. Now, Chinese investors are ignoring him. He even tried sending out a wake up call by having 3 major, State run newspapers run headline stories decreeing his warning on Tuesday. Instead of the market pulling back, it jumped up 3% in one day. That now leaves him only one option. If they won't listen to what he says, he will have to initiate some kind of banking/government action that will force Chinese investors to slow down.
The Worse timing in the world?
If Zhou just waits until next week, the Shanghai will hit its Major 12 year resistance and should pull back on its own.
About the worse thing he can do, is to initiate action to force the Shanghai down right when it is ready to go down on its own. That "double whammy" could have some very nasty, unexpected results for Zhou.
He is stuck. If he doesn't do anything and the Shanghai goes into a "blow off" beyond the 12 year resistance, then he is in big trouble and will be blamed for not stopping it.
If he initiates actions that forces the market down, just as it is ready to retract on its own, that could give it a damaging nasty fall beyond what would have happened. If that happens, he have to take the blame for a damaging correction.
His best course of action is to just wait until next week and let the Shanghai hit its 12 year resistance. The time for him to have done something was months ago.
This morning's Shanghai update ...
Action on the Shanghai has been straight up this week. Two weeks ago, it was 13% away from it 12 year target, and this morning, it is only 3.7% away. If it continues at this pace, it will reach the Major Resistance before next Wednesday morning.
Like all bubbles that have gone straight up in parabolic fashion, their retreat is a reverse, sharp move to the downside.
Take a moment to look at the chart below from the last Fall until now. Its a picture of a bubble, that is about as big as you will ever see in your lifetime.
The danger in all this, is a spill over into the worldwide markets. In February, a large Chinese pullback had our market drop. In a short period of days, we rebounded and so did the Shanghai. This time, some "Expert Analyst" on the Chinese situation are saying that, "The link between the Chinese economy and the Chinese stock market is not that strong ... and therefore will have minimal impact".
Minimal impact on what? They are suggesting that a Shanghai correction will have minimal "long term" impact on the Chinese economy. That's is very probable and possible. However, in the mean time, and in the short term, a sizeable drop would cause a panic. People react irrationally in a panic, and fear breads fear until things stabilize and confidence comes back. I really don't think it is possible to have an "isolated" panic reaction by Chinese investors that does not, somehow, spill over into the rest of the investing world. If we were not so inextricably tied together as trading countries, I would agree that it wouldn't affect our markets.
If it was a country like the Dominican Republic, the world would hardly take notice.
Goldman Sachs issued a China Warning this morning ...
Now it is May 10th., and this morning, Goldman Sachs Group just announced that, "China's stocks may face a "correction'' as valuations have exceeded earnings prospects after the benchmark index almost tripled in the past year."
They went on to say ... The Shanghai is valued at 42 times reported earnings, more than double the Morgan Stanley Capital International Asia Pacific Index's 19 times. China's investors opened over 350,000 new brokerage accounts on Tuesday. (This was the same day that Zhou published his warning in the 3 Major Newspapers). This was the highest daily amount of new accounts opened since June 2005.
Das PPT (oder andere "Interessengruppen") will (wollen) dadurch offenbar vermeiden, eine Negativ-Steilvorlage für die Asiaten zu liefern.