jetzt mal schnelle 100% mit PHAR
gruß Grenke
P.S Risiko ist haltwie immer dabei lol
Die Experten des Anlegermagazins "Der Aktionär" sehen bei der Pharmanetics-Aktie (ISIN US71713J1079/ WKN 917797) Turnaroundpotenzial.
Die Meinungsverschiedenheiten hätten zu Kursverlusten bei Phamanetics geführt, wobei allerdings Gerüchten zufolge sich der Streit dem Ende nähere.
Die Experten von "Der Aktionär" sind der Meinung, dass die Pharmanetics-Aktie Turnaroundpotenzial besitzt, wobei das Kursziel 5,00 Euro beträgt und ein Stopp bei 1,20 Euro gesetzt werden soll.
PharmaNetics, Inc. (the “Company” or “PharmaNetics”), is a holding company incorporated in North Carolina in 1998 as the parent company of Cardiovascular Diagnostics, Inc. Cardiovascular Diagnostics, Inc. (“CVDI”) was incorporated in 1985 and was the sole operating subsidiary of PharmaNetics until PharmaNetics ceased substantially all of its operations in March 2004.
Prior to ceasing substantially all of its operations in March 2004 (see “Recent Developments” below), PharmaNetics developed, manufactured and marketed rapid diagnostics to dose, manage and screen patients on drugs affecting coagulation. The Company’s products are a proprietary analyzer and dry chemistry tests and controls, known as the Thrombolytic Assessment System, or TAS, that provide a physician, at the point of patient care, information that can affect therapy. The Company’s tests were and can be used in the treatment of a variety of adverse conditions caused by abnormal blood clotting in different areas of the body, including angina, heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary and arterial emboli.
In November 2003, the Company filed a lawsuit in the eastern district of North Carolina against Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Aventis”). The Company, in cooperation with Aventis, has developed a rapid bedside test, known as the Enox test, that the Company believes enhances the way Lovenox®, a popular anti-blood clotting drug marketed by Aventis, currently is managed. The Company believes the test has the potential to facilitate the drug’s use in patients in the cardiac community who stand to benefit from its use. Aventis collaborated with the Company in a multi-million dollar project in which it made milestone payments to the Company to develop and co-promote the test together with Lovenox for targeted patient populations. The lawsuit alleges that Aventis has engaged in false and misleading advertising of Lovenox, which damaged the Company’s efforts to market and sell the Enox test card.
und in diesem Prozess wurde zwar bestätigt dass die Angaben von Aventis irreführensd seien,aber Aventis wurde nicht verurteilt
As of the date of this filing, pursuant to notice duly given, the Company has allowed the distribution agreement with Bayer to expire and has terminated the Enox contract sales and technical service force. Because no buyer of the manufacturing operations or intellectual property has yet emerged, effective by the end of March 2004, the Company has ceased developing, producing and selling all of its products and plans to terminate substantially all remaining employees except the chief executive officer (CEO). The Company plans to retain the CEO to manage the Aventis litigation until it is completed or settled and to continue to seek a buyer of the operations, manufacturing assets and intellectual property
hier 8K v.5.5. und 10K v.14.4.
da hat sich wohl jemand von dem damals engagierten Finanzberater Davenport & CO einlullen lassen,als er diese Aktie empfahl ggg
(hättest ja wirklich mal auf den Link und News klicken können !wer zockt auch mit sonem Wert!)