silverado goldmines (867737)

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8541 Postings, 7251 Tage kleinlieschen*gg*

15.02.07 21:15
von comdirect:
20:28:48  0,0960 20000
20:16:54  0,0960 107 <------
20:10:17  0,0990 40000

Gruß - kl.  

17202 Postings, 6631 Tage Minespechier ist minespec zurück !

15.02.07 21:21
So liebe Leute ich melde mich wieder zurück nachdem ich lange nichts hab hören/sehen lassen..

Ich hatte meine Silverado insgesamt 300.000 Stück bei 0,039 und 0,04 gekauft als dmals alle die Nerven verloren hatten und bei 0,08 kürzlich abgestossen. Jetzt wisst Ihr wo die dicken Umsätze herkamen...

So jetzt mach ich meine  Steuererklärung ( noch gib`t`s Halbeinkünfte Verfahren )und dann fahr ich als erster von Euch auf die Insel ?... nein nur zum Skifahren.. wollen bescheiden bleiben.

Erwarte grosse Korrektur in den heissen Werten...bald.

Viel Glück mit Silverado ..
melde mich später wieder...


851 Postings, 6615 Tage melu@minespec

15.02.07 21:47
Welche Begründung hat denn deine Korrektur ?


17202 Postings, 6631 Tage MinespecBegründung

15.02.07 22:03
Die Märkte egal welche sind zu heiss gelaufen.. Es wird m.Meinung nach eien Liquditätskrise geben ( Hedgefund Pleite , andere Verwerfungen , Begründung würde zu lange dauern ..und alle Börsen weltweit nach unten reissen..

Auch für heisse Werte wird es m.Meinung nach eng werden, da nicht genügend Käufer in einer vorübergehenden Baisse auftreten, diese werden als erstes bluten müssen.. )

Lasst Euch nicht verunsichern dies ist nur meine Meinung.
Ich bin 100 % in Cash und warte ab. Kaufe zur Zeit nichts egal was. ( habe über 20 Jahre Börsenerfahrung, ich verzivhte auf die nächsten 20 % und bin für mich besser in Cash erst mal aufgehoben )

Wenn die Sache vorüber ist werde ich wieder auf die Jagd gehen...
Dann auch in Alternativenergie, Suntech Power , Distributed Energy , Rentec etc. und vor Allem amerikanische Standardwerte als Basisinvestment für die nächste Zeit.

Nur meine Meinung Silverado beobachte ich weiter..  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluMinespec Gold

15.02.07 22:36
ist doch in Kriesenzeiten eine sichere anlage und der Kampf ums Öl und alternative Energien in der Welt sollte doch auch silverado zugute kommen.
Und gerade im märz-juni 06 hatte der goldpreis ein starkes Hoch und im moment ist gold auf der ganzen welt als anlage sehr begehrt.
Bei vielen alternativen -Energie-Anlagen sind die preise schon ziemlich hoch ,Gewinne macht man nicht mehr so oft von heute auf morgen.
Ich verstehe sehr gut deine Einstellung , vor einem Neueinstieg gut zu recherchieren und wünche dir bei deiner neuen investition das Glück das du mit silverado hattest .

Dass es bei silverado sehr schnell auf und auch abgehen kann ist risiko und chance zugleich.

Was mich allerdings überrascht ist dieses kontinuierliche ansteigen ab november .
Ich habe schon öfters bei anderen aktien erlebt wie nach 1 bis 2 bulligen ausbrüchen danach der kurs langsam und kontinuierlich nach oben ging und seine tiefs nie mehr erreichte.Das hoffe ich  auch hier.

Viel Glück in zukunft mit oder ohne silv.

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluLiquditätskrise

15.02.07 23:16
Ist das vielleicht unsere  einzige Lösung ?

Gute Nacht an alle


851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluNEWS

16.02.07 08:18


by James L. Rapholz B.A., M.S. Economics

MARCH OF 2007:

           It looks as if the yellow metal is getting ready to put a smile on our faces once again!

            I had the very good fortune of attending a stock market analysts meeting up in Atlanta two weeks ago. They concluded that oil will have an average trading price of $64 a barrel in 2007 and that this year could see an explosive growth in the precious metals arena as the probability of an international accident rises. They also concluded that the dollar is going to come under increasing pressure and that the fundamental demand for natural resources is going to continue growing because of high demand from China, India and other developing nations.

