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851 Postings, 6625 Tage meluHallo , Video online und neuer Artikel

15.04.07 10:52

                      - - - - - - - - -

Aktueller ARTIKEL      Apr. 11, 2007; scored 1000.0

Silverado ready to 'fuel' Choctaw County plans

Laura Sandiford

The Choctaw Plaindealer

Silverado Green Fuel's plan to utilize lignite coal mined in Choctaw County to produce an alternative fuel source became deemed as way to secure energy for the future by State dignitaries.

Governor Haley Barbour and Mississippi Representative Roger Wicker were among those serving as guest speakers during the Silverado Green Fuel (SGF) groundbreaking ceremony at the Red Hills Ecoplex in Choctaw County.

Key players involved in orchestrating the Green Fuel project, including Choctaw County, Choctaw County Economic Development Foundation, Mississippi Development Authority, and Silverado Green Fuel Inc., came together on Monday, April 9 to begin development of the first low-rank-coal-water fuel facility in the United States.

The Choctaw County Board of Supervisors began working with the Silverado Corporation and the Mississippi Development Authority on the clean coal- green fuel project approximately two years prior to the groundbreaking ceremony.

According to both Congressman Wicker and Governor Barbour, Silverado's plans to build a low-rank-coal-water fuel facility will lead to providing clean-coal energy security for the United States.

Before introducing Governor Barbour, Wicker stated that the U.S. and in particular Mississippi has an abundance of lignite and coal that holds the potential to serve as energy source for over 300 years.

"Silverado knows what it is doing. This corporation is developing cutting edge state of the art technology that will lead the United States into the next phase of producing energy," said Wicker.

Barbour said he is committed to working towards a secure energy future for Mississippi and the U.S. He explained, upon taking office he began supporting industries dedicated to establishing energy alternatives for the U.S. During his term as Governor, numerous industries broke ground on Mississippi soil to work towards producing reliable fuel and energy alternatives.

Barbour named off the several energy developments within Mississippi, including the Bunge-Ergon Ethanol facility in Vicksburg, ChevronTexaco Pascagoula Refinery's increased production, and Grand Gulf Nuclear Station's request to build a second reactor, which along with SGF project will work to provide the U.S. with a secure energy future.

President of Silverado Green Fuel, Garry Anselmo, agreed with Barbour's points, saying, "We have long been dependent on outside sources for oil, but in the future the U.S will be able to produce oil at $ 15 per barrel. This process is no longer just a dream, and it is about to become a reality."

Gray Swoope, Mississippi Development Authority Executive Director, explained it is to the States and Choctaw County's advantage to utilize and God given natural resources as sources for economic growth and development.

"Choctaw County has taken inventory of its assets and used those assets to thrive economically through the Red Hills Coal Mine and will continue to utilize that resource with the Silverado Green Fuel project," said Swoope.

Utilization of the abundant resource will also lead to job production for Choctaw County, which is now closer to economic security rather than economic stagnation, with the reopening of Ackerman Forge, the once closed steel mill, continued growth at Hardwire, and the SGF project.

Initially a total of 45 jobs will be created for a minimum of ten years through the SGF deal, with agreement to show preference to Choctaw job applicants when two or more candidates are equally qualified for the position.

According to Thomas Higgins, President of the Choctaw County Board of Supervisors, he and his fellow district supervisors felt it was important that the added employment opportunities benefit the people of Choctaw County.

He said, "The addition of Silverado Green Fuel to the County is a two-fold benefit for the community. It will add to the continuing economic growth of the County and create local jobs for local people."

The ripple effect of development will lead to jobs for contractors and increased business for local merchants. SGF agreed it would seek local cost competitive supplies for use in construction of the low-rank-coal-water fuel facility.

Anselmo expects to begin construction on the facility in before or no later than July of 2007.

The next phase in the construction will include clearing the 14-acre site that the facility will make as its home in the Red Hills Ecoplex. Choctaw Board of Supervisors will advertise for contractors to clear the site once environmental clearance is granted on the site.

Noch einen verschwitzten Sonntag und  weitere erfolgreiche Wochen mit Silverado wünche ich allen Investierten   ;-)


1254 Postings, 6978 Tage LichtblickKorn für Essen und Kohle für Sprit

15.04.07 18:57
Zu meinem Artikel 5866
hab ich in einem anderen Thread was gefunden, welcher aufmerksam auf Silverado macht.

