silverado goldmines (867737)

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851 Postings, 6616 Tage melu@sway 4296 Super Info

18.02.07 20:11
Habe mal kurz verglichen:

1-   Air Force tests synthetic fuel in N.D.  
At $20 a gallon, the Fischer-Tropsch fuel costs about eight times as much as the standard fuel
also 20 USD / Gallone

mit Silversdo

2-   "In Mississippi, we can create 2.5 barrels of our fuel for $15, and 2.5 barrels of our fuel gives off as much energy as a barrel of oil," he said.

also 6 USD / Barrel
1 Barrel =42 Gallonen also 6 USD / 42 Gallonen  

Schlussfolgerung :    Von US-Airforce getestetes Fuel kostet 20 USD / Gallone

                     Silverado's LRCWFuel kostet  42/6=      7 USD / Gallone

Auch wenn der Preis von 20 Dollar noch  billiger werden würde hat Silverado's  Greenfuel noch immer einen Preisvorteil zur Konkurenz.Gut es malzu lesen.
Genaueres wird man sicherlich erst in 1 bis 2 jahren wissen aber ich stufe es mal als sehr positiv ein.

Schöne Grüsse


851 Postings, 6616 Tage melu@tornadotoni

18.02.07 20:19
thank's for 4270
Dein Zitat :
schade das ich nicht consors habe dann würde ich in frankfurt kaufen und in NY verkaufen!  

Hab dann meine eiserne reserve vk und 30T ,du weisst ja .


1254 Postings, 6969 Tage LichtblickThe InvestorMarketPlace is brought to you by:

18.02.07 20:27

auch hier wird silverado vorgestellt   Stockgroup Information Systems Inc.
Company Name          Industry             Symbol               More Info

Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. Mining Exploration/Natural Res SLGLF : OBB  
La Quinta Resources Corp. Natural Resources LAQ : TSX-V  

MetalCORP Natural Resources MTC : TSX-V  

Index Oil and Gas, Inc. Natural Resources IXOG : OBB  

Andover Ventures Natural Resources AOX : TSX-V  

Torrent Energy Corporation Energy TREN : OBB  

Triangle Petroleum Corp. Energy/Natural Resources TPLM : OBB  

The InvestorMarketPlace is brought to you by:  Stockgroup Information Systems Inc. Internet/Technology SWEB : OBB

Texalta Petroleum Ltd. Oil & Gas Exploration & Development TEX.A : TSX-V  

MIV Therapeutics Inc. Biotech/Cardiac Medical Device MIVT : OBB  

Soho Resources Corp. Natural Resources SOH : TSX-V

Lexington Energy Services Inc. Energy LXES : OBB  

Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...

Longview Capital Partners Natural Resources LV : TSX-V  

Galantas Gold Corporation Natural Res. (Gold Mining) GAL : TSX-V  

Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. Renewable Energy NGP : TSX-V  

St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. Mining/Exploration SAS : TSX  

Keegan Resources Inc. Mining KGN : TSX-V  

Samaritan Pharmaceutical Biotech/Medical LIV : AMX  

Nanosensors Inc. Biotech/Medical and Manufacturing NNSR : OBB  

Bluerock Resources Ltd. Natural Resource BRD : TSX-V  

ECU Silver Mining Inc. Natural Resources ECU : TSX-V  

Universal Uranium Ltd. Natural Resources UUL : TSX-V  



857 Postings, 6691 Tage TAN101@melu und Lichtblick

18.02.07 20:54
komme gerade nach Hause und lese, lese, lese.
Ihr seid ja richtig gut.
Sterne kommen auch.
Gruß und noch einen schönen Sonntag

188 Postings, 7040 Tage clemushab...

18.02.07 22:16
... nach einer kurzen Auszeit auch heute das Forum zu unserer Silverado durchgelesen. Respekt v.a an melu und lichtblick. Wirklich sehr gute und interessante Beiträge. Leider kann ich bis heute noch keine Sterne vergeben (und das obwohl ich schon deutlich länger als die 60Tage dabei bin). Bin von 'unserer' Silverado überzeugter denn je zuvor...
Weiterhin Glück auf an alle Investierten!  

192 Postings, 6597 Tage Tradermaxrichtig

18.02.07 22:27
Hallo Silverado`s
Ich habe ja vor einigen Tagen mal eine Email an Silverado geschickt. Leider haben sich nach einem kurzen Email-wechsel keine wichtigen Informationen mehr ergeben, sodass ich auf jeden Fall morgen nochmal nachhacken werde. Ich werde es euch direkt wissen lassen!!!

Ansonsten rollt Silverado langsam langsam an, aber dafür stetig und nur das zählt.

Wenn mein Spiel mit Poly-Pacific aufgeht, habe ich demnächst noch ein wenig um in Silverado zu investieren.....