          There was a consensus that gold will see a sharp price rise in the late part of the 1st quarter of the year or early part of the second quarter and challenge the 2006 high near $730, then see some sideway trading until it reaches a new all time high of $900 late in 07 as events combine to send financial markets into a high level of concern for both economic and political stability. The current upward move in gold is being caused by Washington’s mindless engineering effort to push the value of the dollar lower. This move is being made in an attempt to increase our exports. That will probably take place to some small degree but it will also give an added incentive for foreign central banks to reduce the amount of depreciating dollars that they are holding as reserve currencies. The result will be lowering the dollar’s value and increasing that of gold.

        And, for similar reasons, they predicted that silver would reach the $18.00 level and that platinum would trade up to $1500.00 by the end of 2007.

        They also agreed that aside from metals and resources, concern should be taken for the deteriorating housing market, a deterioration that will have the capacity to spread turmoil and troubles for many American families.

         Several currency specialists noted that too much attention is being given to the euro and the Yen as alternative investments for dollar reserves and not enough emphasis is being placed on the British pound, which is trading, near a twenty-year high and will become the real challenge for the dollar in 07.

       If the gold move they predicted actually takes place you should be positioned to take full advantage of it. The following is a junior gold producer, which should see a good price advance. I’d give special emphasis to (slglf) Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. 10 cents because they not only produce gold but also have recently signed a contract to build one of the world’s first “Green Fuel Producers.” Green fuel is derived from turning low-rank coal into an environmental friendly liquid fuel. I own 400,000 shares of Silverado and will go into detail about this company .


      Silverado Gold Mines, Ltd. = Gold, Green-fuel & More Gold!

      Silverado Gold Mines, Ltd., about 10 cents, symbol SLGLF, phone (800) 665-4646, contact Bob Dynes, a nice guy who has a good knowledge of the Company and the mining industry in general, website

             Silverado – sure has an awful lot going for it today.

       The company not only owns a producing gold mine and other promising gold properties in Alaska but, it is also leading the pack in the race for a clean burning fuel to solve the problem of our dependence on foreign oil!

       Its wholly owned subsidiary, Silverado Green Fuel Inc., possesses a formula for converting low-rank coal (of which the US has enough to fuel the entire nation for about 300 years), into liquid fuel or “Green Fuel.” Not only does this new fuel replace crude oil, but also it is environmentally friendly because it burns very clean.


       Just a few weeks back Silverado signed a memorandum of understanding, with the state of Mississippi to build a $26,000,000 demonstration plant which will be the first plant in the US capable of converting low-rank coal into liquid fuel. This process is known as LRCWF or “Low-rank coal-water fuel.” Mississippi will pay half the cost involved, and Silverado will provide the other half. The pilot plant will be built on 14 acres in Choctaw County, Mississippi, and is designed to convert the vast reserves of low rank coal in the area into liquid fuel, a fuel from which other fuels may be made free from sulphur, heavy metals and particulate forms of matter. There are several very attractive feature of this new type of energy:

  1. It will cost less than $15 a barrel to produce.
  2. During the production cycle of Green-Fuel there is a sizeable reduction of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
  3. There is an awful lot of low-rank coal in Mississippi and the other Gulf States, as well as Wyoming, the Great Plains, and Alaska. The pilot plant being built in Mississippi will be capable of providing thousands of barrels of Green-Fuel for tests in end-users operations and will provide scale-up design engineering, as well as validate operation in oil designated boilers and advanced power systems.
  4. This pilot plant will also serve as a personnel training and development center in the production of Green Fuel, and will create new fuels as well as permit the testing of engines with alterations made to accept the new clean burning fuel. Once operational, the company has the option to buy the facility from the state of Mississippi for a token $100.00.

This is the world’s first Green Fuel production plant. Several small demonstration plants were manufactured during the last energy crisis of the 1970s. However, before anything serious was built, the price of oil dropped after OPEC’s embargo and the Green-Fuel program became part of history. This time it’s a different story. OPEC has vowed to hold the line on oil prices at a $50 base price. Green-Fuel can be produced for $15 a barrel and this time it has a real future and that is now!

      This low-rank coal derived fuel is a stable liquid form of energy, which provides a non-hazardous, low cost alternative to oil derived fuels that can use existing oil infrastructure for handling, storage and transportation. To produce Silverado’s new form of fuel – low-rank coal is pulverized and then treated to pressure cooking to turn it into a liquid form of energy. The water that is removed from the coal during the hydrothermal process is then treated, reduced and added back into the coal particles and thus Green-Fuel is now ready for sale.