Please google "corn for ethanol causing inflation" & read several recent interesting articles. Corn is definitely becoming the inflation crop causing an increase in everything from candy, corn flakes, coke, milk, eggs, meat(beef, chicken, pork). In 2006 World food prices increased 10 %.
In 2006, 2.1 Billion bushels of corn produced ethanol at 106 plants nationwide in the U.S. In 2007, 3.5 Billion bushels anticipated. Farmers are now getting record prices for corn - about $4/bushel - double of what they got 2-3 yrs. ago. As corn output increases, other crops take a backseat - wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa, soybeans etc. This also causes inflation.
Are we crazy? Look at your food prices in the stores this summer & fall. Gasoline is soaring & now food is rising faster than your pay cheque! Remember ethanol production is not cheap & ethanol is corrosive making it more difficult to transport.
Wouldn't we better off using coal & producing Silverado Green Fuel @ $15/barrel & saving both at the pumps & at the grocery store? What the Hell are the politicians thinking? Shouldn't we start screaming at some of them soon before we get hit with tough inflation, a severe recession & possible worldwide depression?  

427 Postings, 6764 Tage 18prozentfinde ich ich lustig wie hier alle von long

15.04.07 19:22
sprechen und bei so einer mini-korrektur wie diese wie diese woche direkt wieder panik entsteht

ja ok ,  ich hab auch bissl mehr + durch das groundbreaking erwartet
aber chart sieht trotzdem top aus


8524 Postings, 7348 Tage sts091280Aktualisierung zu Chart aus Posting 5861

16.04.07 10:33
Indi's sagen es kann los gehen ;-))

greets sts  
Angehängte Grafik:
sc.png (verkleinert auf 60%) vergrößern

8524 Postings, 7348 Tage sts091280und noch ein weekly ;-)

16.04.07 11:21
sieht auch gut aus ;-)  
Angehängte Grafik:
sc.png (verkleinert auf 60%) vergrößern

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusSagt mal warum steht das Ask noch unter dem

16.04.07 11:31

Und hab grad ne Order aufgegeben, aber das zeigt es auch nich an... Komisch...  

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusGut hats sich erledigt: :-D

16.04.07 11:37

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusGut hats sich erledigt: :-D

16.04.07 11:37

851 Postings, 6625 Tage meluGold Gold 691

16.04.07 13:23
Das meinte ich damit wenn die 684 gebrochen werden.Wunderte mich schon warum Frankfurt  im plus steht ;-)

Mal schaun.  
Angehängte Grafik:
r.JPG (verkleinert auf 53%) vergrößern

1254 Postings, 6978 Tage Lichtblickmal ein Artikel von Goldseiten .de

16.04.07 13:53

1254 Postings, 6978 Tage LichtblickGoldproduktion der großen Minen sinkt

16.04.07 14:00

30936 Postings, 8882 Tage ZwergnaseHohoho, das sieht heute aber wieder sehr gut aus

16.04.07 14:47
Liegt's etwa nur am steigenden Goldprieis od. stehen etwa andere News ins Haus bzgl. GreenFuel?

Ist doch schon seeeehr bruhigend, wenn man zwei Standbeine hat.  

8541 Postings, 7261 Tage kleinlieschendie 0,156$ ist momentan eine

16.04.07 15:54
wichtige Marke-

die MK hat die magische 100mio$-Grenze erreicht-
und hier gibts charttechnischen Widerstand-

ich rechne eher mit einem erneuten Abprallen und einer
Konsolidierung um dann Ende April
mit neuem Anlauf durch zu brechen ;-)

Gruß kaa-äll  

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusKL wie meinst das denn?

16.04.07 16:24

11123 Postings, 7206 Tage SWaySehr schön das Eröffnungs-GAP ist geschlossen

16.04.07 16:27
und nun darf es ruhig den Abend gemütlich weiter rauf laufen um uns dann mit einem SK über 0,154$ ein bulishes Signal für die Woche zu geben. Gold und Öl werden weiter steigen und am 01.Mai übernimmt Chavez die Erdölfelder. Sieht gut aus für Firmen die sauber verbrennenden Treibstoff aus Kohle anbieten können. Sieht noch besser aus für eine Firma die zum richtigen Zeitpunkt ne richtig dicke Goldader finden wird, sieht richtig gut aus für Leute die zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort sind...  

851 Postings, 6625 Tage meluGovernors support clean liquid fuels

16.04.07 22:47
Salt Lake City, UT (April 16, 2007) -- Governors from Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada and West Virginia will announce today a bipartisan, Western-Southern political alliance that will work to promote the development of next-generation clean energy technologies to help America reduce its reliance on foreign energy by producing clean liquid fuels from American coal.

Da könnte doch glatt ein neuer Markt im Energiesektor entstehen und Silverado bald ganz vorne mitmischen. ;-)

574 Postings, 6890 Tage tornadotoniAbend...

16.04.07 23:18
hab wenig zeit... korrektur ist seit Donnerstag vorbei!!! die 0,16$ marke wird diese Woche genommen! Meine volle Überzeugung...

Gute Nacht......  

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusGuMo, hier noch was....