Gruss TM


1254 Postings, 6969 Tage LichtblickSilverado könnte auch mal ein Kanditat sein

19.02.07 04:52
Metronews, Feb 18 2007 4:39PM

VANCOUVER (CP) - Mining companies, flush with cash from record metal prices, may be on the hunt for Canadian acquisitions to build scale or add new development projects, but the list of high-grade prospects is beginning to look thin.

In the last year or so, investors have seen such fabled Canadian mining companies as Inco, Falconbridge and Placer Dome fall from the landscape.

"Eventually you run out of companies," said Kerry Smith, a mining analyst for Haywood Securities.

Smith said everyone is always looking for the next acquisition target, and some development-stage companies may look attractive, but the list of potential takeovers is getting shorter.

"There's not a lot companies, to be honest, that are at a stage where somebody wants to buy them."

Smith noted that Lundin Mining Corp. (TSX:LUN) has said it is looking to make a big deal.

"I don't know what it is going to be, but my guess is that it is likely to be another producer of a similar size to them," Smith said.

Lundin merged with EuroZinc Mining Corp. last year to create a new company worth about $3.7 billion with four mines in Portugal, Sweden and Ireland and a fifth scheduled to come into production this year.

Smith said Inmet Mining Corp. (TSX:IMN), HudBay Minerals Inc. (TSX:HBM) or Aur Resources (TSX:AUR) all might attract Lundin.

"That would be the kind of deal they would look at," he said.

Pacific International Securities analyst Michael Gray said Aurelian Resources (TSXV:ARU) is "in the takeover sweet spot."

Shares in the company closed up $1.56 at $28.44 on the Toronto Stock Exchange Friday, and Gray has a $53.60 12-month price target.

With a market value of around $900 million, Aurelian's main asset is its Condor gold discovery in southeast Ecuador

"We believe Aurelian's high-grade Fruta del Norte gold deposit on its Condor Project is the best junior-controlled gold discovery we have seen in the past decade," Gray wrote in a note to clients.

"Quality ounces, 100 per cent ownership and a district-scale land position place Aurelian in the middle of the takeover sweet spot."

Last week, UrAsia Energy (TSXV:UUU) and Sxr Uranium One Inc. (TSX:SXR) announced plans to merge to create a major global uranium player named Uranium One Inc., trailing Saskatchewan's Cameco Corp. (TSX:CCO) among the world's biggest publicly held producers.

Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (TSX:AEM), meanwhile, agreed to buy Cumberland Resources Ltd. (TSX:CLG), owner of the Meadowbank gold project in Nunavut, in a deal worth more than $700 million.

But the elephant in the room remains Teck Cominco Ltd. (TSX:TCK.B).

With $5.3 billion in cash after its failed attempt to buy Inco, the Vancouver-based company is one of the few major Canadian-controlled base-metal enterprises left.

Teck Cominco has made several smaller deals recently including investments in Nautilus Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NUS) and Tahera Diamond Corp. (TSX:ATH), and it plans to buy back up to 20 million shares, but chief executive Don Lindsay will still be left with a substantial hoard to spend.

"He certainly came in with high expectations from the street that he would try and do a large transaction," Kerry said,

"But there's not many assets out there they can buy."

© The Canadian Press, 2007  

1254 Postings, 6969 Tage LichtblickUSA unternehmen viel und Deutschland

19.02.07 10:51
EU, hinkt hinterher.
wir merken es an unserer Silveradoförderung
viele Berichte in diesem Forum beinhalten dies was Gabriel berichtet.

19.02.2007 - 10:10 Uhr
FTD: Gabriel fürchtet US-Öko-Offensive
Umweltminister Sigmar Gabriel sieht Europas Vorreiterrolle bei der Nutzung von Biomasse in Gefahr. "Europa muss sich sehr bemühen, nicht abgehängt zu werden", sagte Gabriel der FTD.

Wegen der Fortschritte der US-Industrie bei der Energiegewinnung aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen drohten deutschen Firmen wichtige Exportmärkte wegzubrechen.

Die USA holen im Geschäft mit Ökostrom derzeit generell stark auf. So baute die amerikanische Windenergiebranche im vergangenen Jahr Anlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 2454 Megawatt auf. Zum Vergleich: In Deutschland wurden gut 1200 Windenergieanlagen mit 2233 Megawatt Leistung installiert.

"Die USA holen bei der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien enorm auf, allerdings nicht so sehr aus ökologischen, sondern aus strategischen Gründen", so Gabriel. "Sie haben diese neuen Energien entdeckt, um sich unabhängiger von Gas- und Ölimporten zu machen."