In response to requests from several Congressmen and Senators, Silverado has submitted technical data on its Green-Fuel hydrothermal treatment process to the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense, regarding the inclusion of Silverado’s Green Fuel in the D. o. D.’s Clean Fuel Initiative.  D.o.D. scientist have examined this new form of Green Fuel and have commented that they are impressed with both the technology and the possibility of using this alternative energy product as a raw feedstock for the production of synthetic fuels. This process is presently the only known method of converting high-moisture content coal into a low-cost liquid fuel.

It should come as no secret that the new Democratic controlled House and Senate are interested in moving the US away from its dependence on foreign oil. The move to develop alternative fuels, which was started by the Bush administration, can be expected to gain momentum, and Silverado is in the right place at exactly the right time!

What’s the next step for Silverado?

Now that a demonstration plant is in the planning stages of being built, the next step will be designing, permitting and building a commercial facility, capable of producing a minimum of 9,500,000 barrels of Green-Fuel per year. America has a great abundance of coal in its ground, which has been estimated to last for at least 300 years and this could very possibly be the source of energy needed to free us from our dependence on foreign oil.

One of my neighbors just stopped by and asked what I was working on. After I explained the Green Fuel project to him and how it was a complete substitute for everything that crude oil could do for our world, he was impressed but came up with a very interesting question. If this can be done and with all the soft coal that we have – why hasn’t it been done before now? My reply: Up until now every time a substitute for oil was invented – the world’s oil producers flooded the market – drove its price down and there was no longer any need for a substitute. However, this time around, they simply can’t come up with enough oil to push the price down to less than $40 a barrel, so Green-Fuel at $15 makes a lot of sense!

The Future Looks Bright!

Mississippi isn’t the end of Green-Fuel. Negotiations are currently underway with 3 other states that have shown an interest in the process developed by Silverado.

CEO Garry Anselmo has appeared before House and Senate committees to explain to the legislators, the many benefits of Green Fuel. The fuel created at the Mississippi pilot plant will show the rest of the country that this is the best solution for our energy crisis. The fuel created at this plant can easily be further refined into gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, synthetic natural gas, hydrogen for fuel cells, plastics, fertilizers, explosives, urea, ammonia, CO2 for enhanced recovery in oil well production as well as a host of other products. The future is bright indeed!

Breaking News!

U S Senator Jim Bunning has just introduced legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Obama that will encourage the building of at least 10 coal-to-liquid-fuel-plants. This bill enables the Department of Energy to provide loan guarantees for the construction and direct loans for the planning and permitting of these plants. Loan guarantees will encourage private investment and planning loans will help prepare companies for the construction of plants.

Gold in Alaska.

The second positive feature of Silverado is the Nolan Gold Deposit. Located 280 road miles north of Fairbanks, it lends itself to surface mining of gold-bearing gravel in the summer and winter months, and below ground mining of frozen gravels when gold has been located, in the cold winter months. Most of the gold found at Nolan is in nugget form. One nugget recovered at Nolan weighed 41.35 ounces and sold for many times its melt down value.

Silverado has been mining nuggets for years, and has a unique marketing plan. They sell these nuggets to local jewelers who mount the nuggets in jewelry and sell it to the tourists who flock to Alaska, and who are always searching for a unique souvenir. These Alaska gold nuggets are available in a great many jewelry stores across the state. This innovative method allows Silverado to obtain a 33% premium over the bullion price for its gold.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the one on the next page tells the Green Fuel story better than I can. This product can be produced for $15 a barrel and it can be substituted for crude oil and fulfill every need that crude oil now fills.


The Department of Defense (DoD) uses over 100 million barrels of transportation fuel per year. One of DoD’s concerns is obtaining secure and reliable sources of energy, that is, sources that are not dependent on foreign oil or foreign refined fuels.

In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary of Defense is required to develop a strategy to use fuel produced from coal, oil shale, and tar sands. One of DoD’s initiatives is to develop a Battlefield Use Fuel of the Future (BUFF) from diverse indigenous resources. This multi-purpose fuel would replace the many different transportation fuels now used by DoD to operate its aircraft, ships, and vehicles and would greatly simplify logistics. (For example, in Afghanistan the U.S. Military is currently using nine different fuels for its operations.)