17.04.07 09:51
The Wall Street Journal says that China and the United States are actively developing coal-to-oil technology. China is building a multi-billion dollar coal-to-oil plant in Inner Mongolia and may be planning dozens more, while the U.S. Department of Defense is looking at coal-to-oil technology as a means to reduce dependence on foreign oil. The National Coal Council, an American pressure group, asking the government for subsidies that would help the domestic coal industry generate enough liquid fuel to satisfy 10 percent of America's expected oil demand in 2025. Senators Barack Obama of Illinois and Jim Bunning of Kentucky have introduced bills calling for tax incentives for coal-to-liquid fuel conversion plants.

Despite the push, the Journal article says the benefits of the proposed shift are questionable.

"It's far from clear... that the world would be better off -- economically or environmentally -- by burning more coal to fuel cars and trucks," writes Patrick Barta, author of the article.

Current coal reserves. Source: US Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration

Cleaner, more efficient use of coal could play a key role in addressing climate change, especially with the growing importance of coal as an energy source as world crude oil supplies are diminished in the future. Coal presently supplies about two-thirds of China's energy and one-third of the energy demand in the United States but, due to its abundance, is forecast to become an increasingly important relative to petroleum around mid-century.

He notes that coal-to-oil plants are extremely expensive -- "[a] single plant capable of producing about 80,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day -- less than 0.5% of America's daily oil diet -- would cost an estimated $6 billion or more to build" -- while there are serious environmental concerns about the process's production of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, and other pollutants. Barta cites studies from the Natural Resources Defense Council, an American environmental group, that estimate the production and use of a gallon of liquid fuel originating from coal emits about 80 percent more carbon dioxide than the production and use of other fuels -- gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel -- derived from crude oil. Barta reports that "some boosters of the coal-to-oil plants describe them as carbon-dioxide factories that produce energy on the side" but that it may be possible to significantly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by building new plants that use technologies to trap and store carbon dioxide during the production process.  

11123 Postings, 7206 Tage SWayLearning to Read the Charts

17.04.07 09:51

For the beginners, up till now, what I've posted here is the technical analysts of the day-to-day trading so you can began to understand how to read the charts. I'm sure that some of the shorts that post here know how to read the technical chart very well and use that to their advantage to panic the innocent investor into selling during a normal correction. They know that I can read the day-to-day charts but what they are wondering is... if I can see the big picture. Yes, I know know how to read the bigger picture. There are 3 pictures one must look at they include the day-to-day, week-to-week and the month-to-month charts.

THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW AND HOLD FIRMLY IN YOUR MIND... to get an accurate picture of the trend one must look at the bigger picture. The day-to-day action is OK but is not always indicative of the long term trend.

**If you go back and look at the price chart for Silverado ever since it Surged (leaving a huge gap-up on the charts) to .21 cents , SLGLF share price has been doing exactly what it should be, charting an upward trend with back filling the gaps left on the charts. Just like what we witnessed at the beginning of trading this morning ( on a smaller scale) a constructive pattern has been back filling and consolidating before trending higher on the chart. WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE DAY-TO-DAY TRADING CHART PATTERNS from your brokerage streaming price chart, ALSO PLAYS OUT ON THE BIGGER PICTURE OF WEEK-TO-WEEK AND MONTH-TO-MONTH CHARTS.

You must study this carefully to notice the same patterns building on the larger picture as it happens on the day-to-day. Yes, we will see .21 cents taken out in the near future and then up to new heights. But there will be back filling and consolidation over a day or week on the way up the chart. just a natural process of technical chart building.


**** Once you have learned how to read the charts with a few basic indicator tools, the shorts won't be able to scare you ****

As I've mentioned before the day-to-day technical charts can only give us a good indication of what may happen very short term fo that day and is not indicative of the long term trend. Remember many-many other factors enter into the picture such as greed and fear that may take the higher or lower. The shorts know both of these elements very well my friends !! Also Silverado follows the HUI Gold Index up and down in price most of the time.

The trend for the U.S. is to become independent in developing their own energy supply and the DoD and the DoE and many on Capital Hill have given their vote of confidence for Dr. Warrack Wilson's superior process to convert Coal-to-Oil. I'v done my own research into the back ground of Dr. Wilson and have voted my confidence by buying 400,000 shares in the company for the long haul and sleep well at nights based upon my research. You must all do the same for yourselves.

The Future,
Silverado Oil�  

474 Postings, 6626 Tage ErbseplusWieviel

17.04.07 09:59
will Silverado eigentlich im Jahr produzieren?  

266 Postings, 6596 Tage GrünHornmoin, moin

17.04.07 11:10
Ist ja alles so relaxt hier.

Warten auf die news.

Hi Erbse,

es geht ja wohl erstmal noch um den Beweis ob Green Fuel im Großen Stil


Wenn dem so ist und niemand etwas besseres zur "sauberen" Kohleverflüssigung

entwickelt, kann Silverado aleine die Nachfrage nicht stillen.