Der Umweltminister kündigte an, dass er die Nutzung der neuen Energien in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2020 verdoppeln wolle. Mit dem Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, das die Vergütung von Ökostrom regelt und eine Abnahmegarantie festschreibt, sei eine neue Industrie mit heute 170.000 Beschäftigten entstanden. "Das Gleiche müssen wir auch beim Heizen schaffen", sagte Gabriel: "Hier können Erdgas und Öl in großem Umfang auch durch Bioenergie ersetzt werden." Dies solle noch in diesem Jahr ein Gesetz regeln.

Fördersystem führt zu Verschwendung

Gabriel warnte, dass das Fördersystem für die Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe derzeit zu Verschwendung führe. "Wir fördern derzeit drei verschiedene Wege", sagte der SPD-Politiker. "Wird aus einer Pflanze Treibstoff gemacht, gibt es Steuererleichterung. Wenn aus der Pflanze daneben Strom produziert wird, zahlen wir eine Einspeisevergütung. Und wird aus einer dritten Pflanze Zellulose gewonnen, gibt es dafür Technologieförderung."

Diese Zersplitterung dürfe nicht fortgesetzt werden. "Die Amerikaner sagen ganz richtig, dass dies viel zu aufwendig ist. Wir müssen alle Bestandteile der Pflanzen nutzen, um daraus sowohl Energie und Treibstoffe als auch Produkte zu machen." Dies sei notwendig, um nicht zu sehr mit der Nahrungsmittelproduktion zu konkurrieren. "Die Amerikaner machen etwas vor, was richtig ist. Sie entwickeln Bioraffinerien, die aus einer einzelnen Pflanze mehrere Nutzen ziehen

Die Koalition wolle die Regeln für den Ökostrom beibehalten, sagte der Minister. "Jetzt steht zwar die Überprüfung des Gesetzes an. Aber das Signal kann nur lauten, dass wir die Grundsätze der Förderung nicht infrage stellen. Das scheint inzwischen auch bei CDU und CSU akzeptiert zu sein."

Gabriel äußerte die Erwartung, dass die USA einem Nachfolgevertrag für das Klimaprotokoll von Kioto nicht länger im Weg stehen werden. "Die USA werden nicht das Problem sein. Sie werden beitreten, wenn der Emissionshandel funktioniert und man mit ihm richtig Geld verdienen kann."

Deutlich schwieriger werde es, Schwellenländer wie Indien und China zur Begrenzung ihrer Emissionen zu bewegen. "Sie fürchten Klimaauflagen als einen Trick der alten Kolonialmächte, ihre Entwicklung zu bremsen und sich unliebsame Konkurrenz vom Hals zu halten", sagte Gabriel. Dies werde sich erst ändern, wenn die Industrieländer bereit seien, den Welthandel auch für Exporte der Dritten Welt zu öffnen.

Autor/Autoren: Timm Krägenow (Berlin)


427 Postings, 6755 Tage 18prozentohne kommentar

19.02.07 12:08
Titel   Kurs per Dez. 1978   Kursspitze in 1980
Carolin Mines 3,10 USD 57 USD plus 1.739 %
Lincoln Resources 0,78 USD 20 USD plus 2.464 %
Eagle River Mines 0,19 USD 6,80 USD plus 3.479 %
Silverado Mines 0,26 USD 10,63 USD plus 3.987 %
Copper Lake Explo. 0,08 USD 10,50 USD plus 13.025 %  

427 Postings, 6755 Tage 18prozentnur der stärkste überlebt

19.02.07 12:15

192 Postings, 6597 Tage Tradermaxes tut sich nichts

19.02.07 12:34
es tut sich einfach nichts heute....

weder hier noch sonstwo.
Wie lange schätz ihr, geht das mit Silverado  noch so weiter???  

8 Postings, 6958 Tage kaspyMilitary Energy Alternatives Conference

19.02.07 12:42
vom 10.2.- 21.2.2007
weiss jemand ob Silverado da teilnimmt?  

427 Postings, 6755 Tage 18prozent??

19.02.07 12:42
die letzten 3 monate waren doch durchaus positv
von mir aus kann es ewig so weiter gehen  

427 Postings, 6755 Tage 18prozentkönnte gut sein ne?

19.02.07 12:45
The 2nd Annual Military Energy Alternatives Conference will explore the current alternative energy sources available to the DoD. There will be discussions on how the DoD intends to meet the responsibilities of the Energy Policy Act and how to achieve energy efficiency in the US Military. It will examine alternatives to the current energy sources and assess the viability of these alternatives. There will be discussions on the following: Reducing fuel requirements with alternative technologies, advancing defense testing and evaluation, examining developments in Fischer-Tropsch Technologies, fuel cell options for the military, advancing battery technology and other relevant energy related issues. In addition it will seek to understand current and future applications of alternative fuels, and the impact on combat operations, efficiency and potential DoD savings.  