DoD scientists have examined Silverado’s hydrothermal treatment process used in creating Green Fuel and commented that they are impressed with both the technology and the possibility of using this alternative energy as a raw feedstock for the production of synthetic fuels. The Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (or Green Fuel) produced by Silverado’s Hydrothermal Treatment Process has been identified as a good feedstock for gasification and follow-on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to supply clean synthetic fuels.

The Mississippi plant will produce, for the first time, a sufficient quantity of green fuel to be gasified into a feedstock for the Fischer-Tropsch process.

Silverado’s green fuel can be used for electricity generation or industrial heat.  There are hundreds of commercial, industrial and utility oil-designed boilers in use in America today which, with minor adaptations to their feeder components and addition of particulate capture devices, may enjoy Silverado’s Green Fuel, made from America’s abundant reserves of low rank coal. In addition to the above uses, Green Fuel can be used as a feedstock for advanced high-pressure gasifiers like the one developed by Texaco and now marketed by GE as part of their integrated gasification combined cycle Clean Power package. Following gasification the synthesis gas can be used for power generation or reassembled into new petrochemicals such as aviation fuel, gasoline, diesel fuel, hydrogen for fuel cells, plastics, fertilizers, explosives, urea, ammonia, CO2 for enhanced recovery in oil well production, all free of sulfur, heavy metals and particulate matter.

Of all the fossil energy reserves in the United States as well as the world, coal is by far the most plentiful. Proven U.S. coal reserves are greater than all of the world’s gas or oil reserves combined. America has over one-quarter of the worlds coal reserves, with half of those reserves being low-rank coals. Thus as the United States enters the 21st century, coal will be the primary strategic energy resource and it must be used wisely and in an environmentally responsible and safe manner. Silverado’s Green Fuel is the answer.

Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. is able to compliment their gold mining division with the development of this Green fuel, since it is commonly understood that the largest cost to gold mining is labor and the second largest cost is energy. Entry into this lucrative Coal to Liquid fuel industry by Silverado will allow this company to thrive with today and tomorrow’s high-energy prices.

But the story does not end there. Not only does Silverado have fuel to compliment their gold, but also they now have antimony. A Silverado press release issued on Monday June 29, 2007 indicated that samples of rock contained as much as 46% antimony. To put this in dollar terms, a ton of rock with 46% antimony would be worth about $2300 per ton (current antimony prices equal $2.56/lb).  By comparison, the same ton of rock would have to contain roughly 3.5 ounces of gold per ton (with gold at $656/ounce) to be of the same monetary value.

Antimony, a silvery-white metal, is used in the United States primarily in chemicals used to impregnate plastics, textiles, rubber and other materials as a flame retardant. Over half the annual U.S. antimony consumption is used in the manufacture of flame-retardants. Antimony is also mixed with other metals to increase their hardness and strength, such as the lead in bullets and batteries, and is considered a military strategic metal. It is also used for pigments in plastics, paints and rubber. (Antimony oxide is a brilliant yellow color).

Preliminary metallurgical tests on Nolan antimony showed combined lead and arsenic present in amounts less than 0.1%, which constitutes some of the purest antimony in existence.  This is very important since antimony contaminated with over .5% combined lead and arsenic has to be shipped overseas to be processed.

China produces 82% of the world’s antimony, Russia 8%, South Africa 3%, Tajikistan 2% and Bolivia 2% (total 97%). In November 2006, China indicated that they were cutting their export quotas of antimony and tin by 30%.

    The world is running out of oil but coal is both plentiful and inexpensive. Silverado has hired a full time Washington lobbyist. I had the opportunity to chat with him last week and must say that I was very impressed with what he had to say about the Company and the direction it’s going in. They have also launched a very extensive advertising campaign and the stock will probably start moving.  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluZusammenfassung

16.02.07 08:53
Gestern vor Frankfurt das Video und heute dieser ÖKONOMISCHER RAT .Wenn ihr mich fragt ,silverado will entgültig aus dem pennystock heraus .

Kurze Zusammenfassung ,das wichtigste aus dem text :

Silverado – sure has an awful lot going for it today.

       The company not only owns a producing gold mine and other promising gold properties in Alaska but, it is also leading the pack in the race for a clean burning fuel to solve the problem of our dependence on foreign oil!

