Pressemitteilung von Viaspace

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472 Postings, 4740 Tage cadplotNEWS vom 30.igsten....

02.05.12 11:09
Bald geht es los. Chart sieht sehr bullish aus.
VIASPACE CEO Update On Board Meeting, Biomass Conference And Business Activity; VIASPACE Director Purchases Additional 4 Million Shares Of Common Stock.
MARIETTA, Ga., April 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- VIASPACE Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: VSPC), and its subsidiary VIASPACE Green Energy Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: VGREF) today provides an update by its CEO Dr. Carl Kukkonen regarding the company's recent board meeting, the International Biomass Conference in Denver, and business development activity, along with an update on recent purchases of VSPC common stock by Director Dr. Kevin L. Schewe.

The VIASPACE and VIASPACE Green Energy boards of directors held a joint meeting on April 19, 2012 in Denver, Colorado, hosted by Director Dr. Kevin Schewe.  The boards received an update on the framed art business, the new pellet mill being installed at the plantation in China, and on Giant King Grass business development. The boards approved a baseline budget that has the company at cash flow breakeven. The baseline budget has all expenses paid in cash with the goal of no additional stock dilution for operations expenses.  The board approved reserving part of the cash on hand for contingency and potential expansion of the pellet mill.  The board meeting was followed by a tour of Dr. Schewe's impressive Red Rocks Cancer Center in Golden, Colorado and a dinner.

Dr. Kukkonen presented on April 17, 2012 in the Biomass Power Session: "Cultivating Electricity: Growing the Fuels that Feed Our Power Plants" at the 5th Annual International Biomass Conference & Expo in Denver, Colorado.  Dr. Kukkonen's invited presentation was entitled: "Integrated Energy Crop Plantation and Biomass Power Plant." He commented, "The conference had over 1500 in attendance and the interest in biomass was tremendous.   My presentation was well attended and I generated multiple business contacts from the conference.  Those in attendance were anxious to learn more about high yielding Giant King™ Grass, which has been extensively tested and has been shown to be an excellent fuel for biomass electricity power plants, and feedstock for energy pellets, biogas production, biofuels and biochemicals." Sung Chang and Dr. Schewe also attended the conference.

Kukkonen also stated, "During the week of the conference, together with other Board members, I met with potential bioenergy project partners and also with representatives of the banking and finance industry regarding the possibility of investing directly in one of our projects."  

Dr. Schewe commented: "The meetings during the Biomass Conference and the Board meeting that I hosted gave me an excellent opportunity to interact directly with the other Board members about my passion and vision for the future of VIASPACE. Most importantly, VIASPACE Green Energy President and VIASPACE Director, Mr. Sung Chang and I were able to spend time together to discuss our joint convictions and aspirations to make Giant King Grass the rising star of the renewable bioenergy universe. We have developed a close working relationship, and we truly believe that VIASPACE can become one of the first successful renewable biomass/bioenergy companies using our significant corporate knowledge and expertise and having Giant King Grass as our scalable bioenergy platform. Our meetings with representatives from the banking and finance industry were very well received. We will need their endorsement as we seek to grow our company and become successful. Our goal remains to increase VSPC shareholder value. Our recent pellet mill announcement is the beginning of our direct bioenergy revenue stream."

Since April 19, 2012, VIASPACE Director Dr. Schewe has purchased an additional 4 million VSPC common shares on the open market. Dr. Schewe has now purchased 19 million shares since joining the VIASPACE Board of Directors in January 2012, and now preferentially holds a total of 96 million VSPC common shares. 

Dr. Schewe continued, "The pace and quantity of my VSPC common share purchases since becoming a Director just over three months ago reflect my strong personal beliefs about the bright future for the company."


2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADER@all

02.05.12 16:15
laut Rudini eine Schrottaktie, siehe weiter oben!

Unglaublich diese Aussage!

0,011 $   +13,40%  

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERQuelle: #205

02.05.12 16:17

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage Rudini#227

02.05.12 16:25
Was laberst Du schon wieder rum? Hast Du nicht bald Feierabend?


2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADER#205

02.05.12 16:26
Wiederlegung der Tatsachen, mehr nicht, danke  

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADER@all

02.05.12 16:27
gut das ich mich nicht beirren gelassen habe, und zu 6 - 7 aufgestockt habe, danke  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage Rudini"Widerlegung"

02.05.12 16:33
schreibt ohne "ie".

Im Übrigen ist die Aktie Schrott. Daran hat sich nicht geändert!


2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERdanke

02.05.12 16:36
für dein Statement zur Aktie, nun weiss ja jeder Bescheid  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage RudiniIst ja auch ein Fakt

02.05.12 16:48

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERsenf

02.05.12 16:50

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage Rudinimit

02.05.12 17:01

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERendlich verstanden, danke

02.05.12 17:02

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERRudinies Schrottaktie wird gekauft

03.05.12 10:49
0,008 €   +33,33% +0,002 € 1.160 €  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage RudiniUnd was für ein fettes Volumen

03.05.12 11:12


1248 Postings, 5054 Tage Sharedeals"Rudini" bist Du schon wieder hier am lästern?

03.05.12 11:35
...kann hier jemand mal diesen "Taugenichts und Basher"  aus Ariva verbannen?
Das hält doch kein Mensch aus!

Gruß $$$$  

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERlass es sharedeals

03.05.12 11:37
dieser Typ ist hier überall für seine Provokationen und Pöbeleien bekannt, es hilft nichts, er macht immer weiter, bis er rausfliegt, trotzdem danke  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage RudiniLöschung

03.05.12 11:50

Zeitpunkt: 03.05.12 12:39
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Bitte nicht provozieren!



2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERlass es bitte

03.05.12 11:53
letzte Verwarnung, ansonsten werde ich dich melden, danke  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage Rudini#243

03.05.12 11:55
Du erteilst hier Verwarnungen? Ich liege am Boden vor lachen...


2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERso Schluss mit Lustig

03.05.12 11:56
sachlich, anständig und nicht beleidigend sollte mann oder frau hier agieren, danke  

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage RudiniWoher kennst Du diese Atribute?

03.05.12 11:57

2957 Postings, 4844 Tage XXXTRADERdanke mod

03.05.12 12:53

13236 Postings, 5106 Tage Rudinibitte

03.05.12 12:59

472 Postings, 4740 Tage cadplotBald gehts los

03.05.12 16:29

Wer den Chart sich anschaut in den USA dann sieht es gewaltig nach Ausbruch aus.

Muss ja nicht heute sein ....




472 Postings, 4740 Tage cadplotder Kurs

04.05.12 09:58

hält sich prima, kann jeden Tag ausbrechen.

Ganz klarer Aufwärtstrend zu erkennen.


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