8 Postings, 6958 Tage kaspyMilitary Energy Alternatives Conference

19.02.07 12:46
Sorry vom 19.2. - 21.2.2007  

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluFlaute oder nicht

19.02.07 15:34
Hallo, schön dass ihr heute so schreibelig seid
hab noch Lesestoff zum Zeitvertreib
weil Ihr so lesebegierig seid
(bei der Flaute (President's Day in USA)

Neues und altes :

Trading Gold and Silver 2007-2009

Clean Coal Meeting Deutschland  19 , 20 april 2007

China's coal-rich province shuts down 3,550 illegal mines

Bisher ist im so genannten "nationalen Allokationsplan" für den Handel mit Verschmutzungsrechten für jeden Energieträger eine technische Grenze festgesetzt, bis zu der die Kraftwerke bei der Stromerzeugung ungestraft das klimaschädigende Gas Kohlendioxid (CO 2 ) in die Luft blasen dürfen. Diese Grenze liegt bei der besonders umweltschädlichen Braunkohle höher als bei Steinkohle oder Gas

CO2 Sequestration  Chancen und Risiken

Speeding CCS Deployment

Issued on:  February 22, 2006
Florida Clean Coal Plant Underway
$235 Million Award Signals Project Launch

U.S. Secretary of Energy announces nearly $24 million in grants for carbon sequestration research (27.10.2006)

# The Fuels program conducts the research necessary to promote the transition to a hydrogen economy.  Research targets cost reduction and increased efficiency of hydrogen production from coal feedstocks as part of the President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative and in support of the FutureGen project.
# Advanced Research projects seek a greater understanding of the physical, chemical, biological, and thermodynamic barriers that limit the use of coal and other fossil fuels.  The program funds two categories of activity. The first includes applied research programs to develop the technology base needed for the development of super-clean, very high efficiency coal-based power and coal-based fuel systems. The second is a set of crosscutting studies and assessment activities in environmental, technical and economic analyses, coal technology export, and integrated program support.

Stellt man sich nun die Frage nach der optimalen Lösung für den anthropogenen Treibhauseffekt, erkennt man, dass bei der Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten sowie deren Chancen und Probleme sich ein eindeutiges Ergebnis nur schwer finden lässt. Vielmehr sehen wir eine Lösung in einer sinnvollen Kombination mehrerer Optionen. Im Rahmen dieser Kombination könnten die CCS-Technologien eine Partiallösung bieten.
Für die CCS-Technologien lassen sich kostenminimale Lösungen nur standortindividuell ermitteln, da die Möglichkeiten durch geologische und marine Gegebenheiten determiniert sind und man keine pauschale Aussage bezüglich des kostenattraktivsten Verfahrens treffen kann. Aus diesem Grunde haben wir uns auf die kostenmäßige Abbildung von Beispielen unterschiedlicher Quellen beschränkt. Bezüglich möglicher Nettogewinne könnten EOR und ECBM für die Betreiber der Ressourcenquellen ökonomisch attraktiv sein.
Ausgehend von dem Potential der geologischen und marinen Senken scheint der Ozean eine vielversprechende Option zu sein, betrachtet man nur die geologischen Möglichkeiten bieten die tiefen salinen Aquifere eine hohe Speicherkapazität.
Aus Sicht der Permanenz sprechen die langfristigen Speicherdauern des Ozeans und der tiefen salinen Aquifere ebenfalls für ihren Einsatz. Hierbei ist jedoch einzuwenden, dass mögliche Umweltrisiken bezüglich der marinen Senken bisher noch nicht absehbar sind und daher das Risiko möglicherweise groß sein kann. Bei den geologischen Formationen, insbesondere den tiefen salinen Aquifere, wird das Risiko indes eher gering eingeschätzt, weshalb wir dort ein Einsatzpotential vermuten.
Allgemein gesehen, schließen wir uns der Meinung von Bode und Jung an. Der bereits erwähnte Teufelskreis könnte zukünftige Generationen vor größere Probleme stellen. Daher sollte eine emissionsärmere oder emissionsfreie Energieerzeugung weiter unterstützt werden. CCS-Technologien können dabei ein Hilfsmittel sein, um den Kohlendioxidgehalt zeitlich befristet in der Atmosphäre zu reduzieren.

Viel Spass beim durchstöbern



851 Postings, 6616 Tage melusaubere Kohle interessant

19.02.07 15:57

Konkurenz oder partner für silverado ?
Bis morgen und danke danke danke für die Blumen , war schon eher ein Blumenstrauss.

V.G.  und eine aufregende Woche (im Positiven)  

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluhab doch noch was

19.02.07 16:03
- Design a mechanism to stimulate the construction and operation by 2015 of up to 12 large-scale demonstrations of sustainable fossil fuel technologies in commercial power generation in the EU;
- Provide a clear perspective when coal- and gas-fired power plants will need to install CO2 capture and storage. Today, the Commission believes that by 2020 all new coal-fired plants should include CO2 capture and storage technologies and existing plants should then progressively follow the same approach.