       Its wholly owned subsidiary, Silverado Green Fuel Inc., possesses a formula for converting low-rank coal (of which the US has enough to fuel the entire nation for about 300 years), into liquid fuel or “Green Fuel.” Not only does this new fuel replace crude oil, but also it is environmentally friendly because it burns very clean.

This is the world’s first Green Fuel production plant.

This is the world’s first Green Fuel production plant. Several small demonstration plants were manufactured during the last energy crisis of the 1970s. However, before anything serious was built, the price of oil dropped after OPEC’s embargo and the Green-Fuel program became part of history. This time it’s a different story. OPEC has vowed to hold the line on oil prices at a $50 base price. Green-Fuel can be produced for $15 a barrel and this time it has a real future and that is now!

D.o.D. scientist have examined this new form of Green Fuel and have commented that they are impressed with both the technology and the possibility of using this alternative energy product as a raw feedstock for the production of synthetic fuels. This process is presently the only known method of converting high-moisture content coal into a low-cost liquid fuel.

The move to develop alternative fuels, which was started by the Bush administration, can be expected to gain momentum, and Silverado is in the right place at exactly the right time!

why hasn’t it been done before now? My reply: Up until now every time a substitute for oil was invented – the world’s oil producers flooded the market – drove its price down and there was no longer any need for a substitute. However, this time around, they simply can’t come up with enough oil to push the price down to less than $40 a barrel, so Green-Fuel at $15 makes a lot of sense!

Breaking News!

U S Senator Jim Bunning has just introduced legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Obama that will encourage the building of at least 10 coal-to-liquid-fuel-plants. This bill enables the Department of Energy to provide loan guarantees for the construction and direct loans for the planning and permitting of these plants. Loan guarantees will encourage private investment and planning loans will help prepare companies for the construction of plants.

The Department of Defense (DoD) uses over 100 million barrels of transportation fuel per year. One of DoD’s concerns is obtaining secure and reliable sources of energy, that is, sources that are not dependent on foreign oil or foreign refined fuels.

This multi-purpose fuel would replace the many different transportation fuels now used by DoD to operate its aircraft, ships, and vehicles and would greatly simplify logistics. (For example, in Afghanistan the U.S. Military is currently using nine different fuels for its operations.)

The Mississippi plant will produce, for the first time, a sufficient quantity of green fuel to be gasified into a feedstock for the Fischer-Tropsch process.

Auch nicht schlecht:  
Silverado’s green fuel can be used for electricity generation or industrial heat.

Green Fuel can be used as a feedstock for advanced high-pressure gasifiers like the one developed by Texaco and now marketed by GE as part of their integrated gasification combined cycle Clean Power package.

Proven U.S. coal reserves are greater than all of the world’s gas or oil reserves combined.Thus as the United States enters the 21st century, coal will be the primary strategic energy resource and it must be used wisely and in an environmentally responsible and safe manner. Silverado’s Green Fuel is the answer.

But the story does not end there. Not only does Silverado have fuel to compliment their gold, but also they now have antimony.

Antimony, a silvery-white metal, is used in the United States primarily in chemicals used to impregnate plastics, textiles, rubber and other materials as a flame retardant.

Hier ein kleiner datumsfehler ,,Monday June 29, 2007,,( sollte wohl januar sein, muss ich noch nachsehen)

some of the purest antimony in existence.
China produces 82% of the world’s antimony, Russia 8%, South Africa 3%, Tajikistan 2% and Bolivia 2% (total 97%). In November 2006, China indicated that they were cutting their export quotas of antimony and tin by 30%
The world is running out of oil but coal is both plentiful and inexpensive. Silverado has hired a full time Washington lobbyist. I had the opportunity to chat with him last week and must say that I was very impressed with what he had to say about the Company and the direction it’s going in. They have also launched a very extensive advertising campaign and the stock will probably start moving.


Da kann ich nur sagen :Die Richtung stimmt

Schöne Grüsse
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111.PNG (verkleinert auf 99%) vergrößern

17202 Postings, 6631 Tage Minespecmelu: Grossartiger Artikel

16.02.07 08:58
von M. Feiten. Fast genau so sehe ich es auch, vor Allem der Verlust der Freiheit und Sinngebung durch " schnöde Arbeit ". Ich brauche kein Opa zu sein , denn diese Entwicklung sehe ich bereits seit 8 Jahren..

Nach dem Zeitalter des Goldes und der Edelmetalle ( vor Allem auch Silber ) = Rebalancing zu verwerfender Verkrustungen aus Verlust an nicht verarbeiteten Welt und Leitbildern kommt das Zeitalter der .......