Es wird Kooperationen geben müssen und wie diese im Einzelnen aussehen darf

sich jeder selber ausmalen.

Hier gibt es Phantasie bis der Arzt kommt.

Selbst wenn Green Fuel nicht funktioniert. Spekulationen darüber könnten genügen

um den heutigen Kurs zu vervielfachen.

Bis es das endgültige Ergebnis darüber gibt vergehen noch viele Monde. Wer weiß was

bis dahin auf und mit unserer guten alten Mutter Erde geschieht.

Silverado ist seit dem Mississipi Deal eine unwiderstehliche Braut.

Das einzige Manko sehe ich durch eventuelle Manipulationen des Kurses und

bleibe deswegen auch ständig auf der Hut.

Obwohl ich durch diese Shorties letzte Woche noch mal gut nachkaufen konnte.

Wenn es diese Befürchtung nicht gäbe, wäre ich nicht jeden Tag hier.

Möge TornadoToni mit 0,16 recht behalten,

auf weiter grüne Zeiten

Gruß Gruenhorn

hier nochmal zur Erinnerung:

Silverado Breaks Ground For Green Fuel Project
Posted on Tuesday, April 10 @ 15:00:00 CDT

MN1 Staff Writer

ACKERMAN, Miss. (April 10, 2007) – Silverado Green Fuel Inc. (OTCBB: SLGLF) officially broke ground on its Green Fuel Demonstration Project in the Red Hills Ecoplex yesterday, taking the first steps towards delivering safe energy alternatives to America.

According to Silverado press releases, the facility is designed to take advantage of the state’s enormous supply of low-rank coal reserves by converting them into green fuel – a new form of coal-based, environmentally friendly, low-cost alternative fuel. The facility, when finished, will create local jobs, place a large capital investment in the local economy, and showcase Mississippi as a leader in energy alternatives and clean coal technologies.

Although the project is still in the testing phase, Paul Kainth in Silverado’s Investor Relations department expected nothing but the best from the facility.

“Before we can spend 100, 120 million dollars on a commercial plant, we have to make sure it can be done –that’s what the demonstration was,” Kainth said. “This is basically a stepping stone to our commercial project.”

Kainth said that a number of entities are interested in the project – particularly the Depart of Defense, who has already signed on with Silverado to take all the output from the Mississippi plant for their own use. In addition, other states have shown some interest in the project.

“We’ve got three other states that also want to proceed with the commercial plant – they all want to jump on and be the second state,” Kainth said.

When it is finished, the $26 million project will be located 14 acres outside of Ackerman, Miss., in the Red Hills Ecoplex, a multi-tenant, ecological industrial park designed to minimize waste and pollution.

“This is a great company that we are partners with now,” Mississippi Congressman Roger Wicker said at the ceremony. “Silverado knows what they are doing when it comes to mines. They’ve been in business for the better part of four decades. We have a top-flight corporation signing on with the state of Mississippi today, and with cutting-edge technology. We’re going to be state-of-the-art here when it comes to developing the next phase of energy right here in our backyard.”

Congressman Wicker wasn’t the only one with praise for the ambitious project. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour also saw the project as an important step forward in introducing America foreign oil alternatives.

“What we need in America to have energy security is more energy,” Governor Barbour said. “What Garry [Anselmo] and his company are going to do is take some of our coal reserves – which are the biggest in the world – and through a hydrothermal process convert it to synthetic gas, which is absolutely clean-burning. It is a phenomenon of technology that this company, Silverado, has pursued aggressively, and it is a great part of trying to show America how to become energy independent.”


30936 Postings, 8882 Tage ZwergnaseHallo GrünHorn, klar, alles ist in bester Butter,

17.04.07 11:38
wie man so schön sagt. Ich bin sowas von relaxt u. kann so gut schlafen...
SLGLF kommt mir ja schon vor wie'n Blue-Chip, so schön stetig und in kleinen Schritten geht's hier rauf. Gr., ZN  

857 Postings, 6700 Tage TAN101ZN; woher nimmst Du Deinen Optimismus?

17.04.07 11:42
Kläre mich bitte auf!  

11123 Postings, 7206 Tage SWayTAN wir hatten eine Vereinbarung oder nicht ?

17.04.07 11:45
Jetzt wieder raus mit 300K und wieder rein kannst Du zwar machen aber dann ist der Deal geplatzt. ;)

Hier vielleicht Dinge, wie diese (s.u.) oder die letzten 1000 Postings...


857 Postings, 6700 Tage TAN101SWay; im Wesentlichen liegst Du richtig.

17.04.07 11:49
Das Spiel mit 'rein und raus' ist aber unheimlich interessant. Habe in den letzten Tagen einiges mit hohem Limit verkauft ( raus ) und habe wieder günstig ( rein ) meine Bestände aufgefüllt.  

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