Sorry wenn ich etwas 2mal eingestellt haben sollte ,verliere solangsam die Übersicht und mein Zeitgefühl. Werde wohl doch langsamer treten müssen. Aber das Aktuelle und Wichtige wird weiterhin gepostet .


11123 Postings, 7197 Tage SWayPartner oder Konkurent ?

19.02.07 16:04
Marktkapitalisierung  PEABODY ENERGY CORP.  8.131,01 Mio. EUR
Marktkapitalisierung   SILVERADO GOLD MINES LTD  46,61 Mio. EUR

Da gibt es oben so eine wunderbare Grafik wozu Green Fuel von Silverado alles gut ist. Vielleicht hilft die ein wenig bei der Lösungsfindung... ;)  

851 Postings, 6616 Tage melu43 19 richtig

19.02.07 16:34
Stand nicht im artikel aber soll ein  anreiz zu genau dieser reaktion sein ,und wenn man die akt. Kurse auf 4319  bezieht sellt man fest dass Silv. bei 26 € liegen müsste.Also noch viel Spielraum nach oben .hihihi

Mi den Allerbesten  Grüssen


1254 Postings, 6969 Tage Lichtblick@melu, danke für

19.02.07 16:39
die vielen interes. Link`s, dabei wird es uns bestimmt nicht langweilig,
obwohl heute in US nicht gehandelt wird.

und ich gebe noch einen dazu:

Gruß LB

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluDanke

19.02.07 17:08
Dies habe ich vor einer Stunde entdeckt als ich nach LRCWFuel suchte
schau mal die Dates,ziemich lange aber beendet.
Dieser Wilson wird jedoch nicht Dr. Warrack G. Willson sein (2L )

Dass auch andere an Techniken der  LRCWF arbeten weiss ich schon länger .Wenn ich den Beitrag wiederfinde stelle ich ihn rein

Schöne Grüsse und schlafe mal ein wenig hihihih  

1254 Postings, 6969 Tage LichtblickPeabody hat Kohle, Silverado hat Gold

19.02.07 17:17
zu 4319,


1254 Postings, 6969 Tage Lichtblickkleinlieschen war schon lange nicht mehr hier,

19.02.07 17:35
vermisse ihr grinsen hihihihi!