Edelsteine, ...die die wahre Sinngebung steuern und Selbsterkenntnis jedes einzelnen fördern. Dafür ist es jetzt aber noch viel zu früh  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluaus 4205

16.02.07 09:00
Was mich allerdings überrascht ist dieses kontinuierliche ansteigen ab november .
Ich habe schon öfters bei anderen aktien erlebt wie nach 1 bis 2 bulligen ausbrüchen danach der kurs langsam und kontinuierlich nach oben ging und seine tiefs nie mehr erreichte.Das hoffe ich  auch hier.

Für alle Investierten



851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluminespec

16.02.07 09:06
Das Coal to liquid   gehört für mich auch dazu.
Das Interesse steigt immer mehr , weltweit.

Coal liquefaction project proponent to sign 4 deals  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluohne kommentar o. T.

16.02.07 09:25
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04.PNG (verkleinert auf 99%) vergrößern

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluGold Rally Intact

16.02.07 09:31
DJ MARKET TALK: Gold Rally Intact, Fundamentals Solid Feb 16, 2007 13:28
0509 GMT [Dow Jones] Gold rally still intact, slight losses overnight due to fund profit-taking after oil prices weakened, funds took opportunity to book some profits, says BNP Paribas. Spot gold at $668.95/oz, +1.60 on NY close after gold rose to high of $670.45 before ending down 60 cents in New York. Jump in India's investment demand for gold in 2006 bullish factor, offsets decline in India's jewelery related gold demand, suggests gold demand to continue to drive rally. 'Gold's fundamentals are sounder than at any time over the past six months.' (MWL)

goldig ,        bis nachher , tschüssi

1254 Postings, 6968 Tage Lichtblickdie Zeit der laufenden News hat begonnen

16.02.07 09:47
und durch diese Grafik ist mir jetzt einiges klar und vorstellbar:

Silveradogreenfuel wird zum Grundstofflieferanten der Fischer-Tropsch Anlagen,

betrieben bzw. erbaut von:  (einige Namen) Sasol, Rentech, Siemens, DOE's FutureGen,
China und Indien, Südafrika, Indonesien, USA und Europa kommt auch noch dazu.  
Angehängte Grafik:

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluLB . genau wo

16.02.07 10:02
du Recht hast hast du recht

aus meinem posting 4144 :
ich dir noch sagen will:

Die ganze welt wird in zukunftauf der suche sein um nach neuen energien zu forschen und die Kohleverflüssigung braucht neue techniken um sauber und wirkungsvoll zu arbeiten .Egal aus welchem Land sie auch kommen .Silverados technik wird erst erprobt werden und auch verfeinert wenn die testanlage läuft mit oder ohne hilfe andere zb. zur abspaltung des co2.Wenn die produktion in einigen Jahren anläuft werden neue techniken vorhanden sein um die jetztigen noch anstehenden probleme zu lösen.
Und das gilt auch für alle anderen Unternehmem die in der Kohle-zu-Energie Branche tätig sind.Antworten auf diese Fragen findet man nun mal auch bei anderen Unternehmem ,und besonders china ist auf ihre grossen Kohlevorkommen und auf eine saubere Technik angewiesen und die könnte einmal silverado anbieten, weltweit. Mal schauen was die Zukunft noch bringt.Immer offen sein und sich informieren.Die Zusammenhänge erkennen.Ob es jetzt positive oder negative sind.Wenn du aber nur mit 10 cent eingestiegen bist brauchst du es natürlich nicht.
Aber dann hättest du ja keine mail an sil. geschickt , nicht wahr

und 4145 , weswegen ich auch hier investiert habe

Vice President , Fuels Technology Division , Silverado Green Fuel Inc .
Founder , Coal-Water Fuel Services
Developer , Alaska Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project

1978 - 83 Manager , Gasification and Liquefaction Branch , US Department of Energy , Grand Forks Energy Technology Center : Gasification featured operation of a 25-tpd slagging fixed-bed gasifier , for process development and environmental assessment , including pilot-scale wastewater treatment and reuse technologies . Liquefaction research in continuous process units was aimed at adapting processes for use with low-rank coals .

Wenn alles läft wie geplant ist dies ist Entstehung eines Globalplayers ,natürlich kann das lange dauern und es können Rïckschläge eintreten .Doch das Endziel ist so bombastisch und wenn das potential bis erkannt wird ,geht der Name silverado durch alle Welt.

