Culture Club
The boy stops near a tree , to tired to go on.He had been on this strange island for days, but he could not remember how he ended up here. He looked up into the blue sky, trying to grasp any memories that were at the back of his head. But all he could remember , was the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind. He looked at the sky again, this time at the giant celestial body that seemingly consumed the sky. He then tried to remember the ones who brought him into the world, his mother and father, his home , where happy or sad memories could have happened . But again, this was to no avail. The only thing he knew for sure, was that he needed someone here with him, to be beside him. As the sky turned a darker shade of blue, he continued walking on, hoping that he would someday find a moment of clarity, or least, a someone to be with.
Bilder und Gedankentexte
Geboren wurde ich am 14.03.1962 in Frankfurt am Main.
Ich habe nie eine Kunstschule besucht, bin also reiner, einflussfreier Autodidakt.
Ich male in den Techniken Tusche, Pastellkreide, Wachskreide, Acryl, Öl, Airbrush, Aquarell und Fotografiere.
Die Größe der gemalten Bilder reicht vom Kleinbild 210 mm x 300 mm bis zum Großbild 1900 mm x 1900 mm.
Meine surreal fantastische Kunst zeigt die liebevolle Vergeistung des fantastischen Augenblicks.
Meine Kunst ist die Pforte die in eine andere Gedankenwelt fuehrt.
Sie führt hinein in die unaussprechliche Gegenwart des Lebens in mir.
(Quelle: mit freundlicher Genehmigung: A. Schaetzle)
without colours:
Zeitpunkt: 16.12.15 11:39
Aktion: Löschung des Anhangs
Kommentar: Erotischer Inhalt
Zeitpunkt: 16.12.15 11:39
Aktion: Löschung des Anhangs
Kommentar: Erotischer Inhalt