851 Postings, 6616 Tage meluzu 4322

19.02.07 21:06
habe es gefunden aber mich noch nicht damit befasst.Kein datum

By Ray W. Sheldon and Linda J. Frank
The Advanced Coal Conversion Process (ACCP) being demonstrated in Colstrip, Montana consists of thermal
processing coupled with physical cleaning to upgrade high-moisture, low-rank coals, giving a fuel with improved
heating value and low sulfur content.
The process and product, patented as SynCoal7, has been developed by the Rosebud SynCoal Partnership
(RSCP) as part of Round I of the U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Coal Technology Program. RSCP is a
general partnership formed in December 1990 for the purpose of conducting the demonstration and
commercializing of the ACCP technology. Western SynCoal Company (WSC), a subsidiary of Montana Power
Company's Energy Supply Division, is the managing general partner.
WSC owns the technology and has exclusively licensed it to the partnership. The partnership manages the
demonstration project and all activities related to commercialization. DOE has contributed about $43 million
(41%) to the $105 million demonstration project, with the remainder provided by RSCP.
The plant is located adjacent to the unit train loadout facility within Western Energy Company's Rosebud Mine
near Colstrip, Montana. The production unit, having a capacity of 1,000 tons per day of upgraded coal, is onetenth
the size of a commercial facility and benefits from the existing mine and community infrastructure.
The SynCoal7 process enhances low-rank subbituminous and lignite coals by a combination of thermal
processing and physical cleaning. The process consists of three major steps: thermal treatment in an inert
atmosphere, inert gas cooling of the hot coal, and pneumatic cleaning. The results are a reduction in moisture
content from 25-40% in the feedstock to as low as 1% in the product, concurrently increasing heating value from
5,500 B 9,000 Btu/lb to as high as 12,000 Btu. At the same time, sulfur content is reduced from a range of 0.5 B
1.5% to as low as 0.3%. Each ton of raw Rosebud subbituminous coal produces about 2/3 ton of SynCoal7.
Raw coal from the Rosebud mine unit train stockpile is screened and fed to a vibratory fluidized-bed reactor,
where surface water is removed by heating with hot combustion gas. Coal exits this reactor at a temperature
slightly higher than that required to evaporate water and is further heated to nearly 600EF in a second vibratory
reactor. This temperature is sufficient to remove chemically bound water, carboxyl groups, and volatile sulfur
compounds. In addition, a small amount of tar is released, partially sealing the dried product. Particle shrinkage
causes fracturing, destroys moisture reaction sites, and liberates the ash-creating mineral matter.
The coal then is cooled to less than 150EF by contact with an inert gas (carbon dioxide and nitrogen at less than
100EF) in a vibrating fluidized-bed cooler. Finally, the cooled coal is fed to deep bed stratifiers where air
pressure and vibration separate mineral matter from the coal including the pyrite-rich ash, thereby reducing the
sulfur content of the product. The low specific gravity fractions are sent to a product conveyor while heavier
fractions go to fluidized bed separators for additional ash removal.
The fines handling system consolidates the coal fines that are produced in the conversion, cleaning and material
handling systems. The fines are gathered by screw conveyors and transported by drag conveyors to a bulk
cooling system. The cooled fines are blended with the coarse product or stored in a 250-ton capacity bin until
loaded into pneumatic trucks for off-site sales. When sales lag production, the fines are slurried with water in a
specially designed tank and returned to the mine pit.
The Cooperative Agreement with DOE for the ACCP demonstration facility was signed in September 1990.
Initial operations began in April 1992, with the first 24-hour run occurring in May 1992 and the first significant
shipments in June. Several material handling problems were encountered during initial operations that required
extensive modifications and hampered the efforts to address the product issues of dustiness and spontaneous
heating. Parallel efforts to correct the material handling shortfalls and investigate treatments to mitigate the
product issues were pursued until August 1993, when the demonstration facility reached full production
capability. Efforts have continued since to establish test customers and address the product handling issues for
safe and reliable transportation and handling. Three different feedstocks were trucked to and tested at the facility
in 1993 and early 1994. In 1994, several test burn programs were conducted in both utility and industrial
applications and three regular customers were established. The demonstration facility start focused increasing
amounts of attention on process improvements and operating cost reductions. Since 1995, an additional focus
has been the development of commercial markets.
Through June 1997, 1.6 million tons of raw coal have been processed and over 1 million tons of SynCoal7 has
been produced. Total shipments of SynCoal7 products have exceeded 950,000 tons. The plant has consistently
operated at over 100% of its design capacity and at its target 75% availability. The demonstration facility is
expected to operate through June 1998 under the Cooperative Agreement.
Initial operations of the demonstration plant discovered numerous weak links and bottlenecks. The rotary
airlocks between process reactors were under powered and jammed tripping the entire plant. The fines gathering
and conveying system was severely undersized and wore out rapidly. As operations continued, problems with
fan bearings, conveyors and particularly the vibrating reactor vessels were uncovered. Generally all of these
problems have been solved or mitigated by improved design and repair or replacement. These lessons can be
carried forward to the next generation plant design.
The project team has worked continuously to improve the process and product since the initial startup identified
the dustiness and spontaneous combustion issues. Additionally, as with any first-of-a-kind plant, significant
efforts have been directed toward improving process efficiencies and reducing overall costs. A CO2 inerting
system was added to prevent self heating in the storage areas and enhance the product stability in transit to
customers. After verifying the effectiveness of this system, an additional inert gas process was added to reduce
the gas expenses and further test the impact on product stability.
A wide variety of additives and application techniques were tested in an effort to reduce dustiness and
