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42940 Postings, 8724 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeZusammenfassung des heutigen Geschehens:

11.07.01 23:53

                    YHOO, MSFT spur tech buying action
                    Yahoo surpasses, MSFT to post $2.6b investment loss

                    By Nicole Maestri, CBS.MarketWatch.com
                    Last Update: 5:49 PM ET July 11, 2001

                    NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Investors snapped up tech shares in evening
                    trading Wednesday, spurred by better-than-expected results from Yahoo
                    and news that Microsoft would top revenue estimates for its fourth
                    quarter, although it will post a $2.6 billion investment loss.

                    Yahoo posted second-quarter results that exceeded its downward-revised
                    revenue and profit objectives, posting a second-quarter profit of 1 cent per share,
                    compared with the expected break-even consensus.

                    Its shares rose better than 10 percent to $18.80 on
                    the Island ECN.

                    Microsoft said it would post a $2.6 billion fiscal fourth
                    quarter investment loss and its profit will now be 1
                    cent a share. But quarterly revenue, however, will top
                    targets. Shares rose 6 percent after hours.

                    There were gains to be held elsewhere, as shares of
                    Sonus added nearly 14 percent after the company
                    posted a 1 cent per share profit while analysts had
                    forecast it breaking even on a per-share basis.
                    Redback Networks also gained as its results beat
                    lowered expectations.

                    Motorola shares rose as its quarterly loss was
                    smaller than expected.

                    But Idec Pharmaceuticals shares tumbled as it said
                    it expects to report earnings per share of 15 cents for
                    the second quarter, which is in line with analysts'
                    expectations. Shares of Genetech also slid on its
                    quarterly results.

                    In the broader markets Wednesday, the major indexes moved in mixed action,
                    wrestling with a new series of profit warnings and analyst downgrades. The Dow
                    and the Nasdaq managed to close a touch higher, after a late-day run in tech
                    issues. Read Market Snapshot.


                    Microsoft, the world's largest software company, said Wednesday that it will
                    report a $2.6 billion fiscal fourth quarter investment loss because of a $3.9 billion
                    noncash pre-tax charge from losses in certain cable and telecom securities.

                    Profit will accordingly be impacted and now is expected, including the charge, at
                    1 cent a share.

                    Quarterly revenue, however, will top targets with a range of $6.5 billion to $6.6
                    billion vs. earlier estimates of $6.3 billion to $6.5 billion.

                    Microsoft (MSFT: news, msgs, alerts) said more fourth-quarter and full-year
                    details are to come on July 19 when the company reports results..

                    On Island, shares rose nearly 6 percent to $70.40.


                    Yahoo reported a second-quarter profit of 1 cent a share and revenue of $182.2
                    million, besting Wall Street's break-even per-share expectation and revenue
                    target of $175 million.

                    Last year, the Santa Clara, Calif.-based Internet portal operator said it earned 11
                    cents a share during the second quarter, when quarterly revenue hit $273

                    Yahoo also held to its full-year profit targets.

                    The company also announced new executives in Asia and Europe. Read full

                    Yahoo (YHOO: news, msgs, alerts) shares had ended the day down 4.5 percent
                    to $17.03.


                    Motorola (MOT: news, msgs, alerts) reported a loss of 11 cents a share, or $232
                    million, for the quarter, but slightly ahead of Wall Street's consensus
                    expectation of 12 cents a share.

                    The technology giant said earnings were squeezed by the slowdown in two of its
                    largest divisions: hand-held telecommunications and semiconductor chips.

                    Motorola rang up sales of $7.52 billion, down 19 percent from the $9.25 billion
                    reported a year ago.

                    Chief Executive Christopher Galvin said he is "already seeing signs of recovery"
                    and expects to see a rise in customer demand, especially for the new "2.5G"
                    telecom products, in the third quarter.

                    Semiconductors should "resume a double-digit pattern next year," he said.

                    Shares closed up 1.1 percent at $15.67 and traded at $16.60 in the third market.

                    Redback Networks

                    San Jose, Calif.-based Redback Networks (RBAK: news, msgs, alerts) , which
                    forecast in June a wider-than-expected second-quarter loss per share, posted a
                    loss of $37 million, or 26 cents a share, vs. a loss of $5.7 million, or 5 cents a
                    share, reported a year ago.

                    Redback, a maker of equipment for broadband providers to manage services and
                    accounts, was expected to lose an average of 29 cents a share, according to
                    analysts polled by First Call/Thomson Financial. Previously, analysts expected
                    Redback to lose 11 cents a share.

                    On the top line, revenue rose to $59.4 million from $48.7 million in the second
                    quarter of 2000.

                    Its net loss, including acquisition-related charges, stock compensation charges,
                    restructuring charges and charges for inventory and other impairments, was
                    $460 million or $3.26 per share.

                    Shares of the company closed at $6.53, down 7 percent, ahead of the
                    announcement. On Island, shares traded at $7.25.

                    A year ago on July 13, Redback hit a 52-week high of $173.50.

