silverado goldmines (867737)
aber bei den Lesezeichen im ARIVA Album (hab da mehrere Threads gespeichert) noch nicht.
Aber ich komme jetzt wenigstens rein und kann ,mit der Aktualisierungstaste und STRG erneuern.
It's a long way to Green Fuel
Idealerweise sind innerhalb dieses Dreiecks mind. 4 Umkehrpunkte vorhanden.
Die Formation tritt als Trendbestätigungsformation sowohl im Aufwärtstrend, als auch im Abwärtstrend auf.
Der Kurs sollte idealerweise im 3/4-Bereich der Formation in der vorherrschenden Trendrichtung ausbrechen
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Die Dreiecke im slglf-chart sind noch nicht ganz so wie sie sein sollten.(Symetrie)
und nach oben sollten sie auch eher verlassen werden.Kann aber noch geschehen.
schönes WE.
Ich habe mich noch einmal intensiv mit diesem doch so wichtigen Ausschnitt der aktuellen _Studie über Kohle-Energie beschäftigt .Dieser lautet :
Today, IGCC appears to be the economic choice for new coal plants with CCS. However, this could change with further RD&D, so it is not appropriate to pick a single technology winner at this time, especially in light of the variability in coal type, access to sequestration sites, and other factors. The government should provide assistance to several "first of a kind" coal utilization demonstration plants, but only with carbon capture.
Rohe Babelübersetzung :
Heute scheint IGCC, die ökonomische Wahl für neue Kohlebetriebe mit CCS zu sein. Jedoch könnte dieses mit weiterem RD&D ändern, also ist es nicht angebracht, einen einzelnen Technologiesieger zu dieser Zeit, besonders im Licht der Veränderlichkeit in der Kohleart, im Zugang zu den Absonderungaufstellungsorten und in anderen Faktoren auszuwählen. Die Regierung sollte zu einigen "von einer Art" Kohleanwendung Demonstration Betrieben zuerst unterstützen, aber nur mit Carbonsicherung.
Meine Schlussfolgerung : Trifft zu auf
-Empfehlung für IGCC Anlagen (Silverado)
-RD&D Reasearch – Development and Demonstration (Silverado)
-especially in light of the variability in coal type (Silverado) xxx
-sequestration (Silverado)
-assistance § (Silverado)
We hope to make a presentation to the Caucus in the near future regarding our Mississippi project ( 7 march 07)
-first of a kind (Silverado)
“We realize that with a first of its kind commercial demonstration project
(7 march 07)
-carbon capture. (Silverado)
vom 7 march 2007 :
Macht euch eure eigene Meinung
mit Green Fuel?
Ist es geeignet und fuktioniert es auch im Winter
bei Minustemperaturen von minus 40°C?
Energie ist ja beim Mineing ein großer Kostenfaktor.
Silverado hätte da einen großen Vorteil, da Sie Greenfuel ja an Ort und Stelle
herstellen können.
Könnte ja sein, daß in dem Fördermaterial aus der Mine auch minderwertige Kohle dabei ist.
Sind nur mal so Gedanken von mir!
Schönen Sonntag noch.
Ich lasse mich einfach mal überaschen wo die Reise diese Woche no0ch hingeht aber dieses oder jenes spricht klar für Norden.
Wäre schön wenn dies in Zukunft auch für Silverado gelten würde und der Kurs stabil bleiben würde.
Was aber nicht heissen soll dass ich mir keine guten News mehr wünche :-)
Den momentanen kurs sehe ich eigentlich sich kurzfristig bei 0.120 dollar
einpendeln ,was ja schon teilweise passiert ist .Mal schaun.
Alles Gute
Grüße, ZN

"Anselmo told Platts that several funding grants had been approved and more were in the works. The company was getting close to finalizing ground breaking, he said.
Alan Bates, economic development director at the Choctaw County Economic Development District, told Platts that the MDA had already approved several more funding grants.
"A community development block grant worth $650,000 and development
infrastructure program grant worth $150,000 have already been approved," he said. "Other grants in the works include a $150,000 rural impact program grant and a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission."