spontaneous combustion. A commercial anionic polymer applied in a dilute concentration with water was found
to provide effective dust control and is environmentally acceptable. A companion product was identified that can
be used as a rail car topping agent to reduce wind losses. The application of the dilute water based suppressant,
which is known as dust and stability enhancement (DSE), also provided a temporary heat sink, helping control
spontaneous combustion for short duration shipments and stockpile storage. This work led to extensive
investigation of stockpile management and blending techniques.
After adapting these lessons, safe and effective techniques for blending SynCoal7 with raw coal, petroleum coke,
and SynCoal7 fines and handling the resultant products have evolved. This work further led to the development
of stabilization process concepts (patents pending) which were successfully piloted at a 1,000 lb/hr scale. A plant
modification was designed, but has not been installed due to the high retrofit costs. The next generation plant is
expected to incorporate the stabilization process technology.
It was originally assumed that SO2 emissions would have to be controlled by injecting chemical sorbents into the
ductwork. However, a mass spectrometer installed to monitor emissions and performance testing, discovered
that the process configuration inherently limits the gaseous sulfur production, eliminating the need for chemical
sorbent injection. The sorbent injection system remains in place should a higher sulfur coal be processed.
Fugitive dust from material handling and coal cleaning operations throughout the plant is controlled by negative
pressure dust collection hoods located at all transfer points and other dust emission sources. High efficiency
baghouses are connected to the dust collection hoods. These baghouses have been effective, as demonstrated
by stack tests on the east and west baghouse outlet ducts and the first-stage drying gas baghouse stack in 1993.
Emission rates are well within the limits specified in the air quality permit, at 0.0013 grains/dry standard cubic
feet (gr/dscf) for the baghouse outlet ducts and 0.0027 gr/dscf for the drying gas baghouse stack. Another stack
survey conducted in May 1994 verified that emissions of particulates, SO2, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon
monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from the process stack are within permitted
Through June 1997, the demonstration operations have been cited for only five minor violations as a result of
MSHA's regular inspections. It was noted at the celebration of 1 million tons of production that the operating
work force had completed over 300,000 manhours without a lost time accident.
Utility Applications
A SynCoal7 testburn was conducted at the 160 MW J.E. Corette plant in Billings, Montana. A total of 204,000
tons of SynCoal7 was burned between mid-1992 and April 1996. The testing involved both handling and
combustion of DSE treated SynCoal7 in a variety of blends. These blends ranged from approximately 15% to
85% SynCoal7 with raw coal. Overall, the results indicate that a 50% SynCoal7/raw coal blend provides improved
performance, with SO2 emissions reduced by 21% at normal operating loads, and no noticeable impact on NOx
In addition, the use of SynCoal7 permitted deslagging the boiler at full load, thereby eliminating costly ash
shedding operations. This also provided reduced gas flow resistance in the boiler and convection passage,
thereby reducing fan horsepower and improving heat transfer in the boiler area, resulting in an increase in net
power generation of about 3 MW.
Deliveries of SynCoal7 are now being sent to Colstrip Units 1 & 2 in Colstrip, Montana. Testing has begun on the
use of SynCoal7 in these twin 320-MW pulverized coal fired plants. The results of these tests will provide
information on boiler efficiency, power output, and air emissions. A total of 158,000 tons have been consumed
to date. A new SynCoal7 delivery system is being designed which, if installed, would provide selectively
controlled pneumatic delivery of fuel to individual pulverizers in the two units. This system would allow controlled
tests, providing valuable comparative data on emissions, performance and slagging.
Alternative Coal Testing
In May 1993, 190 tons of Center, North Dakota lignite were processed at the ACCP demonstration facility,
producing a 10,740 Btu/lb product, with 47% reduction in sulfur and 7% reduction in ash. In September 1993, a
second test was performed processing 532 tons of lignite, producing a 10,567 Btu/lb product with 48% sulfur
reduction and 27% ash reduction. The Center lignite before beneficiation had 36% moisture, about 6,800 Btu/lb,
and about 3.0 lb of SO2/million Btu.
Approximately 190 tons of these upgraded products were burned in the Milton R. Young Power Station Unit #1,
located near Center. This initial test showed dramatic improvement in cyclone combustion, improved slag
tapping, and a 13% reduction in boiler air flow, reducing the auxiliary power loads on the forced draft and induced
draft fans. In addition, the boiler efficiency increased from 82% to over 86% and the total gross heat rate
improved by 123 Btu/kWh.
Similar test programs were also conducted on 290 tons of Knife River lignite from North Dakota and 681 tons of
Amax subbituminous coal from Wyoming producing 10,670 Btu/lb and 11,700 Btu/lb products respectively.
Industry Applications
Several industrial cement and lime plants have been customers of SynCoal7 for an extended period of time. A
total of about 190,000 tons have been delivered to these customers since 1993. They have found that SynCoal7
improves both capacity and product quality in their direct fired kiln applications, because the steady flame
produced by SynCoal7 appears to allow tighter process control and improved process optimization.
A bentonite producer has been using SynCoal7 as an additive in greensand molding product for use in the
foundry industry, having purchased about 37,500 tons. They have found SynCoal7 to be a very consistent
product, allowing their greensand binder customers to reduce the quantity of additives used and improving the
quality of the metal castings produced.
The utility segment is the largest and most established market for all domestic coal sales. Since the ACCP is by
its nature a value added process and the product has been determined to require special handling, unique
situations must be identified where the addition of SynCoal7 to the firing mix provides sufficient benefit to more
than offset the increased delivered cost compared to raw western coal. These requirements have led RSCP to
focus on marketing the product as a supplemental fuel in utility applications and then only to units that have
specific problems with slagging or flame stability.