                    Sonus Networks

                    Voice infrastructure products firm Sonus Networks (SONS: news, msgs, alerts)
                    posted a 1 cent per share profit for its second quarter, surpassing analyst
                    estimates of break even.

                    Revenue rose to $52.6 million from $6.5 million in the comparable year-earlier

                    Sonus reported pro forma net income of $1.2 million, or 1 cent per share. In the
                    second quarter a year ago, the company posted a loss of nearly $9 million, or 7
                    cents per share.

                    Its net loss, including stock-based compensation and amortization of goodwill
                    and purchased intangibles, was $51.4 million or 30 cents per share.

                    Shares closed up 8.4 percent at $18.93 ahead of the report and surged to
                    $21.50 on the Island ECN.


                    Driven by strong sales of the company's medications, Genentech said
                    second-quarter profit jumped 28 percent to $101.5 million from $79.6 million in
                    the same period a year ago.

                    On a per-share basis, earnings rose 27 percent to 19 cents, which was in line
                    with analysts' expectations, according to First Call/Thomson Financial.

                    Revenue climbed to $516 million from $416 million in last year's second quarter.

                    The biotech firm said sales of its cancer drug, Rituxan, were up 83 percent to
                    $187.7 million.

                    Ahead of the report, shares of Genentech (DNA: news, msgs, alerts) slid $1.10
                    to $42.75. Genentech shares have been weak since Tuesday when the
                    company said approval of its asthma drug would be delayed because federal
                    regulators had requested more information.

                    In the third market, shares traded at $39.96.

                    Idec Pharmaceuticals

                    Idec Pharmaceuticals (IDPH: news, msgs, alerts) said U.S. sales of its cancer
                    drug, Rituxan, surged to $180 million in the second quarter. While that is up 86
                    percent, it is below expectations.

                    Idec said that, based on the sales results, it now expects to report earnings per
                    share of 15 cents for the second quarter, which is in line with analysts'

                    Biotech giant Genentech (DNA: news, msgs, alerts) has licensed the rights to
                    market Rituxan and Idec receives a portion of sales. Idec is scheduled to report
                    full second-quarter results on July 19. Shares of Idec (IDPH: news, msgs, alerts)
                    gained 18 cents to $61.48 during the regular session but tumbled to $47.04 after


13 Postings, 8673 Tage Red FalconInterview: Welche Änderungen plant die Dt.-Börse

11.07.01 23:58
Finance Online fragte den Sprecher der Dt.-Börse Herrn Velten:

Was soll sich hinsichtlich der Pennystocks ändern?

„Konkrete Daten und Einführungszeiten sind noch nicht festgelegt, die Planung ist im Stadium der Umsetzung, wir sind in der engeren Abstimmung mit unseren Marktteilnehmern. Ob nun 1 Euro nach 1 Monat, oder 1 Euro nach 2 Monaten... Der Grenzwert ist noch nicht beschlossen“.

Gibt es bereits eine Rechtsgrundlage für ein Delisting?

„Ein Delisting ist auf der Basis der Gegebenheiten durchaus machbar“.

Was sagen Sie zu den Vorhaben einiger Unternehmen sich vom Neuen Markt zurückziehen zu wollen, wie zum Beispiel Singulus?

„Niemand ist augenblicklich mit dem Marktumfeld zufrieden und dass ein Unternehmen wie Singulus nicht zufrieden ist kann ich mir auch vorstellen. Uns gegenüber hat sich Singulus so geäußert, dass sie noch keinen Ausstieg aus dem Neuen Markt beschlossen haben. Dazu kann ich nur sagen, dass wir versuchen werden, mit uns zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln und Möglichkeiten, Unternehmen mit in Vergangenheit gezeigten unzureichender Regelwerkstreue, deutlich stark zu überprüfen und empfindlich zu sanktionieren. Wir werden den Markt mit neuen Regelwerken zur Umsetzungstreue nachhaltig unterstützen, mehr können wir von der Dt.-Börse aus nicht machen“.

Ab wann könnten die Änderungen wirksam werden?

„Wie gesagt, wir stimmen uns im Augenblick mit unseren Marktteilnehmern ab und streben an, eine Umsetzung bereits in Kürze zu realisieren“.

Diese Aussichten lassen hoffen, dass fundierte Unternehmen ihre Abwanderungsgedanken noch zurückstellen werden und dem Neuen Markt erhalten bleiben. –KMR-


30936 Postings, 8874 Tage ZwergnaseDanke Udo, aber warum haste die Fahne geklaut ? o.T.

11.07.01 23:59

42940 Postings, 8724 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeIch hab doch nix geklaut!

12.07.01 00:03
Wenn Du auf Hans Dampf anspielst - woher kommt wohl das Hans von Hans-Udo :-))


30936 Postings, 8874 Tage ZwergnaseHoho! Lass das nicht die Board-Polizei sehen! lol o.T.

12.07.01 00:06

9161 Postings, 9268 Tage hjw2@Zwergnase..

12.07.01 01:14
die Fahne ist noch in der "Originalhand"...nix geklaut  

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