silverado goldmines (867737)
Ich glaube an den Dr. und sein Patent. Der Mann will in die Geschichte eingehen und noch zu Lebzeiten ordentlich davon profitieren.

Heute geht es sicher wieder runter. Mein untrügerischer Indikator ist da ganz eindeutig , denn ich habe gestern aufgestockt. :-)
0,08 $ halte ich ohne gute news schnell wieder für möglich. 0,16 mit guten news aber genauso.
Also weiterhin abwarten, Tee trinken und ans gute im Menschen glauben.
Allen ein schönes WE
May 24th, 2007
It’s easy to see that our country is facing an ever-growing energy security crisis. We are overly reliant on imported oil from violent and unstable parts of the world, and we don’t do enough to invest in domestic fuel production. This has resulted in record-breaking gas prices that are placing an undue burden squarely on the backs of every American. Fortunately, there is something we can do now to ensure our energy security.
We can begin to develop major energy sources right here at home utilizing advanced fuel technology to produce new, clean burning products like coal-derived fuels. By taking advantage of coal, our largest domestic energy reserve, we can provide a readily available and flexible fuel source for our country now that can continue to be used in the future.
That is why I recently introduced S. 1443. My bill will improve our nation’s fuel supply by making 21 billion gallons of coal-derived fuel available over the fifteen years. The evidence in support of coal is overwhelming — there’s no question that coal must continue to be a major part of the solution to achieving energy security. The quicker we capitalize on this large resource and move forward to make coal more clean and efficient, the faster we’ll have an answer to our nation’s energy needs.
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Posted by Wyo. GOP Sen. Craig Thomas
Senate Hearing On Coal Gasification
May 24: The Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, Chaired by Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), held an oversight hearing entitled, Coal Gasification: Opportunities and Challenges. The hearing addressed opportunities and challenges associated with coal gasification, including coal-to-liquids and industrial gasification. Witnesses included representatives from: Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC); Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, University of Tennessee; Eastman Gasification Services Company; the RAND Corporation; and SAIC-Energy Solutions Group.
In an opening statement Chairman Bingaman indicated, "Although the fundamental technology we are talking about today has been around for many decades, relatively recent developments in the technology point to a pathway that may allow us to use the our abundant coal reserves in a way that is responsible to our children and their children." Bingaman said that additional, longer, more in depth, hearings or workshops on coal gasification including coal to liquids will be held in the near future. He said Senators Tester (D-MT), Corker (R-TN), Dorgan (D-ND), Salazar (D-CO) and Conrad (D-ND) had all requested additional hearings.
Bingaman said, "I don’t think anyone here would seriously dispute that coal is an important part of our fuel mix for the foreseeable future. Our domestic reserves are abundant and the price spread between coal and other fossil fuels is likely make coal an attractive option for a long time to come. However, the capital costs associated with coal facilities, and particularly coal gasification facilities, are very high – often in range of four billion dollars or more -- and their expected useful life is over 20 years. As a result, if we make a mistake, and encourage the development of plants that we later find to be incompatible with our need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it will be a very costly mistake."
Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM), Ranking Member of the Committee, said that development of coal-to-liquids technology is essential for strengthening U.S. energy security over the coming years. He said, "...other nations, like South Africa and China, are well on the way to using coal converted to liquid form. In fact, China is constructing an 80,000 barrel per day coal-to-liquid facility, and the Chinese government has proposed using as much as 1 million barrels of coal-to-liquid a day by 2020. Coal is a resource that we have in abundance, and if we develop it wisely and lead the march to new clean coal technology, it will give us the economic potential to compete with the world’s emerging economies. We can’t afford to fall much farther behind.”
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) President & CEO Jack Gerard issued a statement highlighting the testimony of Eastman Gasification Services Company, and saying, “We applaud the Committee for looking at coal gasification and industrial gasification systems, which represent emerging technologies that can help the nation make use of its abundant domestic resources and develop a comprehensive energy policy. Industrial gasification, in particular, is a logical economic and technological path forward to achieve policy objectives such as environmental protection, energy security, reduction of natural gas prices and volatility, enhanced global competitiveness and job retention and growth. That’s because industrial gasification processes have unique characteristics that enable or advantage high levels of carbon capture. As Mr. Denton noted in his testimony today, industrial gasification is the ‘low hanging fruit’ as Congress considers programs to test and develop carbon capture and geologic sequestration (CCGS) technologies, protocols and financing issues. Gasification also has significant potential and benefit as a new source of feedstock for chemical manufacturers."
NRDC testified that, "One of the primary reasons that the electric power, chemical, and liquid fuels industries have become increasingly interested in coal gasification technology in the last several years is the volatility and high cost of both natural gas and oil. Coal has the advantages of being a cheap, abundant, and domestic resource compared with oil and natural gas. However, the disadvantages of conventional coal use cannot be ignored. From underground accidents and mountain top removal mining, to collisions at coal train crossings, to air emissions of acidic, toxic, and heat-trapping pollution from coal combustion, to water pollution from coal mining and combustion wastes, the conventional coal fuel cycle is among the most environmentally destructive activities on earth."