Utility plants with design or fuel related limitations such as the J.E. Corette station and Colstrip Units 1 & 2 can
benefit from decreased slagging, reduced SO2 emissions, improved net generation, and reduced heat rate by
burning a controlled amount of SynCoal7 selectively injected into the boiler.
The industrial market segment is much more amenable to special handling since these customers normally
receive much small quantities and are much more sensitive to fuel quality issues. RSCP has developed a
technique of shipments in covered hopper rail cars and/or pneumatic trucks that allows long haul distances and,
when combined with inerted bin storage, provides safe and efficient handling.
SynCoal7 has been found to provide superior performance in direct fired applications particularly as a blend with
petroleum coke. SynCoal7 provides good ignition and stable flame characteristics while the petroleum coke is
low cost and requires a longer burning time, expanding the processing zone. This blend of characteristics has
provided a significant advantage to SynCoal7's cement and quicklime customers. Additionally, recent tests of
SynCoal7/petroleum coke blends have shown improved handling characteristics with regard to dustiness and self
SynCoal7 produces a gas-like flame when burned alone. In some direct fired applications (such as road paving
asphalt plants), it can be a much lower cost option that propane, providing a small but valuable market.
SynCoal7's consistent characteristics and high volatile matter and carbon contents make it a good reducing agent
for some metallurgical processing applications. Since low moisture content is a key characteristic for this
segment, the covered hopper rail car and/or pneumatic truck delivery system is readily accepted. SynCoal7 has
been used successfully in ductile iron metal casting applications as a greensand binder additive due to these
characteristics. RSCP has been working with a metallurgical silica producer to determine if SynCoal7 is viable in
their application. RSCP is continuing to pursue alternative markets in various metallurgical reduction
applications and SynCoal7 may even be a viable substitute for natural gas used to reduce metallurgical coke use
in blast furnaces.
Additional development is required to improve two major product characteristics: spontaneous combustion and
dusting. In addition, further market development and customer education are needed to position SynCoal in the
proper market niches and overcome natural resistance to a new product.
The upgraded coal produced to date has exhibited spontaneous heating and combustion. When a coal pile
(more than 1 to 2 tons) is exposed to any significant airflow for periods ranging from 18 to 72 hours, the coal
reaches temperatures at which spontaneous combustion or autoignition occurs. Spontaneous heating of run-ofmine,
low-rank coals has been a common problem but usually occurs after open air exposure periods of days or
weeks, not hours. However, dried, low-rank coals have universally displayed spontaneous heating tendencies to
a greater degree than raw, low-rank coals.
The product is basically dust free when it exits the processing facility due to numerous steps where the coal is
fluidized in process gas or air, which removes the dust-size particles. However, typical of all coal handling
systems, each transfer of the product coal after it leaves the process degrades the coal size and produces some
dust. Because the SynCoal7 product is dry, it does not have any inherent ability to trap small particles on the
coal surfaces. This allows any dust-size particles that are generated by handling to be released and become
In January 1995, a cooperative research project was initiated to determine the effects of different processing
environments and treatments on low-rank coal composition and structure. Specific objectives are (1) to study the
explosivity and flammability limits of dust from the process and (2) to identify the causes of spontaneous heating
of upgraded coals. Other participants in this study are the Amax Coal Company and EnCoal, who have also
experienced similar effects with their upgraded products.
Due to the handling issues, RSCP has taken a three-pronged approach to satisfying customer needs for a safe,
effective way to handle SynCoal7. The first method is to employ DSE treatment, which allows conventional bulk
handling for a short period (about one week) but does degrade the product heat content. The product eventually
becomes dusty and susceptible to spontaneous heating again.
The second technique uses contained storage and transportation systems with pneumatic or minimal exposure
material handling system. This technique provides maximum product quality and actually enhances the material
handling performance for many industrial customers; however, transportation requires enclosed equipment and is
impractical for the bulk coal handling systems of large utility customers.
The third approach is to develop a stabilization process step. SynCoal's previous work has been of great benefit
in the collaborative research with EnCoal. SynCoal hopes to incorporate its stabilization process in the next
generation facility or develop a smaller pilot operation in direct response to a specific customer requirement.
These approaches should allow SynCoal7 to be tested in some more novel applications such as blast furnace
injection systems and electric arc furnace reducing agents.
Rosebud SynCoal has developed an advanced coal conversion process which has the potential to enhance the
utility and industrial use of low-rank western subbituminous and lignite coals. Many of the power plants located
throughout the upper Midwest have cyclone boilers, which burn low ash fusion temperature coals. Presently,
most of these plants burn Illinois Basin high-sulfur coal. SynCoal7 is an ideal supplemental fuel for these and
other plants because it allows a wider range of low-sulfur raw coals to be used to meet more restrictive worldwide
emissions guidelines without derating of the units or the addition of costly flue gas desulfurization systems.
The ACCP has potential to convert inexpensive low-sulfur, low-rank coals into valuable carbon-based reducing
agents for many metallurgical applications, further helping reduce worldwide emissions and decrease the U.S.
dependence on foreign energy sources.
The ACCP produces a fuel which has a consistently low moisture content, low sulfur content, high heating value,
and high volatile content. Because of these characteristics SynCoal7 could have significant impact on SO2
reduction and provide a clean, economical alternative fuel to many regional industrial facilities and small utility
plants allowing them to remain competitively in operation.


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