Auf gutes gelingen an alle die investiert sind


427 Postings, 6754 Tage 18prozentich sag euch da brodelt sich was zusammen

16.02.07 10:04
@minespec: du hast recht das die märkte zu heiss gelaufen sind
aber da ist ganz sicher noch kein ende in sicht
und du sagst das du auf die nächsten 20% verzichtest
doch was wenn es nicht 20 sondern noch 2000% sind die du verpasst
und was ist wenn wir gerade erst am anfang von einer riesigen blase sind die sich
bilden wird, kannst du dir vorstellen was dann mit einem wert wie silverado geschehen könnte, die spekulationsmöglichkeiten wären unvorstellbar
schön für dich das du dir jetzt einen urlaub gönnst, doch ich möchte nicht in deiner haut sein, wenn wir den 1€ erreicht haben und du nicht investiert bist, unzwar nur aus angst!!!

ich versuche hier nicht zu pushen, denn mir ist es vollkommen egal ob ihr hier investiert oder nicht

ach ja und glaub nicht dass du mit solchen sätzen hier eindruck schindne kannst:

Ich hatte meine Silverado insgesamt 300.000 Stück bei 0,039 und 0,04 gekauft als dmals alle die Nerven verloren hatten und bei 0,08 kürzlich abgestossen. Jetzt wisst Ihr wo die dicken Umsätze herkamen...

toll hast 100 % gemacht !!! GRATULATION!!! oder was willst du hören
ist ja toll, was hast du da gemacht 12000 € ?

mit so kleingeld werde ich mich hier nicht zufrieden geben . das steht fest

und komm jetzt nicht damit dass du hier nur deine  eigen meinung reinpostest
denn solche sätze schreien ja nach einer diskussion:

Erwarte grosse Korrektur in den heissen Werten...bald.

..., Begründung würde zu lange dauern ..und alle Börsen weltweit nach unten reissen..

ich denke du bist einfach selber total unsicher weil du nicht mehr investiert bist
und hoffst hier auf positive zuspüche
will dich nicht beleidigen aber das ist nur durch einen schwachen charakter erklärbar
mfg 18%  

192 Postings, 6596 Tage Tradermax@melu

16.02.07 10:04
ich liebe es wenn du so redest :-)  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage melu10 mal Grün für 4214 o. T.

16.02.07 10:07

427 Postings, 6754 Tage 18prozent@minespec

16.02.07 10:10
... und das bei 20! jahren börsenerfahrung.  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluDanke TM

16.02.07 10:11
bist mir auch symphat.
Muss aber jetzt mal nach den kindern schauen und einiges tun um ein wenig Kleingeld in der hand zu haben. Von der Liebe allein (zu silverado )wird man im moment ja noch nicht satt


427 Postings, 6754 Tage 18prozentder satz ist ja uch super:

16.02.07 10:14
Edelsteine, ...die die wahre Sinngebung steuern und Selbsterkenntnis jedes einzelnen fördern. Dafür ist es jetzt aber noch viel zu früh

ja mann investier doch in edelsteine

wir reden hier davon die usa und womöglich die ganze welt unabhängig von den arabern mit ihrem scheiss öl zu machen, das es spätestens in 50! jahren nicht mehr gibt
und der kommt hier mit edelsteinen

wenn ich sowas lese.....  

427 Postings, 6754 Tage 18prozent@ melu

16.02.07 10:15
die betonung liegt auf noch

ausser wenn du natürlich bei 15 cent aussteigst um dir einen urlaub damit zu finanzieren : )  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage meluWill nur noch sagen

16.02.07 10:21
Jeder hat ein Recht auf seine eigene Meinung und Streitigkeiten sollten auf der Strasse ausgetragen werden
Gruss an alle  

427 Postings, 6754 Tage 18prozentmanchmal gehts nicht anders

16.02.07 10:25
man kann sich nicht immer eine konfrontation scheuen
weil man sonst am ende als dummer dasteht  

851 Postings, 6615 Tage melu18 pro

16.02.07 10:26
Ich sage immer No Risk No Fun und wer dann noch zwichen den Zeilen lesen kann investiert in Silv.Gewinn gegen Verlust ist nicht zu schlagen.Wir wissen ja warum und das genügt
schöne Grüsse  

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