Bates also told Platts that the Choctaw County Board of Supervisors was in the process of applying for possibly $1 million in funding through the Capital Improvements Revolving Loan Program."
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Quelle jedoch nicht überprüfbar da zugriff nur gegen Bares :
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Silverado on track to build liquefaction plant in Mississippi; AK project canceled
Coal Trader
Silverado on track to build liquefaction plant in Mississippi; AK project canceled Plans to open a facility to transform low-rank coals into a petroleum substitute are progressin...
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Oder meint ihr da sind wir drüber hinweg?
Langsam nähern wir uns wieder der oberen Aufwärtstrendlinie. Bei Bruch auf weekly basis kanns schnell auf 0,098 $ gehen. Wäre aber noch unproblematisch. Dann kommts drauf an ob wir wieder in den Downtrend fallen oder den Uptrend bestätigen.(siehe chart).
Voraus gesetzt die oberen Aufwärtstrendlinie bricht überhaupt ;-)
Ansonsten sollte spätenstens nächste Woche nochmal die 0,14 $ getestet werden.
Meine Meinung !
greets sts
Incentives, Tax Credits, and Tax Abatements
Incentives The Mississippi Development Authority (MDA), through its Financial Resources Division, administers a variety of incentive programs designed to assist businesses in obtaining loans for development and expansion and to posture the State as an aggressive competitor in the global market.
Financial Incentive Programs
The Rural Economic Development Assistance (RED) Program
The Industrial Development Revenue Bond Program
Tax Credits and Abatements
Additional Incentives and Advantages of Mississippi
Incentives, Tax Credits, and Tax Abatements
Incentives The Mississippi Development Authority (MDA), through its Financial Resources Division, administers a variety of incentive programs designed to assist businesses in obtaining loans for development and expansion and to posture the State as an aggressive competitor in the global market.
Financial Incentive Programs Major projects require major financing. Choctaw County and the state of Mississippi can tailor a package of financial programs that makes your expansion or location as simple and cost-effective as possible. Glance at the programs listed below, and you'll see that a financial program is featured for businesses of almost every size and every industry. Few communities can rival the financial packages that Choctaw County and Mississippi can provide to new and expanding businesses. Large projects may qualify for the Major Economic Impact Authority, which puts at the disposal of MDA funds that can be used on projects of $300 million or more. Unique in the nation, this program allows the state to issue general obligation bonds to assist local communities that need to meet development requirements of large capital projects. In some cases, a major project may require special infrastructure or transportation facilities, and such options as the Access Road Program, the Airport Revitalization Program, the Economic Development Highway Program, and the Development Infrastructure Program are all designed to make those improvements to the manufacturer's specifications. Project managers and Financial Resources staff work closely with your business to make sure that you have the facilities you need to enhance your product line and your bottom line. The Rural Economic Development Assistance (RED) Program is another incentive unparalleled in the nation. Working as a companion program to certain bond financing, RED allows eligible businesses to receive credits on Mississippi corporate income taxes. The Industrial Development Revenue Bond Program reduces the interest costs of financing projects for companies through the issuance of both taxable and tax-exempt bonds. Additionally, ad valorem and sales tax exemptions and the above-referenced RED program credits are available in conjunction with this type of public financing. While Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Major Economic Impact Authority, and Rural Economic Development may be the most visible of Mississippi's programs, the state uses a much wider variety of programs to address the location and financing needs of its new and expanding businesses. Other loan programs that may apply to your company are listed below.
Agribusiness Enterprise Loan Business Investment Act Program Energy Investment Program
Guaranty Loan Program Minority Business Enterprise Loan Minority Surety Bond Guaranty Program Small Business Assistance Program Small Enterprise Development Finance Program
Financial Assistance Program
Tax Credits and Abatements Doing business in other states can be very taxing, but Mississippi's excellent business climate means its taxes are lower than other states' levels. Let us talk with you about how Mississippi's tax advantages can work to your advantage.
§• No sales tax on purchases of raw materials, processing chemicals, or packaging materials.