NRDC said, we can do better with both production and use of coal. And because the world is likely to continue to use significant amounts of coal for some time to come, we must do better... coal use and climate protection do not need to be irreconcilable activities... development and use of technologies such as coal gasification in combination with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and permanent disposal in geologic repositories under certain circumstances could enhance our ability to avoid a dangerous build-up of this heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere while creating a future for continued coal use... we need to focus government funding more sharply on the most promising technologies [and] More importantly, we need to adopt binding measures and standards that limit global warming emissions so that the private sector has a business rationale for prioritizing investment in this area."
Access the hearing website for links to all testimony and an archived webcast (click here). Access the statements from Senators Bingaman (click here); and Domenici (click here). Access the ACC release (click here). [*Energy]
Na was werden die Amis davon halten ?
Die, die an Garry und den Dr. glauben werden drin bleiben. Andere werden es wohl wieder
nutzen um ordentlich zu shorten.
Ich mach jetzt am besten schnell die Kiste aus.
Bis Montag
tritt bei der Aktiengesellschaft bei einer Grundkapitalerhöhung dann ein, wenn nicht im gleichen Verhältnis der Unternehmenswert dem erhöhten Grundkapital angepaßt wird...
Einen Moment sacken lassen.
So und nun nehmen wir mal den Fall an das das Geld benötigt wird um Sicherheiten für kommende Verträge zu hinterlegen. Kommende Verträge = Wertsteigerung !
Ich möchte meine Hand dafür ins Feuer legen das Garry sich davon kein neues Auto gekauft hat.
Nein nein nein, ich sehe das bei dem Potential positiv, sehr positiv sogar und das Gold liegt da immer noch und wartet nur darauf zu Papa zu kommen.
Minespecs Theorie, dass Silverado alles nur vortäuscht ist damit zerschlagen, weil wohl keiner um die 500.000 US Dollar in eine Phantasiefirma investieren würde!
Außerdem bestätigt es, das großes Interesse darin besteht die Demo Anlage fertig zu sehen. Ich halte meine Aktien und werde demnächst noch aufstocken.
Zweitens Die Shorties haben ja schon zugeschlagen
Drittens Von den Investierten ist die Mehrzahl wohl Long
Wird wohl horizontal laufen wenn Shanghai nicht kollabiert
"Die ganze Börse hängt davon ab, ob es mehr Aktien gibt als Idioten oder mehr Idioten als Aktien. (André Kostolany)"
und jetzt frage ich Euch, wo gibt es die meisten Menschen und somit auch die meisten potentiellen Idioten ?
Riiiichtig in China !
Aber eins steht auch fest, die hab ich jetz zum letzten mal zu solchen Kursen nachgekauft, weiter wird von mir nix mehr kommen... Entweder es klappt jetz oder eben nicht...
volumen in frankfurt ist unwichtig
ausserdem war freitag die letzten monate immer silverados bester tag
wirst ja sehen
heute schöne 15 % ??
wenn die 61,8% nicht hält, dann kommt wieder der "minesway", wobei wirklich zum Ende hin immer wieder der Kurs positiv ins WE geschickt wurde!
paßt hinten und vorne alles nicht, der kurs hat sich so gut ausgekot.... und soviel potenzial zum steigen, liege ich falsch oder rallt der rest der welt das nicht! amen
von ca. 0,052$ ausgegeben - da braucht sich keiner über den sinkenden
Kurs wundern. Und ich denke, die meisten davon sind noch nicht auf
dem Markt. Die "Investoren" sitzen also noch auf ca. 100% Gewinn,
die sicherlich realisiert werden.
Lichtblick - das Gap bei 0,059€ wird möglicherweise schneller
geschlossen als vermutet.
Gruß ka-el
ask for Bob Dynes, Shareholders Relations
vergiss aber nicht uns von dem Gespräch zu erzählen... ;)
Hier mal wieder 2 postings aus nem anderen Forum und dann ab zum Grill :-)
Advantages of Private Placements with 1 yr. restrictions by Silverado.- "No big deal" 5/25/2007 12:46:02 PM
Posted By: keith Msg# 2079 of 2080
Just got off the phone with Bob Dynes. "This is no big deal - they have nothing to hide". Gives them operating capital until they can hit & define the mother lode of gold. Also by increasing the number of shares it is an advantage to ward off any hostile take-over bids. Who wants to sell at .50 for instance. No way!! This placement info' is old & no reason for concern!!!!!!
New DVD from SLGLF 5/25/2007 12:34:15 PM
Posted By: dynahog Msg# 2078 of 2080
With cover letter dated 30 April 2007, I've just received a Silverado Gold Mines LTD DVD from Vancouver, B.C.
This gives an Update on the Nolan Gold Mine, and videos of the ground breaking in Choctaw County, Mississippi.
I also see from the Fairbanks weather reports that it reaches 70 deg there, and the Arctic Village is currently 45 deg with expectations of also reaching 70 deg today.
That's plenty warm to have lots of water flowing through the melting permafrost in the sleuce.
Any day now there can be discoveries of more nuggets at both Nolan and the new mining location where the 13.78 troy ounce nugget was found in January 2007.
was immer das auch heißen mag.
Gruß ka-el
Hoffentlich halten die 0.100