§• No sales tax on direct purchases of construction materials, machinery, and equipment for qualified businesses that are financed through Industrial Revenue Bonds or Small Enterprise Developement Bonds or for qualified businesses locating or expanding in Tier Three Counties
§• Partial (50%) sales tax exemptions for purchases of construction materials, machinery and equipment in Tier One and Tier Two Counties for qualified businesses..
§• A 1 1/2% sales tax on machinery and parts used directly in manufacturing and on industrial electricity, natural gas, and fuels.
§• Favorable individual and corporate income tax rates.
§• State income tax credits for five years up to $2,000 for each new job created by a new or expanding business.
§• Five-year state income tax credits of $1000 for each new R&D job created.
§• For companies transferring regional or national headquarters to Mississippi, five-year state income tax credits of $500 to $2000 (depending upon qualified employee's wages) for each new job created and full sales tax exemptions for direct purchases of construction materials, machinery, and equipment for the headquarters facility.
§• State income tax credits equal to 50% of child care expenses.
§• State income tax credits equal to 50% of basic skills training and job re-training expenses.
§• State income tax credits for qualified industries in conjunction with certain bond financing through the Mississippi Business Finance Corporation.
§• Exemptions from county property taxes, except school taxes.
§• Exemptions of property taxes on finished goods through a Free Port Warehouse Law.
Additional Incentives and Advantages of Mississippi Incentives are a major factor in Mississippi's reputation as one of the best business climates in the United States. Few other states can match the state's incentives, which include the following important components. Mississippi continues to put programs in place that will help your business do good business. Just for starters, we have developed these advantages
§• Foreign trade zones, safe areas where your company's goods can be landed, stored, processed, and transhipped--all without incurring custom duties (import tax). Foreign trade zones can provide customers with manufacturing, assembling, packaging, and display facilities, all free of duties.
§• Customized training, developed specifically for your business's needs. Through the State Department of Education and the Mississippi Development Authority, we can find you the right people and train them your way, on your company site, at mobile facilities, or at community colleges. It's your choice.
§• The right-to-work is assured by Mississippi's Constitution, not just by statute as in most other right-to-work states. So your employees cannot be required to join a union as a condition of their employment.
§• Favorable unemployment insurance rates and workers' compensation rates make that bottom line healthier.
§• State-sponsored financing programs for land, building, and new equipment.
§• Utility companies offer discounts on telephone and electric rates to eligible companies.
§• Mississippi's environmental regulations are, in most cases, identical to federal regulations.
§• Obtaining environmental permits in Mississippi is made easier by the fact that most permits are issued by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and can be obtained from the office in Jackson. Although not actually defined as one-stop permitting, the process is not complicated. Senior agency management are accessible for thorough, open communication and decision making. The DEQ is the delegated authority to issue almost all federal environmental permits. The Permit Board meets bimonthly.
§• Mississippi has exceptionally clean air and abundant water resources; these environmental conditions make almost every area of the state ideal for greenfield industrial sites. The state is one of the few states that meets all of the national ambient air quality standards for protection of public health and welfare. There are no nonattainment areas in the state.
§• Mississippi is a water-rich state, having more than 84,000 miles of streams with 24,000 miles perennial, flowing year-round. The state is covered with hundreds of publicly owned lakes, reservoirs and ponds with a combined area of approximately 500,000 acres. Freshwater wetlands cover more than 4 million acres, and tidal wetlands cover about 66,000 acres.
Mit dem Kauf und Verkauf ist das halt nicht immer einfach. Aber gestern diese Stabilität im Kurs bei sehr niedrigem Volumen hat mich schon positiv überrascht.
Der Chart wartet nur auf einen Sprung nach oben.Ob mit Hilfe oder nicht.Ich sehe als nächstes vorübergehend mindestens eine Einpendelung um die 0.125. (Erpseplus,wenn es so kommt wird man nur noch um die 0.095 einsteigen können.)
Ist aber nur meine Meinung.Mal schaun.
Noch einen schönen Tag an you all